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MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF GRAFHAM PARISH COUNCIL HELD ON TUESDAY 9 JULY 2019 IN THE VILLAGE HALLPresent: Mr Philip Allingham, Mr David Russell, Mr Michael Pople. Cllrs Peter Downes and Darren Tysoe were also in attendance. The meeting of the Parish Council was convened at 7.30pm. 19/036 Public ForumAt the beginning of the meeting, the Chair welcomed Mr Michael Pople to the Council as a co-opted member.Buckden Parish Councillor, Amy Burbidge attended the public forum to discuss plans for the development of a cycle path (with the help of A14 funding applied for) to link Buckden, Brampton and Grafham and with the aim eventually to extend safe cycling to Hinchingbrooke School and Huntingdon Station. The route of the proposed path has been suggested to be from Grafham down the Brampton Lane to the bend where a recently cleared pathway is on the right and which leads to Buckden. This would require some definite safety measures for cyclists on the Brampton Lane which might include a 20mph or 30mph speed limit and some narrowing or widening of the road in certain places The Grafham Council will receive a copy of the full proposals for discussion before making any decision to agree to the plan.A request has been received by the Parish Council to arrange for the cutting of the overgrown verges along Church Hill. The Parish Council agreed to request ownership information from the District Council before committing to any action.The reports received from Cllr Peter Downes and Councillor Darren Tysoe are appended in full to these minutes.19/037 Apologies for absenceApologies were received from Cllrs Joanne Dunn, Ian Gardener, Alastair Watson and Roy Harrold. 19/038 Councillors’ InterestsNone were declared19/039 Minutes of the previous meetingThe minutes of the meeting held on 17 June 2019 were agreed and signed. 19/040 Matters arisingThe request for grant funds to the Village Hall Committee in respect of the refurbishment of the gents’ toilets was increased to ?1,500 and this was agreed.The request for S137 funds for the Grafham Trout to help pay for outdoor furniture was approved at ?750.Cllr David Russell provided information to those councillors present concerning the use of specific Parish Council email addresses. This move is intended to protect the personal information of councillors from public scrutiny.The Neighbourhood Area Designation covering Grafham and Ellington parishes has now been published by HDC on their portal for a consultation period, concluding on 23rd?August. A report of the outcome will be published in early September.A public meeting will be held in September, with notification made by leaflet to all dwellings in Grafham and Ellington. The key aims of the meeting will be:to educate people on the purpose of an NP. It is primarily concerned with land use, but can also include the other aspects of a Parish Plan within an gather initial input from the community on key issuesto recruit the NP team members. Some individuals in Grafham have already expressed an interest in taking part.The three projects submitted to the A14 Legacy fund are under review by the A14 team and decisions are expected within the next 7-10 days.With regard to the state of hedges in Brampton Road, an update received from Cllr Watson stated that the farmer was unable to cut the hedge up to the old railway bridge (on left hand side) when the road was closed and because of the bird nesting season he won't be able to cut it until after the harvest and may require the road to be closed again. This will need to be re-addressed in the Autumn. Cllr Watson has also reported the whole Brampton Road issue to HDC stating that the situation between the old railway bridge and Brampton Wood entrance has now become particularly dangerous for cyclists and motorbikes due to the overhanging hedges.19/041 Planning Matters – ref: 19/01153/HHFUL3 Model Farm Cottages, Buckden Road.The Council raised no objections to the application.19/042 Cyber Security InsuranceThe Council were asked to consider whether or not there is a need for specific insurance to cover the council in the event of a cyber attack on its systems. It was agreed that our existing insurance should be checked first of all. It was generally considered that, as the Parish Council holds no personal information on any databases, the likelihood of such an attack is unlikely.19/043 BankingThe following accounts were approved for settlement:Clerk’s fees for June 19?527.80A Abbs – grass cutting June 2019?200.00The Pub at Grafham – S137 application ?750.00The financial report at 30 June 2019 showed a balance of funds at ?24,410.6619/044 Other Items for information onlyCllr Russell attended a seminar on electric vehicle charging and advised the Council as follows:The maximum cost of installation is unlikely to exceed ?10k, of which 75% is funded with the PC expected to find the remaining 25%.The revenue generation is unknown and would represent a risk to the PCHowever, there are several Service Providers, which might be willing to pay the 25% in exchange for taking all the revenue.If there are no service providers willing to take on the contract, the PC should take note and walk away.The PC will be asked to sign an MOU (currently being drafted), without any financial commitment until work starts. It is suggested that the PC would not wish to sign this ahead of establishing commitment from a service provider.If successful, the PC would benefit from a facility for the community, along with potentially increased custom at the shop.All actions are currently with CCC’s Energy Investment UnitThere being no further business the meeting closed. The date of the next meeting is scheduled for 10th September 2019. ................

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