Telecare LIN

CSIP Telecare eNewsletter

July 2008

Welcome to the July 2008 newsletter. The Care Services Improvement Partnership (CSIP Networks) is responsible for providing general implementation support to organisations building their telecare and telehealth programmes.

If you are an organisation implementing telecare and have an interesting local telecare or telehealth story for inclusion in a future newsletter then e-mail Mike Clark (newsletter editor, CSIP Networks) at

Please note, some adjustments have been made to the CSIP Networks web site – the main URL is now

Telecare shortcuts:

WSD Action Network:


1 CSIP Networks is not responsible for the content of external links and does not endorse any suppliers or their products.

2 CSIP Networks will be making some further adjustments to its web site pages and links in the next few weeks as telecare is re-positioned to operate alongside WSDAN. Some older factsheets will be updated or removed where they are no longer relevant. All current URLs will map across to the new arrangements so bookmarked pages will still work OK. The august newsletter will list all of the detailed changes.


Item 1 Provides further information about the Whole system Demonstrator Action Network – Page 3

Item 2 Covers the recent extra care announcement – Page 4

Item 3 Refers to the upcoming supplement for September – Page 5

Item 4 covers the recent launch of i4i – Invention for Innovation – Page 5

Item 5 – Refers to a European Commission call on ageing well with cognitive problems – Page 6

Item 6 Covers additional references and links for July 2008 – page 7

Item 7 refers to upcoming events – Page 26

Appendix covers the rules for the September supplement – Page 27


ALIP – Assisted Living Innovation Platform

AT – Assistive Technology

BERR – Business Enterprise and Regulatory Reform

CSCI – Commission for Social Care Inspection

DCLG – Department for Communities and Local Government

FACS – Fair Access to Care Services

i4i – Invention for Innovation

NHS CfH – NHS Connecting for Health

NHS PASA – NHS Purchasing and Supply Agency

PT Grant or PTG – Preventative Technology Grant

TSA – Telecare Services Association

TSB – Technology Strategy Board

WSDAN – Whole System Demonstrator (Long Term Conditions) Action Network

Over 150 people have now registered in the first couple of weeks for the new web site which will become the main reference point for progress on the Whole system Demonstrators. The site provides reading

rooms for telecare, telehealth and telemedicine with more developments to come in the next few months. If you are looking at the evidence for these technologies as part of health, housing and social care support from around the world, then this will be the site to visit.

The web site for the network is:


Public access to the site and registration is now open. For registration go to


The following WSDAN activities will be commencing in September 2008:

• First meeting of Steering Group for programme and governance arrangements

• First meeting of 10-12 sites involved in the action research

• First newsletter for people who have registered on the site (don’t forget to register)

There will be a series of roadshows as part of the WSDAN programme which will commence in late 2008 or early 2009.

As WSDAN moves forwards and the first newsletter is issued, the CSIP Networks telecare programme will become part of Independent Living Choices and Care Closer to Home. The CSIP Telecare Newsletter will continue but will not be duplicating WSDAN materials. The September CSIP newsletter will feature the CSCI performance figures for 2008 and the work of the Telecare Advisory Network as well as 21CN. A major report on the Preventative Technology Grant which brings together information from 2006 through to 2008 will also be available in September. This includes the feedback on this year’s CSCI questions about outcomes, mainstreaming and sustainability. If your organisation has case studies and evaluations relevant to the Preventative Technology Grant that we do not know about, please send a copy to Mike Clark at

On 21 July, Social Care Minister Ivan Lewis announced a further 25 new extra care sites. These sites will make use of telecare, telehealth and other assistive technologies to support people to remain independent in their own homes.

