Guidelines for Formatting a Statement of Work for - Amazon S3

Alaska Sustainable Salmon Fund

Statement of Work

Revision #1: Change PI and Co-PI, extend end date, update AKSSF goal & update budget/SOW

I. Project Title: Autonomous Salmon Lake Mapping

II. Principal Investigator:

Heather Finkle, PI

ADF&G, Commercial Fisheries Division

351 Research Court

Kodiak, AK 99615-6399

Phone: (907) 486-1848

Email: heather.finkle@

Steven G. Honnold, Co-PI

ADF&G, Commercial Fisheries Division

351 Research Court

Kodiak, AK 99615-6399

Phone: (907) 486-1873

Email: steve.honnold@

Robert Baer, ADF&G (former Co-PI)

Project Period: 5/29/08 – 12/31/10

Project Description

1. Introduction

This project addresses the need to collect high spatial and temporal resolution data on the abiotic and biotic water quality parameters that influence the growth, survival, and sustainability of wild juvenile sockeye salmon in lakes on the Kodiak Archipelago, Alaska.

Specifically, this project seeks to use an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV), a rapidly-maturing, advanced technology to collect high-resolution spatial and temporal environmental data to support the Alaska Department of Fish and Game’s (ADF&G) efforts to understand the ecological conditions that drive early marine and freshwater survival and production of salmon. The AUV is a free-swimming robot with multiple onboard sensors that collect geo-referenced (latitude, longitude, and depth) data on water temperature, dissolved oxygen concentration, pH, chlorophyll-a, and blue-green algae fluorescence. In addition, the AUV’s side-scan sonar system will be evaluated for its potential as a cost and time-saving method to estimate relative abundance of juvenile sockeye salmon in lakes.

Understanding the ecological conditions of lake systems and how they vary in time and space is key to understanding, and eventually modeling and predicting annual salmon production for a given waterbody. The salmon production of a lake is the result of the interplay of numerous variables that all influence each other in various, but predictable, ways. Temperature is of greatest importance in most biological and chemical processes. For example, fish have an optimum temperature at which growth rates are maximized. Oxygen solubility decreases with increasing temperatures. Nutrients are more soluble in water at higher temperatures. Currently, ADF&G monitors the abiotic conditions (nutrients, temperature, dissolved oxygen (DO), and pH) and measures biotic variables (such as zooplankton population) in lakes that support large salmon runs and in those lakes that are enhanced or stocked. For many systems that ADF&G monitors, personnel availability, remote locations and associated travel expenses, and general funding constraints put limits on the spatial and temporal sampling of each lake system.

On Kodiak Island, Frazer Lake and Karluk Lake support some of the largest commercially-fished sockeye salmon runs on the Kodiak Archipelago, yet limnology data can only be collected 4-5 times each year and from only two locations in Karluk and Frazer lakes. Nutrient, chlorophyll, and zooplankton concentrations for the entire lake are routinely extrapolated from only one or two sampling stations. The spatial resolution (2 stations per lake) may insufficiently reflect parameter gradients. Karluk Lake has three main basins separated by underwater ridges; only two basins have been sampled in recent years.

However, despite many years of effort and numerous studies, our understanding of the processes governing lake production and salmon survival in these systems is limited. The ability to rapidly and efficiently map the physical and biological parameters of key Westward Region salmon-producing lake systems would advance ADF&G’s ability to understand the ecological conditions that affect juvenile salmon survival, growth, and outmigration to the marine environment. Increasing the spatial and temporal collection of limnology data in these lake systems will also eventually lead to better modeling and stock estimation capabilities, which will aid resource managers in establishing harvest strategies that provide for maximum sustained yields of Alaska’s wild salmon stocks.

Project participants intend to use a relatively low cost AUV to rapidly map environmental parameters important to salmon production and survival. AUVs can simultaneously collect geo-referenced data on the temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, and chlorophyll-a and blue-green algae concentrations. The AUV is capable of simultaneously collecting bathymetry information, as well as perform habitat mapping and fish detection duties with side-scan sonar. This technology allows autonomous and rapid mapping of whole-lake conditions, not just the extrapolation of conditions from a few dispersed data points. PIs propose to demonstrate this technology and water quality mapping capability in two lake systems that support extensive sport and commercial salmon fisheries on Kodiak Island in the Westward Region.

