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Coming Together is beginning

Keeping Together is progress

Working Together is unity

Thinking Together is success

Council Agenda

May 28, 2020

7:00 P.M.

Zoom Meeting


Call to Order ____ P.M.

Moment of Silence

Pledge of Allegiance

Public to be Heard – Please Sign In

Visitors are given the opportunity to speak in the beginning and prior to adjournment, of each Council Meeting. Please limit your comments to five (5) Minutes.

Comprehensive Plan Introduction – Bucks County Planning Commission

• Question and answer period to determine current issues, confirmation of survey and its distribution, likes and dislikes about the current plan, and tentative schedule

1. Identify what has been accomplished since the last plan.

2. Identify outstanding or new issues that have not been addressed and need to be included in this comprehensive plan update.

3. Identify important ongoing borough initiatives that this comprehensive plan should recognize.

4. Evaluate the goals and objectives of the plan. Are there any other values that the community vision needs to recognize? Do “goals and objectives” still work?

5. Evaluate the structure and content of the plan. Is the plan accessible or useable? Were there clear recommendations that were carried out? Is the plan targeted and implementable?

Public to be Heard

Motion to Adjourn


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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