Amazon Web Services

Response Template myGov update: delivering a better experience for AustraliansInstructions to SellersYou must use this template to provide your response. Any additional information, including separate options for base software products(s) and hosting platform(s) should be provided as attachments to your response. Refer to in your response.You should refer to the Requirements Document for information about the buyer's request.You provide your response at your own cost.You should:Provide clear and concise answers that covers all the information you wish to be considered by the buyerNot include general marketing material that does not address the requirements or does not relate to the specific requirementsNot assume that the buyer has any knowledge of your capabilities or personnel.You may refer to attachments in your response.Seller DetailsProvide the following organisational details which will appear in any contract. These details should be for the legal entity that would be the seller under a contract.Name and AddressSeller NameTrading Name(if different)ACN/ABNWebsite AddressPostal Address(Head Office)Contact DetailsNameTitleEmailContact Number/sSeller RefereesProvide details of two referees.Referee 1Company NameContact NameEmailPhone OfficeReferee 2Company NameContact NameEmailPhone OfficeSummaryProvide a brief (no more than 1 x A4 page) summary of your response. You should highlight key aspects including how your organisation will deliver the requirements of this request.Technical Capability Explain how your organisation will deliver the requirements of each capability outlined in the Requirements Document. Service Requirements Explain how your organisation will deliver the service requirements. ScaleExplain how your proposal will meet the current and proposed future scale of the requirement.RiskExplain any risks associated with your proposal, including any mitigations, interdependencies and inputs required from the DTA that may affect service delivery. Outline any assumptions used to calculate pricing, and to arrive at the design of the proposal.DesignExplain how your organisation will deliver the maintenance and support requirements.Functional RequirementsExplain how your organisation will deliver the functional requirements.Functional ComponentsExplain how your organisation will deliver the functional components requirements.Maintenance and SupportExplain how your organisation will deliver maintenance and support.TrainingExplain how your organisation will deliver the training requirements.DeliverablesExplain how your organisation will deliver the deliverables including proposing any additional deliverables which would add value to this project. Additional deliverables included in the seller’s proposal should be priced separately.The following elements fall under the deliverable section: DocumentationPlatformSystemReportingDocumentationExplain how your organisation will deliver the documentation requirements.PlatformExplain how your organisation will deliver the platform.SystemExplain how your organisation will deliver the system.ReportingExplain how your organisation will deliver reporting.Security Requirements Explain how your organisation will deliver the security requirements.Capacity Explain how your organisation’s capacity to deliver against the capabilities outlined in the Requirements Document.Clearance, Partnerships and Certifications Provide an estimate of the number of personnel holding each of the following clearances who will be available to deliver the project.Clearance Level[1]Number of PersonnelBaseline Vetting (previously Protected)Negative Vetting 1 (previously Confidential) Negative Vetting 2 (previously Top Secret)Positive Vetting 1Detail up to 10 technology partners with whom you are able to partner to deliver software and hosting solutions of the type required to deliver this project. Include current partnership status (e.g. channel, regional, global, strategic), certification level (e.g. registered, support, gold or silver), whether you have a master services agreement in place and the duration of the partnership. Do not include first tier subcontractors here.?? Technology PartnerPartnership StatusCertification LevelMaster Services AgreementDuration (in Years)??????????List the management systems (i.e. quality, risk management, information management, service management, security, health and safety, environmental systems, etc.) you are using and the current level of certification for each system.Management System[2]Certification LevelExperience Explain how your organisation has the capacity to deliver against the capabilities outlined in the Requirements Document’Key Personnel Expertise Explain the expertise of your key personnel, including the security clearances held by each of the key personnel you propose to deliver this project.Quality SystemsExplain your quality system or provide details of any quality certifications that you have.Work, Health and Safety Explain how your organisation will act in accordance with the WHS requirements.Vendor PartnershipsExplain your organisation’s approach to working with your proposed vendor partners. Pricing RequirementsIn an attachment to your response, provide maximum hourly and daily rates for the personnel you propose to deliver the service. Additionally, provide itemised pricing for any first or third party products or services (e.g. software and hosting services) required to deliver the proposed solution (third party products should be offered as a ’pass through’ expense). For third party products and services to be delivered as a ‘pass through’ expense, outline the margin payable to your company as a separate line item applicable to the third-party provider’s price. Prices must include any taxes, duties and any other government charges which may be imposed or levied in Australia or overseas.All prices are required to be quoted in Australian dollars. Quoted prices for labour rates, first party products and services, and margins applicable on ‘pass through’ expenses must not vary during the quote validity period. Outline any discounts you have applied to your pricing.The pricing and discounts agreed in the initial work order will form the basis of pricing for all work orders issued for this project. See clause 2.1 of the Additional Terms for more information. ................

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