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|Extra care housing - 25 new sites announced |

|Health and Care Minister Ivan Lewis today (Monday 21 July) announced the sites that will benefit from £80million of Government funding to build extra care |

|housing, enabling more older people and those with dementia and long-term conditions to live in a home of their own. He will today be presenting the successful|

|Barnsley extra care housing scheme with a cheque for £3.8 million together with Sir Michael Parkinson. |

|People who are unable to continue to live in their own homes have traditionally had their choices limited to care homes, creating a number of problems |

|including couples finding they can no longer live together. |

|Extra care housing gives people a home of their own where wide ranges of care and support services are provided on site. Tenants enjoy greater privacy, dignity|

|and independence, couples can stay together, and social and leisure opportunities can be enjoyed at the resident's convenience. In addition, homeowners may be |

|able to keep some of the equity in their property. |

|Health Minister Ivan Lewis said: |

|"I am delighted to announce these 25 successful extra care housing sites. |

|"Extra care housing is about offering people a choice. Too often I hear of cases where a couple who have been together for over fifty years are forced apart |

|because one requires care and has no choice but to enter residential or nursing care leaving their partner at home. I want to change that. Extra care housing |

|will give people a choice about how and where they choose to spend their later life." |

|The Department of Health has already allocated £147 million to Local Authorities for extra care housing between 2004 and 2008. This further £80 million, |

|bringing the total investment to £227 million, will be allocated over the next two years to the 25 successful schemes. |

|The schemes which had bid for funding were assessed on a number of qualities, including: |

|provision of flats with a minimum of one double bedrooms so that couples could be housed together demonstrating commitment to ensuring the dignity of their |

|residents offering choice and putting personalisation high on their agenda making use of Telecare, telehealth and other assistive technology to support |

|residents to live independently in their own homes helping people with dementia to remain independent for as long as possible. |

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The July 2008 Housing LIN Newsletter includes more information on the 25 extra care sites.


If you are a manufacturer or supplier of telecare and telehealth equipment, we have another supplement coming up in September this year. We are particularly interested to hear about case studies and evaluations.

For this edition, we are also interested to hear from other organisations outside of local authorities or PCTs who are implementing, researching or evaluating telecare and telehealth in England.

Appendix 1 has the simple rules to follow if you are interested in contributing.

The September newsletter will also have the breakdowns of the 2008 CSCI figures, this covers outturns for 2007/8, projections for 2008/9 and responses to the questions on outcomes, mainstreaming and sustainability.

The i4i Invention for Innovation Programme launched to healthcare product innovators on 16 July 2008 at the Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre, London.

Professor Lord Darzi, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Health, welcomed i4i as a timely contribution to innovation research supporting the NHS. He said: "Initiatives such as i4i will help us to achieve the best care for a 21st century health service."

i4i will fund future product development through three funding streams for investigators. It is also the umbrella for NIHR investment in the pilot Healthcare Technology Co-operatives as well as other partnerships through the i4i Challenge Fund for Innovation.

Programme calls are available at

The programmes under the umbrella of i4i include:

• New and Emerging Applications of Technology (NEAT)

• Health Technology Devices (HTD)

• Pilot Healthcare Technology Co-operatives (HTCs)

• Challenge Fund for Innovation supporting

o NIHR involvement in Assisted Living Innovation Platform

o NIHR involvement in Knowledge Transfer Partnership programme

o NIHR involvement with Medical Futures

o NIHR involvement in MATCH PLUS project

Main site:

This call for a pilot has recently been picked up by Graham Worsley from the Technology Strategy Board (TSB). It has a closure date of 9 September 2008.

Section 1.4 of CIP-ICT PSP-2008-2 1.4 is the relevant section covering ICT for ageing well with cognitive problems, combining assistive and independent living technologies.

Here is the text from the slide presentation linked at the end of the article.


Improve quality of life and social care for the ageing population by combining assistive technologies with independent living platforms to compensate for cognitive problems or mild dementia.

Target outcome and characteristics:

-Demand driven pilots; public-private partnerships building on regional actions, the whole value chain (e.g. care service providers, housing corporations and insurance organisations); strong involvement of users, families and carers.

