Future of retail operations: Winning in a digital era

Future of retail operations: Winning in a digital era

This compendium explores the breadth of change and risk throughout the modern retail industry.

January 2020

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Store operations


Supply chain




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Smarter schedules, better budgets: How to improve

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1 Relevant population areas de ned as high density (>750 inhabitants/k coverage de ned as area within 30 minutes driving time from respecti

Bending the cost curve in brick-and-mortar retail

Source: Alteryx; BKG; ESRI ArcGIS; MB-Research; McKinsey analysis

Retailers can achieve next-generation store efficiency by breaking down silos and optimizing total cost across the value chain.

Viable market coverage for same-day delivery via ship from store %


Supply chain of the future: Key principles in building an omnichann50el distribution network

As omnichannel shopping is becoming the new norm, consumer and r4e0tail companies must be ready to deliver fast, impeccable omnichannel service. Doing so requires a new supply chain ne3tw0 ork approach.

31 A retailer's gu2i0de to successfully navigating the race for same-day delivery

Same-day delive10ry: Consumers' expectation for same-day

delivery is rising and putting pressure on retailers' supply


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of stocks in the market.


Supply chain (continued)


44 The invisible hand: On the path to autonomous planning in food retail It's not news to food retailers: sometimes your stocks are too high, sometimes they're too low. Advanced planning now gives them entirely new options for solving the expensive problem-- and cuts costs in the process.

50 Automation in logistics: Big opportunity, bigger uncertainty As e-commerce volumes soar, many logistics and parcel companies hope that automation is the answer. But as this second article in our series on disruption explains, things are not so simple.

62 Next?generation supply chain--transforming your supply chain operating model for a digital world In a digital age, most supply chains run on old principles and processes. A few leaders can show us how a new operating model can answer the demands of today--and tomorrow.

67 Beyond procurement: Transforming indirect spending in retail If retailers treat indirect costs as an opportunity for business transformation rather than just a procurement matter, they can boost return on sales by as much as 2 percent.

76 Rethinking procurement in retail For retailers, procurement is no longer solely a matter of negotiating "A" brands. Private labels and verticalization are trending. Advanced approaches and tools help get procurement in shape for the future.

82 Six emerging trends in facilities management Outsourcing, workplace strategies, and technology innovations hold immense potential for companies seeking to reduce costs and improve productivity in facilities management.


94 The end of IT? Retailers who want to stay ahead of the pack and drive business results through technology innovation are rethinking the setup of their IT departments.


Future of retail operations: Winning in a digital era January 2020


Heightened customer expectations, massive advancements in technology, and the rise of omnichannel commerce are just a few of the trends reshaping the world of retail. In an industry already known for thin margins, these changes can increase cost pressures and uncertainty for retailers--all while opening the door to significant opportunities. Traditional approaches will no longer work in the face of change; now is the time to clearly define new aspirations, make fundamental changes to operating models, and rethink MretcaKil. TRheotsaeitlhcaot mmapkeenmdoivuems no2w02m0ay enjoy a sustained advantage for decades to come. Introduction EInxthhiisbpitublication we examine some of the most pressing challenges retailers face and the transformative journeys many are on right now. You will find a range of new perspectives across retail operations, including, store operations, supply chain, procurement, and information technology (IT). As the rules of retail are being redefined, these fundamental areas of retail operations are in need of fresh thinking.

Retail operations

Store operations

Supply chain


Information technology (IT)

We provide a new take on store operations--while flashy technology attracts and engages customers in the "store of the future," the make-or-break technology is actually behind the scenes. That's the technology that gathers and connects data for a seamless customer experience. In our own "store of the future" this includes dwell sensing, RFID, heavy investments in the data lake, and the logic needed to map the customer journey. But technology is only one piece of the puzzle; solving the operations equation also involves analytics, new store processes, and upskilling the store team. Such a transformation can add several points of profitability to the average store.




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