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Partnership News Update – October 2020

Universal Credit

UC Sanction Rates

This ad hoc release assesses variation in the UC sanction rate across jobcentres in Great Britain for period August 2017 to August 2019. The UC sanction rate in GB in August 2019 was 2.36%. This report documents the geographic variation in sanction rates.

UC Statistics

Statistics for the period 29 April 2013 to 10 September 2020 have been published on GOV.UK.

New Tool for UC Customers on GOV.UK

Find out about money taken off your Universal Credit payment - This page will help customers to understand debts and deductions taken from UC payments and includes a tool that will help customers to find out who to contact about money taken off their UC payment.  

Debt Management

The Debt Management phone number will be removed from the claimant statement and replaced by signposting to a GOV.UK page. The page will allow claimants to self-serve to find the correct department to contact about their debts and any money taken of their UC. This change is being made to help claimants better direct their queries.

UC Claim Verification Change

When claimants have submitted a claim to UC, if they select ‘I can’t do this online’ they will be taken to the ‘We will contact you’ page, but new content has been added under ‘What happens next’ allowing them the opportunity to verify their identity online at a later time.

UC: Wait for a First Payment Report

The Work and Pensions Committee has produced the UC: the wait for first payments report

Change for Customers Paid Monthly

DWP has amended UC for those who are paid monthly by their employer, and occasionally receive two payments from their employer in one month. DWP staff will have the ability to reallocate a second monthly payment from a customer’s employer into a different assessment period. This change will come into effect on 16 November.

Brexit News

GB-EU Border Operating Model

The Government has ramped up preparations for the end of the transition period by publishing an updated Border Operating Model, which provides further detail on how the GB-EU border will work and the actions that traders, hauliers and passengers need to take.

EU Settlement Scheme

The Home Office has today announced that there have been more than four million applications to the EU Settlement Scheme. This important milestone was reached with eight months still to go before the 30 June 2021 deadline. Nearly 3.8 million grants of status have also been made.

Are you ready for our new relationship with the EU?

A message from the Business Secretary - There will be guaranteed changes from 1 January for businesses as we start our new relationship with the EU, and there are many actions you can take today to prepare. Find out what you need to do by visiting GOV.UK/transition and using the checker tool.


Work and Health Programme (WHP) Job Entry: Targeted Support (JETS) Launched in England and Wales

JETS targets eligible customers who have been unemployed for at least 13 weeks and are in receipt of UC, or New Style JSA. The programme provides 6 months’ support and specialist advice on how to move into growing sectors, as well as CV and interview guidance and opportunities to build skills to get into employment. This is an expansion of the existing WHP. In Scotland, where WHP does not operate, a commercial procurement is underway to put in place similar provision in January 2021. View press release.

Veterans News

Guaranteed Interview Scheme 

Several government departments are starting a new initiative to make it easier for veterans to secure employment in the Civil Service. The new scheme expands on the Going Forward into Employment Programme, and will open up roles at all levels across the Civil Service and in locations right across the United Kingdom.


Amazon have launched a new Military Talent Pool, enabling members of the armed forces community to register their interest in working for them.

Employment Success

Thousands of veterans are celebrating securing meaningful employment in civilian roles, thanks to the Ex-Forces Programme, delivered by RFEA, The Forces Employment Charity. The Ex-Forces Programme is available to all service leavers, reservists and veterans, irrespective of circumstances, rank, length of service or reason for leaving. It offers regionally based, comprehensive career advice and job opportunities.

Lifetime Skills Guarantee

The Prime Minister has delivered a speech on the Lifetime Skills Guarantee. This transforms the training and skills system:

• gives adults the chance to take free college courses valued by employers

• New entitlement to flexible loans to allow courses to be taken in segments, boosting opportunities to retrain and enhancing the nation’s technical skills

Press release

The Skills Toolkit, which provides free courses to help people learn new skills or get a new job, has also been expanded to more than 70 courses in digital, numeracy and employability or work-readiness courses.

Skills Toolkit

The Skills Toolkit is an online learning platform giving people access to free, high-quality digital, numeracy and employability courses, to help them build up their skills, progress in work and improve their job prospects. The courses focus on the skills employers need and were chosen with the help of top businesses and educational experts, so they are a great choice to share with teams. Boosting the nation’s skills is a key part of building back better, as well as supporting staff and organisational growth and productivity.


Further information and guidance has been published on GOV.UK for gateway organisations and employers:

• Help employers apply for a Kickstart Scheme grant (Kickstart gateway)

• Apply for a Kickstart Scheme grant: 30 or more job placements

• Apply for a Kickstart Scheme grant: 29 or less job placements

Employer Bulletin

October 20 Bulletin - HMRC publishes the employer bulletin 6 times a year, giving employers and agents the latest information on topics and issues that may affect them.

The Changing Labour Market

The Royal Society for arts, manufacturers and commerce has produced a report - Work and automation in the time of Covid-19 - that looks at the large number of job losses likely as a result of the pandemic and how this could accelerate the pace of technological change and fundamentally reshape the labour market.

