Amazon S3

|Problemset |Chapter Quiz |

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|Introductory |  |

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|Question 1 |The Elizabethan Poor Law of 1601 is the forerunner of how the public has addressed assisting the poor to this |

|Type:  |very day, especially in regard to which distinction? |

|Multiple Choice |Hint: |

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| |Feedback for all |

| |incorrect answers: |

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| |Answer |

| |Graded As |

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| |the deserving and undeserving poor |

| |Correct |

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| |the eligible and less eligible |

| |Incorrect |

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| |women with children and men |

| |Incorrect |

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| |the impotent and the able-bodied |

| |Incorrect |

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|Question 2 |What statement might best fit the most prevalent opinion for why certain individuals live in poverty? |

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| |Answer |

| |Graded As |

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| |They bring it on themselves. |

| |Correct |

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| |It is a Black problem. |

| |Incorrect |

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| |Poor people don't like to work. |

| |Incorrect |

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| |Republicans force them to live that way. |

| |Incorrect |

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|Question 3 |Lone mountain men are celebrated in such films as Jeremiah Johnson (1972) as the epitome of the "rugged |

|Type:  |individual"? What really opened the American West? |

|Multiple Choice |Hint: |

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| |incorrect answers: |

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| |Answer |

| |Graded As |

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| |cooperative group ventures |

| |Correct |

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| |wagon trains |

| |Incorrect |

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| |rugged individuals |

| |Incorrect |

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| |government-sponsored settlements |

| |Incorrect |

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|Question 4 |Why does society shift the burden for poverty onto the individual, especially the able-bodied? |

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| |Answer |

| |Graded As |

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| |It absolves society of any blame and of the economics of remediation. |

| |Correct |

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| |Because much of what society thinks is influenced by Calvinism. |

| |Incorrect |

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| |To encourage people to be moral and so work for the good of society. |

| |Incorrect |

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| |The work ethic continues to influence society's mindset long after explicitly religious rationales. |

| |Incorrect |

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|Question 5 |Statistical evidence disproves which long-held belief about the poor women with children? |

|Type:  |Hint: |

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| |Answer |

| |Graded As |

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| |the many welfare stereotypes |

| |Correct |

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| |solely urban phenomenon |

| |Incorrect |

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| |high illegitimacy rates |

| |Incorrect |

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| |poor money management |

| |Incorrect |

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|Question 6 |Much of the fraud exposed in welfare programs is due to which group(s)? |

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| |Answer |

| |Graded As |

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| |welfare agencies and service providers |

| |Correct |

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| |able-bodied adult males |

| |Incorrect |

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| |honest mistakes by human services workers |

| |Incorrect |

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| |third-party vendors |

| |Incorrect |

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|Question 7 |The Troubled Asset Relief Program, TARP for short, is an example of what kind of welfare? |

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| |Answer |

| |Graded As |

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| |phantom |

| |Correct |

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| |white-collar |

| |Incorrect |

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| |shovel-ready jobs program |

| |Incorrect |

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| |a TANF-type program |

| |Incorrect |

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|Question 8 |Why is a single mother who works full-time a victim of her own "success"? |

|Type:  |Hint: |

|Multiple Choice |  |

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| |Answer |

| |Graded As |

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| |Society also expects her to be a full-time mother. |

| |Correct |

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| |She still cannot support her family. |

| |Incorrect |

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| |Society expects her to be a stay-at-home mother. |

| |Incorrect |

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| |Her work ethic is not in parenting. |

| |Incorrect |

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|Question 9 |Although the poor are perceived in terms of "us versus them," what do surveys reveal about their work ethic? |

|Type:  |Hint: |

|Multiple Choice |  |

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| |Answer |

| |Graded As |

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| |They share the same values of the nonpoor. |

| |Correct |

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| |They are victims of the work ethic myth. |

| |Incorrect |

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| |The poor are just as accomplished as working people. |

| |Incorrect |

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| |The poor are willing to do with less public assistance. |

| |Incorrect |

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|[pic] |

|Question 10 |The increase in the number of female-headed households, especially among the Black urban poor, is often |

|Type:  |attributed to welfare programs. What is a more realistic explanation? |

|Multiple Choice |Hint: |

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| |Answer |

| |Graded As |

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| |The decline in economic opportunities for Black males. |

| |Correct |

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| |There has been a cultural de-emphasis of matrimony since the 1960s. |

| |Incorrect |

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| |Women are more employable. |

| |Incorrect |

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| |Unemployed, unmarried male heads leave because they are less likely to be approved for assistance. |

| |Incorrect |

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|Question 11 |Given the residual approach to government assistance programs, does the social stigma of poverty serve an |

|Type:  |economic purpose? |

|Multiple Choice |Hint: |

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| |Answer |

| |Graded As |

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| |Yes, it maximizes individual responsibility for poverty and further justifies a conservative collective |

| |responsibility and remediation. |

| |Correct |

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| |Yes, people who feel bad about themselves work harder and people who do work feel better. |

| |Incorrect |

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| |Yes, stigmatized people will not seek benefits and so make for a leaner public response to poverty. |

| |Incorrect |

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| |No, it simply makes it impossible for the poor to feel comfortable with receiving benefits. |

| |Incorrect |

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|Question 12 |Of all the various welfare reforms enacted by the federal and state governments during the 1990s, which major |

|Type:  |change might have appealed to both conservative and liberal viewpoints? |

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| |Answer |

| |Graded As |

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| |The shift to noncash assistance removed the onus of welfare checks while adding alternative forms of |

| |assistance. |

| |Correct |

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| |It removed the popular view of people getting free money. |

| |Incorrect |

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| |It alleviated the inadequate response of government welfare programs. |

| |Incorrect |

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| |Both liberals and conservatives encourage self-sufficiency. |

| |Incorrect |

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|[pic] |

|Question 13 |What is the popular perception of public assistance programs into which one contributes (e.g., paycheck |

|Type:  |deductions such as Social Security and Medicare)? |

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| |Answer |

| |Graded As |

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| |They are perceived as a right? |

| |Correct |

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| |They are considered a handout. |

| |Incorrect |

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| |They are seen as running out of money. |

| |Incorrect |

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| |They are an entitlement that earns interest over time. |

| |Incorrect |

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|[pic] |

|Question 14 |Was the Reform Act of 1996 a success in reducing the number of dependent people and lowering the cost of |

|Type:  |public welfare? |

|Multiple Choice |Hint: |

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| |Answer |

| |Graded As |

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| |While cash benefits dropped, noncash grew, especially in response to a worsening economy. |

| |Correct |

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| |The 1996 reforms saved enormous amounts of money and cut red tape as well. |

| |Incorrect |

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| |Means testing resulted in fewer variations among the states in their coverage. |

| |Incorrect |

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| |The introduction of in-kind programs proved to be a cost-saving innovation. |

| |Incorrect |

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|Question 15 |If the welfare reforms of the 1990s met one goal that shows its mixed success, it would most likely be? |

|Type:  |Hint: |

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| |Answer |

| |Graded As |

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| |increasing the ranks of the working poor |

| |Correct |

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| |the few good jobs for women |

| |Incorrect |

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| |the increase in red tape and means testing |

| |Incorrect |

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| |the omission of rural America |

| |Incorrect |

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