- Solutions providing: cognitive training, activation and reinforcement for the elderly; support to day-to-day activities and social interactions. Full scale validation.

- Complete set of common specifications for technology and end to end services.

- Socio-economic evidence for ICT investments in the field (cost-benefit, user satisfaction); sustainable business models; larger-scale sustainable uptake and replication beyond the pilot.

– Standards; interoperability; ethical and privacy issues.

Expected impact:

– Substantially prolonging the time that elderly people with cognitive problems or mild dementia can live independently at home and be supported in their day-to-day activities in a socially integrated manner.

– Increase of independence and quality of life of older people, their families and carers

– Increased market potential for European industry, in particular SMEs.

TSB and CSIP Networks would be interested to hear of any submissions from England.

News and publications from the Department of Health for July 2008:

Putting people at the heart of health

End of Life Care Strategy - promoting high quality care for all adults at the end of life

Third Sector Investment Programme: Innovation Excellence and Service Development Fund 2009-10 - information pack for third sector organisations

Modernising allied health professions (AHP) careers: a competence-based career framework

Changing times: Sustaining long-term performance against 'Call Connect' for NHS ambulance services

Health informatics review report

Delivering care closer to home: meeting the challenge

Research and development work relating to assistive technology 2007-08. Presented pursuant to section 22 of the Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act 1970

DH chooses 40 bodies for information accreditation

Other references and links:

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|House of Lords – 21 July 2008 |

|Baroness Greengross asked Her Majesty’s Government: |

|What plans they have to encourage the use of telehealth and telecare technology to help the management of long-term conditions. |

|Baroness Thornton: My Lords, these technologies hold much promise, but they are not as widespread as they could be, primarily because the commissioners remain |

|unconvinced of their effectiveness and value for money. That is why we are now undertaking what we believe to be the largest randomised control trial of |

|telehealth and telecare in the world. We hope to be able to demonstrate how the technology actually works and how it can improve the lives of people. |

|Baroness Greengross: My Lords, I thank the noble Baroness for that reply. However, in 2002 the Government set a target for all homes requiring telecare to have|

|access to it by the end of 2010, and in May this year the Secretary of State announced the rollout of the whole system demonstrators in three areas. These |

|pilots were first proposed in January 2006. Will the noble Baroness explain why it has taken quite so long to implement the whole system demonstrators and how |

|the Government intend to ensure that their targets are met? |

|Baroness Thornton: My Lords, the noble Baroness is right to be concerned about delays, but the reality is that the commissioners do need to be convinced about |

|the use of telehealth and telecare. The 2010 date arises from an early paper in 2002 about rolling out telemonitoring as one of a range of options to be |

|considered. Since then, the Government have established an £80 million fund to support promoting and embedding telecare services. The whole system demonstrator|

|referred to by the noble Baroness was launched in May this year; it should have been launched in the new year but was delayed due to the complexity of setting |

|up such an important research programme. Finally, we are establishing an action learning network by the King’s Fund which will run alongside the research. It |

|aims to take up any positive early learning that flows from the demonstrator project and roll that out as well without waiting for its final evaluation. |

|Lord Swinfen: My Lords, will the Government ensure that where a patient has been fitted with a heart monitor or a blood pressure monitor for 24 hours, that |

|information is e-mailed to the consultant immediately or as soon as possible after it is removed from the patient so that the patient can be treated |

|immediately and before their condition deteriorates? They may well have to wait four months before they see their consultant again, and the consultant will |

|probably have forgotten about them. |

|Baroness Thornton: My Lords, the noble Lord points exactly to the benefits of telehealth, which involves electronic sensors and equipment that will monitor |

|people’s health. For example, those with COPD and breathing difficulties will monitor their own oxygen levels at home, but that information will also go |

|directly to the clinician or expert in the area who can monitor the levels and get in touch with the individual within days in order to avert, for example, |

|hospital admittance. The noble Lord is completely right about how it should work. |

