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31623000SUMMER 2021SUMMER 2021Young Life's Rockbridge Local Operating Procedures for Summer 2021Rockbridge is working to adhere to the guidelines provided by the CDC, the American Camp Association, the Commonwealth of Virginia, and information from Young Life. Based on the current information from these sources, Rockbridge has created several Local Operational Procedures in order to keep guests and staff members safe. Items included below is an overview of the information you will need in order to make it as easy as possible to get to Rockbridge this summer. If you have any questions whatsoever, please do not hesitate to reach out by sending an email or calling 1-540-997-9276.Every Individual:Each person on camp (camper, leader, volunteer, and staff person) will be screened every day for COVID-19 Symptoms including a temperature check.It is required each person (5 and over) wear a layered face covering whenever physical distancing is not possible or they are indoors (except while eating or when in their sleeping spaces).Each person will focus on frequent and thorough handwashing, avoid touching their face, follow cough/sneeze etiquette, and utilize hand sanitizing stations throughout camp. Campers and Leaders must have a negative molecular test within seven days prior to the beginning of camp, or 14 day symptom screening for the camper and all persons in the Family as defined in Executive Order 72 that have contact with the camper. Campers utilizing symptom screening must restrict their close contacts to those inside their Family as defined in Executive Order 72 for the duration of the 14 - day period. See Pg. 32 of Virginia's Phase Three GuidelinesArrivals & Departures:The camp experience starts and ends at home. Every effort should be made to minimize interactions with the general public prior to coming to camp and while returning home. That is why it is so important that every guest coming to Rockbridge:Has NOT personally tested positive for COVID-19 in the last seven (7) daysHas NOT been in close contact with a confirmed COVID-19 case. Is free of any symptoms prior to coming to campCan pass the daily health screening before you depart your area and during your camp tripCamps will communicate with areas prior to departure:Relevant Camp Operational ChangesPacking list guidanceDeparture screening guidanceHousing/Cabin assignments for travel planning. Travel plans to/from camp (who should ride with whom) are to be made in accordance with your housing assignments while at camp. Please review this link for additional information from by Young Life regarding transportation to and from camp.There is no limit to the number of passengers that may travel in a vehicle (except what is dictated by the vehicle manufacturer).Strategically consider how your group will safely travel to/from camp (Ex: Rest Stops, Meal Breaks, Multiple Drivers)If traveling with parents/guardians, then parents/guardians will not exit their vehicle at camp.Best Practice:?While Young Life does not require an empty row of seats between cabin groups. However; when the vehicle capacity allows for such spacing please consider creating this space. We will not permit any drop-in or day guests this summer.Any YL staff or A-team family members who depart from the local community surrounding camp will be required to have a negative rapid test result before returning to camp.right-965SUMMER 2021SUMMER 2021Isolation & Quarantine:Anyone exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19 will immediately be isolated from the camp community. Anyone sharing sleeping space with the individual will be quarantined.The camp medical practitioner will diagnose if someone is symptomatic of COVID-19.The isolated camper or leader will not be permitted to return to their group for the duration of the camp week and must travel home independently.Individuals who shared a cabin with a symptomatic person will be placed in a "walking quarantine." They will be permitted to move about camp but will not be allowed to interact with people outside of their cabin, nor enter any indoor spaces except their cabin.Cohorts/Cabins:Rockbridge will work to limit the size of both Cabins and Cohorts (not to exceed 25 people per cabin/cohort). Moving around camp and participating in both indoor and outdoor activities (meals, club, rides, etc.) will be done as a cabin or cohort and we will require physical distancing and face coverings when in indoor spaces.Indoor Events:The Rockbridge Staff and Summer Assignment Team will work towards outdoor events as much as possible.If an event is held indoors, the following precautions will take place:Increasing outside air/filtration, seating by cohort, masks on everyone present, physical distancing between cohorts.Entering/Exiting the building - we will assign doors and dismiss by rows, tables, or cohorts to limit crowding at the exits.There will be hand sanitizer available at all buildings.We will work to simulcast club to any isolated or quarantined cabins or individuals.Meals:Rockbridge will utilize both outdoor and indoor meal options this summer.All meals will be served by summer volunteers wearing masks with no self-service options available.There will be handwashing opportunities before every meal as well as hand sanitizer at each entrance and on each table.Tables will be assigned by cabin & cohort and will be spaced at least 6 feet apart to allow physical distancingMasks will be required when not actively eating (entering/leaving/moving around)We will work to minimize the amount of time that campers are in the dining hallShould a camper or cabin become isolated or quarantined, they will have meals delivered to their cabin in a safe manner.All indoor event protocols will be followed for all indoor meals.Housing/Housekeeping:Housing will be assigned by cohort. We are managing the number of campers/leaders allowed per week in order to for us to maintain appropriate physical distancing and quarantine space (if needed). It will be our practice to improve ventilation/filtration as much as possible by opening windows/doors and having fans placed in each cabin.Housekeeping (or those trained by Housekeeping) will disinfect common space/bathroom routinely.Additional cleaning supplies will be available in the cabin so that leaders can disinfect cabins surfaces.Linens - to reduce the potential exposure, Rockbridge will NOT be providing linens to campers this summer. They will need to bring their own sleeping bag (or sheets and blanket), pillow, and towel to camp.Between weeks at camp, all cabins will be disinfected and the air will be exchanged by running fans and opening windows prior to the next camper arrival.31616650SUMMER 2021SUMMER 2021Rides, Activities, & Retail Spaces:Rockbridge will work towards scheduling as many activities by cabin or cohort as possible. In areas that this will not work, we will limit the capacity of that indoor space and require masks as in all other indoor spaces.Any indoor activity spaces will follow the same indoor event protocol listed above.All non-scheduled indoor spaces (store, snack bar, game room) will be disinfected regularly throughout the day.All cabin rides will have disinfection protocols between rides to mitigate the spread of virus.If there is a cabin in quarantine, the camp staff and summer assignment team will work to create opportunities for them to experience certain activities at specified times so that proper disinfecting can occur before and after their participation.Sr. High and Wyldlife Scheduled RidesRopesBubble Soccer/Archery Tag?Capernaum Scheduled RidesRopesZip LineFree Time activities for all groups;Pool – Hot Tub ClosedLake/Water SlidesSwingTowerZip line – Capernaum Scheduled RideFrisbee golfBasketballTennisStreet hockeyGymVolleyballCarriage House – “Carry Out” service only.Snack bar – Served via exterior window onlyStore?Activities that we will not offer this summer:Hot TubGame roomWeight roomHorse ProgramAll information as of 5/7/2021All above information is subject to change as new guidance is released. ................

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