Parish Lay Leadership


Finance Council Chairs….Kimberly Schoolcraft, Matthew Barnes

Parish Pastoral Council Chair..………………Kathleen Harrington

Rel Ed Advisory Committee ...Melissa Moriarty, Suzanne Harlow

RCIA ……………………………Ray Breton, Rosemary Thresher

Bible Study………………………………………..........Sue Fratini

Adult Education………………………..Mary Federici, Bob Stack


Rosary Sodality……………..………Nancy Garen/Ursula Tuohey

Social Justice………………….…………….Andrea Cook-Hewitt

Just Faith…………………………………Pat Mack, Karen Scahill

St. Joseph’s Workers………………………………………Fr. Dan

Men’s Ministry Group………………………...Deacon Paul Briere

Women’s Ministry Group..……………………..…..Mary Federici

Youth Group (JPII Crew)………………….………Lisa Laferriere


Cursillo Movement ……………………….………...Karen Scahill

Schoenstatt Movement .……………..……….…Diane Czerwiecki

Boy Scout Troop 821 …………………..………………..Joe Muto

Girl Scout Troops…………………….……..……....Pat O’Connor

Knights of Columbus………………………………Greg Perreault


Altar Server Scheduling……………………..……… Cindy Monti

Altar Server Training……………………………….Jim O’Connor

Baptismal Prep……………………………..…… Lou Mastroianni

Children’s Liturgy of the Word……………….……….Sue Fratini

Eucharistic Ministers/Readers, Scheduling ......……Beth Modlish

Homebound/Pastoral Care Ministry…………..........Mary Federici

Music Ministry – Adult & Youth Choir……………Melanie Peetz

Contemporary Music Group (Psalm 33).………………Tom Fucci

Sacristans.…………………..……..Irene King, Phyllis Chlastawa,

Jim O’Connor, Irene Breton, Karen Scahill

Soup Kitchen……………… …..... Marcia Daly, Sandy O’Connor

Take & Eat Ministry……..…………………………Cheryl Wood

Wedding Coordinator………………………….…..Donna Whelan

Wedding Team……...…Kathy Harrington, Gina Broderick,

Christina Straney, Tina Broderick

Prayer Line………………..Pauline, 862-3885 or Diane, 568-9754


The Parish Office is located at the Parish Center. Entrance is across from the Mary Garden. Hours: Monday-Friday, 9:00AM-2:00PM. Sue is available to greet and assist you.


We warmly welcome new members to join our parish. Please fill out a registration card on the tables in the church and place in the collection basket. Registration and active participation is necessary for Religious Education and letters of eligibility for godparents and sponsors, as well as Catholic School Parish Subsidy.


The Sacrament is celebrated monthly. Please call the Office to arrange. At least one Godparent must be a Confirmed, active parishioner in their parish, attending Mass weekly.


The Sacrament of Marriage is planned by an initial meeting with a priest or deacon, at least 6 months in advance. Be sure to contact the church BEFORE committing to date or venue with a deposit.


The Sacrament of the Sick is administered by a priest, when requested. Pastoral care to the hospitalized sick and homebound is provided by the pastoral staff, and trained parishioners.


The Sacrament with Confession is celebrated each Saturday after the 8:00 am Mass, and from 3:15- 3:45 pm, as well as by appointment.


If anyone has a hospital stay, please have a family member call the parish and indicate whether the parishioner would like to have a visit, or if they would like their name mentioned at Mass during the Prayers of the Faithful.


Hearing Assisted Devices are located near the American Flag at the back of the church.


Low-Gluten Hosts are available at Communion time in the Chapel


Sat 2/4 4:00PM +Margaret O’Neil

7th Anniversary Remembrance

r/b Shirley O’Neil

Sun 2/5 7:00AM +Mitchel Chlastawa

r/b Peter & Phyllis Chlastawa

8:30AM +Robert E., Katherine J. and

Raymond W. Ayers and Pat Costigan

r/b their Family

11:00AM +Debbie Waltein

r/b Cheryl Lafreniere

Mon 2/6 7:00AM +Mary Begley

r/b her friend Loretta Lavin

Tue 2/7 7:00AM +Anne Brock

Anniversary Remembrance

r/b Mary & Dan Regan

Wed 2/8 7:00AM Marilyn Abella – for health

r/b Carlo & Kharmen Saruca

Thu 2/9 7:00AM Communion Service

Fri 2/10 7:00AM Communion Service

Sat 2/11 8:00AM +Theresa Forcier

r/b Roger Beaudoin

4:00PM +William Sarro

Birthday Remembrance

r/b Maureen, Wayne & Stephanie

Sun 2/12 7:00AM +Edward & Irene Sienkiewicz

Birthday Remembrance

r/b their children

8:30AM +Mary Lou Exware

r/b Donald Exware & Family

11:00AM +Frank Labato, Sr.

r/b his Family

6:00PM +David Laferriere

r/b the Laferriere Family


Our Prayer-Line Team is happy to pray for anyone facing difficult times.

