Council Work Session - Amazon Web Services

Council Work Session

May 6, 2020

Online Zoom Meeting

The regular monthly Work Session of Newtown Borough Council was called to order at 7:00 P.M. on Wednesday, May 6, 2020 via Zoom. President Grunde-McLaughlin asked those in attendance to join her in a moment of silence, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Present: Councilors Grunde-McLaughlin, Woldorf, Cohen, Turner, Szwajkos, Rodowicz; Mayor Swartz; Solicitors Clarke & Nicol0; Engineer Fountain; Chief Sabath

Amendments to the Agenda

President Grunde-McLaughlin added the approval of an invoice for NAM Planning and Design.

Public to be Heard

Cheryl Goldstein, Cheryl Stuart Cosmetics at David J. Witchell, requested guidance from Council regarding the ability to begin offering services as a Borough business owner. Council and the Solicitor stated that the Borough is following guidelines set forth by the state; they suggested that Ms. Goldstein contact state-elected officials Perry Warren and Steve Santarsiero as well as US Congressman Brian Fitzpatrick. Council offered suggestions to financially assist Ms. Goldstein and her employees during this time where she expressed an inability to earn money in a service business. Councilors also shared marketing suggestions and offered their assistance.

Mayor’s Report – Charles F. Swartz, III

Mayor Swartz has been in conversation with the Newtown Business Association regarding their ability to host their annual car show in July; there were no special events to announce.

President’s Report – Tara Grunde-McLaughlin

President Grunde-McLaughlin reported that the Spring/Summer Borough Newsletter is in the process of being printed and will be mailed out shortly. The publication should arrive sometime in the latter two weeks of May.

Solicitor’s Report –Michael Clarke

Solicitor Clarke summarized his report with Council that was shared earlier this afternoon. The Solicitor stated that the appeal letter from the First National Bank (FNB) has been received by the Bucks County Courts. Chief Sabath reported that the courts will be opening at the end of May and reiterated the Solicitor's comment that they will be hearing only criminal cases and urgent cases. Solicitor Nicolo will send the court's response regarding the FNB matter to Council for review.

Budget & Finance –Tara Grunde-McLaughlin, Nicole Rodowicz, & Marv Cohen

❖ A motion was duly made and amended by Councilor Rodowicz, seconded by Councilor Cohen, and passed unanimously, to approve the Professional Services Invoice received from Rudolph Clarke LLC on May 4, 2020 for January through March 2020.

❖ A motion was duly made by Councilor Rodowicz, seconded by Councilor Cohen, and passed with Councilors Rodowicz, Cohen, and Grunde-McLaughlin voting in favor and Councilors Szwajkos, Turner, and Woldorf voting nay, and Mayor Swartz breaking the tie, to approve the Professional Services Invoice from High Swartz, LLP for February 2020.

Councilor Szwajkos stated his objection to the High Swartz, LLP invoice and Council debated whether the amount of the bill was justified.

❖ A motion was duly made by Councilor Rodowicz, seconded by Councilor Cohen, and passed unanimously, to approve the Professional Services Invoices from Barry Isett & Associates and CKS Engineers for March 2020.

❖ A motion was duly made by Councilor Woldorf, seconded by Councilor Turner, and passed unanimously, to approve the invoice from NAM Planning and Design dated April 30, 2020 for tasks completed at the Bird in Hand park per the contract for professional landscape design services, in the amount of $4,389.

Planning Commission – Marv Cohen

Councilor Cohen updated Council on the Planning Commission's meeting held on Monday evening regarding the SALDO application for 261-263 S. Lincoln Ave. The Planning Commission (PC) recommended denying the applicant's waiver to install sidewalks and requiring that two additional trees be planted in the right of way. The PC supported the requested SALDO waiver regarding the setback and recommneded that the fence encroachment be rectified.

Councilor Cohen confirmed that the joint meeting among the Bucks County Planning Commission, Newtown Planning Commission, and Borough Council to begin discussion of the Comprehensive Plan will be held on May 28, 2020 at 7:00 P.M. either via Zoom or in-person if permitted.

Streets, Lights & Properties– Sue Turner & Bob Szwajkos

Councilor Turner began a discussion regarding hiring CKS Engineers to evaluate the condition of Borough streets and create a Road Inventory Report for a fee not to exceed $22,500. Council weighed the benefits of having a long-term plan, to guide them and offer direction, with the uncertainty of income tax revenues coming into the municipality during this unprecedented time. Council will continue this discussion at a future meeting.

Councilor Szwajkos discussed the possibility of requiring curb and sidewalk installation as part of the annual road program. Council noted that this would be a change in policy as this work is currently required only as part of subdivision and land development projects.

Councilor Szwajkos announced that street sweeping will take place throughout the Borough next week and a discussion ensued regarding parking options for the public, as many residents are now home in the morning hours and many don't have driveways. It was noted that residents can move their cars according to the schedule for cleaning north-south versus east-west streets. Street sweeping has been shared through social media including the Newtown Borough Police Department's Facebook page and Newtown Nextdoor Neighbor. Information is on the Borough website and will be advertised in the local newspaper.

In response to Councilor Szwajkos, Engineer Fountain stated that the road contractor's punch list to close out the 2019 Road Improvement Project will begin this Friday. The final release of the Maintenance Bond will not take place until the remaining work is completed and approved by the Borough Engineer. Engineer Fountain will be providing her report regarding this matter at next week's Council Meeting.

Zoning/Code– Julia Woldorf

Coucilor Woldorf discussed the Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance (SALDO) at length as it pertains to tree protection; this review is part of the ongoing eCode360 project. Councilor Woldorf noted that street trees and shade trees are synonymous within the SALDO. Joan Grozalis, Shade Tree Commission (STC) Chairperson, stated that shade trees will be planted in the right-of-way unless otherwise directed by Council. Ms. Grozalis noted that the STC would like trees to be protected that have an 8" diameter or greater, noting that this measurement is believed to be used in both Princeton and Doylestown; this discussion will continue at next week's meeting.

Old Business

President Grunde-McLaughlin addressed the upcoming Primary Election and shared information from the Bucks County Board of Elections (BOE) given that this election will be held during the COVID-19 pandemic. The BOE is encouraging younger people to work at the polls since the elderly are at a greater health risk. Voters are strongly encouraged to wear masks and to maintain a distance of six feet. Pens will be provided for the new machines, and they will be cleaned between each use. Voters may wish to bring their own pens, but they must only be black or blue ballpoint.

New Business

Councilor Szwajkos reported that The Advance donated historic books, comprised of their newspaper editions, to the Newtown Historic Association; they are an available resource to the public and are located inside their building on Mercer Street.

Public to be Heard - none

The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,

Judy S. Musto

Borough Secretary


Warren Woldorf

Michael Hammer

Cheryl Goldstein

Joan Grozalis

Susan Markey



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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