AUVs are swimming robots that range in size from a few inches to several meters in diameter and from one to ten meters in length. They have enjoyed significant technological developments in recent decades and are deployed worldwide by military, governmental, commercial, and academic entities. Data collected from AUVs represent significant cost savings in terms of reduced personnel hours, 24-hour sampling capabilities, and reduced surface vessel support. Furthermore, they can be outfitted with a wide range of sensors that allow for simultaneous data collection.

This project is a coordinated effort between the Kodiak ADF&G and Daniel Doolittle, formerly of the Kachemak Bay Research Reserve (KBRR) and currently with the University of Kansas, to improve sockeye salmon rearing habitat mapping and monitoring, and to modernize the collection and representation of limnology data. Mr. Doolittle, who helped design the AUV, will serve as the technical consultant on this proposal and will provide Kodiak ADF&G biologists with AUV training and technical support, assist with the Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) data handling system, and assist with data processing during the period of this proposal. It is envisioned that this technology and expertise could be transferred to ADF&G biologists and could eventually become an integral part of the department’s juvenile salmon research program.

ADF&G regularly monitors salmon escapement to many lakes in the region. Salmon returns to lake systems, including Frazer and Karluk lakes, have fluctuated greatly in the past and recent years; some have exhibited declining production trends. The remote locations and vast size of these lakes, budget constraints, and personnel shortages necessitate compromises in the quantity of data ADF&G can collect. However, ADF&G Division of Commercial Fisheries in Kodiak has several ongoing projects and collaborators that will provide in-kind support for this project by providing transportation, personnel, and facilities at the lake sites. What is needed is a low-cost, efficient, and labor-saving technology and methodology to collect high-resolution ecological information that will provide biologists a greater understanding of the factors driving salmon survival and production. The AQUAMAPPER AUV is fitted with water quality and habitat-mapping sensors that will provide ADF&G with just such a tool.

2. Project Summary

This project will utilize the application of an AUV to map water quality parameters important to marine and freshwater survival of wild salmon stocks on Kodiak Island. ADF&G will obtain new and improved bathymetric maps, as well as three-dimensional models of the lake’s temperature, pH, light, chlorophyll-a, and DO distribution during different times of the year. This data will be compared against historical data from two stations in the lake to assess their power of representing ecological conditions for rearing juvenile salmon. Access to this high-quality data will enable significant advances in understanding how salmon are impacted by, and respond to, the inherent environmental variability they experience in the lakes that sustain Alaska’s wild salmon populations. This advanced data gathering and visualization technology will also allow researchers in Alaska to vigilantly monitor environmental and ecological changes that may be occurring presently or in the future due to a rapidly changing sub-Arctic climate.

This project will provide researchers the ability to produce geo-referenced maps of surface and sub-surface water quality parameters in a cost-efficient and precise manner. A nationally recognized data assurance program in use by the National Estuarine Research Reserve System (NERRS--of which KBRR is a unit) will be used as a model for the QA of all data collected by the AUV in this study. This is permitted by the fact that the AUV proposed for this study utilizes the same water quality sensors that are used by the NERRS nationwide and thus allows for an already-developed program to be efficiently transferred to this project. Automated QA/QC procedures have already been developed for the water quality sensors utilized and data visualization scripts will be created to enable rapid (on the scale of hours) turnaround of data products.

The figure below provides an example of the AUV-mapped surface water temperature of a 350-acre coastal basin (Figure 1). Temperature distribution can be mapped from any depth where the AUV is operated. This type of data can be made available to ADF&G biologists on daily/weekly/monthly timescales, if this technology were to be adopted by the department. The AUV has the capability to simultaneously map the bathymetry, temperature, chlorophyll-a concentration, pH, and the concentration of DO in the waterbody and create similar maps for each parameter.


In addition to providing measurements of water quality parameters at the surface, the AQUAMAPPER AUV is capable of diving to depths of 200 ft (61 m) and sampling in a sawtooth pattern, allowing a three dimensional image of the environmental conditions of the waterbody to be displayed. Outfitted with side-scan sonar, the AUV will also be able to provide researchers with information about relative abundance of fish in a particular area/depth stratum of the waterbody, habitat associations, and quantitative information on sediment and substrate type. High frequency side-scan sonar imagery can approach optical imagery quality.

