Candidate’s Statement of Acceptance - Amazon S3

Workbook - Provide customer serviceCourse number: .............................................................................................Course venue: .................................................................................................Course Leader: ...............................................................................................Course date(s): ...............................................................................................Scout ModuleProvide customer serviceCandidate’s personal details: My Name: ………………………………………………………………………………….............My Branch: ……………….. My Membership No: ………………… My Scouting Role: ………………………………………….Mobile: …………………… Email: …………………………… Address: ………………………………………………………….Assessment summaryNot satisfactorySatisfactory1: Quiz (summative) – Providing customer service2: Exercise (hypothetical) (summative) – Dealing with a complaint3: Exercise responding to a client’s request (summative) – Providing customer service4: Third party report (summative) – Providing customer service in the workplaceScout module requirements are completeSupervisor Name: Signature: Date:The candidate satisfies the requirements for the above module and is considered to be proficient.Scout Assessor / Instructor Name: …………………………… Scout Assessor No: …………………. & Instructor No: ………………….Signature: …………………………................................... Date: ……….. Candidate’s Statement of AcceptanceI accept the assessment decision and agree that the process was valid and fair.OR I wish to appeal the assessment decision:Candidate’s signature: .................................................................. Date: ...................... Note to Scout Assessor / Instructor:When this module workbook is complete, detach this page and forward to your Branch Training Administration Officer. Return the rest of this module workbook to the candidate.This page is intentionally blank – do not delete for printingThis module workbook is to be kept by the candidate as evidence for possible RPLASSESSMENT RESULT SHEETCourse number: .............................................................................................Course venue: .................................................................................................Course Leader: ...............................................................................................Course date(s): ...............................................................................................Outdoor Recreation Common Modules(Cert III)Module: Provide customer serviceCandidate’s personal details: My Name: ………………………………………………………………………………….............My Branch: ……………….. My Membership No: ………………… My Scouting Role: ………………………………………….Mobile: …………………… Email: …………………………… Address: ………………………………………………………….Based on my observations and from verified information available, the candidate can:Not satisfactorySatisfactory1. Deliver service to clients1.1. Identify client needs and requests using appropriate communication techniques and according to organisational policies and procedures. 1.2. Refer requests to supervisor as required.1.3. Identify and anticipate possible problems and take action to minimise the effect on client satisfaction.1.4. Recognise and act on opportunities to deliver additional levels of service beyond the client’s immediate request.1.5. Encourage repeat custom by promoting organisation services and products where appropriate.1.6. Record client details and information as required.2. Respond to complaints2.1. Receive complaints from clients2.2. Establish nature of complaint and confirm with the client.2.3. Implement organisation complaint-resolution procedures.2.4. Refer unresolved complaints to supervisor.2.5. Document complaints.3. Identify special client requirements3.1. Identify clients with specific needs or requests.3.2. Service, refer or redirect client needs.The candidate has provided the following portfolio of evidence:1: Quiz (summative) – Providing customer service2: Exercise (hypothetical) (summative) – Dealing with a complaint3: Exercise responding to a client’s request (summative) – Providing customer service4: Third party report (summative) – Providing customer service in the workplaceThe candidate satisfies the requirements for the above unit and is considered to be proficient.Assessor / Instructor Name: …………………………… Assessor No: ……….. & Instructor No: ………..Signature: …………………………................................... Date: ……….. Appointing your Supervisor:All Supervisors must hold the units that they are supervising.Supervisor for Scout Module - Provide customer service can be a Leader who has any of the following appointments:Has completed the unit of competence linked to this moduleSupervisor’s Details:The Scout Module - Provide customer service course Instructor appointed this person as the candidate’s Supervisor and mentor:Supervisor’s name: …………………………………………………………………………………...................................................Supervisor’s qualifications: …………………………………………………………………………………..............Membership No: ………………… Scouting Role: …………………………………………...........................................................Contact: Mobile: ……………………....................... Email: ……………………………......................................................... Information regarding VET Assessment:On successful completion of Scouts Australia Adult Training & Development modules in Adventurous Activities, candidates may apply to the Scouts Australia Institute of Training (SAIT - RTO # 5443) for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) for units of competence from the SIS10 Sport, Fitness and Recreation Training Package. Candidates will need to request an RPL pre enrolment checklist from their Branch Training Administration Officer. The RPL assessment process will normally occur when sufficient modules have been completed to provide evidence towards Guide and/or Instructor Skill Sets, or for full qualifications at the Certificate II, Certificate III and/or Certificate IV levels.Successful completion of the module included in the Scout Module - Provide customer service, may provide evidence towards the RPL of the following units of competence:SISXCCS201A: Provide customer service Assessment 1: Quiz (true or false) (summative) – Providing customer serviceComplete this quiz by