Harkstead Parish Council – Meeting Minutes - Amazon S3


Harkstead Parish Council – Meeting Minutes

Date/Time: Monday - October 12 2015 Location – Harkstead Village Hall

Councillors Present: William Wrinch, John Zalucki, Simon Leatherdale. District Cllr. David Rose,

County Cllr. Dave Wood.

Also present: 2 parishioners and clerk

1. Apologies – Cllr. Alison Looser

2. Declaration of Interest – William Wrinch. Trustee of village hall.

3. Minutes of last meeting – Sept. 14, signed as correct.

4. Matters Arising – Cllr. Leatherdale had sprayed around the shore path post stub.

5. Millennium Green – ROSPA inspection had been done. Most issues were classed as ‘Low’. Clerk to advise Rodney Freeman, HMGT chairman, that some fence posts needed re-seating.

Adjournment - Dave Wood –1) Broadband, depending on exchange areas, the better facility would be available from 2016 to 2018. So Shotley exchange area would be completed first, followed by Woolverstone then Holbrook. If wanted sooner then householders can apply to Suffolk C.C. for a satellite voucher, but will need to contact their own provider, at their own expense. 2) Regarding the Buzabout service, county, awaiting tenders. 3) There’s a forthcoming public consultation on the AONB. David Rose – The proposed mussel farm will not cause any foreseeable problems.

6. Planning Applications – B/15/1317 – Nether Hall –rear 2 storey extension and internal alterations. Parish council has no objections, but clerk to ask planning to arrange for ‘Bat’ survey. B/15/1295 – 1 & 2 Walkgate Cotts. Complete renovations. Parish council have no objections, but clerk to ask planning for ‘Bat’ survey.

7. Footpaths – nothing to report

8. Financial Report – 1. Current Ac. £376, Business Saver Ac. £4251, Savings Ac. £1697. Expenditure - ROSPA - £99.60. Clerk July 1 to September 30 - £268.13, Good Neighbour Scheme, annual contribution - £196, BDO Audit - £0.00. 2. Annual audit paperwork had been returned. There were no issues, however council advised to keep monthly bank reconciliation in order.

9. Correspondence – Most had gone out via email. No one had any comments.

10. Any other business – a new post had been put in at the top of the shore footpath. Clerk to ask owner if it can be smoothed off on the top.

11. Next meeting - Monday November 9 at 7.30pm.

Meeting ended at 8.10pm


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