|Baroness Tonge: My Lords, an article in this week’s BMJ written by a general practitioner says that the transfer of ordinary in-patient reports, X-rays and |

|scans still takes weeks to reach GPs, and hence the patients, and that this delays their treatment. The situation is so bad that some NHS managers are |

|considering outsourcing medical secretarial work to India. Will the Minister admit that neither telehealth nor the new IT system that we hear so much about |

|addresses this basic problem, and will she resolve to tackle the matter urgently during the Recess? |

|Baroness Thornton: My Lords, I think that the noble Baroness is suggesting that I should not have a holiday. As we have discussed in the House before, issues |

|about new technology and rolling out information technologies—which are of enormous benefit within the health service—take time to resolve and there will be |

|problems. However, I undertake to explore the issue that the noble Baroness raised, and to do so during the Summer Recess. |

|Baroness Knight of Collingtree: My Lords, will the Minister confirm that, however health technology may advance, she will ensure that what happens in so many |

|large organisations does not happen in this field? From BT to councils and even Parliament itself, it is quite impossible to talk to a real person on the |

|telephone. If that should develop here, you would have to have a very long-term condition indeed before it could be cured. |

|Baroness Thornton: My Lords, I have some sympathy with the noble Baroness, having spent some time this weekend on the telephone trying to deal not with the |

|health service but with another part of technology. Telecare and telehealth aim to help people to stay at home. Bed sensors, for example, will tell a warden |

|that someone may have gone to the loo but has not got back into bed. That will give an early warning. It is about providing people with personal care where |

|they most need it. |

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Telecare puts cardiology expertise in the heart of Southampton's primary care

Councils unprepared for England's ageing population (Audit Commission)


BT to invest £1.5bn in next-generation access

Visa Europe signs with BT for 21CN

BT to roll out fibre network

NuPhysicia LLC Selects CareTone Ultra from American TeleCare Inc. as its Digital Stethoscope

The Good Communication Awards – Cheshire telecare commended

Pensioners hand back alarms in price protest

High quality care for all: King’s Fund briefing on NHS Next Stage Review final

NICE to redesign quality framework, Darzi tells MPs

Lord Darzi's NHS Review highlights telemedical cardiac monitoring ...

Swindells says Darzi 50 per cent about information

CPPC Calls For A National Framework In England To Help Millions Suffering From Long Term Chronic Pain

Blood pressure treatment may help keep mind clear

Use your brain or lose it, brain will shrink with less activity

A Dying Refrain

Dementia patient makes 'amazing' progress after using infrared helmet


Thousands of people with Alzheimer's disease in this country are ...

Treating blood pressure may help prevent dementia (Reuters)

Project Lifesaver

Women over 90 more likely to suffer dementia than men

Campaigners warn against diabetes risk

Three levels of standards needed to achieve interoperability in EHRs

International terminology toolset in development

Shropshire PCT implements electronic safety alerts

E-Health Primary Care -

NHS Choices selects Capita as preferred bidder

Personal E-health Records May Give Automation a Push

NHS Choices publishes long term conditions guides

FDA approves Intel home medical device

CfH to support trusts with 'interim' systems


Intel gets FDA OK for personal health system

NHS informatics review set to stress continuity

Keeping A Food Diary Doubles Diet Weight Loss, Study Suggests

E-Health: a market waiting to be consolidated

New information tools promised for commissioning

Access to NHS care records may be widened

Commission issues interoperability statement

Scotland commits to incremental e-health

Body calls EU to integrate e-health into daily health agenda ...

Europe aims for borderless electronic health records

eHealth initiatives to support medical assistance while travelling ...