To request prayers for yourself or a loved one, please call Pauline at 862-3885 or Diane at 568-9754.


The past two weeks have been tough ones for us in the parish. We celebrate many funerals in the parish throughout the year, and each time we lose someone in the parish, we certainly feel the loss in our parish community. Recently we have had several of our long-time, faithful parishioners pass away, and so it hits even harder. Yes, of course we believe that they are with us now at the “Heavenly Liturgy” whenever we celebrate Mass, but it’s still a loss on the human side for our parish family. I am grateful to have known these men and women of faith, and feel honored to be able to celebrate their lives! We continue to remember their families in our prayers.

And sometimes we can also experience “loss” even in someone we have never met. Mary Tyler Moore passing away last week was certainly a sad thing for many of us in my “TV generation” of the 60’s and 70’s. If you were a kid like me growing up in those years, you lived in front of the TV and enjoyed so many shows that formed us in our childhood. The Dick Van Dyke Show and later the Mary Tyler Moore Show were just plain old good old fashioned comedies that parents in my generation were not afraid to have their children watch. The sitcoms of the 60’s and 70’s were how many of us my age grew up. They formed our sense of the world and gave us, through comedy – a positivity about life! Yes, much of it was “fictional life” portraying almost perfect families which were not always the reality of our society at that time, but they did give us a chance to just be “kids”, and I think that’s a good thing sometimes!

Well it’s that time of year again when we begin to hear so much about the upcoming Holyoke St. Patrick’s Day Parade. Colleen Pageants are held here in Westfield as well as neighboring cities, and the festivities surrounding St. Patrick’s Day begin! I was happy to see in the newspaper the 17 young women here in Westfield who will be seeking to wear the colleen’s crown this year. And as always, we are proud of the young women from our parish who throw their tiara into the ring! This year among the Colleen “hopefuls” are our parishioners – Camille McKenzie and Katie Sadakierski. Both young women are active in our parish, and we want to wish them well in their efforts to become Westfield’s Colleen or members of her Court this year! Good luck Camille and Katie!

February stands to be just as busy in the parish as January was! Next weekend the Parish Social Justice Group is offering a Pasta Supper Fundraiser Saturday Feb. 4 after the 4:00PM Mass, and it looks to be a wonderful meal! The following weekend we will host a Red Cross Blood Drive here at the Parish Center on Saturday February 18 from 10:00-3:00 in memory of Kevin Major from our local community. That same weekend – Feb 18/19, The “Wall of Healing and Hope” will be visiting our parish and will be set up in the Gathering Space. The Wall contains messages of hope and support from families who have lost a loved one to drug overdose. Our own Kathy Sitler is the Drug Task Force Coordinator for the City of Westfield, and she has arranged to have this Travelling Wall visit our Parish that weekend. And finally, to round out the very short month of February, is our “2017 Taste of OLBS” on Sunday February 26 from 12:00-2:30, with delicious foods made by parishioners and available for purchase. And then … its LENT, beginning on Ash Wednesday March 1, with our Parish Wednesday Lenten Speaker Series in those weeks ahead. Winter and Spring really fly by, so keep your calendars close and buckle up!

God Bless, Fr. Dan


Is burning this week in loving memory of



requested by Roger Beaudoin


Is burning this week in loving memory of



requested by his loving wife Helen

Any of the memorial candles can be requested through our parish office. The Special Intention and Mary Garden Candles burn for 1 week (requested donation $10). The Sanctuary Candle burns for 2 weeks (requested donation $20).


The Dominican Sisters from West Hartford, CT will be here this weekend at all the Masses for their bake sale. They will be selling bread, brownies, and pies. These are all baked according to the Dominican Sisters recipes. The proceeds from the sale will be used to buy medical supplies for their mission to support the lepers.


