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CURRICULUM GUIDEFor the teaching of7th Grade R.I.S.E(Research Based, Independent, Student-Centered Explorations)SPRING 2017Curriculum WriterMichael Dlugozima, Merrick Avenue Middle SchoolCurriculum CoordinatorAdeline AtkinsDistrict English Chairperson246888013906500Bellmore-MerrickCentral High School DistrictBoard of Education Janet GollerDr. Nancy KaplanPresidentVice PresidentMarion BlaneJoAnn DeLauterWendy GargiuloLisa KatzNina LanciGina PiskinAdministrationJohn DeTommasoSuperintendent of SchoolsDr. Mara BollettieriDeputy SuperintendentKate FreemanDavid SeinfeldAssistant Superintendents7th Grade R.I.S.E. This curriculum guide was created in preparation for our newest course offering on the middle level, R.I.S.E., a student driven inquiry research course. The guiding philosophy of this course is to combine the idea of giving students ownership of learning tools so that they may explore, discover, and share their research. Students will begin the year by learning how to generate questions worthy of inquiry before engaging in the process of research. Students will experiment with different presentation mediums and they will ultimately share their written vision beyond the classroom. The course is inspired from recent trends in education including Google’s Genius Hour, TED Ed, and the work of Sugata Mitra’s SOLE sessions. According to Mitra, “A Self-Organized Learning Environment, or SOLE, can exist anywhere there is a computer, Internet connection, and students who are ready to learn. Within a SOLE, students are given the freedom to learn collaboratively using the internet. An educator or {student} poses a Big Question and students form small groups to find an answer.” In order to support this course, thirty-five mini-lessons and guiding activities have been created in four broad categories to develop students’ research skills. These include: Research Skills, Writing Skills, Digital Literacy Skills, and Presentation Skills. Teachers are encouraged to explore this curriculum guide, and to adopt, adapt or find inspiration to design their own lessons. These lessons should serve as a springboard for collegial discussions about determining the best approach and course of action for the delivery of each lesson and the development of each research skill. Table of ContentsR.I.S.E. Table of SkillsSEARCHABLE ELA STANDARDS ?NOTE: Lessons are organized by skill in the table below. ?Click here to view SUGGESTED LESSON ORDER as the sequence varies slightly out of necessity. RESEARCHSKILLSWRITINGSKILLSDIGITALLITERACYSKILLSPRESENTATIONSKILLSTraditional Skills:?--Selecting a Topic: What Are You Passionate About?Why Do You Want Others to Learn This??--Narrowing Down a Topic?--If You Don’t Know What You’re Looking For, You’ll Never Find It: Why You Need a Plan of Attack Before Starting Your Research ??--Using the Right Search Terms?--Using Databases Before Using Google?--When Venturing Outside of Databases, How Can You Tell if a Website is Reliable??--Objective Sources vs. Subjective Sources?--Citing Sources for a Works Cited Page?--Citing Sources using Internal Citations??Non-Traditional Skills:?--Crowdsourcing for Data and Information?--Reaching Out to Experts: Voluntary School Mentor Network??Traditional and Non-Traditional Research Skills Ongoing Summative Assignment--Big Questions: The School in the Cloud?Commentary Skills:?--How to Write Helpful and Meaningful Feedback to Help Your Classmates Achieve their Potential??Traditional Writing Skills: ?--Writing a Traditional Research Essay?Process Analysis Skills:?--Hypothesizing Necessary Process Steps?--Predicting Obstacles to Create a Research-Based Project Using a Nontraditional Format??Formats:?--Selecting Your Topic to Determine What Format will Best Get Your Message Across to Your Intended Audience?--Script Format forany Visual Media?--Short Documentary Film?--Short-Subject Movie?--Graphic Novels(Words for Pictures)?--Podcasts?--Art Exhibit Description?--Writing for ChangeTo Government Officials(Letter for “Julie’s Jungle”)?--Event?--Teaching about an Area in which You Are an Expert??--Student-Generated Format RequirementsAudience:?--Tone and Language?--Blog to keep a record of progress using I-Search Style Inquiry and as a method of presenting explorations about a topic about which you are passionate?--Google Classroom “INTRANET” for keeping an ongoing student generated Q and A and F.A.Q.?--Google Docs Comments?--Podcasts and the Audacity Recording / Editing Program??--MS Moviemaker for filming scripts?--SKYPE for communicating with experts???Sharing the Project:--How to Share Your Project with the School / Community / World?Sharing the Entire Journey:?--Elements of Successful TED Talks?--Organizing the Story You Want to Tell About Your Findings?--Basic Public Speaking Skills?--Auditorium Public Speaking Skills?--Incorporating Audio-Visual Elements into a TED Talk??????APPENDIX:--Video Introductions for Each Category and Sub-Category to Explain How it fits in the Overall??Scheme of the Class--Student Guidebook Format--Student Blog Format--Student Feedback Format--Student Project Benchmarks--Guest Speaker Presentation Format--Individual/Team S.O.L.E. Search FormatR.I.S.E. Suggested Lesson OrderNOTE: Lessons are organized on this page by the suggested sequence. ?To create a different sequence, click here to view the TABLE OF SKILLS.RESEARCH SKILLS UNITS: TRADITIONAL and NON-TRADITIONAL RESEARCH SKILLSOverview / Rationale: While the overall goal of R.I.S.E. is to give students the opportunity to take research beyond the traditional research paper, students will require a firm grounding in traditional research skills in order to accomplish this.1. --Individual Student-Maintained Blogs. Students will use these blogs to keep a record of progress using I-Search / S.O.L.E. Search-Style Inquiry and as a method of presenting explorations and conclusions they draw about topics about which they are passionate.2. --Selecting a Topic: What Are You Passionate About?Why Do You Want Others to Learn This?3. --Narrowing Down a Topic4. --If You Don’t Know What You’re Looking For, You’ll Never Find It: Why You Need a Plan of Attack Before Starting Your Research 5. --Using the Right Search Terms6. --Using Databases Before Using Google7. --When Venturing Outside of Databases, How Can You Tell if a Website is Reliable?8. --Objective Sources vs. Subjective Sources9. --Citing Sources for a Works Cited Page10. --Citing Sources using Internal Citations11. --Crowdsourcing for Data and Information12. --Reaching Out to Experts: Voluntary School Mentor Network13.--Google Classroom “INTRANET” for keeping an ongoing student-generated Q and A and F.A.Q.14. --Big Questions: The School in the CloudWRITING SKILLS UNITS:THE TRADITIONAL RESEARCH ESSAY and COMMENTARY WRITINGOverview / Rationale: Another goal of the R.I.S.E. course is to provide students with the opportunity to become more independent learners by helping them to improve their own research and writing skills through commenting on each other’s research writing.15. How to Write Helpful and Meaningful Feedback to Help Your Classmates Achieve their Potential16. Writing a Traditional Research Essay17. Google Docs CommentsWRITING SKILLS UNITS:PROCESS HYPOTHESISOverview / Rationale: Unlike structured research in which a teacher assigns a particular topic (or selection of topics) and requires the assignment to be written in a particular format, the research, purpose, and form that this research will take is more open-ended. ?As such, students need to be able to develop higher-level planning skills in order to start a process, make adjustments during the course of that process, and to complete that process.18. Hypothesizing Necessary Process Steps19. Predicting Obstacles to Create a Research-Based Project Using a Nontraditional FormatNONTRADITIONAL RESEARCH WRITING FORMATSOverview / Rationale: During this unit students will be exposed to a variety of writing formats that, while are not necessarily themselves research papers, still require extensive research regarding how to properly follow a particular format, as well as research about the content of the writing itself. ?During each of these mini-lessons, students will use Handout 19-2 from Lesson 19 in order to document their learning and in order to make a decision about the research direction that they will pursue. ?This would also be an ideal time to invite guest speakers either in person or via skype who have created work in these formats. 20. Selecting Your Topic to Determine What Format Will Best Get Your Message Across to Your Intended Audience21. Script Format for any Visual Media22. Short Documentary Film23. Short Subject Movie24. Graphic Novel25. Podcast26. Curated Art Exhibition 27. Community Service Project--Writing for Change to Government Officials?????(Letter for “Julie’s Jungle”)28. Event29. Teaching about an Area in which You Are an ExpertSHARING YOUR R.I.S.E. JOURNEY*Overview / Rationale: During this final unit, students will learn the essential skills for creating and presenting their own TED Talks in the school auditorium. ?Keeping in the spirit of R.I.S.E., the TED Talks will be entirely student-driven and provide students of varying ability levels and skill sets to shine. ??Students will have the opportunity to present based on the following options: 1. The most valuable lessons they learned during R.I.S.E., 2. Their experience seeing through from start to finish one of the major research projects from the previous unit, or 3. Lessons from a brand new research project that they initiate. 30. Elements of Successful TED Talks31. Locking in Your Presentation Topic32. Framing Your Findings with a Story33. Basic Public Speaking Skills34. Auditorium Public Speaking Skills35. Incorporating Audio-Visual Elements into a Successful TED Talk*Adapted from TED-ED Club’s “Extra Resources for TED-ED Clubs” and “Idea Book”GRADE LEVEL:7Unit: Course Introduction to Traditional and Nontraditional Research SkillsAFTERWORDA CHALLENGER.I.S.E. is designed to be the first of many leaps that middle school students--and the course itself--should take. ?R.I.S.E. is centered on giving students the tools they will need to explore beyond the classroom independently. ?But, that is only the first step. ?Beyond the article I read by chance one early morning in Wired ?magazine about Sugata Mitra, beyond the District’s desire to create an English elective class, and beyond the initial concept of a research-based course mixed with Google’s Genius Hour presented by our English department chairpeople, what allowed this course to form was the district’s willingness to support their teachers and chairpeople in having time to talk and think, to which I am tremendously grateful. ?We were able to throw ideas around, and--the key moment--I was allowed to go off script and write and draw how it all could come together while other important discussions about the course’s content continued. ?R.I.S.E. the idea, therefore, came into being in exactly the same manner that R.I.S.E. the course should be run: base each of the lessons on sound research, guide the students (just as I received guidance from my department chairperson to shape and sharpen some intangible concepts into reality), but then give them the opportunity and the trust to run wherever inspiration takes them. ?Inspiration can, and should, take them beyond the descriptions of this course on paper. ???Imagine what might happen if R.I.S.E. students could be given the opportunity to ?collaborate with students from both middle schools, students in our high schools, our M.A.P. program, or even alumni, in order to contribute innovative thinking and make concrete contributions to our schools, the Bellmore-Merrick community, or even local or national philanthropic organizations? ??At the same time, by necessity and by our design, they can learn to work with those who are different from themselves in an environment in which beautiful ideas are the common ground. ?What a lesson this could teach the world! And, this can and will happen because, as Bellmore-Merrick educators, we will continue to be willing to take new risks and help our students R.I.S.E.! ?Skill: Creating a website to document research findings and growth throughout the course.??Lesson 1Three Class Periods??Aim: How can you use a website to document your research journey throughout the course??Common Core Learning Standards:StandardGradeStandard NumberW72W76W78?Objective: Students will be able to create a blog on a website creation site, such as Weebly for Education. They will create their own websites to document what they are learning throughout the course. ?Motivation:Students will examine excerpts from Leonardo Da Vinci’s journals.?Instructional Materials:ChromebooksExcerpts from Leonardo Da Vinci’s journalsHandout 1-1Weebly for EducationHandout 1-2?Procedures and Pivotal Questions:1. Students will explore Leonardo Da Vinci’s notebook and answer the questions on Handout 1-1.?2. Students will then use Handout 1-2 to create a website that they will use throughout the course to chart their thoughts and share their findings. ?They will, in essence, be creating their own versions of a modern Da Vinci’s journal. NOTE: TEACHER MUST CREATE STUDENT ACCOUNTS ON “WEEBLY FOR STUDENTS” PRIOR TO THE LESSON. ?Each student-created website will be secure and password-protected so that only the teacher and the rest of the class will have viewing access.?Summary: How can keeping a running live document of your thoughts help you in your research journey?Name:______________________________Date:_______________________________Period:_____________________ ?odd/even?R.I.S.E. Lesson 1 Handout 1-1?Directions: Answer the questions that follow using complete sentences.??1. Read this introduction to Leonardo Da Vinci’s notebook from the British Library. ??The Leonardo Notebook“‘This is to be a collection without order, drawn from many papers, which I have copied here, hoping to arrange them later each in its place, according to the subjects of which they treat.'” --Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519)?“Leonardo is describing how, in the house of Piero di Braccio Martelli in Florence, in the year 1508, he began the collection of short treatises, notes and drawings, which now makes up the Leonardo Notebook in the British Library. The manuscript, in Italian, is written in Leonardo's characteristic 'mirror writing', left-handed and moving from right to left. The notebook was not originally a bound volume, but was put together after Leonardo's death from loose papers of various types and sizes. Many of the pages were written in 1508; others come from different periods in Leonardo's life, covering practically the whole of his career. The range of subjects - from mechanics to the flight of birds - demonstrates Leonardo's almost compulsive intellectual curiosity about scientific and technical matters” (British Library Arundel MS 263).?2. Now, browse through actual pages from Leonardo’s notebook by clicking on this link. ?You can navigate and enlarge the pages by using the toolbar at the bottom of the website.?3. What do Da Vinci’s different journal entries seem to have in common??______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________????4. What methods does Da Vinci use to document his thoughts in this journal???______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?5. How do you think that he benefitted from keeping track of all of his ideas and findings???______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________??6. How can we use a website today to accomplish the same goals that Da Vinci had for ourselves???______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________Name:______________________________Date:_______________________________Period:_____________________ ?odd/even?R.I.S.E. Lesson 1 Handout 1-2?Directions: In order to create the website that you will be using throughout this course, you must follow each of the instructions below carefully. ?You will not be approved to “Go Live” until you meet all of the criteria exactly.?PART ONE--The Boring Technical Stuff.1. Go to ?the Weebly for Education Student Login Page.?2. Use the username and password that I have assigned to you. ?In most cases, your username is your first name and last name without any spaces or capitalization. ??The username for “Joseph Studentsky” would be: josephstudentsky. ?The password for all students is: rise2017.?3. Once you complete the login process, the website will ask you to create your “website domain.” ?This will become the address of your website. ?So that I can keep track of your work, it is important that you name your domain according to the following format without skipping any spaces:?first initial last initial rise period # odd/even.?If Joseph Studentsky has my class first period on even days, his domain would be:?jsrise1even?******************************************************************************?PART TWO--The Fun Creative StuffThere is no correct order for designing your website. ?As long as your website includes the required R.I.S.E. features, you may set it up however you wish in the order that you wish.?Required R.I.S.E. Student Website Features--a TITLE at the top of the page related to searches, journeys, and explorations of the mind--a page THEME related to searches, journeys, and explorations of the mind --a section with some BACKGROUND about you (favorite things, foods, activities, etc.)--a BLOG where you will be documenting what you learn--LINKS to websites where you find information related to your research?Summary and Definitions of Required Weebly Website Builder TabsBUILD--this is where you set up where everything is arranged on your websiteTHEME--this is where you design the style of your website. ?You may choose from ready-made themes called TEMPLATES or you may create your own from scratch.??Summary and Definitions of Important Page Elements on the BUILD Tab*NOTE: Simply drag the element to where you want it to appear on your webpage.TITLE--a heading written in larger letters. ?Use this to help the reader find different sections on the page.TEXT--anything that you are typing. ?You will use this the most anytime you need to type sentences.IMAGE--pictures. ?These can be your own photos or ones that you find online about your journey.GALLERY--a group of related pictures.SLIDESHOW--a presentation of related pictures that advances automatically.GRADE LEVEL:7 Unit: Traditional Research Skills?Skill: Brainstorming a Research Topic that Matters to You??Lesson 2 One Class Period??Aim: What message do you want to communicate to your audience??Objective: Students will be able to employ traditional methods (listing and mapping) for brainstorming a topic about which they are passionate.?Common Core Learning Standards:StandardGradeStandard NumberSL77.1W77.7?Motivation:”What Really Matters?” video by Mike Dlugozima ??Instructional Materials:”What Really Matters?”Handout 2-1Handout 1-2?Procedures and Pivotal Questions:Students will view “What Really Matters?” and discuss: How can students be teachers? ?What are the challenges of choosing your own topic? ?What really matters to you?Think Aloud: Why are you passionate about this topic? ?Why do you want others to learn this? The teacher will model how to brainstorm answers to these two questions about a topic that matters to him/her.Students will brainstorm the answers to these two questions silently by brainstorming potential topics on Handout 2-1. Students will then map concepts associated with this topic on Handout 2-2.?Summary:1. Students will share their topics with the class. ?2. Blog Entry #1: Why does your topic matter?Blog Format: ?--TITLE: Date + (Optional Title)--TEXT BOX: Response using grammatically complete sentences.