"Don't Delay EHealth" Advises Health First Europe

Wales opens new health informatics lab

Asklepios rolls out video conferencing to all doctors

EMIS and INPS plan integrated IT system

QoF to be re-focused on health promotion

Scotland launches e-health strategy for 2008

Darzi review stresses choice and information

Scottish GPs to get choice of systems

Government- Launches Financial Assistance for Diabetics on Medicare

J&J unit gets FDA approval for insulin pump

New scheme aims to help dying stay at home

Fall detector brings speedy help to Arthur

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|e-Forum telecare Learning Journey takes place in London |

EC unleashes €600m for development of new digital solutions for the elderly

Intel's Health-Monitoring Tech May Face Rocky Road to Adoption

Animas to Launch its Wireless Glucose Management System by Mid-August

Enfora Unleash Unbound Wireless Patient Monitoring Solutions

BodyTel to Launch GlucoTel System in August

Blood Glucose Self-Monitoring Effective In Diabetes Care

A Sobering Warning on RFID in Hospitals

Seizing the Opportunity Scotland Telecare Strategy 2008 - 2010

Self-reported diabetes is associated with self-management behaviour

100 people a week lose limb due to diabetes

New rules for healthcare

Telecare puts cardiology expertise in the heart of Southampton's primary care

Invicta Telecare celebrate Independence Day

t+ Medical acquires Vivatec Ltd

WiFiMed Holdings Signs Memorandum of Understanding to Purchase iTelecare

New robot brings specialized care closer to home

Alcatel-Lucent seeks US telehealth partner

VNA received $75000 grant for telehealth

Photos: It's virtual everything in Cisco's future

Stabenow, Colleagues Successfully Override President’s Veto

No Longer Just Chips at Intel

Telehealth at Home with Genesis DM

E-Visits: The Next Big Thing in Healthcare?

Medicare bill includes provisions for telehealth

Impact of Telehealth on Clinical Outcomes in Patients With Heart ...

CfH technology boss says paper not fit for purpose

SaskTel and Alcatel-Lucent launch LifeStat(TM) Remote Monitoring and Health Management enabling effective management of chronic illnesses

ExpressMD Solutions™ Signs Distribution Agreement

Medicare and Medicaid

TelaDoc Exemplifies Principles of Patient-Centered Medical Home

Community care keeps patients healthy

European Telemedicine Vendors Adapt to Advances in Technology

ExpressMD(TM) Signs Non-Exclusive Distribution Agreement with Cyntrist to Deliver Remote Patient Monitoring and Telehealth Systems to Healthcare Providers in the Southeastern U.S.

A&D Medical releases three new telehealth products (US)

Telehealth Technologies Addressing the Global Impending Nursing Shortage

The Value of Provider-to-Provider Telehealth

LifeSource(R) to Unveil New Telehealth Technology at 2008 NACDS ...

Innovation in practice: mobile phone technology in patient care ...

AeA Releases 3rd Report Strongly Endorsing eHealth Initiatives

German insurer launches glaucoma telemedicine

eTELEMED 2009 : International Conference on eHealth, Telemedicine ...

Technology aids Nevada rural mental health resources

Doctors in Italy learn procedure by watching Hall doctors live via internet

California Telemedicine Video

Costs fall as telemedicine grows

Arizona Prisoners Can Take Heart

Sleek design meets e-health market with Intel Health Guide

Telemedicine for Stroke patients being used at BCH

Cheers and jeers for Medicare 'e-visits'

Author’s Sought for Chapters in The Handbook on Knowledge management in telemedicine

New technology could mean better health care

European Telemedicine Vendors Adapt to Advances in Technology

Arizona Telemedicine Program Links Children to Specialty Care

Medicare e-visits could change the game

Innovation in practice: mobile phone technology in patient care in rural areas

Telemedicine Solving the On-Call Dilemma.

