Assistance Request Form - Amazon Web Services

right9000-916940001869440-909955Regional Collaboration Committee Assistance Request Packet00Regional Collaboration Committee Assistance Request PacketComplete this packet to request assistance from the Regional Collaboration Committee or one of its workgroups. The requestor will complete the Assistance Request Form. The point of contact from the appropriate workgroup will work with the requestor to complete the Project Support Scoping Form. Assistance Request FormThe requestor completes all blue sections of the Assistance Request Form. Email the request to the interim chair of the Regional Collaboration Committee (RCC), Jonathan Wiggins (jonathan.wiggins@); the vice chair, Rodney Grimmer (rodney.grimmer@); and the committee liaison, Kristina Francis (kristina.francis@).The interim RCC chair will validate the request, ensuring that it is reasonable and allowable. If the request is more appropriate for another UASI committee, the interim chair will return it to the requestor with a recommendation for which committee he or she should send it to. If the request is approved, the interim RCC chair will complete the green sections of the Assistance Request Form then forward this packet to the workgroup co-chair who is the assigned point of contact and copy the other co-chair. Project Support Scoping FormThe workgroup point of contact will contact the project lead point of contact to scope out the extent of support the workgroup will provide using the blue sections of the Project Scoping Form. The workgroup co-chairs may decide to delegate the scoping of this project to a workgroup member who would lead the effort. The project will be discussed during the workgroup’s regularly scheduled meeting or via email if it is more time sensitive. The workgroup co-chairs will solicit volunteers for the request from its membership. Volunteers are responsible for obtaining approval from their supervisor. If no one volunteers, the Executive Committee may assign UASI grant-funded personnel to support the request.The workgroup point of contact will complete the purple section then forward the RCC Assistance Request Packet to the interim RCC chair for his approval. Once approved, the interim RCC chair will complete the green section of the form and return the packet to the requestor and copy the workgroup point of contact, the RCC vice chair, and the RCC staff liaison. If during the scope needs to change during the course of the project, the scoping form should be amended and approved by the chairs of both committees. Assistance Request FormRequesting Committee/JurisdictionRequestorEmailPhone NumberDate SubmittedRequested Workgroup Support? Access and Functional Needs? Emergency Public Information and Warning? Geographic Information Systems? Planners? Recovery? Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems? Technology? Training and Exercise? WebEOCProject TitleType of Support RequestedExamples include planning team member, plan review, exercise development support, and technology review.Brief Overview of RequestBriefly describe the project, anticipated roles of workgroup members and their level of involvement.Indicate which goal and objective of the Houston Urban Area Homeland Security Strategic Plan is supported by this request.Provide the full context of the objective, not just the number. The Strategic Plan can be accessed under the Featured Documents section of the Urban Area Working Group page on the UASI website. Project Lead Point of ContactNameEmailPhone TitleJurisdictionPLEASE ATTACH ANY SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION THAT RELATES TO THIS PROJECT.RCC Chair NotesWorkgroup Point of ContactWorkgroupNameEmail Phone TitleJurisdictionApproved byDateProject Support Scoping FormDescribe the ProjectState the purpose of the project and provide a general description of it, including its terrorism nexus.Roles of Workgroup MembersList the roles of the support personnel and describe the expected level of support for each role. Project TimelineState the anticipated overall project timeline and list major milestones support personnel will be involved with, including expected start and ending dates.List of Deliverables and Time CommitmentList and describe major project deliverables and associated tasks. Express time commitment of support personnel in estimated percent of time required over weeks. Add more rows if necessary. Deliverable Description and TasksTime CommitmentPrepared by(requesting committee POC)DatePrepared by(RCC POC)Workgroup VolunteersProvide appropriate information of the members who volunteered to support this request. Indicate which of the volunteers should be the primary point of contact for the requestor. Add more rows if necessary.NameOrganizationContact InformationRCC Point of Contact NotesApproved byDate ................

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