--(Optional IMAGE): Include a picture with caption related to the day’s ??discoveriesName:______________________________Date:_______________________________Period:_____________________ ?odd/even?Lesson 2 Handout 2-1: What Really Matters??In the chart below, without editing yourself, make a list of the people, places, things, ideas / beliefs, feelings, and memories that are the most important to you.?People???? ?Places?????Things?????Ideas / Beliefs?????Feelings?????Memories?????Name:______________________________Date:_______________________________Period:_____________________ ?odd/even?R.I.S.E. Lesson 2 Handout 2-2?Choose one of the items that you listed and write it in the rectangle below. ?Then, add branches with why you are passionate about this topic, any of the five senses related to this topic, as well as anything else that you associate with it. ?[NOTE: You may repeat this exercise as often as necessary. ?Just ask for another handout and we can staple it right to your packet.]???????????The Topic that Matters Most to Me?????GRADE LEVEL:7 Unit: Traditional Research Skills Skill: Narrowing down a topic.?Lesson 3 One Class Period??Aim: How can you decide which topic has the potential for deep research??Objective: Students will be able to narrow down their topic choices to the one that has the greatest potential for detailed inquiry.?Common Core Learning Standards:StandardGradeStandard NumberSL77.1W77.7?Motivation:Using Handout 3-1, students will answer: You’re in charge of barbecuing a meal for the entire school. ?How do you choose which meat would work the best? ??Instructional Materials:Handout 2-2Handout 3-1Handout 3-2 ??Procedures and Pivotal Questions:Students will choose between a picture of 1lb of steak and the Gigantic Brontosaurus Burger from the Flintstones. ?They will then write to justify their choices. ?Just as Fred Flinstone’s favorite meal has the most meat to feed a school, you want a topic with enough meat to feed your readers. ?It is, therefore, important to test out multiple topics prior to locking in on your final choice.Students will complete additional copies of Handout 2-2 about 3-4 other topics that they listed in Handout 2-1.Students will Think/Pair/Share to discuss their maps of potential topics.Students will reflect in writing on Handout 3-2 about which topic they found it easier to continue the conversation with their partners--i.e.: which topic had the most meat??Summary:Students will share the topic on which they are locking in. ?They will create a post on their blog about the topic, why they have chosen it, and how they arrived at that decision.Name:______________________________Date:_______________________________Period:_____________________ ?odd/even?R.I.S.E. Lesson 2 Handout 2-2?Choose one of the items that you listed and write it in the rectangle below. ?Then, add branches with why you are passionate about this topic, any of the five senses related to this topic, as well as anything else that you associate with it. ?[NOTE: You may repeat this exercise as often as necessary. ?Just ask for another handout and we can staple it right to your packet.]???????????The Topic that Matters Most to Me?????Name:______________________________Date:_______________________________Period:_____________________ ?odd/even?R.I.S.E. Lesson 3 Handout 3-1?You’re in charge of barbecuing ?a meal for the entire school. ?How do you choose which meat would best be suited to the task? ?Why??CHOICE A: ??CHOICE B: ???______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________Name:______________________________Date:_______________________________Period:_____________________ ?odd/even?R.I.S.E. Lesson 3 Handout 3-2?Reflect: Out of all of the topics that you discussed with your partner, which one had the most meat? ?What in particular could you discuss in the greatest depth? ?Why??______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________??______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________??______________________________________________________________________________GRADE LEVEL:7 Unit: Traditional Research Skills ?Skill: Composing thoughtful questions to aid research and discovery ???Lesson 4 One Class Period??Aim: Why do you need a plan of attack for your research topic??Common Core Learning Standards:StandardGradeStandard NumberSL77.1W77.7?Objective: Students will be able to articulate what they will be trying to discover about their chosen topics.?Motivation:Students will watch this clip from the television version of “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” . Background: Millennia ago, an ancient society, created a supercomputer. ?They programmed it to answer “The ultimate question to life, the universe, and everything.” ?Now, generations later, the computer gives two researchers an answer, but they cannot comprehend what the computer is telling them because they never formulated a solid question.?Instructional Materials:--“The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” Clip--Handout 4-1?Procedures and Pivotal Questions:After watching the clip, students will Think/Pair/Share to reflect on the following questions: Why are the two researchers disappointed by the answer given to them by the Deep Thought computer? ?What exactly is wrong with the question that they asked it? ??What would have been a better way of phrasing the question? ?Just as the two researchers found out, if you do not word your questions properly ahead of time, your research will not yield the answers for which you are searching no matter how long you work.Students will complete Handout 4-1 to create specific questions to prepare for beginning their research successfully.Students will circulate around the room to get feedback from each other to evaluate the following: Which of your questions are the most succinct? ?Which questions need to be reworded to yield better results?Students will revise questions as necessary.?Summary: Based on feedback from the class and based on their revisions, students will share what they feel will be their most successful research questions and why. ?They will then create a post on their blog about this.Name:______________________________Date:_______________________________Period:_____________________ ?odd/even?R.I.S.E. Lesson 4 Handout 4-1?1. Please write the topic that you selected at the end of Lesson 2 below.??______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________??2. What specific things do you already know about this topic??______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?3. Please complete as many lines of the chart as possible:INFORMATION THAT I HOPE TO FIND OUT ABOUT MY TOPIC[NOTE: Please Phrase as a HOW or WHY Question.]1.?2.?3.?4.?5.?6.?7.?8.?9.?10.???GRADE LEVEL:7 Unit: Traditional Research Skills ?Skill: Generating Keyword Search Terms??Lesson 5 ? Class Period??Aim: Why are keywords necessary if you already know your research questions???Common Core Learning Standards:StandardGradeStandard NumberSL77.1W77.8?Objective: Students will be able to generate the keywords required for getting the best research results. ?Motivation:Students will view the “Search Keywords Tutorial” that outlines how to transform research questions into keyword search terms. ??Instructional Materials:“Search Keywords Tutorial”Handout 5-1Handout 5-2?Procedures and Pivotal Questions:After viewing the video, students will Think/Pair/Share to answer questions about the nature of keywords, the importance of thinking of keywords that have similar meanings, and the difference between a broad search and a narrow search. Handout 5-1. Students will then use Handout 5-2 in order to brainstorm potential keyword searches related to their chosen topics.?Summary:Why is it so important to use and change search keywords? ?They will then create a post on their blog about this, as well as about which keywords they feel will be the most successful for their research. Name:______________________________Date:_______________________________Period:_____________________ ?odd/even?R.I.S.E. Lesson 5 Handout 5-1?Directions: Please answer the following questions after viewing “Search Keywords Tutorial”.?1. Which research question is more effective: What is up with fast food? ?or What are the health effects of fast food? ?Explain why.?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?2. Why does the researcher in the video change his search terms from What are the health effects of fast food? to fast food effects health??______________________________________________________________________________?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________??3. Why does the researcher change his search terms from fast food effects health to fast food effect health??______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________??4. Why does the researcher write fast food, convenience foods, junk food, high fat diet andhealth, obesity, disease, medical costs???______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________??5. What is the difference between a Broad Database Search and a Narrow Database Search? ?How does the researcher achieve the two results??______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________Name:______________________________Date:_______________________________Period:_____________________ ?odd/even?R.I.S.E. Lesson 5 Handout 5-2?1. Please write the topic that you selected at the end of Lesson 2.?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?2. In the chart below, please list as many Broad Database Keyword Searches and Narrow Database Keyword Searches as you can.??Broad Database Keyword SearchNarrow Database Keyword Search1.?2.?3.?4.?5.?6.?7.?8.?9.?10.??GRADE LEVEL:7 Unit: Traditional Research Skills ?Skill: How to Use Databases??Lesson 6Two Class Periods??Aim: Why is it more important to use databases for research before using Google??Objective: Students will be able to utilize databases properly prior to performing a general Google search.?Common Core Learning Standards:StandardGradeStandard NumberRI77.1SL77.1W77.8W77.9??Motivation:Students will view “Databases vs. Google” ?Instructional Materials:Chromebooks“Databases vs. Google”Handout 6-1Merrick Avenue Middle School Library Database PageHandout 6-2Handout 6-3?Procedures and Pivotal Questions:Day OneAfter viewing the video, students will Think/Pair/Share using Handout 6-1 which focuses on the advantages of using databases and how to select the correct database for research.Students will use Chromebooks to access the Merrick Avenue Middle School Library Database Page. ?They will then work in Square-cles (two combined pairs of students) to answer questions on Handout 6-2 designed to help them differentiate between each database’s specialty.Day TwoStudents will use the Chromebooks, our library database page, and Handout 6-3 to begin the initial research of their topics.??Summary:--Day One: Why will you be able to conduct research more successfully using databases before using Google? ?They will then create a post on their blog about this.?--Day Two: Which databases were the most effective for your personal research? ?What was the most interesting fact that you found? ?What challenges have you faced so far? ?They will then create a post on their blog about this.Name:______________________________Date:_______________________________Period:_____________________ ?odd/even?R.I.S.E. Lesson 6 Handout 6-1?Directions: Please answer the following questions after viewing “Databases vs. Google.”?1. According to the video, why are database searches more accurate than a Google search??______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?2. Why should you not automatically trust everything that you find on the web??______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?3. What are the differences between databases??______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________Name:______________________________Date:_______________________________Period:_____________________ ?odd/even?R.I.S.E. Lesson 6 Handout 6-2?Directions: Go to the Merrick Avenue Middle School Library Database Page to answer the questions that follow.?1. Which databases are best for more general searches??______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________??2. Which databases should you use to conduct research about scientific topics??______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________??3. Which databases should you use to look up information about careers??______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________??????4. Which databases should you use to look up social studies-related topics??______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________??5. Which database will help you to find information about novels and authors??______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________??6. Which database will help you to research pop culture??______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________??7. If you are trying to support your opinion with facts about a topic that divides people in our country, which database would help you the most??______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________Name:______________________________Date:_______________________________Period:_____________________ ?odd/even?R.I.S.E. Lesson 6 Handout 6-3?Directions: Go to the Merrick Avenue Middle School Library Database Page. ?Then, using Handout 4-2 and Handout 5-2 answer the questions below to begin your research journey!?1. Which databases will probably have the best information about your topic??______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?MOVE AHEAD TO THE NEXT PAGE. ?GOOD LUCK!?SOURCE #1 (Never from a Blog, Wiki, Ask, Answers, or About Website)SUCCESSFUL SEARCH TERMS USED:FACTSSOURCE?__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________????????????????__________________________________?__________________________________????????????????__________________________________????????????????__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________?Author presenting the factorEditor presenting the factorOrganization presenting the fact?______________________________________??Date of Publication of Print SourceorLatest Update to Website orDate You Accessed Website?______________________________________???Title of Print SourceorTitle of Online Source?______________________________________???Title of Print ArticleorTitle of Article or Section on Website?_____________________________________???Web Address [GOOGLE is NOT an ADDRESS]:?_____________________________________?_____________________________________SOURCE #2 ?(Never from a Blog, Wiki, Ask, Answers, or About Website)SUCCESSFUL SEARCH TERMS USED:FACTSSOURCE?__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________????????????????__________________________________?__________________________________????????????????__________________________________????????????????__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________?Author presenting the factorEditor presenting the factorOrganization presenting the fact?______________________________________??Date of Publication of Print SourceorLatest Update to Website orDate You Accessed Website?______________________________________???Title of Print SourceorTitle of Online Source?______________________________________???Title of Print ArticleorTitle of Article or Section on Website?_____________________________________???Web Address [GOOGLE is NOT an ADDRESS]:?_____________________________________?_____________________________________SOURCE #3 (Never from a Blog, Wiki, Ask, Answers, or About Website)SUCCESSFUL SEARCH TERMS USED:FACTSSOURCE?__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________????????????????__________________________________?__________________________________????????????????__________________________________????????????????__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________?Author presenting the factorEditor presenting the factorOrganization presenting the fact?______________________________________??Date of Publication of Print SourceorLatest Update to Website orDate You Accessed Website?______________________________________???Title of Print SourceorTitle of Online Source?______________________________________???Title of Print ArticleorTitle of Article or Section on Website?_____________________________________???Web Address [GOOGLE is NOT an ADDRESS]:?_____________________________________?_____________________________________SOURCE #4 (Never from a Blog, Wiki, Ask, Answers, or About Website)SUCCESSFUL SEARCH TERMS USED:FACTSSOURCE?__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________????????????????__________________________________?__________________________________????????????????__________________________________????????????????__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________?Author presenting the factorEditor presenting the factorOrganization presenting the fact?______________________________________??Date of Publication of Print SourceorLatest Update to Website orDate You Accessed Website?______________________________________???Title of Print SourceorTitle of Online Source?______________________________________???Title of Print ArticleorTitle of Article or Section on Website?_____________________________________???Web Address [GOOGLE is NOT an ADDRESS]:?_____________________________________?_____________________________________GRADE LEVEL:7 ??? ??Unit: Traditional Research Skills?Skill: Determining a website’s reliability??Lesson 7Two Class Periods???Aim: When venturing outside of databases, how can you tell if a website is reliable??Common Core Learning Standards:StandardGradeStandard NumberRI77.1SL77.1W77.8W77.9?Objective: Students will be able to utilize six criteria to judge whether or not a website is reliable.?Motivation:Students will discuss how they can able to tell whether or not a friend is reliable in terms of what that person says and does. ?Instructional Materials:Chromebooks“Online Sources”Handout 7-1Handout 7-2??Procedures and Pivotal Questions:Students will share their responses about a reliable friend. ?Just like we need to determine whether or not a friend has qualities that make him/her trustworthy, we need to do the same with online sources.After viewing “Online Sources,” students will meet in their Square-cles to complete Handout 7-1 which centers on the six criteria students must use to judge whether or not a website is reliable.For this type of course, the issues that students will face in terms of reliability are not centered on obvious hoax websites or fake news websites. ?Similarly, while anyone can alter a Wikipedia type of website with outlandish information, a more relevant problem is when the source is simply not thorough enough, or the qualifications of the author(s) are lacking. ?The issue that students will encounter the most is the overall reliability of a decent website vs. a great website. ?Students will, therefore, evaluate the quality of the two websites reviewing whether or not meals for kids at fast food restaurants are healthy: . ?Both websites are correct, but students will need to evaluate what specifically makes one better than the other.Students will then use the Chromebooks and Handout 7-2 to begin locating reliable sources for their individually chosen research topic.At the conclusion of this initial stage of their research, students will circulate to judge each other’s sources based on the six criteria of possessing a trustworthy author, an objective analysis, in-depth information, accurate information, and up-to-date information on a professional website. ??Summary:Day One How do each of the six criteria learned today help you to judge whether or not a website is reliable? ?They will then create a post on their blog about this.?Day TwoWhich type of source has proven to be more helpful to you so far: the databases from Lesson 5 or the online sources from Lesson 6? ?They will then create a post on their blog about this.Name:______________________________Date:_______________________________Period:_____________________ ?odd/even?R.I.S.E. Lesson 7 Handout 7-1?Directions: After viewing “Online Sources” on BrainPop, answer the questions below.?1. What can make doing an online search outside of a database more challenging??______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________??2. What are the characteristics of a website created by a reputable source??______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?3. What are the characteristics of a less reliable personal website??