AOK Plus to use ICW telemedicine system

CMS Reimbursement for E-Visits Could Spur New Insurer Rules

Independence Day for Telepresence Solutions in Healthcare

Clinical Management and Patient Outcomes Among Children and Adolescents Receiving Telemedicine Consultations for Obesity

Telemedicine growing in Ohio

NuPhysicia, LLC Selects CareTone® Ultra from American TeleCare

Use of Telemedicine Expanding in rural areas (USA, video)

GeckoSystems Unveils Proprietary Sensor Fusion for Mobile Robots

Philips Launches its First Patient Monitoring System ‘designed for emerging markets in India

It Came From Intel

Hoana Medical secures $1.7M to test patient-monitoring system

Electronic records help doctors, patients work together

New wireless monitoring patch unveiled

Patients to get remote checkups (New Zealand)

Bioheart acquires distribution rights to RTX's heart failure monitor

Intel's in-home health device gets FDA nod

Creating home, high-tech home for frail seniors

Smarter Clothes

Local company at heart of life-saving technology (Belfast)

Matters of the heart

Vital help for caregivers

Wolverhampton Tele-Health Health and Social Care Award Winners 2008

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Heart Felt Wellcome For Wearable Wireless Sensor

Patient Records Move The Blackberry Way

GenerationOne To Launch Mobile Healthcare Care Solution

CSR Show Off Bluetooth Wireless Healthcare Solution

Enfora Unleash Unbound Wireless Patient Monitoring Solutions

Cell Phone-Sensor Technology Used For Prostate Tests

Mobile Phones To Support Healthcare In Rural India

Medseek To Support Microsoft HealthVault

New Software For Diabetic Therapy

Wireless Acid Reflux Test Used By ENT Centre

Trident Funds TelaDoc

Telehealthcare Can Transform Health And Social Care

TPlus Medical Buys NHS eHealth Supplier

Award For Wireless Body Sensor Healthcare Monitor

Sound Way To A Sound Heart

Approval For Wireless Transmitter That Monitors Implanted Cardiac Devices

Dublin Methodist Hospital Seen As One Of Most Wired In US

A&D Medical and FitLinxx Connected By Wireless

Wireless Technology Supports Patient eDiary Service

NHS Foundation Trust Gets Wireless In The Blood

US Doctors Try SMS Patient Reminders

Herefordshire's service which helps people with dementia to stay in their own home - featured on BBC Midlands Today

Pensioner 'died in my arms', councillor tells Birmingham inquiry

Personalisation: Halton Council balances independence and risk

NICE to overhaul QOF under Darzi plan

Exercise Might Slow Brain Shrinkage in Alzheimer's Patients

Will keeping fit fight Alzheimer’s?

Wrist monitor facilitates missing persons searches

Heart disease could hide diabetes

Telford PCT introduces digital dictation

Developing Countries Must Plan Road Map for eHealth

MediVoice(R) Partners With VisionTree(R) to Integrate Its Voice-Activated e-Prescribing Solution Into VisionTree's VTOC(TM) Web-Based Patient Management System

NHS Direct wins award for prescription pilot

NHS Review Highlights Broomwell’s eHealth Solution

Australian e-Health Research Centre

More patients are taking advantage of e-mail consults

Scottish GPs to prescribe telephone therapy

MyCareTeam Adds Support to Diabetes Management Software for New LifeScan Glucose Meters

ASSISTED LIVING: The Model for Person-Centered Long Term Care

Consortium delivers large cost savings

Hospital study to show effectiveness of telecare in transforming dementia care (Taiwan)

St. Jude Introduces Merlin@home Transmitter for Monitoring of Implanted Cardiac Devices

Belfast Health Center Seeks Technology, Medical Device Companies

Promising Opportunities for Cardiovascular Monitoring Equipment in ...

