Jeff Johnson Interview

Jeff Johnson’s Background: Jeff started out in the corporate world, and

eventually left to go into internet marketing; Initially, he became an

expert in Search Engine Optimization, and he then began experimenting in other areas of Internet Marketing; He was a guest

speaker at Yanik Silver’s first Underground Internet Seminar, where he

was voted “Top Underground Internet Marketer of 2005”; currently he

does software development and he’s got a few coaching clubs (which

are all closed to new members at this point).

Tips from this Interview with Jeff:

- If you’re an absolute Newbie, start out by selling other people’s

products as an Affiliate

- Go to , and find products to promote as an Affiliate

- Another idea: Go and find a product that is selling well, and improve

it and make it better

- Jeff got his start selling Amazon Affiliate products; Amazon offers

millions of products and they have a powerful and trustworthy


- Jeff doesn’t recommend Newbies start out with Adsense, because it

is too labor and time intensive

- Jeff recommends selling “real products” versus selling information


- If you are going to sell information products, avoid obscure niches,

since you’ll probably not have much of a market

- Jeff mentioned and recommended , (Commission

Junction) which is a site pertaining to Affiliate marketing

- Eben suggested if you’re a Newbie, go find an expert in the field that

you want to be in, and go work for him/her, in order to learn as much

as you can; Volunteer if you have to (Don’t try to reinvent the wheel

and start from scratch; Find a mentor who you can learn from who has

already been down the road you want to travel; learn from his/her


On Generating Traffic:

- Start with a Blog! Then, within your Blog you can embed your

Affiliate links

- It’s no longer necessary to be totally dependent upon search engines

for traffic, in the new “Web 2.0” world; You can get PLENTY of traffic

from referrals on social networking sites (Myspace, Facebook, etc)

- Go and sign up for Squidoo, and Hubpages; You can then put pages

from your Blog on these websites; These sites get ranked VERY HIGH

on the search engines!

- Note: There are some rules which you must observe when using sites

such as Hubpages; For example, the content on your Hubpages page

can’t be exactly the same as a page on your Blog/website; Also, you

can’t put more than two links to other sites on your Hubpages page;

- Use the power of VIDEOS! Make videos and put them on Youtube,

and also embed them in your Blogs;

- Use the “Social Bookmarking” websites such as Digg and


- SocialMarker is a good, free software that you can use, which can

help you prepare your materials for the various Social Bookmarking

websites (e.g., Digg, StumbleUpon, etc)

- Don’t be hesitant to use other people’s content; there’s no such thing

as a “duplicate content” penalty; It is commonly accepted and

understood that there will be duplication of content on the internet

- If you need content for your Blog, one good approach is to find other

Blogs/sites with good content; Then, you can quote the first few

sentences of that other content on YOUR Blog, and then put a link to

that Blog/Site where the content came from; (This is a way to attract

traffic to your Blog, where you can put your Affiliate links, Adsense

ads, etc); A site which is a great example of this method, is

- Jeff discussed the importance of “Pingbacks”; A Pingback notifies a

Blog author when someone creates a link to one of his Blog pages;

This enables a Blog author to keep track of who is linking to, or

referring to, their articles or Blog pages; Also, it gives the Blog author

a chance to send a link back to the site of the person who created the

first link

- Having many links to your Blog/site will help to improve your ranking

on Google and other search engines

- RSS feeds and data feeds are structured text files, put out by

companies like and ; Jeff uses and recommends

using these, as sources of good content for your own Blog/site

- Gizmodo and Gadget are two of the most popular tech blogs on the

internet; these two sites obtain their content by using contract writers

- Check out Technorati, which is a big blog-specific search engine,

which indexes blogs

- Here’s a tip: Find a popular blogger who mentions on his blog that he

can’t keep his blog going due to financial troubles (e.g., he can’t

continue to afford his web hosting, etc); then, contact him and offer to

take over his website, and offer to pay the blogger as a contractor to

continue writing content for the blog

- Jeff’s website is: ; he has lots of

free video tutorials and software on his site


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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