Our annual Parish Men’s Retreat will be March 17-19 at the Holy Family Passionist Retreat Center in West Hartford, CT. The theme is “The Light of Simplicity.” In this age of stress and distraction, we’ll explore what it means to live a simple life and discover true freedom and joy. The retreat includes private rooms, delicious meals, inspirational liturgies, uplifting music, free time and workshops. It begins with dinner at 6PM on Friday and concludes with Sunday brunch at noon. Brochures with registration forms are available in the Gathering Space on the tables with the weekly bulletins. Financial support is also available is needed. We sincerely hope that you will join us for this wonderful experience. For questions, call Paul Lussier at 413-529-2326 or John Strauss 413-562-9818.

POOR BOX DEC 2016 / JAN 2017:


Poor Box envelopes are located in the Gathering Space on the table with the bulletins. Please take one, make your donation, and return it in the collection at Mass.


January 22, 2017

Regular and Development (gold) $ 10,092

Budget Requirement per Week 9,600





Come and join us for an early Valentine’s Day delicious spaghetti dinner on February 11th following 4:00pm Mass at the Parish Center. Snow date February 18th, same time same place!! For the low, low price of $7.00/adult, $5.00/child, and kids under 5 eat free, you will enjoy a delicious spaghetti and meatball meal with salad, garlic bread, desserts and drinks! Tickets are available in the Parish Office Monday-Friday 9am-2pm, or call Andrea to reserve your ticket at 413-427-8323. Proceeds will go to benefit programs that are sponsored by the Social Justice Team. If you would like to donate a non-perishable food item, donations will be brought to the open pantry in Springfield. Your admission also gives you a chance to win a lottery ticket tree. How can you lose?!!


In conjunction with the “SouperBowl of Caring” collections taking place across the country, our parish youth will be at the entrances of the church at all Masses this weekend with soup pots. All donations will support the Westfield Soup Kitchen.



Our Youth Ministry looks forward to hosting our 4th Annual Family Irish Night with basket raffle on Saturday March 11th! Please save the date – details to follow.


There is interest in starting a new Brownie Girl Scout troop in our parish. If you know a girl in grade 2 or 3 interested in joining scouts, contact Pat O'Connor at oconnorp1749@ or call 413-563-7286.


Sunday Evening Masses at 6:00PM

Feb 12, Mar 12, Apr 9

2017 “Taste of OLBS”

Sunday February 26

4th Annual Family Irish Night

March 11

Lenten Wednesday Evening Speaker Series

March 1 – April 12

Girl Scouts

Cookie Sales – Feb 11/12

Religious Education

Confirmation – April 30

First Communion – May 21

Parish Men’s Retreat

March 17-19

Holy Family Retreat Center, West Hartford, CT

Annual Diocesan Men’s Conference

Saturday March 25

Annual Diocesan Women’s Conference

Saturday April 22

2017 Vacation Bible Camp

July 31- August 4

Please join us this summer at Vacation Bible Camp for “Maker Fun Factory”! Kids ages 4 through entering 5th grade will become hands-on inventors who discover they're lovingly crafted by God through music, games, crafts, and Bible stories. Helpers range in age from students entering 6th grade through adults.

Parish Adult Education

On Thursday mornings from 10-noon, adults gather for varying series of faith topics. All are welcome at the Thursday sessions! Please call the Parish office for updates on topics and dates. A new Tuesday evening bible study will begin in February – look for details in future bulletins, or call the Office for information.

JPII Crew – Parish Youth Ministry Activities

As we look ahead to 2017, we are excited about the events the youth group is planning for the new year!

~ Pilgrimage to Rome and the Vatican ~ Trips to area Shrines ~ Our 4th annual family Irish Night, with basket raffle ~ Holy Thursday 7 Churches Pilgrimage ~ Living Last Supper presentation ~ XLT ~ Youth Retreat ~ Bible study ~ Service projects ~ Steubenville East Youth Conference ~ Ongoing fundraisers ~ regular events in the Outlet.

All Youth in grades 6-12 are encouraged to join us, please contact Lisa at olbsccd@ or 562-3450 for more details!


Thank you as always for your support! With your support last weekend, our Youth Ministry was able to raise over $900 towards their upcoming pilgrimage to Rome. We are extremely appreciative for all of the fundraising contributions to the pilgrimage and we look forward to sharing this experience with you when we return!


Do you sing in the shower? Do you still have awesome dance moves? Do you have a unique talent that you want to show off? The Schoenstatt Girls Youth Group is again putting on a Variety Show, Saturday, May 27th, and we would love you to join us! Put together your own act or get together with your family or friends. Please call (413)386-8999 to reserve your time slot for either Wednesday, March 8th from 6:30 to 8:30pm or Saturday, March 11th from 2 – 4 pm so you can show us what you’ve got! Time slots will be scheduled in 15 minute increments. We do not practice age discrimination, so whether you’re young, old or in-between, please consider being part of our show. It’s all in good fun!