______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?4. Why are professional websites more likely to be reputable??______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?5. Who publishes a .gov website? What makes it more reliable??______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?6. Who usually publishes an .edu website? What makes it more reliable??______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?7. Why do you need to know who the author of a website is??______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?8. How can you decide if an author is an expert??______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?9. What does biased mean??______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?10. How can you tell if a website is objective??______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?11. How can you tell if a website has in-depth information??______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________????12. How can you verify if a source is accurate??______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________??13. How can you tell if a source is up-to-date??______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________Name:______________________________Date:_______________________________Period:_____________________ ?odd/even?R.I.S.E. Lesson 7 Handout 7-2?WEBSITE RELIABILITY CHECKLIST??1. Is the website professional-looking??2. Is the author trustworthy??3. Is the website objective??4. Does the website contain in-depth information??5. Does the website contain accurate information??6. Does the website contain up-to-date information????SOURCE #1 (Never from a Blog, Wiki, Ask, Answers, or About Website)SUCCESSFUL SEARCH TERMS USED:FACTSSOURCE?__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________????????????????__________________________________?__________________________________????????????????__________________________________????????????????__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________?Author presenting the factorEditor presenting the factorOrganization presenting the fact?______________________________________??Date of Publication of Print SourceorLatest Update to Website orDate You Accessed Website?______________________________________???Title of Print SourceorTitle of Online Source?______________________________________???Title of Print ArticleorTitle of Article or Section on Website?_____________________________________???Web Address [GOOGLE is NOT an ADDRESS]:?_____________________________________?_____________________________________SOURCE #2 ?(Never from a Blog, Wiki, Ask, Answers, or About Website)SUCCESSFUL SEARCH TERMS USED:FACTSSOURCE?__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________????????????????__________________________________?__________________________________????????????????__________________________________????????????????__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________?Author presenting the factorEditor presenting the factorOrganization presenting the fact?______________________________________??Date of Publication of Print SourceorLatest Update to Website orDate You Accessed Website?______________________________________???Title of Print SourceorTitle of Online Source?______________________________________???Title of Print ArticleorTitle of Article or Section on Website?_____________________________________???Web Address [GOOGLE is NOT an ADDRESS]:?_____________________________________?_____________________________________SOURCE #3 (Never from a Blog, Wiki, Ask, Answers, or About Website)SUCCESSFUL SEARCH TERMS USED:FACTSSOURCE?__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________????????????????__________________________________?__________________________________????????????????__________________________________????????????????__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________?Author presenting the factorEditor presenting the factorOrganization presenting the fact?______________________________________??Date of Publication of Print SourceorLatest Update to Website orDate You Accessed Website?______________________________________???Title of Print SourceorTitle of Online Source?______________________________________???Title of Print ArticleorTitle of Article or Section on Website?_____________________________________???Web Address [GOOGLE is NOT an ADDRESS]:?_____________________________________?_____________________________________SOURCE #4 (Never from a Blog, Wiki, Ask, Answers, or About Website)SUCCESSFUL SEARCH TERMS USED:FACTSSOURCE?__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________????????????????__________________________________?__________________________________????????????????__________________________________????????????????__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________?__________________________________?Author presenting the factorEditor presenting the factorOrganization presenting the fact?______________________________________??Date of Publication of Print SourceorLatest Update to Website orDate You Accessed Website?______________________________________???Title of Print SourceorTitle of Online Source?______________________________________???Title of Print ArticleorTitle of Article or Section on Website?_____________________________________???Web Address [GOOGLE is NOT an ADDRESS]:?_____________________________________?_____________________________________GRADE LEVEL:7 ??? ??Unit: Traditional Research Skills?Skill: Determining a website’s level of objectivity.?Lesson 81/2 Class Period?Aim: How can you tell if a source is objective or subjective? ?Common Core Learning Standards:StandardGradeStandard NumberRI77.4RI77.8W77.8??Objective: Students will be able to apply the Objectivity Scale to determine how objective or subjective a source is.?Motivation:Students will discuss their favorite movies, bands, teams etc. ?Many students will end up using subjective arguments. ?Students will then watch the Objective Tone vs. Subjective Tone Video. ??Instructional Materials:ChromebooksObjective Tone vs. Subjective Tone VideoHandout 8-1 Video Questions and DefinitionsHandout 8-2 Objectivity ScaleObjective WebsiteSubjective Website?Procedures and Pivotal Questions:?After watching the two videos, students will discuss tone, connotation, loaded words, objective, and subjective using Handout 8-1. Handout 8-2 Objectivity Scale.Students will evaluate the following two websites about the topic of animal testing: (random unsubstantiated opinions, full of misspellings, etc.) and (shows both sides of the argument in an unbiased manner).?????4. ??Students will evaluate each other’s sources using the Objectivity Scale to determine if they should still use that source. ?Summary: Were the statements about your favorite movies, bands, teams etc. at the beginning of the period objective or subjective? Why is it vital that we use objective sources for research? ?They will then create a post on their blog about this.Name:______________________________Date:_______________________________Period:_____________________ ?odd/even?R.I.S.E. Lesson 8 Handout 8-1?Directions: After viewing the Objective Tone vs. Subjective Tone Video, answer the questions that follow.?1. Define the following terms:?TONE:_________________________________________________________________?CONNOTATION:________________________________________________________?LOADED WORDS:______________________________________________________?OBJECTIVE:___________________________________________________________?SUBJECTIVE:__________________________________________________________??2. What is subjective about the sentence: “Dogs make the best pets”? ?Why??______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________??3. What is objective about the sentence “Dogs have been proven to lower blood pressure in their owners”? ?Why??______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________??4. Is the sentence “People who believe in ghosts are crazy” subjective or objective? ?Why??______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?5. Is the sentence “A minority of people in the United States believes in ghosts” subjective or objective? Why??______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________??6. Is the sentence “People shouldn’t be allowed to carry a concealed weapon in a story” ?subjective or objective? Why??______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________??7. Is the sentence “People who carry a concealed weapon are twice as likely to be shot” subjective or objective? Why??______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________Name:______________________________Date:_______________________________Period:_____________________ ?odd/even?R.I.S.E. Lesson 8 Handout 8-2?Directions: Examine your source and ask yourself the following questions to help determine its level of objectivity.??1. Are there any LOADED WORDS that have a positive or negative CONNOTATION about the topic??YES--probably SUBJECTIVE.NO--possibly OBJECTIVE?******************************************************************************?2. Overall does the author seem to have a positive, negative, or neutral TONE toward the topic??POSITIVE--probably SUBJECTIVENEGATIVE--probably SUBJECTIVENEUTRAL--possibly OBJECTIVE?******************************************************************************?3. Does the author back up claims with facts??NO--probably SUBJECTIVEYES--possibly OBJECTIVEGRADE LEVEL:7 ??? ??Unit: Traditional Research Skills?Skill: Citing Sources on a Works Cited Page??Lesson 9One Class Period???Aim: How and why do you document source information on a Works Cited Page??Common Core Learning Standards:StandardGradeStandard NumberR177.1R177.8W77.1bW77.6?Objective: Students will be able to use tools, such as the Citation Machine website to properly document their sources.?Motivation:Students will listen to the following statement: ¨I am a former member of 80? rock band The Alarm.¨ Students will be asked to figure out how they can determine whether or not this statement is accurate.?Instructional Materials:ChromebooksHandout 9-1Handout 9-2Citation Machine Website?Procedures and Pivotal Questions:1. After hearing my statement from the Motivation, students will brainstorm a list of possible ways to verify the accuracy of my statement. ?Examples may include: pictures, videos, written documentation. ?Students will then view my documentation on Handout 9-1 to reach a conclusion.2. Students will read “Fresh Express Salad Recalled after Dead Bat Reportedly Found in Package” and “Subway Manager Disgusted by Sight of Cold Cut Combo Devouring Large Rat” from Handout 9-2.3. Students will answer the questions on Handout 9-2 to figure out which outrageous story is accurate.4. Students will discuss the significance of the information provided in the Works Cited section of Article #2.5. Tutorial for using the Citation Machine Website.6. Students will use the Chromebooks to generate citations for the sources that they have found so far.???Summary:Why do you need to document your source information? ?How does documenting your sources help both you as a writer and those who read your work? ?They will then create a post on their blog about this.Name:______________________________Date:_______________________________Period:_____________________ ?odd/even?R.I.S.E. Lesson 9 Handout 9-1?Exhibit A???Exhibit BExhibit C??Exhibit DLink to Performance ClipName:______________________________Date:_______________________________Period:_____________________ ?odd/even?Lesson 9 Handout 9-2?Directions: Read Article #1 and Article #2. ?Determine which one is more reliable.?ARTICLE #1“Fresh Express Salad Recalled After Dead Bat Reportedly Found in Package”By Kim LaCapriaApr 10th, 2017?On 8 April 2017, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) issued a press release announcing the limited recall of Fresh Express brand salads after a dead bat was reportedly found inside a package of the mixed greens:Experts from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are working with the Florida Department of Health and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to support an investigation of a dead bat that was found in a packaged salad purchased from a grocery store in Florida. Two people in Florida reported eating some of the salad before the bat was found. The bat was sent to the CDC rabies lab for laboratory testing because bats in the United States sometimes have been found to have this disease. The deteriorated condition of the bat did not allow for CDC to definitively rule out whether this bat had rabies.Noting that “transmission of rabies by eating a rabid animal is extremely uncommon and the virus does not survive very long outside of the infected animal,” the CDC said those persons who might have been exposed were being evaluated. Public health officials advised both individuals to undergo post-exposure rabies treatment, and the CDC reported no additional incidents involving bat:On April 8, 2017, Fresh Express issued a recall of a limited number of cases of Organic Marketside Spring Mix. The salads were sold in a clear container with production code G089B19 and best-if-used-by date of APR 14, 2017 located on the front label. The recalled salads were distributed only to Walmart stores located in the Southeastern region of the United States. All remaining packages of salad from the same lot have been removed from all store locations where the salad was sold.Fresh Express also put out a press release stating that the measures were taken out of an “abundance of caution.” The Florida Department of Health and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration are working alongside the CDC with the makers of Fresh Express salads to investigate the incident.Recalled Product Details:– Organic Marketside Spring Mix – 5 oz. clear container– Production Code of G089B19 and best-if-used-by date of APR 14 2017, located on the top label– UPC Code of 6 8113132897 5 located on the bottom of the container next to the bar codeThe company said the salads were sold mainly in Southern states.?WORKS CITEDCDC Newsroom. ??“CDC Assisting Investigation of Animal Material Found in Packaged Salad.” ?8 April 2017.Fresh Express. ??“Precautionary Recall of a Limited Quantity of Organic Marketside Spring Mix Salad Is Announced by Fresh Express.” 8 April 2017.WRC-TV. ??“Fresh Express Recalls Packaged Salad After Bat Found: CDC.” ?9 April 2017.????????ARTICLE #2“Subway Manager Disgusted By Sight Of Cold Cut Combo Devouring Large Rat”UNION CITY, NJ—Saying the disturbing incident made him sick to his stomach, Subway shift manager Dean Haney told reporters Wednesday he was completely disgusted after seeing a Cold Cut Combo devour a large rat in the alley behind the restaurant. “I went to take out the trash, and I saw this nasty-looking thing just feasting on a full-grown rat,” said Haney, estimating the size of the sandwich as “at least six inches,” and describing it as mangy, vicious, and dripping with Italian dressing. “It completely tore the rat apart before wolfing the whole mess down—I honestly almost puked. The worst part is, if you see one of these things out there, you know there are probably hundreds more around somewhere.” Haney noted that after it finished consuming the rat, the revolting and likely disease-ridden Cold Cut Combo scuttled under a dumpster and into a crevice in the wall, presumably returning to its fetid nest.?1. Write the title of the article that is more reliable??______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________??2. List as many elements contained in the more reliable article that make it more trustworthy.?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________GRADE LEVEL:7 ??? ??Unit: Traditional Research Skills?Skill: How to write internal (parenthetical) citations.??Lesson 101/2 Class Period???Aim: How do you refer to the sources on your Works Cited page using internal citations??Common Core Learning Standards:StandardGradeStandard NumberW77.6?Objective: Students will be able to write a proper internal citation.?Motivation:Students will view the Internal Citations Video and answer the questions on Handout 10-1.?Instructional Materials:ChromebooksInternal Citations VideoHandout 10-1Handout 10-2?Procedures and Pivotal Questions:1. Students will view the video and answer the questions about the Motivation video.2. Students will use Handout 10-2 to create sample internal citations.??Summary:If you have to write a Works Cited page, why do you also need to include internal citations? ?They will then create a post on their blog about this.Name:______________________________Date:_______________________________Period:_____________________ ?odd/even?R.I.S.E. Lesson 10 Handout 10-1?Directions: Answer the following questions using complete sentences after viewing the Internal Citations Video.?1. When writing an internal citation that originally came from a print source, what two pieces of information should you include whenever possible??______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________??2. The first two examples from the video are written slightly differently:?Example #1“The first edition of the Oxford English Dictionary took more than seventy years to create” (Winchester 25).?Example #2“According to Winchester, the first edition of the Oxford English Dictionary took more than seventy years to create” (25).?Why is the author and page number written in parentheses in Example #1, but only the page number is written in parentheses in Example #2??______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?3. When creating internal citations, where do you place the end punctuation??______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________4. How do you write an internal citation if there is no known author or page number??______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________??5. The last two examples from the video are written slightly differently:?Example #1“Haiti’s history is filled with challenges, including colonization, disease, and natural disasters” (“History of Haiti”).?Example #2“‘History of Haiti’ explains the many challenges in the country’s history, including colonization, disease, and natural disasters.”?Why is the article’s title written in parentheses at the end of ?Example #1, but not at the end of Example #2??