Cheyenne Traditional School PTO

WelcomePresident – Nichole StineWelcome! I am always available for your questions/input at ctsptopresident@Introduction of the 2020 – 2021 PTO Executive BoardPresident | Nichole Stine (ctsptopresident@)Vice President | Missy Bibb (ctsptovicepresident@) VPs of Membership | Ann Newman & Monica Roubal (ctsptomembership@) VPs of Fundraising | Anita Rawlings & Lana Bull (ctsptofundraising@) VPs of Middle School Programs | Angela Toth & Ilaria Borden (ctsptomiddleschoolprograms@) VPs of School Events | Whitney Brittain & Kristen Hartzel (ctsptoschoolevents@) VPs of Community Support | Lisa Hennessey & Sharon Fisher (ctsptocommunity@) VPs of Data Management | April Carr & Jacy Spong (ctsptodatamgt@) Secretary | Andrea Augustine (ctsptosecretary@) Treasurer | Jane Trapp (ctsptotreasurer@) Assistant Treasurer | Kerri Askew (ctsptoassisttreasurer@)Membership Our community raised $67,700 in the Membership Drive! If anyone would like to see detailed financials contact Jane Trapp ctsptotreasurer@ Families that donated at the blue and gold level will receive their spirit items as students return to school. As part of your membership you can download the Membership Toolkit App to access our CTS PTO membership directory.All PTO members should have received an email with instructions on how to create an account. Questions? Contact April Carr and Jacy Spong at ctsptodatamgt@ Community SupportPTO provided all teachers with back to school goodie bags when EDL started, as they were not able to congregate to have our annual Back to School Breakfast.PTO is providing all teachers/staff with limited edition 2020 spirit shirts. These shirts feature a roadrunner in a mask.PTO continues to provide wedding/baby/condolence gifts/support for staff. Once it is safe to do so, PTO-provided teacher luncheons will resume.PTO will continue to stock teacher lounge supplies/coffee/snacks/etc. presuming teachers are allowed to use these areas.Once it is allowed by SUSD, we will host our “Cart of Happiness,” where a wheeling cart full of gifts is brought to every classroom and staff get to choose what they would like. Typically the first of these during the year would be around Thanksgiving, but we will see if we will be allowed on campus to do so at that time.FundraisingPassive fundraising: Shop with Scrip and Amazon Smile?Sponsorships: 2 in 1 sponsorship opportunitiesVirtual advertising opportunities: Cheyenne Yellow (and Blue) Pages, Sponsor Spotlight?We are in search of a chair for our annual Golf Tournament in the spring. This event is a fun community building event for adults that wraps up a fun round of golf with dinner, and a silent and live auction. If you are interested or would like more information contact Anita Rawlings or Lana Bull at ctsptofundraising@ School EventsAs our current COVID environment evolves we hope to resume our fun, community building events. Stay tuned!Middle School EventsWe have a fun opportunity to chair our spring art event, Evening Under The Stars. If you are interested or would like more information contact Angela Toth or Ilaria Borden at ctsptomiddleschoolprograms@ Financial OverviewWe had a very successful membership drive - $67K versus budget of $58KIn the past we generate approximately $18K net income from Harvest Fest. ?Due to no Harvest Festival, our budget for 2020-2021 school year has a projected net loss of $13K. ?Due to the success of membership drive, most of the expected loss will be made up.Since July 1, 2020, PTO has made about $3,200 investment in PPE:Sanitation cartsSupplies or sanitation carts- wipes, hand sanitizer, trash cans?Table paper towel standsSupplies for Nurse BrittanyPartition wall for sick roomThermometers, first aide suppliesHand washing instructions, etc.We continue to reimburse each teacher up to $300 per year in supplies for the classroom. ?We continue to pay for various training for teachers in Spalding or other training not covered by District.We also continue to pay for programs such as Spelling City, Typing Club, books for Lit studies, etc.Principal/Assistant Principal – Grace Stombres and Cher FesenmaierThank you for coming. The next General Meeting will be February 24, 2020 ................

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