Staverton Parish

Minutes of the Meeting of Staverton Parish Council

Tuesday 1st September 2020 – 7:30pm

Zoom Online Meeting

PRESENT: Parish Councillors: A Dewitt-Bukater (ADB), S Frost (SF), T Glover (ToG), J Golding (JFG) - Chairman, M Nightingale (MN), R Noon (RN), I Weaver (IW), District Councillor R Frost, Clerk – S Porter and 2 members of the public


1.1 Acceptance of Apologies – District Councillor J Gilford, County Councillor R Brown

1.2 Chairman’s Announcements – Concerns from JFG as to parishioners being aware of the PC meetings being held online. It was agreed that this is widely acknowledged throughout the village.


2.1 Declaration and nature of interest – Nil

2.2 Consideration of dispensation requests received – Nil


3.1 Reports from members of the public - Nil

3.2 Reports from District & County Councillors – Nothing to report (R Frost)


4.1 APPROVE MINUTES of the Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 4th August 2020 - It was proposed by SF, seconded by ADB and all voted in favour, that these were an accurate record of the meeting and will be signed and dated by the Chairman.


1. Parish Council Bank Account – Update Bank Mandate and Clerk Online Access – Nothing received from HSBC. Defer to October

5.2 Painting of Street Lamp Columns – The street furniture has been removed by JFG in preparation, and the painting work has been started. It was agreed by all the PC that gloss paint be used rather than matt.

5.3 Parking on the Highway Grass Verges & Footways Signs – Two signs have been erected outside the School, with a third one to be installed shortly. The PC will monitor the effectiveness of these signs and discuss further in October.

5.4 Refuse Bins on Village Footways – A Facebook post reminding residents to take their bins back in off the footways had had no reaction online. There will be an article written for the next parish magazine.


6.1 Traffic Calming Scheme – The pole has been installed by E-On, along with the electricity supply connected. J Vale will now arrange for the Speed Activated Sign to be installed by the contractors. Ian Boyes (NCC Highways) has confirmed that the speed signs are now in place and he will chase up the installation of the gateway at the roundabout end of the project.

6.2 Staverton Hill Farm, Badby Lane, Staverton – Response from Keith Thursfield – DDC have dismissed the complaint received from the PC. The response did not address the concerns raised about the DDC Planning Meeting; therefore the PC have agreed to escalate the complaint to Stage 2. Proposed by MN, seconded by SF, and all voted in favour.

6.3 Barn Access for Tenant – Improved Surface – Following a site meeting between SR and JFG the recommended surface was discussed; this would just need to be spread on the slope leading up to The Barn to assist the tenant. 10 tonnes of hard-core would cost £300 (including VAT). ToG proposed that this be purchased, seconded by MN and all voted in favour. JFG will liaise with SR with regards to the use of his digger and the spreading.

4. Equalities and Diversity Policy – The policy has been produced to also merge with the Disability Policy. SF proposed that the new policy be adopted, seconded by RN and all voted in favour. SF then proposed that the old Disability and Equality policies be deleted, seconded by RN and all voted in favour.

5. Social Media Representative – Administrator Terms of Reference & Draft Policy – Defer to October.

6. Presentation of Parish Charities Annual Accounts – The latest accounts have been received from the Relief in Need and Education Foundation. The Clerk will circulate the latest accounts received from the Reading Room Trust. Discuss further in October.

7. Refurbishment of Seat - Village Green – JFG advised that he would be happy to carry out the minor maintenance works required, with a small budget of £80.00 suggested for materials. The seat, along with the noticeboard and way marker sign will also be pressure washed. IW proposed that this work and expenditure is approved, seconded by SF and all voted in favour.

8. Maintenance of trees on the Village Green – The tree in the centre of the seat (field maple) requires attention; a planning application will need to be submitted for the raising of the crown. Other trees also need some pruning on The Green, and these will be mentioned on the application.

9. Save our Byfield Surgery Support Group – A letter has been received requesting support from neighbouring parishes for the proposed new Surgery. Byfield and Woodford Halse residents are very keen for the application to be approved by DDC Planning Department and in excess of £20,000 has been raised for the additional costs involved. No comments to be made from SPC.

10. Skateboard Ramp (Playing Field) – A letter has been received from a resident requesting a skateboard ramp in the Playing Field. The Clerk will respond and ask what are the costs involved and more information is required on what fundraising efforts will be planned.

11. Maintenance on Tree in the Playing Field – There is a tree adjacent to the climbing frame which requires it’s branches lifting to assist the grass cutting contractor. JFG will undertake the works. Proposed by SF, seconded by MN and all voted in favour.