______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________GRADE LEVEL:7 ??? ??????Unit: Non-Traditional Research Skills?Skill: Crowdsourcing for Data and Information??Lesson 11One Class Period???Aim: How can students use Google Classroom to crowdsource for data and information??Common Core Learning Standards:StandardGradeStandard NumberW77.1W77.6??Objective: Students will be able to use Google Classroom to crowdsource for data and information.?Motivation:Students will watch the first two minutes of the Can You Solve the Bridge Riddle? Video. ?Rather than try to figure out the answer to this complicated question right away about how to get all four people across the bridge before the zombies catch them, students will brainstorm a list of what areas of expertise are required to solve this.?Instructional Materials:ChromebooksCan You Solve the Bridge Riddle? VideoGoogle Classroom?Procedures and Pivotal Questions:1. Students will watch the puzzle in the video and complete the brainstorming activity from the Motivation.2. Students will share their answers about the skills necessary for solving the puzzle (ex. mathematical, logical, artistic, etc.).3. Think/Pair/Share Problem: You are lacking one of the necessary skills. ?The answer is not currently available online. You are allowed to use the stream feature on Google Classroom to solve the problem.4. Definition: This type of online collaboration in which you seek out the expertise of others is called crowdsourcing.5. Students will collaborate to crowdsource the solution.6. Once students have arrived at their solution, they will need to justify their hypotheses.7. Students will view the second half of the Can You Solve the Bridge Riddle? Video to see if they have solved the puzzle correctly together.??Summary:How can crowdsourcing benefit the research process? ?What aspects of your topic might be most beneficial for crowdsourcing? ?How might you go about doing this? ?They will then create a post on their blog about this.GRADE LEVEL:7 ??????Unit: Non-Traditional Research Skills?Skill: Crowdsourcing to create and participate in an expert network.??Lesson 12Ongoing Multiple Class Periods???Aim: What is an expert network, how can it enhance the research process, and how can you benefit from it as well as being a mentor/expert yourself??Common Core Learning Standards:StandardGradeStandard NumberW77.1W77.2SL77.1SL77.3SL77.4?Objective: Students will be able to seek out other students and building / district staff to form an expert network. ?Motivation: Students will view the “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? Video Clip. ?Afterwards, they will discuss why the contestant made the phone call and why the contestant chose to call that person in particular instead of someone else.?Instructional Materials:Chromebooks“Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?” Video ClipHandout 12-1Handout 12-2??Procedures and Pivotal Questions:1. After viewing the Motivation video and answering the Motivation question, students will discuss: Who can be an expert?2. Students will complete and share Handout 12-1 in which they inventory topics about which they are experts.3. Students will Think/Pair/Share to reflect upon the questions on Handout 12-2.4. Each group will present their responses to Handout 12-2.5. Students will vote on which plan of action would best help to create a network of experts.6. Students will assign themselves roles in order create this network.7. In subsequent days, students will follow through on their plan so that they may utilize their network during the school year for their research.?Summary:What are the overall benefits of creating and participating in an expert network? ?How are you going to contribute to the class’ creation of a mentor network? ?They will then create a post on their blog about this.Name:______________________________Date:_______________________________Period:_____________________ ?odd/even?R.I.S.E. Lesson 12 Handout 12-1?Directions: Today you are going to examine all of the areas both in school and out of school about which you might consider yourself an expert. ?In other words, what are the kinds of topics for which people would seek out your advice? ?These could be academic subjects or they also could relate to hobbies, sports, skills, culture, etc. ?The possibilities are endless.??MY AREAS OF EXPERTISE???????????????????????????????????????Name:______________________________Date:_______________________________Period:_____________________ ?odd/even?R.I.S.E. Lesson 12 Handout 12-2?Directions: In your Square-cle, respond in complete sentences to answer the questions that follow.?1. What does the term network mean? ?What are different types of networks already around us??______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________??2. What are the benefits of networks? ?Why??______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________??Solve this problem for our class: Imagine a network of students and staff in our school (or even district) who could work together to solve all types of research puzzles. ??3. How might people go about asking experts their research questions? ??______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?4. By what process might experts provide their advice??______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________??5. Create a plan with your group to make this Student / Staff Mentor Network a reality. ?Be sure to include how you will be able to enlist experts, how you will know who the experts are, and how people will know what others are experts in. ?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________???6. What obstacles might get in the way of creating this Student / Staff Research Mentor Network???______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________??7. What are steps you can take to overcome these obstacles to make this really happen??______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________GRADE LEVEL:7 ???Unit: Non-Traditional Research Skills?Skill: Creating a Student-Generated F.A.Q. (Frequently Asked Questions) Database to Solve Problems??Lesson 13 ????One Class Period???Aim: Even though you are all examining different topics, how can you use Google Classroom and an F.A.Q. database to share information and overcome research obstacles??Common Core Learning Standards:StandardGradeStandard NumberRI77.5SL71.CSL71.DRST6-85?Objective: Students will be able to take control of the research process by creating and moderating an F.A.Q. Database based on their Google Classroom queries.?Motivation:Students will use the Chromebooks to search for a general topics that interests them along with the term “FAQ.” ?They will then complete Handout 13-1. ???Instructional Materials:ChromebooksHandout 13-1Handout 13-2 (ONLINE ONLY)Google Classroom??Procedures and Pivotal Questions:After completing the Motivation, students will share examples of effective F.A.Q. Databases.Think / Pair / Share: How might the class benefit from creating and referring to an F.A.Q. for R.I.S.E.?Tutorial: Handout 13-2 (ONLINE ONLY).Tutorial: How to post to the classroom stream on Google Classroom.Students will post questions related to the categories on Handout 13-2 (ONLINE ONLY). ?They will also reply with answers to each other’s questions on the stream (including unanswered questions from other sections of R.I.S.E.).Students will enter in helpful questions and answers onto Handout 13-2 (ONLINE ONLY).?Summary: How can an F.A.Q. help you to overcome research obstacles? ?In your blog, give examples of how you either helped others or received help from others.Name:______________________________Date:_______________________________Period:_____________________ ?odd/even?R.I.S.E. Lesson 13 Handout 13-1?Directions: Pick any topic about which you are interested. ?When you search for it on Google, add the term “FAQ.” ?Next, click on one of the F.A.Q.’s about your topic. ?Then answer the questions that follow.?1. What topic did you pick??______________________________________________________________________________??2. Based on the F.A.Q. that you viewed about your topic, what is the purpose of an F.A.Q. Database??______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________??3. On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate the F.A.Q. that you viewed? ?Evaluate it ?in terms of readability, organization, quality of the answers, clarity of the answers, and comprehensiveness of the answers. ?Explain your rating.?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?R.I.S.E. Lesson 13 Handout 13-2 ?(ONLINE ONLY)?SHARED R.I.S.E. F.A.Q. (Frequently Asked Questions)??Directions: When you use receive or see a helpful response on Google Classroom, please do the following:??Decide which of these categories best describes the topic of the information.??????2. Check to make sure that no one has posted a similar question / answer. ?????????3. Copy and paste the information into the appropriate category of this shared document so ??????????that other students taking the course may benefit.??CLICK ON THE APPROPRIATE TOPIC CATEGORY BELOW TO GET STARTED:?RESEARCH: SEARCH TERMS IDEAS?RESEARCH: DATABASE QUESTIONS?RESEARCH: WEBSITE SUGGESTIONS?RESEARCH: INFORMATION RELIABILITY QUESTIONS?RESEARCH: CITATION QUESTIONS?WEBSITE / BLOG QUESTIONSGOOGLE CLASSROOM QUESTIONSGRADING QUESTIONS?GENERAL QUESTIONSGRADE LEVEL:7 ??Unit: Traditional and Non-Traditional Research Skills?Skill: Applying traditional and non-traditional research skills and tools to answer self-generated Big Questions.??Lesson 14 ????Ongoing Class Periods??Aim: How can you utilize all of the different traditional and non-traditional research skills and tools that you have learned so far to answer self-generated Big Questions??Common Core Learning Standards:StandardGradeStandard Number?W77.7?Objective: Students will be able to create and seek to answer their own Big Questions, thereby taking ownership of the research skills that they have learned. ?Motivation:What have you always wanted to know? ?As far back as you can remember, you have asked questions about the world around you. ?Now is your chance to find out whatever you have ever wanted to know thanks to the research skills that you have learned so far. ?Write as many Big Questions as you can on the table on Handout 14-1. ?If you get stuck, refer to The School in the Cloud Website for additional ideas. ???Instructional Materials:ChromebooksHandout 14-1The School in the Cloud WebsiteHandout 14-2?Procedures and Pivotal Questions:After completing the Motivation, students will share some of their favorite Big Questions to help inspire the rest of the class.Students will apply their research skills to finding out the answers to these questions that they have always wanted to know. ?As always, they will provide proper documentation for the sources that provide the answers for which they are searching.Students will refer to Handout 14-2 for writing about the answers to their Big Questions on their blog.?????*NOTE: THIS IS AN ONGOING ASSIGNMENT THROUGHOUT THE COURSE. ????????BY GIVING STUDENTS THE OPPORTUNITY TO EXPLORE BIG QUESTIONS???????FOR WHICH THEY HAVE A GENUINE CURIOSITY, THEY WILL BE ABLE TO???????SHARPEN THEIR RESEARCH SKILLS.Summary: How do the research skills you have learned so far apply to all aspects of your life?Name:______________________________Date:_______________________________Period:_____________________ ?odd/even?R.I.S.E. Lesson 14 Handout 14-1?Directions: Fill out as much of the brainstorming chart below as you can. ?Be sure to phrase your answer in the form of a question! ?Stuck? ?You can find more ideas at The School in the Cloud Website.?I’VE ALWAYS WONDERED . . .?QUESTIONANSWERSOURCE????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Name:______________________________Date:_______________________________Period:_____________________ ?odd/even?R.I.S.E. Lesson 14 Handout 14-2?Directions: Please be sure to follow the format below for writing about the answers to your Big Questions on your blog.?Blog Format: ?TITLE: Date + BIG QUESTIONTEXT BOX: Response using grammatically complete sentences. ?Write about: ?--what you are trying to find out?--background about why you want to find??the answer to this question?--answers that you have discovered. ?Use?internal citations. ?Include a properly ?Formatted “Works Cited” at the end of ?your blog post.?--research obstacles, if any you faced, as ?well as how you overcame those obstacles?--unanswered questions or new questions that this search??created for you?--a picture with caption related to the day’s discoveriesGRADE LEVEL:7 ???Unit: Writing Skills--Commentary?Skill: Giving Constructive Feedback to Other Writers ??Lesson 15One Class Period--Ongoing???Aim: How do you write helpful commentary to enable both the writer and the commentator to improve??Common Core Learning Standards:StandardGradeStandard NumberWHST6-81DSL71BSL71CSL71D??Objective: Students will be able to establish criteria and ground rules for commenting on each other’s blogs. ??Motivation:Students will be informed that the “Comment” feature will now be unlocked on their blogs (filtered through the teacher first and then to them). ?The focus of the “Comment” feature will enable students to receive helpful suggestions from their peers to enhance their research journeys. Students will answer the questions on Handout 15-1. ?Instructional Materials:ChromebooksHandout 15-1?Procedures and Pivotal Questions:1. After completing the Motivation, students will do a Think/Pair/Share about their responses to Handout 15-1. ?In order to get as much feedback as possible, students will “speed-meet” and rotate through different partners.2. Based on their findings, the class will reach a consensus on up to five rules.3. Students will be randomly assigned a classmate’s blog on which to comment following the etiquette they have established. ?Summary:Students will reflect on the following question in their own blogs: Why is it important to establish proper commenting etiquette?Name:______________________________Date:_______________________________Period:_____________________ ?odd/even?R.I.S.E. Lesson 15 Handout 15-1?I. Starting now, other students will be allowed to make comments on the items that you post in your R.I.S.E. blog. ?The purpose of the comments will be to:?offer you advice about finding information for your research.?have intelligent discussions about what you have discovered.??????C. keep the discussion going so that the bloggers can respond to comments.II. It is important that we establish ground rules for what we all expect from the people writing comments (you!) and the people responding to those comments (also you!). ?After all, we want to show the best of what we can do with the internet instead of nonsense written by “trolls” and the uninformed. ?I have included some items that matter to me, but I also want you to contribute to this. ?Afterwards, we’ll come to a consensus. ?Thanks!?All comments and responses must be written using complete sentences with proper spelling, grammar, and usage.?YOUR SUGGESTION TO MAKE SURE COMMENTS ARE POLITE:?________________________________________________________________________??YOUR SUGGESTION TO MAKE SURE COMMENTS ARE INTELLIGENT:?________________________________________________________________________??YOUR SUGGESTION TO KEEP THE CONVERSATION GOING:?_______________________________________________________________________GRADE LEVEL:7 ??? ??Unit: Traditional Writing Skills?Skill: Writing a Traditional Research Essay??Lesson 16Five Class Periods???Aim: ?How do you plan and write a properly formatted traditional research essay??Common Core Learning Standards:StandardGradeStandard NumberL72RL71W77W78W79?Objective: Students will be able to select one of the Big Questions about which they have been inquiring and write a traditional research essay in Google Docs. ??Motivation:Students will read an interview about the importance of building a solid foundation before being able to improvise when playing electric guitar on Handout 16-1. They will then hypothesize about how this connects to writing using Handout 16-2.?Instructional Materials:ChromebooksHandout 16-1Handout 16-2Handout 16-3Handout 16-4?Procedures and Pivotal Questions:Day One: Format Introduction and Topic SelectionStudents will complete the Motivation and discuss Handout 16-2.Students will analyze the Essay Outline and Sample Essay in Handout 16-3.Individually, students will answer the “Traditional Essay Format Analysis Questions” on the last page of Handout 16-3.Students will circulate around the room to “Find Someone Who Knows” to complete the analysis questions.?Day Two: Writing an IntroductionHandout 16-4 via Google Classroom.??Days Three and Four: Body ParagraphsHandout 16-4 via Google Classroom.??Day Five: Concluding ParagraphHandout 16-4 via Google Classroom.??Summary:Day One:Blog Reflection: Out of all of the topics you have researched and explored so far, which one would be best suited to a traditional research essay? ?Why?Day Two:Blog Reflection: Why is knowledge of traditional research skills necessary for creating non-traditional research projects?Day Three, Day Four, and Day Five:(At the end of each day) Blog Reflection: What are the biggest challenges you have faced today in writing this research essay? ?What made it a challenge? ?How did you overcome the challenge, or what steps will you be taking tomorrow to solve the problem?Name:______________________________Date:_______________________________Period:_____________________ ?odd/even?R.I.S.E. Lesson 16 Handout 16-1?“Are You Learning to Play Songs or Learning to Play Guitar?”Guitar World Magazine 05/08/2017 by Matthias Young , photo by Damian FanelliSharThere's a constant battle in the pedagogy of guitar—technique versus music (songs). Specifically, there are many who play guitar for the sole purpose of learning songs by other artists, and then there are guitarists who advance their skills by focusing on a technique- and theory-based approach.?Many students have come to me over years with the same problem; they can play a few songs (and perhaps quite well), but they have no understanding of what they are doing and they feel like they’ve hit a brick wall. This is a very common plateau I believe many “self-taught” guitarists hit.?Students who try to teach themselves typically do not possess the knowledge of what technical material needs to be covered. Rather, they learn what they want to learn, regardless of difficulty, and this can create inefficient practicing and playing habits that are very difficult to break.?Does this mean students should play only technical material, such as an endless array of scales and arpeggios? Definitely not. But as students develop, they need to incorporate technique and theory into their practice, just as any instrumentalist would.?So what techniques need to be covered? As with any polyphonic instrument, the basics are scales, chords and arpeggios. While a purely technical focus can seem daunting and dull, there are basic fundamentals that can make playing and learning the guitar so much easier.?In the “classical” world, composers would oftentimes write musical studies called “etudes.” These pieces would generally be musically pleasing, but the sole purpose was to develop an instrumentalist’s playing technique. Examples of these can be seen in classical guitar music, where many pieces have the same right hand arpeggio pattern that remains constant throughout the entire piece.Modern music that is written for performance doesn't take into account the technical building blocks that are needed for guitar students to learn in a logically based musical and technical progression. This is where the help of a qualified guitar instructor can really help.In the world of piano, if a student is learning a piece of music, there can be several different technical variations so that the student can play the music they want without overwhelming themselves with something that is much too difficult. While some of this exists for modern guitar, it tends to be quite limited unless a student is studying classical guitar.?What can be done so that students can play the music they want and build a strong technical foundation? Taking guitar lessons is a great approach. A good guitar instructor can analyze a song a student is wanting to learn, arrange it so that it is playable at a student’s current technical level, and then develop exercises to aid in playing that song.?In addition to song-based exercises, there are three important technical aspects of which every musician should have an understanding—scales, chords and arpeggios. Scales are the building blocks of a song’s melody. For playing solos, they are invaluable. Understanding scales will also help in building chords and arpeggios.?Many self-taught guitarists get in the endless rut of playing the major and minor pentatonic patterns, which becomes a very clichéd sound. The pentatonic scale is simply a five-note scale derived from the Ionian mode (major scale), so why not start there and just learn the whole thing? It’ll get you thinking outside the “box.”?Chords are simply combining notes together from scales. There are, again, many different approaches to how chords can be learned, but they need to be not just learned, but understood. The reason is simple—there are so many songs that have the same or similar chord progressions. Understanding how chords and their progressions work will allow students to learn a song much faster. This is associative learning, and when applied, the student is learning not just to play the guitar, but learning music itself.?Arpeggios are just chords, but how they are played is a special technique unto itself. The left hand playing single notes and the right hand strumming a chord is such a great technique builder. I can’t express enough how important it is to work on these. Combining technical and musical efforts in a logical progression is without a doubt the best way to become a great guitarist.?And the best way to do this is with the help of a qualified guitar instructor.Name:______________________________Date:_______________________________Period:_____________________ ?odd/even?Lesson 16 Handout 16-2?Directions: Respond to the question below using complete sentences.?Question: How do the ideas in Matthias Young’s “Are You Learning to Play Songs or Learning to Play Guitar?” relate to writing??