
Reviews to Read and Watch for English 120, Project #2To help you get a feel for art reviews out in the real world, read or view the selection of samples below. For Friday, Oct. 2nd Online:At , look up a favorite CD, DVD, or book. Scroll down to Customer Reviews and read a good handful.Take a look at this website review of Birdman: a look at this YouTube review of Birdman: your choice of one or two more YouTube reviews of Birdman. Look for short ones!Library:In the NDSU Library website, read three interesting and distinct reviews of the film Avatar. (The purpose here in part is to get you looking at periodical databases in our online library.) Follow these steps:Go to NDSU Library online, click on “Research Guides,” then select “Art” as your subject. Next click the yellow tab reading “Find Articles,” and then the item at the very top of the list of databases: “Academic Search Premier,” or EBSCO. When the EBSCO Host page opens, click on “Choose Database.” When the next screen opens, select only “Art Source.” When the EBSCO page opens again, select “Full Text,” “Periodical,” and “Film Review” for the document type. Then type “Avatar” into the search line. You’ll see a list of reviews, with the reviewers’ names--Josh Clover, Andrew Osmond, and Ethan Alter— at the top. Read those reviews.Click here for an optional, amazingly innovative book review on Slate! Mixed-media and interactive! ................

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