ticking whether the statement is either true or false.Quiz – customer serviceTrueFalse 1Little things such as taking pride in your work,?smiling, being alert and aware, and not being afraid to ask questions to discover the customer needs, can all influence the standard of service you give to the customer.2Upset customers will usually calm down if you offer a sincere apology.3If you know you are right and the customer is wrong, it is right to argue your point of view with the customer.4Customers who complain are doing you a service in identifying what isn’t working in your organisation and why they were not satisfied after participating in your program.5When you answer a phone call, and the customer really needs to resolve an issue with another department, it's your responsibility to make sure the customer reaches someone who can help.??6A happy customer will tell all their friends what a fantastic and fun program you run and this word of mouth is the most powerful and least expensive advertising.7Using lots of technical jargon will make you sound knowledgeable and really impress the customer.8After resolving a customer complaint, the customer will be impressed with your customer service if you contact them to make sure they are satisfied and thank them for their business.9It’s totally unreasonable for customers who don’t speak English and have special cultural needs to expect to be able to get answers and participate in normal programs.10When dealing with an abusive customer on the phone, it's important to hang up right away.11The customer is always right.Quiz results discussed with candidate. The candidate is considered to be satisfactorySupervisor Name: Signature: Date:Assessment 2: Exercise (hypothetical) (summative) – Dealing with a complaintThis situational or hypothetical question requires the candidate to imagine him/herself in an outdoor activity leader situation and to describe the action he/she would take in solving the problem presented.Choose one of the following situations to respond to:Situation 1:You are conducting a full day abseiling activity for a group of young adults. During the lunch break, one participant approaches you and lets fly with abusive complaints about the treatment that he/she has received during the morning which included an ill fitting and very uncomfortable harness (the participant is rather short and overweight), perceived fewer turns on the rope, and others laughing at his/her awkwardness. Situation 2:You are conducting a kayaking activity for a group of teenagers. One of the participants is having difficulty controlling the kayak and when you approach, he/she complains about the craft, the paddle, the muddy river bank, and the attitude of your assistant toward the participant’s accent.Situation 3:You are leading a group of teenagers on a bushwalk. One of the girls is not happy and is refusing to walk any further. When you ask how she is feeling, she complains about a broken backpack strap, that she wasn’t told the walk would be up and down so many hills, and she needs to go to the toilet and isn’t happy about squatting over a hole. Candidate’s notes about how they would respond to situation number.........Response to the complaint discussed with candidate.The following have been identified as areas where candidate can further develop skills and knowledge:The candidate is considered to be satisfactorySupervisor Name: Signature: Date:Assessment 3: Exercise – responding to a client’s request (summative) – Providing customer serviceCandidate is to respond to a client request for information about features and benefits of a program. Candidate will discuss with their Supervisor what follow-up action they will you take?You have received an email from a single mother, Robyn Smith, who has 15 year old twins, Cathie and Jason. They have recently moved into the area and the twins are looking around for an organisation to join. The twins have indicated they might like to get involved in outdoor activities. Robyn wants some information about the programs you run and the benefits that the twins would get by joining and participating in your programs.Write your reply email to Robyn:To: Robyn (’s notes about follow-up action they will take:Response to the request and follow-up action discussed with candidate.The following have been identified as areas where candidate can further develop skills and knowledge:The candidate is considered to be satisfactorySupervisor Name: Signature: Date: Assessment 4: Third party report (summative) – Providing customer service in the workplaceObtain a letter or written report from a Scouting team leader or workplace manager confirming that the candidate provides quality customer service to clients. The report might include the following:Candidate’s role in the organisationLength of serviceNotes on candidate’s delivery of customer service that might include any or all of the following:Correctly identifies client needs and provides accurate information about services and productsReceives and responds to client requests and complaintsIs a good communicator and develops a rapport with clientsDisplays satisfactory standards of personal presentationInteracts with clients professionally and in a non-discriminatory manner to provide quality customer service and resolve complaints.Third party report – Providing customer service in the workplaceThe report was provided by (name).......................................................................................................Position..................................................................................................................................................Organisation.........................................................................................................................................Candidate’s role...................................................................................................................................Third party report is attached.Report and candidate’s customer service role discussed with supervisor or assessor.The following have been identified as areas where candidate can further develop skills and knowledge and these have been discussed with the candidate:The candidate is considered to be satisfactorySupervisor Name: Signature: Date: ................

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