______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________R.I.S.E. Lesson 16 Handout 16-3ESSAY OUTLINE FORMATCLICK ON EACH TERM TO LEARN ITS MEANING!TOPIC QUESTION (What You Are Trying to Prove?)?INTRODUCTION??A. HOOK??B. TRANSITION??C. THESIS ??II. BODY PARAGRAPH #1: ?TOPIC SENTENCE??B. CONCRETE DETAIL FROM SOURCE??C. COMMENTARY??D. Another CONCRETE DETAIL FROM SOURCE??E. COMMENTARY ??F. CONCLUDING SENTENCE?III. BODY PARAGRAPH #2:TOPIC SENTENCE??B. CONCRETE DETAIL FROM SOURCE??C. COMMENTARY??D. Another CONCRETE DETAIL FROM SOURCE??E. COMMENTARY ??F. CONCLUDING SENTENCE??IV. CONCLUDING PARAGRAPH??A. PARAPHRASE of THESIS??B. CLINCHER!?COMPLETED ESSAY?TOPIC QUESTION: Why are seventh grade students so crazy??INTRODUCTION:[HOOK]Every single time someone finds out that I teach seventh grade, they cry out, “Oh no! ?You poor man!” I understand. [TRANSITION] Seventh graders are out of their minds. [THESIS]Two possible theories for what causes seventh graders to be completely insane is that they are getting used to being in a new school and weird transformations are occurring in their brains. ???BODY PARAGRAPH #1:[BODY PARAGRAPH #1 TOPIC SENTENCE]Adjusting to middle school can be quite difficult for seventh graders. [CONCRETE DETAIL #1 FROM SOURCE]“They are required to be much more organized than when they were in elementary school,” as Springfield school principal, Seymour Skinner on page five of the January 2015 issue of Fake Educational Weekly said (Skinner 2015). [COMMENTARY #1]For example, seventh graders must learn how to move to different classes. As a result, they never seem to know where they are going, causing them to appear very crazy. [CONCRETE DETAIL #2 FROM SOURCE] On his most recent episode of “Diners, Drive-ins and Dives,” chef Guy Fieri observed, “They also struggle with the difficult skill of locker organization” (Fieri 2016). [COMMENTARY #2] They used to have their elementary school teacher tell them what ?materials to take out. ?Now,they must remember on their own what is needed for each class. This causes them either to carry everything with them all the time, or just keep stuffing everything into their lockers until the material turns into compost. [CONCLUDING SENTENCE]A perpetual state of disorganization creates these strange creatures known as seventh graders.????BODY PARAGRAPH #2:[BODY PARAGRAPH #2 TOPIC SENTENCE]Seventh grade students are also insane because boys’and girls’ brains mature at completely different rates. [CONCRETE DETAIL #1 FROM SOURCE]“Boys still act like they are five years old,” claims the website ("The Truth Behind What Makes Boys So Weird" 2013). [COMMENTARY #1]They ram into each other and pretend to be trains in the hallway. They still think that burping the alphabet song is funny. [CONCRETE DETAIL #2 FROM SOURCE]“Seventh grade girls think that they are much older than they actually are,” argues the middle school NY TIMES reporter Jerry Seinfeld in section B, page 7 of his February 14,2014 column: “What’s the Deal with Girls?” (Seinfeld 2014). [COMMENTARY #2]Because most of them are almost as tall as adults, and because most of them are sometimes more than one foot taller than seventh grade boys, they try to boss everyone around. Feeling as if their maturity makes them more important than everyone else, they think that it is perfectly fine to walk ten people across while blocking the stairs. [CONCLUDING SENTENCE]Seventh grade boys and girls may be different, but they are equally weird.?CONCLUDING PARAGRAPH:[Paraphrase of Thesis]Yes, perhaps some of what makes seventh graders uniquely wacky is their being forced into a brand new building with brand new organizational requirements with brand new brains. [CLINCHER]As middle school expert Forrest Gump has noted many times, “Seventh grader are the opposite of a box of chocolates. ?You always know what you’re going to get: insanity.”??Works Cited???Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives. Food Network. 29 Apr. 2016. Television.??Seinfeld, Jerry. "What's the Deal with Girls?" The New York Times [New York] 14 Apr. 2014. The New York Times.??Skinner, Seymour. "Why Are Middle School Students So Strange?" Fake Educational Weekly June 2015. Print.??"The Truth Behind What Makes Boys So Weird." Girl Power. Cool Girls, Inc., 13 May 2013. Web. 22 Sept. 2017. <>.??Name:__________________?TRADITIONAL ESSAY FORMAT ANALYSIS QUESTIONS?Directions: Base all of your answers on the sample essay on the previous two pages.?1. How does the HOOK get the reader’s attention??________________________________________________________________?________________________________________________________________??2. How does TRANSITION connect the HOOK to the THESIS??________________________________________________________________?________________________________________________________________??3. According to the THESIS, in what order must the author discuss his/her claims??________________________________________________________________?________________________________________________________________?4. How do the two CONCRETE DETAILS back up the TOPIC SENTENCE of BODY PARAGRAPH #1??________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________?5. What makes the author’s choice of quotations in the two CONCRETE DETAILS for BODY PARAGRAPH #1 effective??________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________??6. Why would BODY PARAGRAPH #1 be less effective if it did not have a CONCLUDING SENTENCE??________________________________________________________________?________________________________________________________________?7. How do the two CONCRETE DETAILS back up the TOPIC SENTENCE of BODY PARAGRAPH #2??________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________?8. What makes the author’s choice of quotations in the two CONCRETE DETAILS for BODY PARAGRAPH #2 effective??________________________________________________________________?________________________________________________________________??9. Why would BODY PARAGRAPH #2 be less effective if it did not have a CONCLUDING SENTENCE??________________________________________________________________?________________________________________________________________?10. In the CONCLUDING PARAGRAPH, what makes the PARAPHRASE OF THESIS different from the THESIS??________________________________________________________________?________________________________________________________________??11.In the CONCLUDING PARAGRAPH, how does the CLINCHER relate to the rest of the whole essay??________________________________________________________________?________________________________________________________________???12. How is the WORKS CITED page organized as compared to how the sources are listed in the essay??________________________________________________________________?________________________________________________________________Name:______________________________Date:_______________________________Period:_____________________ ?odd/even?R.I.S.E. Lesson 16 Handout 16-4Awesome Research Essay Assembly Instructions?Directions: Congratulations! ?You are about to become the proud owner of an Awesome Research Essay. ?Please follow the assembly instructions below to ensure that your essay is able to achieve its maximum potential! ?Sections are color-coded for your convenience! ?Input all data via the document shared with you via Google Classroom.?PART I--BEFORE YOU BEGINWARNING! ?Before putting your essay together, please be sure to verify that you can answer the questions below. ?If you can answer each question successfully, then you will be able to locate all of the required parts and pieces from the box:?1. Do you have FOUR DIFFERENT FACTS THAT ANSWER YOUR RESEARCH QUESTION???2. Do you know how will you pair the facts so that your BODY PARAGRAPHS will be organized logically???3. What will be the TOPIC SENTENCES of your TWO BODY PARAGRAPHS???4. Have you COMBINED the TWO TOPIC SENTENCES into ONE THESIS STATEMENT??NOTE: Failure to complete the steps above prior to moving on will result in a malfunctioning essay.???PART II A--THE INTRODUCTION HOOKYou are now ready to put your INTRODUCTION together. ?Please be sure to have a HOOK, TRANSITION, and THESIS available.???1. HOOK: ?You have been provided with three styles of HOOKS in the essay box. ?Please select the one that will best suit your essay and assemble it accordingly.?The Personal HookWhat led you to choose this topic??????orThe General Life Connection HookWhy is this topic important to seventh graders, the community, the state, the country, or the world??????orThe Deep Quotation HookHave you found profound quotation related to this topic? ?If so, write it below. ?Be sure to give credit to the source!????or?PART II B--THE INTRODUCTION TRANSITION2. TRANSITION: ??This is the glue that attaches the HOOK to the THESIS! ?WARNING! ?Without this part, key gears will fall out of your essay before you’ve even written the rest of it! ?Beginning with a transitional phrase, write your research question:???????PART II C--THE INTRODUCTION THESISTHESIS: ?WARNING! Your THESIS is the powersource of your essay machine. ?If you ?install this incorrectly, your essay machine will be useless! Write your TWO BODY PARAGRAPH TOPIC SENTENCES combined into a single brilliant statement.?PART III A--BODY PARAGRAPH #1There are multiple options for writing a BODY PARAGRAPH. ?As long as your BODY PARAGRAPH connects the necessary components properly, it will run efficiently for years to come!?4. Remember, BODY PARAGRAPH #1 must mirror the first half of your THESIS. ?It must include a TOPIC SENTENCE, two facts (CONCRETE DETAILS), COMMENTARY, and a concluding sentence. ?Be sure to plug in only certified quotations with proper documentation!GRADE LEVEL:7 ???Unit: Writing Skills--Commentary?Skill: Using the comment feature on a Google Document to provide constructive criticism.??Lesson 17One Class Period--Ongoing??Aim: How can you use the comment feature on a Google Document to provide constructive criticism??Common Core Learning Standards:StandardGradeStandard NumberW75W76?Objective: Students will be able to provide ongoing commentary and suggestions to their classmates’ traditional research essays via Google Document commentary.?Motivation:Students will read a sample from a research essay that intentionally includes common errors. ?Next to the errors are both constructive criticism and negative criticism. ?Students will evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the criticism.?Instructional Materials:ChromebooksHandout 17-1 Handout 17-2 Handout 17-3 and Pivotal Questions:1. After completing the Motivation on Handout 17-1, students will work together to create commentary etiquette on Handout 17-2.2. Based on their findings, the class will reach a consensus.3. The teacher will demonstrate the technical procedure for using the comment feature.4. Students will be randomly assigned a classmate’s research essay on Google Documents on which to comment following the etiquette they have established. 5. Students will make necessary revisions to their own pieces.?Summary:Blog Reflection: How did you benefit from having others comment on your Google Document? ?Similarly, how did you benefit from commenting on the documents of others? Name:______________________________Date:_______________________________Period:_____________________ ?odd/even?R.I.S.E. Lesson 17 Handout 17-1?Directions: Read the comments posted on my Google Document by students. ?Then answer the questions that follow.??from Mr. D’s research essay draft in answer to his question: “How did the Hudson River get cleaned up?”?WRITING SAMPLECOMMENTARY?????Pete Seeger was one of the first people to draw attention to the issue of the Hudson River’s pollution in the 1960’s. ?His advocacy inspired people to come to the Hudson River, and, therefore, want to clean it up. ?The Clearwater Organization, which he helped found, made “a majestic replica of the sloops that sailed the Hudson in the 18th and 19th centuries that would bring people to the river where they could experience its beauty and be moved to preserve it.” ().???EMILY: That’s really disgusting!?WILLIAM: Don’t forget to mention your source. ?DYLAN: One organization can’t really make a difference. ??JAMES: Great quotation! ?Try explaining more about what a sloop is and why that would make people want to improve the quality of the river.?1. Whose comments will potentially help Mr. D to improve his research essay the least? ?Why??______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________??2. Whose comments will potentially help Mr. D to improve his research essay the most? ?Why??______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________Name:______________________________Date:_______________________________Period:_____________________ ?odd/even?R.I.S.E. Lesson 17 Handout 17-2?I. Just as you did when you were first granted access to posting comments on each other’s blogs, you are going to help establish proper etiquette for providing constructive criticism on each others Google Documents using the comment feature. ?The purpose of these comments will be to give writers feedback that will enable them to improve their writing skills in general and the written pieces as well.?II. As I did for the blog commentary ground rules, ?I have included some items that matter to me, but I also want you to contribute to this. ?Afterwards, we’ll come to a consensus. ?Thanks!?All comments and responses must be written using complete sentences with proper spelling, grammar, and usage.?YOUR SUGGESTION ABOUT HOW TO INDICATE SPELLING, GRAMMAR, USAGE, and TYPOGRAPHICAL ERRORS:?________________________________________________________________________?YOUR SUGGESTION ABOUT HOW TO INDICATE AREAS UPON WHICH THE WRITER SHOULD EXPAND:?________________________________________________________________________??????D. YOUR SUGGESTION ABOUT HOW TO INDICATE AREAS THAT THE ??????????WRITER SHOULD REMOVE:???????????________________________________________________________________________??????E. YOUR SUGGESTION ABOUT HOW TO INDICATE SECTIONS OF THE PIECE ??????????THAT ARE CONFUSING:????????__________________________________________________________________________??????F. YOUR SUGGESTION ABOUT SOMETHING ELSE THAT WOULD HELP THE ?????????WRITER TO IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF THE PIECE:????????__________________________________________________________________________Name:______________________________Date:_______________________________Period:_____________________ ?odd/even?R.I.S.E. Lesson 17 Handout 17-3WRITING RULES FOR A HAPPIER LIFE?Directions: You are responsible for memorizing the rules below.?1. COMPLETE SENTENCESAll graded writing assignments must be written using complete sentences. ?A complete sentence must have a subject and a predicate. ?Every word in a sentence is a part of either the subject or predicate.~The subject is who or what the sentence is about.???????ex.: ?Bees buzz.???????????????????subj.???????????????????The students on Team One are cool.???????????????????subj.~The predicate tells what the subject is doing, what happens to the subject, or what is said about the subject.???????ex.: ?The monkey eats cheese.???????????????????????????????????????????pred.???????????????????The glasses had been broken by the little boy.???????????????????????????????????????????pred.???????????????????The penguins are here!???????????????????????????????????????????pred.???2. FRAGMENTS and RUN-ONSFragments and run-ons are grammatically incorrect attempts at writing sentences.?~A FRAGMENT is a group of words trying to be a sentence, but either missing a SUBJECT or a PREDICATE. ?FRAGMENTS are always incorrect.?ex.: Incorrect: When I was five.?ex.: Incorrect: To the store.?ex. ?Incorrect: Because of the monkeys.?ex. ??Incorrect: If I win.?ex.: Incorrect: The baseball.???~A RUN-ON occurs when two or more sentences are combined incorrectly.?*You cannot combine two complete sentences with just a comma.?ex.: Incorrect: Joe was hungry, he cooked a cheeseburger.??*You can combine two complete sentences with a comma followed by a conjunction. ?ex.: Correct: Joe was hungry, and he cooked a cheeseburger.?*You can combine two complete closely related sentences with a semicolon.?ex.: Correct: Joe was hungry; he cooked a chesseburger.?????3. Indent the first line of every new paragraph. ?Do not indent each part of the paragraph.???Incorrect: ______________________________________________________________________________________________?Incorrect:____________________________________________________________________________??Correct:_________________________________________________________________________________??4. Using COMMAS and QUOTATION MARKS Correctly?There are FOUR key methods in which a writer may show that someone is speaking. ?If you memorize all FOUR methods, you will be able to add variety to your writing style and write properly.??~SPEAKER FIRST:?He said, “Hello, my name is Mr. D.”??~SPEAKER AFTER:?“Hello, my name is Mr. D,” he said.??~SPEAKER IN THE MIDDLE (INTERRUPTED):?“Hello,” he said, “my name is Mr. D.”?~INDIRECT (NO QUOTATION MARKS)?He said that his name is Mr. D.??*Remember that when you write dialogue, indent (make a new paragraph) each time the speaker switches.*????FORMULAS TO HELP YOU REMEMBER HOW TO USE COMMASAND QUOTATION MARKS CORRECTLYSPEAKER FIRST:Person said + comma + quotation mark + capitalized sentence + period + quotation mark?Joe said, “I will study.”?***********************************************************************SPEAKER AFTER?Quotation mark + capitalized sentence + comma + quotation mark + person said + period?“September is almost over,” Jill said.***********************************************************************?SPEAKER IN THE MIDDLE?Quotation mark + ? sentence + comma + quotation mark + speaker said + comma + quotation mark + ? lowercase sentence + period + quotation mark?“This test,” Fred said, “will be easy.”***********************************************************************?INDIRECT QUOTATION?Sentence using person said that*no quotation marks!?Sarah said that it was sunny.?5. More Rules to Follow When Writing About Something that You’ve Read????*You must include the title and author when you are writing about something you have read.????* Underline the titles of LONG works, such as novels, plays, and movies.????* Place “quotation marks” around the titles of shorter works, such as poems,stories, articles, and television show episodes.????*Do not use FIRST PERSON PRONOUNS (I, me, my, etc.) ?to refer to yourself when writing about something you have read.?Incorrect: In my opinion, school should be open 365 days per year.?Correct: School should be open 365 days per year.???*Do not write useless phrases, such as In conclusion, This paragraph has shown, etc.???*Even though it seems really weird, when you are writing about something that you have read, you need to use the present tense as if the events are happening now.?Incorrect: In J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, Harry????journeyed to Hogwarts.?Correct: In J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, Harry??journeys to Hogwarts.6. An apostrophe shows that a word owns something. ???In general, if the word does not normally end with the letter s, then add ’ in Joe’s smelly socks.?Incorrect: Mr. Ds children are crazy.?Correct: Mr. D’s children are crazy.??If the word does normally end with the letter s, then all you need to do is addthe ’ right after the s.??Incorrect: The Islanders’s chances of winning this year have improved.?Correct: The Islanders’ chances of winning this year have improved..??????MISTAKES YOU ARE NO LONGER ALLOWED TO MAKE. ?EVER.************************************************************************7. LET’S is a contraction for LET US. ?Incorrect: LETS go.Correct: LET’S go. ?