With the establishment of precise bathymetric maps and a better sampling grid, it will be possible to calculate annual heat budgets of lakes and draw inter-annual comparisons of the total amount of energy available for production. This approach translates a large amount of temperature information into a single measure that can be compared between years and between lakes, and will have the power to show warming or cooling trends over the decadal scale. In addition, the data obtained from this study could be used for a series of linear regression models which will describe the dependencies of the various levels within the production cycle: for example, temperature, nutrients, and light influence phytoplankton. (Chlorophyll-a is measured as a proxy for phytoplankton standing stock.) Interdependencies between phytoplankton and zooplankton and between zooplankton and salmon smolt could be studied with much more confidence because of the increased data density. While it is known that nutrients and production are unevenly distributed in lakes, present estimates are limited by assuming a uniform distribution of these parameters. Data obtained by the use of an AUV would greatly increase the accuracy of estimates of nutrient concentrations and production cycles in the lakes under investigation. This is of great significance for Karluk and Frazer lakes because nutrient limitation has been shown to limit salmon production and may be a cause for recent run declines in these systems.

In summary, the AUV would replace a 2-Station sampling grid with a three-dimensional image of the distribution of temperature, DO, pH, and chlorophyll-a. Due to the relative ease of operating the vehicle and the existing logistics, the temporal sampling coverage would likely be coordinated with the ongoing lake survey project, so that the AUV data could be compared to historical methods and supplemented with zooplankton biomass and nutrient data. The interdependencies of temperature, light, nutrients, and phytoplankton determine the primary production, while zooplankton densities and composition determine the grazing effects and rate of recycling of the primary production. It is well known that all of these factors are not spatially uniformly distributed within a lake. For example, a high rain event could increase the influx of inorganic nutrients from a tributary stream in one part of the lake. This would likely trigger a local phytoplankton bloom event because most Alaskan salmon lakes, including Karluk and Frazer, are oligotrophic and phytoplankton growth in the summer is nutrient-limited. This causes temporary production increases in areas that are influenced by riverine input, especially when tributaries are enriched with nutrients from salmon carcasses. In this project, the most important habitat and times for lake production could be identified and mapped, increasing the understanding of lake processes for better informed management decisions. See related AKSSF projects 45884, 44528.

3. AKSSF Objective

Westward: 1A-3

III. Objectives

1. Project Objectives

• Objective 1: Acquire and successfully employ an AQUAMAPPER AUV equipped with side-scan sonar at Karluk and Frazer lakes on Kodiak Island.

• Objective 2: Create updated bathymetric maps for Karluk and Frazer lakes from bathymetric data collected by the AUV.

• Objective 3: Create surface and 3-dimensional maps of temperature, DO, pH, and chlorophyll-a.

• Objective 4: Determine the distribution of juvenile salmon within the lakes as imaged with the hi-resolution sonar.

• Objective 5: Assess the feasibility of using the AUV for smolt abundance estimates.

2. Justification

• Objective 1: Karluk and Frazer lakes on Kodiak Island are part of the Kodiak National Wildlife refuge. ADF&G operates fisheries projects for maximum sustainable yield and lake ecosystem monitoring projects to detect changes in the freshwater environment which might influence juvenile sockeye salmon survival. Long-term data series can explain ecological dependencies of some parameters (e.g., nutrient limitation in Karluk Lake) but not in other systems (e.g., smolt production at Frazer Lake does not correlate with zooplankton biomass). It is unknown to what degree the failure to explain ecological interdependencies is due to variation in the data. The greater density of physical parameter measurements and the greater number of stations would give a heretofore unknown resolution of variability of these parameters within each lake.

• Objective 2: As mentioned under V. 4, ADF&G currently uses bathymetric maps that were produced over 35 years ago. Sediment influx from rivers, changes in water level, or flow rate (due to differences in annual precipitation) can cause the bathymetry to change and create or lose areas suitable for salmon spawning. In calculating lake productivity, it is necessary to know the exact surface and volume of the lake.

