Professional ePortfolio Presentation Survey - Amazon S3

MyCred : Stephanie GrooverDegree Program: Human & Social ServicesCAPS265 - Articulation WorksheetProgram OutcomeCourse Name (where outcomes were met)Brief Description of the projectDemonstrate an understanding of patient/client/customer service needs within the continuum of human and social service environments.English 102-Research Writing for the WorkplaceI wrote an Informative Essay on the role of a substance abuse social worker. It had facts about substance abuse and facts about what the social worker did. Social workers work with patients, clients, customers, and the community. They work in many different environments making sure each individuals needs are met to the best of their ability.Use current technology from administrative, clinical, financial, and operational systems to support decision-making processes.English 102-Research Writing for the WorkplaceI had to write a business letter for my manager of a company. It had to be professional, compassionate, and understanding. I had to inform all the employees of the company that they would not be getting raises this year. I then reflected on the importance of well-written, grammatically and mechanically appropriate workplace documents. I supported the decision-making process of my manager because it was out of her control and she is my manager and I would show her great respect.Use current technology from administrative, clinical, financial, and operational systems to support decision-making processesCOMM 115-Introduction to Information Literacy and ResearchI wrote a professional portfolio plan to help me choose which career path I would like to take. In that plan I chose three careers that I was interested in. I then located and evaluated the sources. In the portfolio I wrote what the salaries were, job growth, job duties, the demand for the job, and what steps you had to take to be able to be in that career. I wrote the paper in a professional written format.Adapt essential communication skills to interact effectively with supervisors, peers, and the public in various human and social setting.English 101-Research and WritingI created an outline on a topic to help prepare for my essay. I researched and chose credible resources. I developed a research paper on successful study strategies for college students. The paper incorporated research in appropriate APA citation style. I created a three-part in-text citation and full reference entry for a source provided by my instructor. I completed an assignment where I revised and edited a paper from my instructor. I also created an annotated bibliography on the topic metacognition. I got feedback from my instructor and peers and I also gave my peers feedback. This is a great way to work on your communication skills.Demonstrate ethical and legal communication techniques specific to the human and social services environmentPsyc 101-Principles of PsychologyWe had discussed a variety of psychological theories, one included an exploration of psychological perspectives on human thought and learning. We discussed ethical and legal techniques in these theories. I wrote an essay starting with a summary of operant and classical conditioning. Then I broke down where I saw the similarities and differences between these two learning theories. I then explained how this relates to cognitive factors in learning such as to observational learning.Analyze and apply contemporary knowledge and skill sets to perform diverse administrative responsibilities in human and social services.SOSC 116-Career Development II learned how to do an effective resume, cover letter, and elevator speech. I was able to create them and turn them in for feedback. I also learned about the different types of interviewing, different sites I could go to and locate jobs, and the most effective ways to look for a job. I took the workplace documents assessment on understanding workplace documents. I reflected on the knowledge and skills that I had gained and uploaded it to my ePortfolio. I have a friend that is a social worker in human and social services. I shadowed her on her job for a day. It helped me gain knowledge to be able to perform in diverse administrative responsibilities. Her job was very important and most of the time she had to work over time so she could make sure everything was done correctly. Demonstrate ethical and legal communication techniques specific to the human and social services environment.PHIL 222-Ethics in Health & Human ServicesI did a professional portfolio on pain management. We were given a few scenarios to choose from. In my scenario the husband didn’t agree that his wife with cancer and severe pain should take any medication. I took the deontological stance. I felt she should have been given pain management, so she could live a fulfilled life and not always be in pain. To prepare for my project I chose my topic, wrote an annotated bibliography, and came up with a plan that I thought was legal and ethical for the patient, staff, and social worker. I then communicated with the staff and with the patient and her husband.Support the assessment of client concerns and available resources to match support services to improve quality of life