(Let us go.)?************************************************************************8. ACCEPT means to receive.???EXCEPT means not including.?Incorrect: I EXCEPT the award for most awesome handwriting.Correct: I ACCEPT the award for most awesome handwriting.???Incorrect: Everyone ACCEPT James got on the bus on time.Correct: Everyone EXCEPT James got on the bus on time.?************************************************************************9. AFFECT means change.???EFFECT means result.??Incorrect: Heat EFFECTS my mood negatively.Correct: Heat AFFECTS my mood negatively.???Incorrect: The AFFECT of my drinking coffee is that I am a more pleasant ?????person.?Correct: The EFFECT of my drinking coffee is that I am a more pleasant??person.?************************************************************************10. Use WE’RE when you mean to write “we are.”?Incorrect: WERE going to the game.Correct: WE’RE going to the game.?************************************************************************?11. Use THEY’RE when you mean to write “they are.”?Incorrect: THERE coming over.Correct: THEY’RE coming over.????????Use THEIR when you mean to write “belonging to them.”?Incorrect: THEY’RE team won.Correct: THEIR team won.??************************************************************************12. Use YOU’RE when you mean to write “you are.”?Incorrect: Your going to be in trouble.Correct: You’re going to be in trouble.?************************************************************************13. ?KNOW means “to be aware of something.” ?NOW means “at this moment.”?Incorrect: I NOW that I need to start studying know.Correct: I KNOW that I need to start studying now.?************************************************************************14. IT’S means “it is.” ?ITS means “belonging to it.” ?Incorrect: ITS time for it’s dinner.Correct: IT’S time for its dinner.Correct: The monkey was chasing ITS tail.?************************************************************************?15. LOSE means “to misplace an object or to be defeated.” ?LOOSE means “not tight.” ?Incorrect: Don’t loose your wallet.Correct: Don’t lose your wallet.???************************************************************************?************************************************************************16. ALL READY means “all of us are ready.”?????ALREADY means “by this time.”??Incorrect: We are ALREADY to begin the game.Correct: We are ALL READY to begin the game.???Incorrect: The race is ALL READY over.Correct: The race is ALREADY over.??************************************************************************17. Do not misspell the contraction for DOES NOT.?Incorrect: He DOSEN’T work here.Correct: He DOESN’T work here.?************************************************************************18. TO means “toward.” TOO means “also or very.” ?TWO means “2.”?Incorrect: I am TO tired to learn these rules.Correct: I am TOO tired to learn these rules.Correct: I will learn these rules TOO.??************************************************************************19. GOOD is an adjective that answers the question WHAT KIND??????WELL is an adverb that answers the question HOW???Correct: The good boy did well on his test.??************************************************************************20. DESSERT means the sweet food served after a meal.?????DESERT is the barren place where very little grows.?Correct: The only DESSERT in the DESERT is cactus cake.?************************************************************************************************************************************************21. A PRINCIPAL means “the person in charge of the school building.”?????PRINCIPLE means “main” or “belief.”?Correct: A school PRINCIPAL is the PRINCIPLE person in charge of the ??building.??************************************************************************22. QUITE means “very.”?????QUIET means “shhhh.”??Correct: I get QUITE nervous when the classroom is too QUIET.?************************************************************************23. THROUGH means “in one side and out the other.”?????THREW is the past tense of throw.?Correct: I ran THROUGH the woods to find the golf ball, but when?I could not find it, I THREW my hands up in defeat.??************************************************************************24. THAN is used to compare.?????THEN means “next.”?Correct: If I am more hungry THAN you are, THEN I should be allowed to??eat your lunch.??************************************************************************25. HOLE means “gap or space.”?????WHOLE means “complete.”??Correct: There was a HOLE in the WHOLE bottom of the car, so we fell onto ??????????????the street.??************************************************************************?Checking for Mistakes Exercise?Directions: The piece below has been written incorrectly. ?Use the rules you have learned to fix it. ?Write notes, cross out mistakes, and make corrections for any part of the paragraph that needs to be changed.??Mr. Ds wife loves all types of animals. ?Because of how fascinating there habits can be. ?Its no secret that she is a fan of all kinds of pets, she has three dogs and one cat to. ?Recently, she discovered a den of baby foxes in the backyard. ?Mr. D nows this is going to be a problem. ?When she started taking daily pictures of them. ?Mr. D dosen’t think he has a chance after she started telling him how cute it is that the mother fox brought a dead skunk into it’s den. ?Mr. D starts to debate this topic with her but in my opinion he will loose the hole argument.?“Look, there’s know way were going to have foxes for pets” Mr. D said.?Mrs. D replied “your being ridiculous. ?Their so cute”!?“I just read an article online that might help you. ?Its called How Many Pets Are To Many Pets?”?Mrs. D than handed Mr. D a book she had been reading called “How to Build a Fox Den Hear Inside Your Own Home.”?In conclusion, it’s clear that they are going to have this discussion again when Mrs. D discovers the birds nest next to they’re front window.GRADE LEVEL:7Unit: Writing Skills--Hypothesizing Process Steps?Skill: Learning how to be methodical about planning the steps for a process.??Lesson 18Six Class Periods--Ongoing??Aim: How do you hypothesize the necessary steps you must undertake before beginning a process??Common Core Learning Standards:StandardGradeStandard NumberSL71W74W76W77W78W79?Objective: Students will be able to make predictions about what steps they need to take when they are not provided those steps.?Motivation:Students will watch the short video about what happens when you do not plan ahead or fail to communicate with the others with whom you are working. Students will then provide a written response on Handout 18-1.Instructional Materials:ChromebooksMotivation VideoHandout 18-1Handout 18-2Handout 18-3Handout 18-4Handout 18-5?Procedures and Pivotal Questions:Day One1. After completing the Motivation task, students will reach a consensus regarding whose plan would have the greatest chances of success.2. Students will read the article on Handout 18-2 about the steps required in the business management planning process. ?Question: How does this apply to seventh graders?3. Working in their cooperative square-cles, students will then use Handout 18-2 as a template to create a generalized list of basic steps to follow in order to solve a problem selected by them on Handout 18-3. ??Days Two through FiveStudents will work with their cooperative teams to complete the steps of their chosen goals. They will document any research required to achieve these goals on Handout 18-4.??Day Six and Ongoing (At a Later Date Determined by the Project the Group Has Undertaken)Students will implement their projects in school with the guidance of the teacher. ?Once they have implemented the project, they will present their findings to the class based on Handout 18-5.??Summary:Day One:Blog Reflection: What problem has your group chosen to tackle? ?What obstacles do you predict that your group may encounter in trying to achieve this goal? ?How might you help to overcome these obstacles??Day Two through Day Six:Blog Reflection: What successes and/or problems did you encounter today? ?How might you be even more successful for next class?Name:______________________________Date:_______________________________Period:_____________________ ?odd/even?R.I.S.E. Lesson 18 Handout 18-1?Directions: After watching the video, use complete sentences to answer the question below.?Assume that a team of separate people were each in charge of installing the doors, the tile, the bathtub, the toilet, and the floor heating vent in this bathroom. ?If they were to redo this construction project from scratch, what steps should they take to avoid the problems described in the video??______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________Name:______________________________Date:_______________________________Period:_____________________ ?odd/even?R.I.S.E. Lesson 18 Handout 18-2?Directions: Read the article below and then answer the questions that follow using complete sentences.)?The Basic Steps in the Management Planning Processby Lisa McQuerrey (smallbusiness. ? Copyright 2017 Hearst Newspapers, LLC)?Management planning is the process of assessing an organization's goals and creating a realistic, detailed plan of action for meeting those goals. Much like writing a business plan, a management plan takes into consideration short- and long-term corporate strategies. The basic steps in the management planning process involve creating a roadmap that outlines each task the company must accomplish to meet its overall objectives.?Establish GoalsThe first step of the management planning process is to identify specific company goals. This portion of the planning process should include a detailed overview of each goal, including the reason for its selection and the anticipated outcomes of goal-related projects. Where possible, objectives should be described in quantitative or qualitative terms. An example of a goal is to raise profits by 25 percent over a 12-month period.Identify ResourcesEach goal should have financial and human resources projections associated with its completion. For example, a management plan may identify how many sales people it will require and how much it will cost to meet the goal of increasing sales by 25 percent.Establish Goal-Related TasksEach goal should have tasks or projects associated with its achievement. For example, if a goal is to raise profits by 25 percent, a manager will need to outline the tasks required to meet that objective. Examples of tasks might include increasing the sales staff or developing advanced sales training techniques.Prioritize Goals and TasksPrioritizing goals and tasks is about ordering objectives in terms of their importance. The tasks deemed most important will theoretically be approached and completed first. The prioritizing process may also reflect steps necessary in completing a task or achieving a goal. For example, if a goal is to increase sales by 25 percent and an associated task is to increase sales staff, the company will need to complete the steps toward achieving that objective in chronological order.Create Assignments and TimelinesAs the company prioritizes projects, it must establish timelines for completing associated tasks and assign individuals to complete them. This portion of the management planning process should consider the abilities of staff members and the time necessary to realistically complete assignments. For example, the sales manager in this scenario may be given monthly earning quotas to stay on track for the goal of increasing sales by 25 percent.Establish Evaluation MethodsA management planning process should include a strategy for evaluating the progress toward goal completion throughout an established time period. One way to do this is through requesting a monthly progress report from department heads.Identify Alternative Courses of ActionEven the best-laid plans can sometimes be thrown off track by unanticipated events. A management plan should include a contingency plan if certain aspects of the master plan prove to be unattainable. Alternative courses of action can be incorporated into each segment of the planning process, or for the plan in its entirety.Name:______________________________Date:_______________________________Period:_____________________ ?odd/even?R.I.S.E. Lesson 18 Handout 18-3?Directions: Circle the PROBLEM selected by your group in the box below. ?Then, complete steps 1-5 with input from each of the members on your team.?PROBLEMS*How can you foster a greater love of reading in seventh graders??*How can you help disorganized students to become more organized??*How can you inspire more students to talk to other students outside their groups of friends??*How can you encourage students to make healthier eating choices during lunch??*How can you help students who have moved here from another country to feel more welcome in this new culture??*How can you enable students to develop environmentally-friendly habits within the school??*How can you students with special needs make connections with their fellow seventh graders??*ADD A PROBLEM THAT YOUR GROUP WOULD PREFER TO TACKLE BELOW [NOTE: MUST HAVE PRIOR APPROVAL FROM YOUR TEACHER.]?___________________________________________________________________________?___________________________________________________________________________??1. What is your GOAL??______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________??2a. What RESOURCES are available to your team to achieve this GOAL??______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________??2b. What RESOURCES do you not have that you will need to acquire to achieve this GOAL??______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?3a. What TASKS will your team need to accomplish to achieve this GOAL?*NOTE: You must include any items that your team will need to research.?TASKS?????????3b. PRIORITIZE your TASKS in order of importance.?TASKS IN ORDER OF PRIORITY???????????3c. Based on these TASKS create ASSIGNMENTS with the TIMELINES necessary for completing them.?TASKS ??????PERSON RESPONSIBLE ???????TIMELINE?????????????????????????????????4. What EVALUATION METHOD will you use to determine that each ASSIGNMENT has been completed properly according to the TIMELINES??______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________Name:______________________________Date:_______________________________Period:_____________________ ?odd/even?R.I.S.E. Lesson 18 Handout 18-4?Directions: Use the attached forms to document your research.?TASK THAT YOU ARE RESEARCHING:?_____________________________________________________________________________?_____________________________________________________________________________?FACTSSOURCE?___________________________________?___________________________________?___________________________________?___________________________________?___________________________________?___________________________________?___________________________________?___________________________________?___________________________________?___________________________________?___________________________________?___________________________________?___________________________________????????????????___________________________________??Author / Editor / Organization :__________?______________________________________??Date of Publication /Date of Access:_________________________???Name of Website:_______________________?______________________________________??Title of Article on Website:?_____________________________________??Web Address:?_____________________________________?_____________________________________TASK THAT YOU ARE RESEARCHING:?_____________________________________________________________________________?_____________________________________________________________________________?FACTSSOURCE?___________________________________?___________________________________?___________________________________?___________________________________?___________________________________?___________________________________?___________________________________?___________________________________?___________________________________?___________________________________?___________________________________?___________________________________?___________________________________????????????????___________________________________??Author / Editor / Organization :__________?______________________________________??Date of Publication /Date of Access:_________________________???Name of Website:_______________________?______________________________________??Title of Article on Website:?_____________________________________??Web Address:?_____________________________________?_____________________________________?TASK THAT YOU ARE RESEARCHING:?_____________________________________________________________________________?_____________________________________________________________________________?FACTSSOURCE?___________________________________?___________________________________?___________________________________?___________________________________?___________________________________?___________________________________?___________________________________?___________________________________?___________________________________?___________________________________?___________________________________?___________________________________?___________________________________????????????????___________________________________??Author / Editor / Organization :__________?______________________________________??Date of Publication /Date of Access:_________________________???Name of Website:_______________________?______________________________________??Title of Article on Website:?_____________________________________??Web Address:?_____________________________________?_____________________________________?Name:______________________________Date:_______________________________Period:_____________________ ?odd/even?R.I.S.E. Lesson 18 Handout 18-5?Directions: Respond using complete sentences based on your own experiences and role in completing your group’s project. ?You will use this information as part of your group’s informal presentation to the class.?1. Why did you agree to work on this project??______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________??2. What challenges did your group face in creating a plan to achieve your GOAL? ?How did your group overcome those challenges??______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________??3. How did research enable you to achieve your GOAL??______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?4. How would you rate your group’s overall success in achieving your GOAL? ?Why??______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________??5. What might you do differently if you were to work on a project like this again??______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________GRADE LEVEL:7 ?Unit: Nontraditional Research Writing Formats?Skill: Predicting Obstacles to Create a Research-Based Project Using a Nontraditional Format??Lesson 19One Class Period + Lessons 21-30??Aim: What must you take into account when embarking on an unchartered research journey that you will be presenting in a nontraditional format??Common Core Learning Standards:StandardGradeStandard NumberRST6-85RST6-86?Objective: Students will be able to determine how to prepare for beginning a nontraditional research project.?Motivation: Students will work together to examine the challenges they face when writing about an unfamiliar topic in an unfamiliar format using Handout 19-1.?Instructional Materials:ChromebooksHandout 19-1Handout 19-2?Procedures and Pivotal Questions:1. After completing the Motivation on Handout 19-1, students will discuss the importance of Setback Prediction and Triumph Strategies. 