• Objective 3: Heat uptake and loss over the year determine the lakes’ energy budget, which could easily be calculated with the help of the AQUAMAPPER software package and would allow comparison of Karluk and Frazer lakes to other systems. Temperature determines production rates and the onset of lake stratification in the spring, and mixing in the fall is of great importance for biological processes influencing salmon survival and outmigration. Each organism has a defined range of optimal living conditions with regard to physical parameters like pH, DO, temperature, and light. Although investigators don’t anticipate physical parameters to limit juvenile salmon production directly, the maps created by the AQUAMAPPER software may indicate preferred salmon habitat based on gradients in physical properties within the lakes.

• Objective 4: Zooplankton biomass is monitored at representative lake stations. It is unknown to what degree it reflects the zooplankton available where the juvenile salmon feed. Zooplankton distribution is known to be patchy and juvenile salmon are known to school. Knowing the location of the salmon at different times of the year may also aid in determining mortality events.

• Objective 5: This project will determine the feasibility of estimating juvenile salmon abundance with the AUV. A hydroacoustics population survey requires two people, gear, and a boat, and it takes about 10 days to complete the data analysis for one lake. In this project, investigators will test if comparable results could be obtained with the AUV.

3. Project Impacts

This project will test the utility of a new means to acquire information about limnology and fish abundance in remote sockeye salmon systems in a cost-effective and timely manner. Limnology data collection is presently limited to one or two sampling stations per lake. The AUV would provide a higher density of data and would characterize each lake according to gradients in physical parameters. ADF&G will acquire new and improved bathymetric maps, a better knowledge of salmon distribution in the lakes, and physical parameter gradients that might affect salmon distribution and phytoplankton production. In addition, feasibility of obtaining an index of salmon abundance in lakes is tested.

4. Methods/Modeling

Investigators will purchase one AQUAMAPPER AUV equipped with a side-scan sonar and camera. Technical support and a 3-day training workshop will be provided by the Ecomapper manufacturer and Daniel Doolittle. During the training workshop, the AUV operation will be demonstrated at a lake on the Kodiak road system. A core group of project biologists will then deploy the AUV under expert supervision at Frazer and Karluk lakes for the first field trial. On subsequent field trips, only one biologist will accompany the AUV during deployments. Four deployments each on Frazer and Karluk lakes are anticipated, between May and September 2009. Upon each deployment, physical parameters will be measured along a sampling grid throughout each lake. In addition, an estimate of fish abundance will be obtained. After the initial training, subsequent deployments of the unit will be coordinated with ADF&G lake survey and fish pass projects to minimize flight costs and ensure data comparability. Data will be processed and maps created at the Kodiak ADF&G office for initial analysis, comparison with historical data, and filing. Mr. Doolittle will be consulted for further data analysis and presentation.

Prior to commencement of project activity, PI will obtain ADF&G Fish Collection, Fish Resource, Fish Transport, and/or other required permits, as appropriate.

IV. Results/Deliverable Products

The project will provide:

• New and updated bathymetric maps, including electronic color images.

• A high density of limnology data in a 3-dimensional presentation.

• An improved understanding of lake habitat, physical gradients in the lakes, and salmon distribution.

• A possible alternative to costly hydro-acoustic surveys and a means to estimate juvenile salmon winter survival and outmigration.

First deliverables are anticipated to be worked up and summarized by December 31, 2009. The complete data summary will be completed and submitted by December 31, 2010.

The PI will submit semiannual, PCSRF performance metrics, and project completion reports according to AKSSF schedule, as well as copies of any other report/product/deliverable produced with this funding.

Any report or product distributed as a result of this funding will include the following language: This [report/video/website] was prepared by [recipient/author name] under award #NA07NMF4380288 from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, administered by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game.  The statements, findings, conclusions, and recommendations are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the U.S. Department of Commerce, or the Alaska Department of Fish and Game.

V. Benefits to Salmon/Salmon Fisheries/Salmon Fishermen/Communities

The three-dimensional habitat maps associated with the juvenile salmon distribution data may provide new insights in early sockeye salmon response to physical parameters. This project will help to better understand the interdependencies of different trophic levels in the freshwater salmon rearing environment, which is a prerequisite for ecosystem-based fisheries management. Adoption of this technology will allow ecologically-important data to be collected in spatial and temporal resolutions heretofore unavailable to Alaskan researchers.

Currently, neither the Frazer nor the Karluk Lake sockeye salmon smolt outmigration is enumerated. Without an estimate for smolt outmigration it is not possible to discern freshwater mortality from ocean mortality. In some systems, knowing the smolt outmigration numbers can improve forecasting of adult returns. In this project investigators will test if physical lake parameters correlate with juvenile salmon distribution seen on side-scan sonar images and if such information could be utilized to develop future smolt abundance estimates in lieu of smolt trapping projects.