12. Public Awareness of Telephone Call Fraud – There have been several instances recently of fraudulent calls to residents in the parish. These are attempted fraud calls coming supposedly from Amazon regarding orders, and Visa Security as two such instances. The calls encourage callers to hand over their bank account or card details. Any calls should be reported to the Police and the Bank. Residents are advised to sign up to the Telephone Preference Service to try and limit these calls, as the matter only seems to be getting worse. Information will be posted on the PC social media and noticeboards.


7.1 Grass Mowing Representative update (JFG) – All OK at present. The last cut was very short on the Village Green.

7.2 Highways Representative update (SF) – Any issues should be logged with the Street Doctor service at Northants County Council.

7.3 Playing Field Representative update – Position Vacant – JFG will oversee the Playing Field until a representative is appointed.

7.4 Street Lighting Representative update (JFG) – Two street lights have been reported as faulty and these will be reported to Aylesbury Mains by the Clerk.

7.5 Police Liaison Representative update (SF) – A van was broken into at the Golf Club and tools were stolen. There have also been reports of pheasants being shot in the wooded area down Braunston Lane.

7.6 Rights of Way Representative update (RN) – Nothing to report.

7.7 Social Media Representative (RN) – 12 posts have been posted on social media throughout August with the Staverton Windmill generating the most interest.



|8.1 |Application |DA/2020/0615 |Yew Tree Cottage, Windmill Lane, Staverton |Single storey side extension. Renovation of boundary wall|

| | | | |and associated works |

| |The Parish Council have no objections to this planning application. All voted in favour (JFG abstained) |

|8.2 |Application |DA/2019/0750 |Land At Malabar Farm, A425/Staverton Road, |Outline application (all matters reserved except |

| | | |Daventry |principal means of access to highways) for a mixed use |

| | | | |development including up to 1100 dwellings, a 2 form |

| | | | |entry primary school, local centre (A1, A2, A3, A4, A5 & |

| | | | |D1/D2 including C2/C3 facilities, associated landscaping |

| | | | |and demolition works (AMENDED) |

| |The Parish Council have no objections in principle with the application, however still have concerns regarding the extent of access onto the A425.|

| |Proposed by ToG, seconded by MN and all voted in favour. |

|8.3 |Granted |DA/2020/0625 |Oakham Cottage, Croft Lane, Staverton |Works to and removal of trees within a conservation area |

|8.4 |Granted |DA/2020/0402 |Well Cottage, Daventry Road, Staverton |Works to tree within a Conservation Area |

|8.5 |Granted |DA/2020/0494 |Warwick House, The Woodlands, Staverton |Demolition of existing single storey rear extension and |

| | | | |construction of single storey extension to form dining |

| | | | |and shower room |

|8.6 |Granted |DA/2020/0495 |Warwick House, The Woodlands, Staverton |Listed Building Consent for demolition of existing single|

| | | | |storey rear extension and construction of single storey |

| | | | |extension to form dining and shower room |


SF proposed that the following accounts be paid, seconded by ToG and all voted in favour.

|9.1 |Type |Reference |Payee |Detail |Gross |VAT |Authority |

| | | | | |Amount |element | |

| |Payment |Chq 835 |M Freeman |Grass Cuts x 5 |£ 900.00 | |HA1980 s96 |

| | | | |June/July 2020 | | | |

| |Payment |Chq 836 |NCALC |Training Course – |£44.00 | |LGA 1972 s111 |

| | | | |ADB | | | |

| |Payment |Chq 837 |E-On |Street Lighting |£853.69 |£142.28 |PCA1957 s3 |

| | | | |April-June 2020 | | | |

| |Payment |Chq 838 |Amber Screen & Display|No Parking Signs |£54.00 |£9.00 | |

| | | | |x 3 | | | |


10.1 Website Representative update (ToG) – The website has been updated and nearly all out of date posts have been removed. PC meetings will remain virtual until at least May 2021, but the situation is being reviewed regularly. The PC have are in credit with the Village Hall as they have paid up front for the room hire bookings in 2020.


11.1 DDC – Pavement Licensing for cafes, restaurants, and licenced premises – Noted

11.2 DDC – New Collections Calendar – Noted. Latest green waste collection was missed.

11.3 DDC – New Chief Executive proposed for West Northamptonshire Council – Noted

DATE OF NEXT PARISH COUNCIL MEETING – Tuesday 6th October 2020 - 7:30pm

Meeting Closed: 9pm

Clerks note: Apologies were received from S Russell (SR) by email prior to the start of the meeting.


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