New Wii Remote Patent for Monitoring Blood Pressure

Southlake implants remote heart monitor into patient (Canada)

Coverage & Access - Rising Gas Prices Affecting Home Health Care Workers; Industry Considers Replacing Rural Visits With Remote Monitoring

AMAC Unveils New Walgreens Ready Response(TM) Medical Alert System Television Campaign


Software to enable remote GP care

Intel's Home Care Remote Monitoring And Communication Device Gets FDA approval

Queen’s develops remote healthcare monitoring

FDA Approves Intel's Home Health Care System

SaskTel and Alcatel-Lucent launch remote health monitoring service

Saskatchewan partners with company on remote health monitoring

Blood Pressure Kit: Your Doctor At Home

t+ Medical Acquires Vivatec Ltd

Heart Failure Study Validates Use of Pharos Innovation's Proprietary, Device-Free Remote Monitoring Platform to Reduce Healthcare Utilization and Medical Costs

Biotronik launches cardiac telemonitoring devices

Home monitoring can help many heart patients

Home Healthcare and Disease Management Remote Monitoring Systems ...

Reimbursement restricts remote monitoring market

Remote patient monitoring market on rise

NHF managers visit Aragon's Telecare showroom

Patient 2.0 Empowerment Abstract—The authors want to show the implication of interactive ICT on patient empowerment, through an overview of some of the key aspects - EHR, telecare and patient networks - all this within the context of recent Health 2.0 developments. Definitions will be given of both Health 2.0 and Patient 2.0 Empowerment.

Taipei Dementia Trial Will Use Tunstall Telecare

WiFiMed Holdings to purchase iTelecare Ltd (UK)

Machine that is changing patients' lives

Telehealth in Southern Alaska

Telehealth funded by Davis Foundation

XTend Medical (XMDC) Launches Online Store

BodyTel's Blood Glucose Monitoring and Diabetes Management System ...

TeleHealth Services And Vocollect Healthcare Systems Announce Reseller Agreement

Electronic feedback messages for home spirometry lung transplant recipients


Does Telemedicine Have a Role in Technology-Enabled Health Care Reform?


Guest Opinion: VA takes regional approach to health care

XTend Medical (XMDC) Penetrates $118 Million European Telemedicine market

Health Information Exchange and Healthcare Utilization

Bosch to join COCIR

Houston-area Wal-Marts to offer telemedicine clinics

GE Healthcare to Acquire Vital Signs, Inc

Mobile Medics Will Shape The Medical Device Market

Philips introduces new patient monitoring system in India

LifeSync Joins Continua Health Alliance

Fuel's surge a headache for home health providers

Halo system offers 24/7 monitoring

A 'doctor' in your pocket

OLM – telecare reference

Time to rethink blood pressure tests: experts

My Healthy Access, NuPhysicia to operate superstore telemedicine ...

Guam Law To Allow Residents To Receive Care Via Telemedicine

Home automation the key to keeping seniors independent and in their homes

Keeping The Elderly Out Of The Nursing Home And At Home

New Ideas Keep Dementia Patients Safe

Exercise shown to slow down Alzheimer's progress

Walking extra 45 minutes a day helps diabetes sufferers

Launch Of The First Wireless Hospital Blood Glucose Meter

Open Survey Designed to Improve Healthcare and Reduce Medical Costs

James Purnell: Ministers will not prescribe personal budget streams

Clued-up health consumers (CEP)

Nurses to have powers to shape care from bedside to boardroom

Scottish government: Better Coronary Heart Disease and Stroke Care: A Consultation Document

Angel telecare – USA

Project Lifesaver

London pharmacies use SMS for stop smoking drive

Open eHealth Foundation sets out priorities

Mobile Monitoring Devices To Power Mobile Health Care

Walgreens Launches Quarterly E-Newsletter Dedicated to People Living with Diabetes

UN + Vodafone focus on mHealth

Platform for wearable health devices launched

New FP7 eHealth Project – EPILEPSIAE (The mission of EPILEPSIAE Project is to use Information and Communication Technologies to empower the epileptic patients to monitor their own risks and improve their safety in daily life, strengthening their social integration.)

