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[Pages:10]Masterclass with Jon Butcher

Turn Your Life Into A Living Masterpiece

Your Private Action Guide with Jon Butcher

Your Name: _______________________

Turn Your Life Into A Living Masterpiece

Masterclass with Jon Butcher

Welcome to Your Private Action Guide

8 Simple Tips To Using This Action Guide Effectively 1. Print out this guide before the class starts so you can write down your notes as

you listen. 2. Make sure you've set aside private time for this session so you'll be able to

focus and fully receive the benefits of the session. 3. Review the preparation exercises so that you can best set the space and

intention to experience this class. 4. Have a glance at the Masterclass Summary so you know what to listen out for. 5. During the Masterclass, write down interesting quotes, thoughts, ideas, and

inspirations you get while listening -- that way you won't lose the information most relevant to you. 6. Consider how you can quickly implement the secrets revealed in this session. 7. Refer back to this guide after the class is over to fill in any thing you may have missed, or to work on any exercise you'd like to explore deeper. 8. Use the space to be creative, expressive, and honest.

"Make each day your masterpiece"

- John Wooden

Turn Your Life Into A Living Masterpiece

Masterclass with Jon Butcher

Your Preparation Tips for This Masterclass

? This Masterclass will be best experienced in quiet place where nothing can distract you.

? Before starting, take a deep breath. Breathing deeply slows the heart rate and relaxes the muscles to help you have a comfortable experience during the learnings you will go through during today's class.

? Be open to the experience and to the learnings you are about to receive.

Pre-Masterclass Intention Setting Exercise

What was your intention for attending this Masterclass? What are you hoping to get it out of it? Set your positive intentions here. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

"A good intention clothes itself with sudden power"

-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Turn Your Life Into A Living Masterpiece

Masterclass with Jon Butcher


Part 1: The 5 Mental Models

Part 2: The 12 Dimensions of Life

Part 3: Self Reflection

Turn Your Life Into A Living Masterpiece

Masterclass with Jon Butcher

Part 1: The 5 Mental Models

1. What does "Go All-In" in your relationships entail? What does this mean for you and your partner/potential partner?

2. What are the 4 Connection Rituals that Jon mentions in the class?

3. Quickly list down ideas of what you could do for each of the Connection Rituals.


4. What does Model #2, "Living Consciously" refer to? (hint: it's got to do with clarity)

Remember: Your Life Vision Becomes Your North Star

Turn Your Life Into A Living Masterpiece

Masterclass with Jon Butcher

Part 2: The 12 Dimensions of Life

The 12 Categories Of Life: 1. Health and Fitness 2. Intellectual Life 3. Emotional Life 4. Character 5. Spirituality 6. Love Relationship 7. Parenting 8. Social Life 9. Financial 10. Career 11. Quality of Life 12. Life Vision

6. Input is ______________________. Output is ____________________________.

7. Every emotion in life has a _______________________.

8. Vishen and Jon talk about setting goals directly to the state. What do they mean with this?

9. According to the Grant Study by Harvard cited by Jon - what is it that correlates with happiness the most?

Turn Your Life Into A Living Masterpiece

Masterclass with Jon Butcher

10. The way to create a fulfilling and rewarding career is by doing work ________________ and by doing work _________________.

11. Financial abundance comes from ______________________________________ within a financial model that works.

12. If you want the ultimate career, you'll do ..... ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

13. Jon recommends to Deep Dive into one of the 12 categories per month. Which one will you dive into first? (note: what comes up first is usually the best answer)

Remember: Personal Development only works when you integrate and make it part of your daily lifestyle.

Turn Your Life Into A Living Masterpiece

Masterclass with Jon Butcher

Part 3: Self Reflection

The right questions can spur your subconscious to feed you the right answers. So ask yourself. . . How do you feel after the Masterclass? What were some of your biggest insights and takeaways?

Write down the 3 reasons how you believe bringing the 12 Categories into your life could benefit you right now.

~ A Thought to Take Away

Write down a quote or phrase here that you heard in this Masterclass that resonates the most with you. __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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