2. Students will then learn how to use Handout 19-2 to assess what they know, what they do not know, what may go wrong, and how they will address these issues prior to learning about the nontraditional formats requiring research. ?They will use this packet during the subsequent mini-lessons that will follow in Lessons 21-30. ?Summary:Blog Reflection: Why are Setback Prediction and Triumph Strategies a necessary part of the research process?Name:______________________________Date:_______________________________Period:_____________________ ?odd/even?Lesson 19 Handout 19-1?Directions:Congratulations! ?Today you and your fellow group members will have an opportunity to do some creative writing! ?Be sure to follow the steps below:??As a group, choose one of the formats from TABLE A below.SestinaPantoumVillanelleClerihewSenryuRondeau??Now, select a topic from TABLE B.String TheorySchrodinger’s CatCern Particle AcceleratorEntropyDark MatterQuantum Mechanics??Finally, together, respond to the following questions about this assignment.?1. How confident are all of you that you can complete this assignment successfully? ?Explain.?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?TURN OVER2. How does this apply to the research and projects that you will actually be doing in this course? ?Explain.?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________Name:______________________________Date:_______________________________Period:_____________________ ?odd/even?R.I.S.E. Lesson 19 Handout 19-2?Overview: When we normally think of research, our minds immediately jump to research essays. ?But, as we’ve already seen, research is so much more than that. ?While research can be a goal in and of itself to present our findings, you saw in the previous lesson that we also need solid research skills to plan how we will attain goals that we set for ourselves. ?We have now reached the moment to which the R.I.S.E. course has been building: the moment during which you will take on a challenge of your own choosing. ??In the coming days, you will select one of the topics you’ve written about in your blog. ?You will then be able to use this topic to create a short documentary film, short-subject movie, graphic novel, podcast, curated art exhibition, community service project, event, teach others about your area of expertise, or something totally different (upon approval). ?In order to help you make an informed decision about which genre will best serve your ultimate goals and interests, we will be examining each of these methods of communication in their own separate lessons. But, first today, we are going to focus more on predicting obstacles. ??Undoubtedly, in the previous lesson, despite planning a course of action ahead of time, you experienced some setbacks. ?So, in this lesson we will learn how to predict setbacks, as well as how to overcome them, before they happen. Then, during each successive lesson, you will be able to examine the pitfalls inherent in each writing / research format so that you will be able to achieve maximum success. ?In order to accomplish this, you will answer these questions prior to making a decision about the direction in which you would like to proceed:???SETBACK PREDICTION and TRIUMPH STRATEGIESWhat are you already certain about regarding the requirements of this format??What do you need to find out ahead of time before beginning to write??What are all of the possible (reasonable) things that can go wrong??How will you address these potential challenges????PART ONE--Short Documentary Film??SETBACK PREDICTION and TRIUMPH STRATEGIESYOUR ANSWERS BEFORE THE LESSON ABOUT THIS FORMATYOUR ANSWERS AFTER THE LESSON ABOUT THIS FORMATI. What are you already certain about regarding the requirements of this format??????????????????What do you need to find out ahead of time before beginning to write???????????????????III. What are all of the possible (reasonable) things that can go wrong????????????????????IV. How will you address these potential challenges????????????????????TECHNICAL TERMS AND FORMAT QUESTIONS TO RESEARCH FURTHER:???????PART TWO--Short Subject Movie??SETBACK PREDICTION and TRIUMPH STRATEGIESYOUR ANSWERS BEFORE THE LESSON ABOUT THIS FORMATYOUR ANSWERS AFTER THE LESSON ABOUT THIS FORMATI. What are you already certain about regarding the requirements of this format??????????????????What do you need to find out ahead of time before beginning to write???????????????????III. What are all of the possible (reasonable) things that can go wrong????????????????????IV. How will you address these potential challenges????????????????????TECHNICAL TERMS AND FORMAT QUESTIONS TO RESEARCH FURTHER:??????PART THREE--GRAPHIC NOVEL??SETBACK PREDICTION and TRIUMPH STRATEGIESYOUR ANSWERS BEFORE THE LESSON ABOUT THIS FORMATYOUR ANSWERS AFTER THE LESSON ABOUT THIS FORMATI. What are you already certain about regarding the requirements of this format??????????????????II. What do you need to find out ahead of time before beginning to write???????????????????III. What are all of the possible (reasonable) things that can go wrong????????????????????IV. How will you address these potential challenges????????????????????TECHNICAL TERMS AND FORMAT QUESTIONS TO RESEARCH FURTHER:???????PART FOUR--PODCAST??SETBACK PREDICTION and TRIUMPH STRATEGIESYOUR ANSWERS BEFORE THE LESSON ABOUT THIS FORMATYOUR ANSWERS AFTER THE LESSON ABOUT THIS FORMATI. What are you already certain about regarding the requirements of this format??????????????????II. What do you need to find out ahead of time before beginning to write???????????????????III. What are all of the possible (reasonable) things that can go wrong????????????????????IV. How will you address these potential challenges????????????????????TECHNICAL TERMS AND FORMAT QUESTIONS TO RESEARCH FURTHER:???????PART FIVE--CURATED ART EXHIBIT??SETBACK PREDICTION and TRIUMPH STRATEGIESYOUR ANSWERS BEFORE THE LESSON ABOUT THIS FORMATYOUR ANSWERS AFTER THE LESSON ABOUT THIS FORMATI. What are you already certain about regarding the requirements of this format??????????????????II. What do you need to find out ahead of time before beginning to write???????????????????III. What are all of the possible (reasonable) things that can go wrong????????????????????IV. How will you address these potential challenges????????????????????TECHNICAL TERMS AND FORMAT QUESTIONS TO RESEARCH FURTHER:???????PART SIX--COMMUNITY SERVICE PROJECT??SETBACK PREDICTION and TRIUMPH STRATEGIESYOUR ANSWERS BEFORE THE LESSON ABOUT THIS FORMATYOUR ANSWERS AFTER THE LESSON ABOUT THIS FORMATI. What are you already certain about regarding the requirements of this format??????????????????II. What do you need to find out ahead of time before beginning to write???????????????????III. What are all of the possible (reasonable) things that can go wrong????????????????????IV. How will you address these potential challenges????????????????????TECHNICAL TERMS AND FORMAT QUESTIONS TO RESEARCH FURTHER:???????PART SEVEN--EVENT??SETBACK PREDICTION and TRIUMPH STRATEGIESYOUR ANSWERS BEFORE THE LESSON ABOUT THIS FORMATYOUR ANSWERS AFTER THE LESSON ABOUT THIS FORMATI. What are you already certain about regarding the requirements of this format??????????????????II. What do you need to find out ahead of time before beginning to write???????????????????III. What are all of the possible (reasonable) things that can go wrong????????????????????IV. How will you address these potential challenges????????????????????TECHNICAL TERMS AND FORMAT QUESTIONS TO RESEARCH FURTHER:???????PART EIGHT--Teaching about an Area in which You Are an Expert??SETBACK PREDICTION and TRIUMPH STRATEGIESYOUR ANSWERS BEFORE THE LESSON ABOUT THIS FORMATYOUR ANSWERS AFTER THE LESSON ABOUT THIS FORMATI. What are you already certain about regarding the requirements of this format??????????????????II. What do you need to find out ahead of time before beginning to write???????????????????III. What are all of the possible (reasonable) things that can go wrong????????????????????IV. How will you address these potential challenges????????????????????TECHNICAL TERMS AND FORMAT QUESTIONS TO RESEARCH FURTHER:????????PART TEN--Your Choice:____________________________??SETBACK PREDICTION and TRIUMPH STRATEGIESYOUR ANSWERS BEFORE THE LESSON ABOUT THIS FORMATYOUR ANSWERS AFTER THE LESSON ABOUT THIS FORMATI. What are you already certain about regarding the requirements of this format??????????????????II. What do you need to find out ahead of time before beginning to write???????????????????III. What are all of the possible (reasonable) things that can go wrong????????????????????IV. How will you address these potential challenges????????????????????TECHNICAL TERMS AND FORMAT QUESTIONS TO RESEARCH FURTHER:?????GRADE LEVEL:7 ???Unit: Nontraditional Research Skills?Skill: Determining the Format that will Best Get Your Message Across to Your Intended Audience??Lesson 20One Class Period??Aim: ?What must you consider when trying to determine the format that will best get your message across to your intended audience??Common Core Learning Standards:StandardGradeStandard Number?W77.4?Objective: Students will be able to assess the qualities of their intended audience to determine which format will best get their message across. ?Motivation:An interactive dartboard will be on display on the Smart Board. ?[Please note that you must create your own version of this via the “Gallery” function of Smart Notebook. ?I have attached Handout 20-1 for reference.] ?Students will be divided into teams and told that they will be competing against the other teams in a game called “Target Audience: The World’s Greatest Dart Game Since . . . Uhhh . . . Darts.” ?Unknown to the students, this dartboard does not follow traditional logic--unless you make adjustments to your game based on your target audience, teams have no chance of winning (unless they do so randomly). In order to play the game, students must adhere to the following rules:?Each team will select a Champion.The Champion, when called upon by the teacher, will walk up to the dartboard.ALL OTHER TEAMS MUST FACE IN THE DIRECTION OPPOSITE OF THE DARTBOARD.The team may silently come up with a strategy that they share with their Champion.The Champion will touch one of the rings on the Dartboard.Once the score is revealed on the dartboard, all teams may turn back around to see the score.Repeat steps until all teams have gone once. ?Instructional Materials:ChromebooksHandout 20-1Handout 20-2Handout 20-3?Procedures and Pivotal Questions:After completing the Motivation activity, students will answer the questions as a group on Handout 20-2.Individually, students will complete Handout 20-3 in order to be conscious of all that they must consider regarding their audience for their intended research project.?Summary:Blog Reflection: Dream out loud! ?Based on your responses to the questions on Handout 20-3, use complete sentences to brainstorm all of the ideas you have so far (no matter how impractical or improbable--we’ll figure out logistics later) about your vision for your research project.Name:______________________________Date:_______________________________Period:_____________________ ?odd/even?R.I.S.E. Lesson 20 Handout 20-2?Directions: Once you have played a round of ?“Target Audience: The World’s Greatest Dart Game Since . . . Uhhh . . . Darts,” answer the questions that follow.?1. As a team, what was the biggest challenge in playing this game? ?Explain.?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________???2. As a writer, what must you take under consideration when aiming for your target audience??______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________Name:______________________________Date:_______________________________Period:_____________________ ?odd/even?R.I.S.E. Lesson 20 Handout 20-3??FORMAT DETERMINATION QUESTIONNAIREQUESTIONSANSWERSWhat is your topic?????????????What message would you like to communicate to your audience about this topic?????????What is the age range of your intended audience??????????General??Elementary or Younger??Middle School??High School or Older?How would you characterize your intended audience’s level of prior knowledge about your topic????????Newbie??General??Advanced?As the author of this project, what is your purpose?????????Inform??Entertain??Persuade?Which method(s) of expression best play(s) to your own strengths????????Written??Verbal??Visual??Musical??Other?Based on all of the considerations above, at this point, what format are you considering exploring to get your message across to your intended audience?Explain why!???????GRADE LEVEL:7 ???Unit: Nontraditional Research Formats?Skill: Script Format for any Visual Media??Lesson 21 ???Two Class Periods???Aim: What must a writer of any type of screenplay consider beyond dialogue??Common Core Learning Standards:StandardGradeStandard NumberRL77W73BW73DW74?Objective: Students will be able to analyze the importance of stage directions and camera directions. ?Motivation:Students will use Handout 21-1 to work with their cooperative square-cles to create a screenplay that is thirty seconds in length. ?While they will not be learning basic screen formatting until later in the period, this will enable them to better visualize the necessity for being as specific as possible. ???Instructional Materials:ChromebooksHandout 21-1Handout 21-2IPAD Cart“The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street" Video”“The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street” TeleplayHandout 21-3Google Docs Screenplay Formatter Add-On App??Procedures and Pivotal Questions:Day One: The Importance of Making Your Script as Specific as PossibleAfter completing the Motivation on Handout 21-1, students will then trade scripts with another square-cle who will attempt to film it as accurately as possible using an IPAD.Students will view the other group’s performance of their script.Students will use Handout 21-2 to reflect on how close the other group’s performance was to their intended vision. ?They will then look back at their script to see what other stage directions they would need to include / revise in order to make the script lead to a more accurate performance.??Day Two: Case Study of Script to ScreenStudents will view “The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street" Video” while reading along with ?“The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street” Teleplay.Students will answer the written response questions on Handout 21-3.Students will install the Google Docs Screenplay Formatter Add-On App and explore its features.?Summary:Day OneBlog Reflection: When writing any type of script, what must a writer consider? ?Day TwoBlog Reflection: What are the biggest challenges that face a script writer?Name:______________________________Date:_______________________________Period:_____________________ ?odd/even?R.I.S.E. Lesson 21 Handout 21-1?Directions: Congratulations! ?You and your group will be creating a script for a thirty second screenplay that another square-cle will be filming. ?Follow the instructions below carefully!?1. Choose ONE topic from the box below.?A. A student has not completed a homework assignment and tries to come up with unsuccessful ways to avoid getting in trouble.?B. A student attempts to try out for a new sport but does not know how to play it or even what the sport is.?C. A student is running for class president but presents some really unrealistic ideas during a campaign speech.?D. A student has just bought a tray of lunch that starts moving on its own.??2. As a group, write the PLOT to this screenplay. ?Make sure that it involves at least two characters.?3. On the lines below, write the script for the entire scene. ?Remember, another group will be filming this with the IPAD, so be as specific as possible. ?In your script, be sure to include:?--all dialogue, including who is speaking--all stage directions for the characters--all camera directions?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________??______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?Name:______________________________Date:_______________________________Period:_____________________ ?odd/even?R.I.S.E. Lesson 21 Handout 21-2?Directions: With your group, respond to the questions that follow about how the other group performed your screenplay.?1. What did the other group do well in terms of staying faithful to the way you envisioned that your script should be performed??______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________??2. While watching the other group’s performance, what did you realize that you should have included in your script so that their performance was more true to your vision. ?Be specific.?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________Name:______________________________Date:_______________________________Period:_____________________ ?odd/even?R.I.S.E. Lesson 21 Handout 21-3?Directions: Answer the questions below based on the teleplay to “The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street.”?1. At the start of ACT I, the camera directions say: [Fade in on a shot of the sky...the various nebulae, and planet bodies stand out in sharp, sparkling relief. As the camera begins a slow pan across the heavens. The CAMERA has begun to PAN DOWN until it passes the horizon and on a sign which reads, "Maple Street." PAN DOWN until we are shooting down at an angle toward the street below. It's a tree-lined, quiet residential American street, very typical of the small town. The houses have front porches on which people sit and swing on gliders, conversing across from house to house. Steve Brand polishes his car parked in front of his house. His neighbor, Don Martin, leans against the fender watching him. A Good Humor man rides a bicycle and is just in the process of stopping to sell some ice cream to a couple of kids. Two women gossip on the front lawn. Another man waters his lawn.] ??What is the purpose of shooting this scene in this manner??______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________???2. ?At the top of the third page, the script states:?[We look down the street as we hear the voices creep up from down below, small, mildly disturbed voices, highlighting these kinds of phrases:] ?VOICES: ?Electricity's off. ?????Phone won't work. ?????Can't get a thing on the radio. ?????My power motor won't move, won't work at all. ?????Radio's gone dead. ?What is the effect of filming this scene with just short snippets of things people are saying instead of full conversations???______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________??3. At the bottom of page four, the script states:?[Steve knits his brows for a moment, cocking his head questioningly. His voice is intense.] ?STEVE What??What do the stage directions help to reveal about Steve’s frame of mind? ?Why??______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________?