VI. Project Milestones and Timelines

• Purchase of the AUV is planned for FY09. Final data summary will be completed by the end of June 2010. Daniel Doolittle will travel to Kodiak to train ADF&G personnel in the use and deployment of the AUV and oversee the first deployment in 2009 (FY09). A total of four deployments in each lake are planned for the 2009 field season.

• Data will be processed at the ADF&G office in Kodiak and the completed bathymetric three-dimensional physical parameter maps will be completed within one month after the final deployment of the 2009 field season. The side-scan sonar images will have to be analyzed for fish distribution and abundance estimates. This more time-consuming task will be completed after the field season.

• Data will be presented at the AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting in February 2010.

• All project expenditures will be complete by the end of SFY10.

• All results will be summarized by December 31, 2010. Project activity & expenses occurring after 6/30/10 will be funded separately.

All invoices will be submitted for payment within 30 days of the project end date in accordance with the current AKSSF invoicing P&P.

VII. Partners: University of Kansas; Kodiak Regional Aquaculture Association, and United States Fish & Wildlife Service.

Daniel Doolittle, Ph. D candidate

University of Kansas, Department of Geology

1475 Jayhawk Blvd., Lindley Hall

Lawrence, KS 66044

Email: daniel.doolittle@


|Original Summary Budget |FY08 |FY09 |Total |

|100 Personnel |$0 |$20,600 |$20,600 |

|200 Travel |$0 |$3,000 |$3,000 |

|300 Contractual |$1,500 |$11,500 |$13,000 |

|400 Supplies |$3,000 |$4,500 |$7,500 |

|500 Equipment |$90,000 |$0 |$90,000 |

|Total Direct Costs |$94,500 |$39,600 |$134,100 |

|ADF&G 3% | | |$4,023 |

|Total Costs |$97,335 |$40,788 |$138,123 |

|REV1 Summary Budget |FY09 |FY10 |FY11 |Total |

|100 Personnel |$8,815 |$9,899 |$0 |$18,714 |

|200 Travel |$0 |$2,260 |$0 |$2,260 |

|300 Contractual |$2,932 |$6,636 |$0 |$9,568 |

|400 Supplies |$1,226 |$6,642 |$0 |$7,868 |

|500 Equipment |$95,690 |$0 |$0 |$95,690 |

|Total Direct Costs |$108,663 |$25,473 |$0 |$134,100 |

|ADF&G 3% | | | |$4,023 |

|Total Costs | | | |$138,123 |

Budget adjustments between line items are allowed for amounts equal to or less than 10% of the total award without prior AKSSF approval; any amount above 10% requires prior AKSSF approval. All costs in lines 100-500 must represent actual cash expenditures.

Original Budget Narrative:

Field deployment is planned for FY09. Purchase of and some familiarization with the equipment is planned for FY08. Data analysis and summary will be completed in FY10 at no cost to PCSRF/AKSSF (funded separately).

Line 100 (Personnel including benefits): Fisheries Biologist I (Steve Thomsen, PCN 11-1434). One month salary is included in FY09 for the logistical support and deployment of the AUV unit. ($6,600)

• Fisheries Biologist I (Gregory Watchers, PCN 11-5269). Two months salary is included in FY09 for the logistical support and deployment of the AUV unit. ($14,000).

Line 200 (Travel):

2 flights between Homer (KBRR) and Kodiak (ERA aviation $1,070), 3 days lodging ($1,200), and per diem ($360) each are budgeted in FY09 for Daniel Doolittle to teach the initial AUV training, provide technical support, and/or give presentations on the results of the AUV project (air fare Homer to Anchorage $250), per diem ($120).

Line 300 (Contractual):

The remote location of Frazer and Karluk lakes requires travel by locally chartered floatplane. Although flights will be coordinated with the flights chartered for the lake survey project and Frazer camp re-supply, and USFWS has offered additional transportation, it is anticipated that some additional flight money will be needed. In addition, substantial shipping cost is anticipated for the acquisition of the AUV and associated electronic supplies ($1,500 in FY08, $500 in FY09).