This past Christmas, our parish – both our CCD Children and Adults - handmade over 500 Christmas Cards for men and women stationed at Fr. Jim Longe’s military base in San Antonio, Texas. They were gratefully received as you can see from the following letter we received from a soldier who got a card from one of our children:

To the Children of the Blessed Sacrament Parish in Westfield, MA,

I apologize for this letter being so late, but wish to express my gratitude and how much it meant to me to receive your Christmas Card. Not only did the letter remind me of home and lift my spirits, but it also gave me more motivation in my journey of entering into the Church. When things were looking bleak for me in basic training, receiving this letter gave me great hope and faith. Thank you ( ), for the fantastic artwork, and thank you all for thinking of me!


A1C Findley



4:00PM Lynn Nault 7:00AM Alex Trzasko III

8:30AM Sue Fratini 11:00AM Rob Stevenson


4:00PM Diane Wright, Wayne Harju, Rochelle Benoit

7:00AM Rita Hutchinson, Steve Murphy, Dave Trotman

8:30AM Donna Bourbeau, Bruce Campbell, Paul Lussier

11:00AM Lisa Stawasz, Diane Sullivan, Rosemary Adams



Our Parish can earn money on purchases you make through AmazonSmile. AmazonSmile is the same Amazon you know - same products, same prices, same service. Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament (Westfield MA) is a registered charity with AmazonSmile, so we hope you will select us and help us raise needed funds while you make your purchases! Please register at smile. today to help support Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament. Thank you!


Calling All Grandparents: Tuesday, February 7 at 11am for our monthly prayer group and talk on How to Move Beyond Worry and Anxiety in Your Life. We meet at St. Peter and St. Casimir’s Church, 22 State Street, Westfield. Please come and join us and stay for a light lunch. Sponsored by the Catholic Grandparents Association - we are a group of people united by a belief in the importance of the vocation of Grandparents. We assist Grandparents in providing a crucial link in passing on the faith. Grandparents were never as important to the family, church, and society as they are today. For more information call: Alicia at 568-0123.


The Apostolate of the Suffering is conducting a spiritual day, open to all, especially the disabled, sick or suffering, on February 11 from 10am-2:30pm at St. Thomas the Apostle Church in Palmer. The day will include the Rosary, talks, an opportunity to socialize, Confession and Mass, celebrated by Fr. Daniel Brunton, Spiritual Director of the Apostolate of the Suffering. Why do we suffer? Br. Bob Letasz, sodc will provide a down to earth explanation on why God allows it and of the great value which can be found in our sufferings when it is united to those of Jesus Christ. Please bring a bag lunch. Coffee, tea and beverages provided.



On Saturday, February 11th, Sacred Heart Parish in Feeding Hills will be hosting once again the annual Mass of Healing and Anointing. The observance of the World Day of the Sick was instituted in 1992 by St. John Paul II who designated that day – February 11th – the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes – as a special day in which to pray for those who are sick and suffering in any way. Parishes from our deanery (Agawam, W. Springfield, Westfield, Southwick and Russell) are being invited to join us in this special liturgy at 9 AM. The Sacrament of the Sick will be available as well as the opportunity to be prayed over by one of the many priests and deacons that we hope will be there for this event. Following the Mass there will be a reception at the Parish Center. So please mark your calendars and help spread the word to your friends and neighbors.



The Sisters of St. Joseph of Springfield will sponsor an Irish Gala on Sunday, February 26, from 1–5PM at the Castle of Knights, 1599 Memorial Drive, Chicopee. The fundraiser will include dancing, raffles, food (warm corned beef sandwiches), cash bar and music by the Andy Healy Band with Mary Ward. Irish Soda Bread made by Sisters and friends will be sold. Proceeds will benefit the Sisters of St. Joseph. Tickets are $25 per person and will be available at the Sisters of St. Joseph Congregational Offices at 577 Carew St., Springfield during business hours. Contact Sr. Eleanor Harrington at (413) 536-0853 or email: EHarrington@ or Mary Campbell at (413) 739-7563 for more information.


This year’s Diocesan Men’s Conference will be held on Saturday March 25. Brochures for the conference listing speakers and the opportunity to register are near the bulletins.


Also save the date for the 2017 Diocesan Women’s Conference - Saturday April 22. More info to follow.



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