
Minutes of the Shapinsay Development Trust board meeting, to be held in the Boathouse

Monday 10th August 2020 at 18.00

Present - Jean Coomber – Chair, Richard Lawrence – Vice chair, - Adrian Bird, J B Bady.

Also in attendance -Billy Groundwater and Davie Campbell via Zoom. Rachel Chrin.

Billy Groundwater, housing project manager, introduced himself and ran through what he saw as where we are now and timescales. He is happy to join the housing sub-committee to report back via them to the board. He then left the meeting.

Apologies. Martin Garrett

Minutes of the meeting held 6th July 2020 were signed as a true record. Proposed AB. 2nd RL.

Declarations of Interest. None

Matters Arising - we do not need boarding in the attic space on the agenda as Board are looking at other places for storage.

Action log - Ran through last meetings action log to see what progress had been made. Need to chase up mini bus brakes.

Housing Update - Purchase of No.9 was completed 17th July 2020. We have had a Council tax bill for no 9 Davie is sorting out to getting discount. – School House. OIC have been contacted regarding the board’s decision, Luke Fraser is going to prepare a paper for the committee(OIC) for the August meeting.

Smithy Update – The premises will need to be brought up to standard and we need to decide how much we are willing to spend. Davie will contact Martin as the previous manager of the Smithy to see what needs doing. Davie will do a business plan. Do we need a café on the island? We need to make sure that the community is onboard with this as they will have to support it as the turbine will not go on forever and they need to decide what we keep and what we give up.

Finance. –

July accounts – Davie shared his screen to show the accounts and ran through them.

Funding Discussion. Ebikes. Possible to get £2500 of funding to cover transport, booking and advertising costs. Applications close in December.

Community Capacity Grant Scheme possibly use this to help with cost of doing up the smithy as it is for upgrading buildings within 5 miles of the coast.

Website Quotes we only got one quote back from the Orcadian at £3400.00 + VAT to include on line booking facility for Car, Out Of Hours boat, Ebikes etc. as on Email from Davie on 22/06/2020. RL suggested we could take funds from the surplus SWAP fund. Training has been asked for by the community groups, this is included in package. Board decision to go ahead with it.

Broadband update from Rousay (Norse Net) they have put £10000.00 aside for this but the uptake has not been that good. We will not fund it at present but keep it under review.

Wellbeing – COVID update. The food boxes have now finished, we had very good feedback from everyone who used the service. Alison is now going back to doing wellbeing projects. She can hold one to one meetings in the boathouse but only if they use the back door entrance into the office. She is to have a Wellbeing I phone and I pad that she can take to people’s houses to help them with enquiries. Rachel to order the sim cards from Vodafone approx £50.00 pcm. Davie will get the phone and Ipad

AGM – October 2020 email Community Association to see when the big hall is free. Put in Sound when we know date. Post meeting update – provisional booking made for the 19th October it all depends on what the council says and where we are with lockdown.

SWAP Applications – 2 applications were received.

One was rejected

Second one was referred to the applicant.

Boathouse –

Reopen Options, risk assessment carried out by Adrian, he will send an email to the boathouse with details of how the staff can use the premises. When we can open to the public will be discussed at the next meeting. Need to get the door looked at, as it is getting difficult to open.

Fire Inspection Update. Contacted Robertson & Bain Consulting Group they will get back to us mid August to come out and look at the premises and see what we have in place. Post meeting update Booked to visit Boathouse on Friday 28th August 2020.

I.T Provision, We need to make a list of all equipment with a replacement cycle.

Transport Update. Car & Mini Bus - Need to find the log book for mileage use. OOH Boat – Look at increasing the retainer as it has not gone up in the last 6 years. We would need a proposal from Harvey for this. If in the future the prices of fuel etc. should increase we will consider a supplement.

UHI Visual Design Project. email received re; UHI VISUAL DESIGN PROJECTS FOR BUSINESSES 

The Board decided not to proceed with th

SIF Membership renewal due. Pay £25.00.

SDT Facebook page access? Need to look for a way to access this without using a staff personal Facebook account

Correspondence – Letter from Norse Pilgrim Limited, Shapinsay – asking for letter of support.

Board agreed to provide this.

AOCB – Science festival (mid September) Adrian has been asked to be part of this re transport. More details to come.

Shapinsay Sound – Open for community input, due out beginning of September.

Date of next meeting. 14th September 2020 in the Boathouse.


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