St. Jude Medical's Remote Monitor for Cardiac Devices FDA Approved

Using mobile phones to make a healthy connection

Telemedicine in the ambulatory setting

Boost for the vulnerable as Town Hall scraps charges for life-saving alarm system

Partners in Care Foundation and California Association of Physician Groups Collaborate to Transform Healthcare for Older Adults with Chronic Conditions

CSIP Networks is not responsible for the content of external links and does not endorse any suppliers or their products.

a) CSIP Housing LIN Meetings

Full list of Housing LIN events:

Latest Housing LIN Newsletter:

b) CSIP Network’s Mike Clark will be speaking at Enabling People with Long Term Conditions – how telecare, electronic and computer-based technologies can help – London - 16 September 2008

Link and flyer:

c) TSA Conference, Brighton on 3-5 November 2008 - CSIP Networks, Tim Ellis (Department of Health) will be covering the Whole system Demonstrators and Ed Harding from CSIP will be speaking at the TSA Conference – for more details

The Foundation for Assistive Technology (FAST) provides a full listing of forthcoming telecare events – see . Suppliers also run telecare and telehealth events – check their web sites regularly for dates.

All previous telecare eNewsletters are available at:

CSIP Telecare Services

You can send comments and questions about the CSIP Implementation Guide, factsheets or other resources or contact us via Also, use this mailbox to send in good practice examples. If you or a colleague would like to receive future copies of the newsletter then all you need to do is register at

Appendix 1 – Supplier supplement for September 2008

As you know, from time to time we offer some space on an equitable basis to suppliers in the CSIP Telecare eNewsletter newsletter.

We wish to continue to recognise the important work that suppliers have done in responding to their customers and working in partnership to implement telecare and telehealth programmes since 2005/6. For this addition, we are broadening the scope to other agencies and organisations involved in telecare and telehealth implementation.


For organisations that wish to contribute to the newsletter supplement here are the details:

a) Up to 3 pages of A4 (12 point Arial) per supplier in Microsoft Word (we can include a jpeg image/logo but keep the layout and margins simple for copy/pasting)

b) Please use the general definition of telecare from Building Telecare in England to include some form of monitoring/response. The definition is broad to include telehealth, community safety etc.

c) Please include case studies, evaluation findings, innovations. (we are looking for telehealth, telephone support, weather forecast examples and some of the more complex assessment and integrated systems eg for dementia or extra care rather than simpler solutions)

d) We are not looking for advertisements as suppliers can include links to their web sites in the article, it is more about case studies (anonymised), evaluations, device/monitoring options, solutions, examples of products and services in use, achievements. Embedded web links are OK but CSIP will not have time to check them all

e) If you are referencing local authorities, health trusts, housing associations by name please confirm that they are happy for you to use their names

f) The supplement is open to all suppliers/organisations as long as they meet a 5pm, 8 September 2008 deadline. Suppliers involved outside of the National Framework Agreement are eligible for inclusion. This would ensure that all suppliers are treated equitably

g) Where there are sub-contractors and affiliates in the National Framework Agreement, we will link to the NHS PASA current position from the supplement and cross references can be included in the submission. We will limit each company name to one full 2 pages of A4 entry in the supplement although there may be additional linkages through the framework agreement

h) Inclusion in the supplement does not imply any endorsement of the products/services by DH, CSIP etc and there will be a reminder in the supplement to telecare organisations about the importance of making appropriate checks and following procurement and purchasing requirements 

i) Word documents can be sent to Mike Clark (CSIP Networks) at by the 8 September deadline

j) CSIP reserves the right not to include duplicated company/supplier examples and speculative advertisements without information about case studies, evaluations, achievements.



1 WSD Action Network – registration now available

Telecare LIN

Telecare LIN

4 i4i (Invention for Innovation) Launches

Telecare LIN

2 Extra care sites announced


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Telecare LIN

3 Supplement for September 2008 – contributions welcome

7 Events

Telecare LIN

Telecare LIN

5 European Commission call – ageing well with cognitive problems

Telecare LIN

6 Additional links and references


CSIP Telecare eNewsletter July 2008

Page 1 of 27


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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