Personal Independence Payment

Personal Independence Payment - Three Way Call Information

The following information on three way calls has been included on the PIP pages on GOV.UK:-

If you need someone to help you, ask DWP to add them to your call when you:

• phone

• use Relay UK

• use the video relay service

You cannot do this if you use textphone.

If you cannot use any of these, someone else can call on your behalf, but you’ll need to be with them when they call.”

This has been included on the following sections – How to Claim, Change of Circumstances and Claiming PIP if you are terminally ill.

Pension, Carers and Disability Services

Video Relay Service Update

Video Relay Service (VRS) has been extended and is now available for people claiming Pension Credit and those seeking support from Social Fund. It allows customers to make an inbound call to DWP via a British Sign Language interpreter using a video connection. There is no need for anyone to be in the same location and customers do not have to book the service in advance.

Coronavirus Updates

Access to Work

The Employers' guide to Access to Work: money to help disabled people do their jobs has been updated to include information about COVID-19.

HMRC Easements

HMRC has increased the threshold for paying tax liabilities to £30,000 for Self Assessment customers to help ease any potential financial burden they may be experiencing due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

Job Support Scheme (JSS) Expanded

Under the JSS expansion, firms whose premises are legally required to shut for some period over winter as part of local or national restrictions will receive grants to pay the wages of staff who cannot work. The government will support eligible businesses by paying two thirds of each employees’ salary (or 67%), up to a maximum of £2,100 a month.

HMRC Bulletin

[pic]HMRC Bulletin COVID-19 Support 9 October 2020  - this bulletin provides further guidance on business support schemes, including recent government announcements. Information can be useful to employers and partners and they can sign up to receive these updates from HMRC.

Bounce Back Loan Scheme Report

The National Audit Office report on the Bounce Back Loan Scheme says - it succeeded in quickly supporting small businesses facing cash flow problems owing to the pandemic. It prioritised one aspect of value for money – payment speed – over almost all others and has been prepared to tolerate a potentially very high level of losses as a result.

Coronavirus and Non-UK Key Workers Report

Report on the UK workforce (link is external) between 2017 and 2019, including those who could be considered as key workers in the response to the coronavirus pandemic. Key findings - there were 32.3 million people employed in the UK workforce, of which 7% were EU nationals and 6% were key workers. Largest number of key workers worked in health and social care.

Coronavirus and Non-UK Key Workers Report

Report on the UK workforce between 2017 and 2019, including those who could be considered as key workers in the response to the coronavirus pandemic. Key findings - there were 32.3 million people employed in the UK workforce, of which 7% were EU nationals and 6% were key workers. Largest number of key workers worked in health and social care.

Covid-19 Fraudster Hotline

In an initiative between government and the independent charity Crimestoppers, the public can now call a new COVID Fraud Hotline (0800 587 5030) anonymously and free of charge to report suspected fraudulent activity.

Clinically Extremely Vulnerable to Receive Tailored Local COVID Alerts – England

Clinically extremely vulnerable people in England will receive new guidance to help them reduce their risk from coronavirus. The guidance will be tied into the new local COVID alert levels framework, meaning those at the highest risk of serious illness from the virus will receive specific advice depending on the level of risk in their local area.

Shelter England Advice During the Pandemic

Shelter England, have seen a big increase in demand for their services since the Coronavirus pandemic began. With the furlough scheme and eviction bans coming to an end, they expect to see even more people with housing issues coming to them for advice.

If you work with customers in need of housing advice, please signpost them to Shelter’s free, regularly updated online advice for fast and reliable information.

You can also download the signposting guide as a reference to understand what services to signpost customers to and when.

You may also find Shelters comprehensive guidance on eviction useful as it has numerous different scenarios.

Support for Businesses and Workers

Support will be increased through the existing Job Support and self-employed schemes, and expanding business grants to support companies in high-alert level areas.

Job Support Scheme (JSS)

• reducing the employer contribution to those unworked hours to just 5%,

• reducing the minimum hours requirements to 20%, so those working just one day a week will be eligible. 

• Employers will continue to receive the £1,000 Job Retention Bonus.

Self-employed Grant

• increasing the amount of profits covered by the two forthcoming self-employed grants from 20% to 40%

Business Grants

• cash grants of up to £2,100 per month primarily for businesses in the hospitality, accommodation and leisure sector

Job Support Scheme

The Job Support Scheme policy paper has been published on GOV.UK. This provides: an overview of the scheme as well as eligibility criteria and conditions of claiming and how to claim.

Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS)


Quantitative research with employers and employees to examine understanding, awareness and customer experience of the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme.


CJRS statistics up to 31 August, with analysis by scheme size, sector, geography, gender and flexible furlough.

Self-Employment Income Support Scheme (SEISS)

SEISS statistics up to 30 September, with analysis by age, gender, industry sector and geography.