of the client/customer/patientHUSS 120-Public Health IssuesI created an informative essay that covers the facts on dual diagnosis: Substance Abuse and Mental Illness. This is a topic that I chose because I am very passionate about it. I also chose it, so individuals would have resources available to them. This will help improve the client, customer, and patient’s quality of life. This was a very effective report that I feel will help support the assessment of client concerns and members in my community. Substance abuse and mental illness affects the individual, their family and friends, and the community. I used in-text citations, references, and correct APA formatting on this.Support the assessment of client concerns and available resources to match support services to improve quality of life of the client/customer/patient.HUSS 235-Crisis InterventionI was given a scenario where a woman and her children were being abused by her husband. The family didn’t have power, food, clothing, or any essential needs. I did a report as if I went on a home visit to see this family. I then did a video presentation to the Crisis Intervention team. I explained very thorough how I applied the Hybrid model of Crisis Intervention to the scenario. I also presenting them with a plan for helping with this family. I included the contributing factors from the scenario, as well as what I felt would be appropriate recommendations based on service needs. I wanted to help them improve their quality of life.1263650-546100Professional ePortfolio Presentation SurveyThank you for setting aside time to review my Final ePortfolio Presentation and MyCred ePortfolio. Please use this document to provide constructive feedback that I can use to revise and improve my presentation to support my career goals. Please return this to me by email after reviewing my presentation and ePortfolio.Student Name and Email Address:Stephanie Groover stephanielgroover@Purpose of this ePortfolio and Presentation:Articulate how I met the program and institutional outcomes. Provide an example of how you can relate the KSB’s to the workplace.Reviewer’s Name: Tara BrownReviewer’s Job Title:Certified Alcohol & Drug Abuse CounselorReviewer’s Company Name and Street Address:Counseling USAReviewer’s Email Address (Required):tarabrown@Review ScoringPlease score components of the presentation and portfolio based on a scale below:1 = Unsatisfactory: Missing relevant information; not appropriate in a professional setting2 = Needs improvement: Effort is clear, but more practice and revision is needed to prepare for a professional setting3 = Proficient: Meets basic professional setting requirements5 = Exemplary: Exceeds basic professional setting requirementsPresentation SurveySuggestions/CommentsScoreConfidence: Was the student comfortable and engaging with the presentation material?She was comfortable and engaging with the presentation of the material.40Clarity of message: Was the point of the presentation clear and well organized?Yes, she explained the point of the presentation clearly and was well organized.40Professionalism: Was the presentation delivered in a professional manner, displaying appropriate tone and information?She was very professional and I think her tone of voice was great.40Did the presentation display skills relevant to the intended profession?It did display skills of the intended profession, but she could have made it a little clearer.35Did the presentation align with the MyCred ePortfolio content?Yes, the presentation aligned with her MyCred ePortfolio.40Please use this area for additional feedback. We encourage you to point out student strengths and weaknesses and to offer advice on skills and samples to add: Strengths were she had a good tone and clear voice. She made eye contact and was engaged.Weaknesses: She could have added a little more detail in her assignments but if she did she would have went over her time limit.ePortfolio SurveySuggestions/CommentsScoreDid the MyCred ePortfolio align with the presentation? (Were the skills and items mentioned in the speech available online and easy to understand?)Yes.40Was the ePortfolio content professional in terms of descriptions, spelling, and grammar?Yes40Did the ePortfolio samples demonstrate profession? relevant skills?Yes40Would you bring the student back for a second interview based on his or her presentation and ePortfolio? Please explain: Yes, she seemed to know what she had learned and how she can use it in the workplace.Scoring Total for Presentation and ePortfolioAdd the scores for only those rows that have a cell set aside for a numerical value under the "Score" heading. That is a total of eight numbers that will add up to the following:PointsRating35-40:Exemplary: Student exceeds professional expectations.24-34:Proficient: Student meets professional expectations.16-23:Needs improvement: Student does not yet meet professional expectations but has made a clear effort.8-15:Unsatisfactory: Student is missing relevant content and does not meet professional expectations.Please add the review scores and put the total here:Total Review Score: 63Reviewer's Signature: Tara Brown Date: 07/24/2018 ................

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