CREDIT APPLICATION - Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)

CREDIT APPLICATIONNiugini Link Pty Ltd ABN 20 055 415 1311-3 Aldinga StreetBRENDALE QLD 4500 Fax: +61 7 3205 2227info@.auBusiness Contact InformationTitle: Applicant’s name: Company name: Registered company address: City: Country: Phone: Fax: E-mail: Date business commenced: Business No.: Sole proprietorship: Partnership: Company: Other: Business and Credit InformationPhysical business address: Same as above As belowCity: Country: Phone: Fax: How long at current address? Shipping documents to be sent to: [Name] Email: Accounts for payment to be sent to: [Name] Email: Bank name: Bank address: City: Country: Phone: BSB #Account nameAccount #BUSINESS/TRADE REFERENCES (Must be completed)Company name: Address: City: Country: Phone: Fax: Referee’s Name & E-mail: Type of account: Company name: Address: City: Country: Phone: Fax: Referee’s Name & E-mail: Type of account: Company name: Address: City: Country: Phone: Fax: Referee’s Name & E-mail: Type of account: CREDIT APPLICATIONNiugini Link Pty Ltd ABN 20 055 415 1311-3 Aldinga StreetBRENDALE QLD 4500 Fax: +61 7 3205 2227info@.auFINANCIALCan be reviewed at any time by either partyMonthly credit limit requested: Your estimated monthly purchases from Niugini Link: OFFICE USE ONLYApprovedDeclinedDateReasonCredit LimitReview Y / NAgreementI/We confirm having read and understood the Terms of TradeI/We agree to be bound by the Terms of TradeI/We agree that the person’s/s' signature/s appearing below are duly authorised to apply for credit and execute this AgreementI/We hereby warrant that the information contained herein is true accurate and correct and is supplied for the purpose of obtaining creditOnce signed, I/We agree to transmit this Credit Application by mail or fax to Niugini Link Pty LtdBy signing below, permission is granted for checks to be made by Niugini Link with my/our bank or financial institution in addition to trade referencesChange of ownership – I/We shall no later than 14 days prior to any proposed changes of ownership, change in registered particulars, alterations, addition to the shareholdings or directorship, notify Niugini Link of the proposed change. In this event, I/We acknowledge liability for any goods supplied by Niugini Link after such changeSignaturesSign:Name:[Please print]Title:Date:Sign:Name:[Please print]Title:Date:INDEPENDENT WITNESSES SIGN BELOWSign:Name:[Please print]Date:Sign:Name:[Please print]Date: ................

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