Other News

Warm Home Discount Scheme

The Warm Home Discount is a government scheme obligates the UK’s largest energy suppliers to credit £140 discount onto the electricity bills of certain low income households. Customers who get the Guarantee Credit element of Pension Credit will receive a letter by mid-December advising whether the discount will be paid automatically by their energy supplier, or if they need to contact the helpline. The helpline opens on 12 October 2020 (Tel: 0800 731 0214) and people will need to confirm their eligibility before 26 February 2021.

Homelessness Reduction Act

The Government have released their response to the consultation and evaluation of the Homelessness Reduction Act 2017. One of the conclusion is that this has been ground-breaking in shifting the way in which local authorities tackle homelessness, putting prevention at the heart and ensuring more people get help earlier.

National Statement of Expectations (NSE) for Supported Housing

New funding for supported housing pilots in priority areas has been announced by Kelly Tolhurst, Minister for Rough Sleeping and Housing, as part of measures to improve standards and quality in supported housing for vulnerable people.

Stop Loan Sharks - New App

Stop Loan Sharks Team have launched a reporting app that can be downloaded free on the App Store and Google Play. The app is mainly aimed at frontline professionals and provides useful information on how to recognise the signs of illegal money lending, respond to disclosures and where to refer clients to for specialist support. Information and overview of the app is available.

Points Based Immigration System

A nationwide marketing campaign will run throughout the Autumn, using a wide range of channels to reach employers, including radio, social media, digital, and outdoor advertising ensuing businesses are ready for the introduction of the Points Based Immigration system as free movement ends.

The key message for businesses is that the way they hire from the EU is changing, and to recruit from outside the UK, they will need to be a licensed sponsor.

New Domestic Abuse Duty – England

As part of the Domestic Abuse Bill, the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government, is introducing a new duty on local authorities in England to provide support for victims and their children in domestic abuse safe accommodation.

A consultation is running until 13 November on views on the funding allocation methodology.

New Debt Letter Rules

New rules will make debt letters less threatening by restricting the amount of information that must be made prominent and requiring lenders to use bold or underlined text rather than capital letters. Lenders will also now be able to replace legal terms with more widely understood words and letters will clearly signpost people to the best sources of free debt advice.


Impact of Covid-19 on Tenants, Landlords and Rough Sleepers

The Housing, Communities and Local Government Committee has made a further call for evidence on the impact of Covid-19 on tenants, landlords, rough sleepers and homelessness. The consultation closes 27 November.

Warm Home Discount Scheme

This consultation is seeking views on proposals to extend the Warm Home Discount scheme from winter 2021 to 2022. It also a number of minor changes and some considerations around the future of the scheme, beyond the one-year extension. The consultation closes 11 November. 

Good Practice on In-work Progression

This call for evidence is seeking views on challenges to progression in low pay sectors, benefits of progression to employers and localities, and examples of good practice across the country. The consultation closes 20 November.

Disclosure and Barring Service Update

The opening hours for the DBS Contact Centre have temporarily changed, in response to coronavirus related measures. Opening hours as of 14 October:

• Monday to Friday - 9am to 5pm

• Saturday - Closed

Veterans Railcard

From 5 November 2020 veterans, who are not eligible for existing railcards, will now be able to get up to a third off rail travel with the new Veterans Railcard. The new card will be on sale at an introductory price of £21 until 31 March 2021.

Cold Weather Payments

The Government have announced a new £10 million Cold Weather Fund to support councils get rough sleepers off the streets during the winter by helping them to provide more self-contained accommodation. Also an additional £2 million for faith and community groups to help them provide secure accommodation for rough sleepers.

Helping People Follow the Process for Employment Support Allowance Applications

When applying for Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) it is really important people follow the right process so they get the correct benefit they are entitled to.

There are 3 different types of ESA - ‘new style’, contributory and income-related. The type people get depends on their circumstances and it is important they check their eligibility on GOV.UK before making an application. 

When people have established which type of ESA they are eligible for they need to follow the correct application process as outlined on GOV.UK to make sure they get the money they are entitled to as smoothly as possible. 

Please ensure this information reaches all appropriate organisations in your area to help ensure that people applying for ESA follow the correct application process.

Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS)

DBS has published additional guidance on the free-of-charge enhanced DBS checks and emergency checks of the Barred Lists, introduced as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. The guidance looks at the circumstances that must be met in order for an individual to be eligible for one of these checks, and provides a number of example scenarios.


Touchbase is produced quarterly by DWP and is available on GOV.UK providing news and articles from across government for advisers, employers and organisations that help people find jobs. During the current Coronavirus Pandemic, it is being emailed on a weekly basis with the latest roundup of announcements to anyone who has subscribed. These editions are not being published on the Touchbase website at the moment. Anyone can sign up to receive these updates - to sign up click on this link and enter your details.

Touchbase is being produced weekly and is being circulated to subscribers every Friday. Although these provide a roundup of announcements and are useful for organisations they will not be published on GOV.UK [pic] Coronavirus Special - 23 October 2020



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