The 2008 price quotes, used as the basis for FY 09 contractual flights, are as follows:

Sea Hawk Air Kodiak, RT Karluk Lake (Beaver @ 1,500 lbs load) $1,230

Sea Hawk Air Kodiak, RT Frazer Lake $1,300

Kingfisher Air Kodiak, RT Karluk Lake (Bushhawk @ 600 lbs load) $ 800

Kingfisher Air Kodiak, RT Frazer Lake (Bushhawk @ 600 lbs load) $ 900

Project participants anticipate two round trips by Beaver each to Frazer and Karluk Lakes ($5,060), and three round trips by Bushhawk each to Frazer and Karluk Lakes ($5,100). In addition, investigators anticipate 3 hours standby time for loading and unloading of planes at a rate of $280/hour (3*$280 = $840). FY09 total $11,000.

Line 400 (Supplies):

AUV support hardware and software ($3,000 in FY08), high resolution, geo-rectified aerial images from Aeromap of Anchorage ($3,000), project groceries (40 person days at $25/day = $1,000), project fuel ($100), batteries($100), lines($50), totes ($50) and other project items (Rite in the Rain books, Sharpies, folders, packaging materials, personnel safety supplies (flares, small radios $200)) needed during field trips ($4,500 in FY09).

Line 500 (Equipment):

An AUV with 6600 V2-4 sensor head measuring conductivity, temperature, depth (0-66 meters), equipped with Imagenix side-scan sonar and sensors for DO, chlorophyll-a, and pH. ($90,000)

Revision #1 Budget Narrative:

The extended project period includes 6 months of FY11 for reporting and summarizing results, funded separately. No project budget will be expended in FY11. All costs are actual expenses except where indicated as projected.

Line 100 (Personnel including benefits):

FY09: Fisheries Biologist I (Darin Ruhl, PCN 11-1447). Salary for 1.25 months is included in for the logistical support and deployment of the AUV unit. ($8,815)

FY 10: Fisheries Biologist I (Darin Ruhl, PCN 11-1447). Salary for 2.25 months is included in for the logistical support and deployment of the AUV unit. ($9,899)

Line 200 (Travel):

FY 09: None

FY10: Travel to Portland, OR for AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting, PI Heather Finkle (projected costs: airfare = $1,200, 4 nights hotel stay = $800, 3 days per diem = $200, parking = $60): Total: $2,260

Line 300 (Contractual):

|FY 09: Seahawk Air (RT to Karluk) | $ 1,632.00 |

| Eon Enterprises (Doolittle AUV training) | $ 1,300.00 $2,932 |

|FY 10: Kingfisher Air (ADQ to Karluk) | $ 489.00 |

|Kingfisher Air (Frazer to Karluk) | $ 380.00 |

|Kingfisher Air (ADQ to Frazer) | $ 415.00 |

|Kingfisher Air (Lake sampling, to Karluk) | $ 1,477.00 |

|Seahawk Air (to Frazer) | $ 1,403.00 |

|Seahawk Air (RT to Karluk) | $ 1,182.00 |

|AGU conference registration fee | $ 490.00 |

|Shipping for AUV servicing (projected cost) | $ 800.00 $6,636 |

Line 400 (Supplies):

FY 09: Data mapping software $ 607.00

Field groceries $ 350.00

Project supplies

(notebooks, pencils, sm. tools, etc.) $ 269.00 $1,226

|FY 10: Field groceries | |

| |$ 407.00 |

| Dell netbook, field ops |$ 435.00 |

| AUV parts (projected cost) |$ 5,800.00 $6,642 |

Line 500 (Equipment):

FY 09: An AUV with 6600 V2-4 sensor head measuring conductivity, temperature, depth (0-66 meters), equipped with Imagenix side-scan sonar and sensors for DO, chlorophyll-a, and pH. ($95,690)

FY 10: $0

All invoices will be submitted for payment within 30 days of the project end date in accordance with the current AKSSF invoicing P&P.

All invoices shall be adequately documented with both documentation of expense and proof of payment.  Examples of expense documentation include copies of invoices, pay stubs, and receipts.  Examples of proof of payment documentation include copies of checks, check numbers, and credit card receipts.

VIII. Project Number: 45854 PCSRF Objective: RM&E


Figure 1. Profile of surface water temperature (C)


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