______________________________________________________________________________GRADE LEVEL:7 ???Unit: Nontraditional Research Formats?Skill: Format for a Short Documentary Film??Lesson 22One Class Period???Aim: What are the characteristics of a short documentary film??Common Core Learning Standards:StandardGradeStandard Number?RL77.5RL77.7?Objective: Students will be able to identify the basic characteristics of a short documentary film. ?Motivation:Students will complete the first two columns of Part One Handout 19-2 about short subject documentary films.?Instructional Materials:ChromebooksHandout 19-2“Joe’s Violin” 2017 Academy Award Nominee for Best Documentary Short??Procedures and Pivotal Questions:Students will complete the Motivation.Students will view “Joe’s Violin” 2017 Academy Award Nominee for Best Documentary Short.Students will complete the third column of ?Handout 19-2.Based on their answers to Handout 19-2, as a class, students will determine what terms they must research further regarding this format. ?Together, they will fill in this information at the bottom of Part One.?Summary:Blog Reflection: What are some possible topics that you might explore if you were to create a short documentary film? ?What are the challenges and advantages of writing in this format?GRADE LEVEL:7 ???Unit: Nontraditional Research Formats?Skill: Format for a Short Subject Movie??Lesson 23One Class Period???Aim: What are the characteristics of a short subject movie??Common Core Learning Standards:StandardGradeStandard NumberRL75RL77?Objective: Students will be able to identify the basic characteristics of a short subject movie. ?Motivation:Students will complete the first two columns of Part Two Handout 19-2 about short subject movies.?Instructional Materials:ChromebooksHandout 19-2“Paperman” Oscar-Winning Short Film??Procedures and Pivotal Questions:Students will complete the Motivation.Students will view “Paperman” Oscar-Winning Short Film. ?Students will complete the third column of ?Handout 19-2.Based on their answers to Handout 19-2, as a class, students will determine what terms they must research further regarding this format. ?Together, they will fill in this information at the bottom of Part Two.?Summary:Blog Reflection: What are some possible topics that you might explore if you were to create a short subject movie? ?What are the challenges and advantages of writing in this format?GRADE LEVEL:7 ???Unit: Nontraditional Research Formats?Skill: Format for Graphic Novels??Lesson 24One Class Period???Aim: What are the characteristics of a graphic novel??Common Core Learning Standards:StandardGradeStandard NumberRL75RL77?Objective: Students will be able to identify the basic characteristics of a graphic novel. ?Motivation:Students will complete the first two columns of Part Three Handout 19-2 about graphic novels.?Instructional Materials:ChromebooksHandout 19-2Comics Writing Guide??Procedures and Pivotal Questions:Students will complete the Motivation.Students will read the Comics Writing Guide. ?Students will complete the third column of ?Handout 19-2.Based on their answers to Handout 19-2, as a class, students will determine what terms they must research further regarding this format. ?Together, they will fill in this information at the bottom of Part Three.?Summary:Blog Reflection: What are some possible topics that you might explore if you were to create a graphic novel? ?What are the challenges and advantages of writing in this format?GRADE LEVEL:7 ???Unit: Nontraditional Research Formats?Skill: Format for Podcasts??Lesson 25One Class Period???Aim: What are the characteristics of a podcast??Common Core Learning Standards:StandardGradeStandard NumberRL75RL77?Objective: Students will be able to identify the basic characteristics of a podcast. ?Motivation:Students will complete the first two columns of Part Four Handout 19-2 about podcasts.?Instructional Materials:ChromebooksHandout 19-2This American Life Episode #449: “Middle School”???Procedures and Pivotal Questions:Students will complete the Motivation.Students will listen to an excerpt of the podcast This American Life Episode #449: “Middle School” ??Students will complete the third column of ?Handout 19-2.Based on their answers to Handout 19-2, as a class, students will determine what terms they must research further regarding this format. ?Together, they will fill in this information at the bottom of Part Four.?Summary:Blog Reflection: What are some possible topics that you might explore if you were to create a podcast? ?What are the challenges and advantages of writing in this format?GRADE LEVEL:7 Unit: Nontraditional Research Formats Skill: Format for Podcasts Lesson 26One Class PeriodAim: What are the characteristics of a curated art exhibit??Common Core Learning Standards:StandardGradeStandard NumberRL75RL77?Objective: Students will be able to identify the basic characteristics of a curated art exhibit. ?Motivation:Students will complete the first two columns of Part Five Handout 19-2 about curated art exhibits.?Instructional Materials:ChromebooksHandout 19-2How to Curate Your First Art ExhibitHow to Write a Good Artist Statement???Procedures and Pivotal Questions:Students will complete the Motivation.Students will read How to Curate Your First Art Exhibit and How to Write a Good Artist Statement. ??Students will complete the third column of ?Handout 19-2.Based on their answers to Handout 19-2, as a class, students will determine what terms they must research further regarding this format. ?Together, they will fill in this information at the bottom of Part Five.?Summary:Blog Reflection: What are some possible topics that you might explore if you were to create a curated art exhibit? ?What are the challenges and advantages of writing in this format?GRADE LEVEL:7 ???Unit: Nontraditional Research Formats?Skill: Format for a Community Service Project??Lesson 27One Class Period???Aim: What are the characteristics of a curated art exhibit??Common Core Learning Standards:StandardGradeStandard NumberRL75RL77?Objective: Students will be able to identify the basic characteristics of a community service project.?Motivation:Students will complete the first two columns of Part Six Handout 19-2 about community service projects.?Instructional Materials:ChromebooksHandout 19-2“One Hopewell Teen Inspires a Community-Wide Project to Help Kids with Disabilities”“Julie’s Jungle Dream” from Cablevision News???Procedures and Pivotal Questions:Students will complete the Motivation.Students will read “One Hopewell Teen Inspires a Community-Wide Project to Help Kids with Disabilities” and watch “Julie’s Jungle Dream” from Cablevision News ??Students will complete the third column of ?Handout 19-2.Based on their answers to Handout 19-2, as a class, students will determine what terms they must research further regarding this format. ?Together, they will fill in this information at the bottom of Part Six.?Summary:Blog Reflection: What are some possible topics that you might explore if you were to create a community service project? ?What are the challenges and advantages of writing in this format?GRADE LEVEL:7 ???Unit: Nontraditional Research Formats?Skill: Creating and Hosting a Charitable Event??Lesson 28One Class Period???Aim: What factors must be considered to create and host a charitable event??Common Core Learning Standards:StandardGradeStandard NumberRL77.5RL77.7?Objective: Students will be able to identify the basic characteristics of what must be considered to create and host a charitable event.?Motivation:Students will complete the first two columns of Part Seven of ? HYPERLINK "" Handout 19-2 about creating and hosting a charitable event.?Instructional Materials:ChromebooksHandout 19-2Long Island’s First Renaissance / Rock Festival Planned to Honor Beloved TeacherSmestad’s KnightsSmesFest Appeal by Calhoun Alumnus Matthew KofflerSmesFest PromoSmesFest Post-Event Thank You??Procedures and Pivotal Questions:Students will complete the Motivation.Students will read Long Island’s First Renaissance / Rock Festival Planned to Honor Beloved Teacher and Smestad’s Knights. ?They will then watch clips from the three SmesFest videos: SmesFest Appeal by Calhoun Alumnus Matthew Koffler, SmesFest Promo, and SmesFest Post-Event Thank You.Students will complete the third column of ? HYPERLINK "" Handout 19-2.Based on their answers to Handout 19-2, as a class, students will determine what terms they must research further regarding this format. ?Together, they will fill in this information at the bottom of Part Seven.??Summary: Blog Reflection: What is a charity that you are passionate about that you would like to create an event for? ?What type of event would you create? ?What are the challenges and advantages of creating and hosting this type of event?GRADE LEVEL:7 ???Unit: Nontraditional Research Formats?Skill: Teaching about an Area in which You Are an Expert???Lesson 29One Class Period???Aim: How might you teach others about an area in which you are an expert??Common Core Learning Standards:StandardGradeStandard NumberRL77.5RL77.7?Objective: Students will be able to determine what is necessary to teach others about an area in which they are experts.?Motivation:Students will complete the first two columns of Part Eight on Handout 19-2 about teaching others.?Instructional Materials:ChromebooksHandout 19-2How to FallJerry Seinfeld: “How to Write a Joke”TED Talk: How to Tie Your Shoes?Procedures and Pivotal Questions:Students will complete the Motivation.Students will read How to Fall and watch Jerry Seinfeld: “How to Write a Joke”and TED Talk: How to Tie Your Shoes. Students will complete the third column of ?Handout 19-2.Based on their answers to Handout 19-2, as a class, students will determine what terms they must research further regarding this format. ?Together, they will fill in this information at the bottom of Part Eight.?Summary:Blog Reflection: What are some areas in which you are an expert that you could teach others? ?Which of the formats that you learned about today (or during previous lessons) would best be suited to your style of teaching others? ?Why?GRADE LEVEL:7 ??? ????????Unit: Sharing Your R.I.S.E. Journey?Skill: Elements of Successful TED Talks??Lesson 30Two Class Periods???Aim: What do successful TED Talks have in common??Common Core Learning Standards:StandardGradeStandard NumberSL77.1.ASL77.4SL77.5?Objective: Students will be able to analyze different TED Talks in order to determine how to create their own effective public speaking presentation. ?Motivation:Students will complete the first column of Handout 30-1 about what they feel would make an awesome public speaking presentation. ?Instructional Materials:ChromebooksHandout 30-1TED Talk: 13 Year Old Richard Turere Discusses His InventionTED Talk: 12 Year Old Adora Svitak Discusses What Adults Can Learn from KidsTED Talk: 12 Year Old Thomas Suarez Became a Successful App DeveloperTED Talk: 14 Year Old McKenna Pope Discusses How to Become a Teen ActivistHandout 30-2??Procedures and Pivotal Questions:Day OneAfter completing the Motivation, students will share why they believe these qualities will make a presentation successful.Students will watch four TED Talks given by students ages 12-14.While watching the talks, students will complete the second column of Handout 30-1 about the qualities exhibited by the speakers in these videos.In a discussion, students will elaborate how the speakers exhibited these qualities.???Day TwoStudents will read the article about public speaking skills on Handout 30-2. ?Students will then receive sections of the article for which they will be responsible for teaching in an expert jigsaw group. Students will meet with other students assigned the same section.Students will teach their cooperative groups what they have learned.Each cooperative group will discuss what were the best tips offered by the author. ??????????????????????????????????????????????Summary:Day One:Blog Reflection: What can you learn about improving your own public speaking skills based on the four TED Talks that you watched??Day Two:Blog Reflection: Based on the article, what aspects of public speaking skills do you personally feel will be the most difficult for you? ?How will you overcome these obstacles?Name:______________________________Date:_______________________________Period:_____________________ ?odd/even?R.I.S.E. Lesson 30 Handout 30-1??What qualities should an all-star public speaking presentation contain?What did each teen TED Talk speaker do particularly well???Richard Turere:_______________________?_____________________________________?_____________________________________?_____________________________________?_____________________________________?_____________________________________?_____________________________________?_____________________________________??Adora Svitak:_________________________?_____________________________________?_____________________________________?_____________________________________?_____________________________________?_____________________________________?_____________________________________?_____________________________________??Thomas Suarez:_______________________?_____________________________________?_____________________________________?_____________________________________?_____________________________________?_____________________________________?_____________________________________?_____________________________________?_____________________________________??McKenna Pope:_______________________?_____________________________________?_____________________________________?_____________________________________?_____________________________________?_____________________________________?_____________________________________?_____________________________________?_____________________________________???GRADE LEVEL:7 ??? ????????Unit: Sharing Your R.I.S.E. JourneySkill: Locking In Your Presentation TopicLesson 31One Class PeriodAim: How do you choose a topic worth exploring in a TED Talk presentation?Common Core Learning Standards:StandardGradeStandard NumberSL77.1.ASL77.4SL77.5Objective: Students will be able to reflect upon what they have discovered during R.I.S.E. this year in order to choose a topic about which to give a TED Talk.Motivation:Students will meet with their square-cles to use Handout 31-1 to brainstorm all of the different topics they have learned this year during R.I.S.E. both through research and personal growth.Instructional Materials:ChromebooksHandout 31-1Handout 31-2Procedures and Pivotal Questions:After completing the Motivation, students will answer the questions on Handout 31-2 to select a topic for his or her TED Talk presentation.Students will share the selections with the class and get feedback about anything that they may need to clarify about the topic.Summary:Blog Reflection: ?What topic did you select? What are you looking forward to most about presenting this topic? ?Why? What are some possible challenges you may face in presenting this topic? ?Why? ?Name:______________________________Date:_______________________________Period:_____________________ ?odd/evenLesson 31 Handout 31-1Directions: With the members of your square-cle, use the chart below to brainstorm all of the different topics they have learned this year during R.I.S.E. both through research and through your own personal ics Researched During R.I.S.E. this YearWhat You Have Discovered about Yourself and about the World this YearName:______________________________Date:_______________________________Period:_____________________ ?odd/evenLesson 31 Handout 31-2Directions: Congratulations! ?You are about to make an exciting decision: what topic will you choose for your TED Talk presentation? ?Just as we have done with everything in R.I.S.E., it will be up to you to select the next path of your journey. ?Complete the chart below to help arrive at a decision!I. Topic BrainstormingWhat are the most valuable lessons that you learned during R.I.S.E.? ?This can include knowledge about yourself and about the world!What are the major lessons? Did you learn about one of the topics that you researched from start to finish this year?What is a new topic that you would like to research in depth about in which you could deliver a TED Talk presentation?II. Out of the three columns which topic have you selected?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________III. Why do you feel that the topic you have selected would make for an interesting experience?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________IV. [NOTE: COMPLETE THIS STEP AFTER SHARING YOUR TOPIC WITH THE CLASS.] ?Based on the suggestions of the class and on your own insight, if necessary, reword your topic so that it is as clear as possible.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________GRADE LEVEL:7 ??? ????????Unit: Sharing Your R.I.S.E. JourneySkill: Framing Your Findings with a StoryLesson 32Five or More Class PeriodsAim: How do you frame your research presentation with a story to engage the audience?Common Core Learning Standards:StandardGradeStandard NumberSL77.1.ASL77.4SL77.5Objective: Students will be able to analyze how TED speakers frame the beginning, middle, and end of their research presentations with engaging stories.Motivation:Students will view the TED-ED Video about the Importance of a Thought-Provoking Beginning, Middle, and End.Instructional Materials:ChromebooksTED-ED Video about the Importance of a Thought-Provoking Beginning, Middle, and EndHandout 32-1Handout 32-2Procedures and Pivotal Questions:Day OneAfter completing the Motivation, students will answer the questions on Handout 32-1 to reflect upon the structure of the stories that each speaker uses to communicate his / her ideas. Based on the topic that they locked into during the previous lesson, students will use Handout 32-2 to brainstorm possible relevant stories from this year and from their own lives that they might use to frame their presentations.Day TwoStudents will give and receive constructive criticism about their five story ideas from the members of their Square-cle and determine which story idea they will use.Continuing their use of Handout 32-2, students will craft a powerful opening statement as well as the beginning of their story.Day ThreeStudents will write the middle and ending to their story, concluding with a clincher statement that drives the point home.Students will give and receive feedback about their completed framing story draft.Day FourStudents will log onto Google Classroom to type the next draft of their framing story. ?Students will share the document with the other members of their square-cle so that they may receive comments throughout the process.Day FiveStudents will incorporate research completed already or new research to support the ideas stated in their framing story.Students will ensure that they have used proper internal citations and have created a works cited page to document the information properly.??????????????????????????????????????????Summary:Day One:Blog Reflection: What are the pros and cons of the story ideas that you have chosen? ?Why? ?Out of your five story ideas, which do you feel are the strongest? ?Why?Day Two:Blog Reflection: Which were the most helpful pieces of constructive criticism that you received? ?Why?Day Three:Blog Reflection: What are the best parts of the completed draft for your framing story? ?Why?Day Four:Blog Reflection: When you typed your draft, what improvements did you make to the original draft? ?How do these changes improve this piece?Day Five:Blog Reflection: What were the biggest challenges in writing this piece? ?What made these challenges difficult? ?How did you overcome them? Name:______________________________Date:_______________________________Period:_____________________ ?odd/evenR.I.S.E. Lesson 32 Handout 32-1Directions: After viewing the TED-ED Video about the Importance of a Thought-Provoking Beginning, Middle, and End, answer the questions that follow.1. What makes the beginning sections of each of the four speakers’ presentations effective? ?Why?SPEAKER #1:___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________SPEAKER #2:___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________SPEAKER #3:___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________SPEAKER #4:___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2. What makes the middle sections of each of the four speakers’ presentations effective? ?Why?SPEAKER #1:___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________SPEAKER #2:___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________SPEAKER #3:___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________SPEAKER #4:___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________3. What makes the ending sections of each of the four speakers’ presentations effective? ?Why?SPEAKER #1:___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________SPEAKER #2:___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________SPEAKER #3:___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________SPEAKER #4:___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Name:______________________________Date:_______________________________Period:_____________________ ?odd/evenLesson 32 Handout 32-2Directions: Complete the worksheet below in order to brainstorm how you will frame your TED Talk.I. MY TED TALK TOPIC:____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________II. THE MAIN THEME / MESSAGE / LESSON OF MY TOPIC IS:_________________________________________________________________________________________________III. TOPICS OF STORIES FROM THIS YEAR, ANYTIME DURING MY LIFE, OR AN INTERESTING ANECDOTE (A SHORT STORY THAT TEACHES SOMETHING) THAT YOU COULD USE TO HELP YOUR AUDIENCE UNDERSTAND YOUR THEME BETTER:A ???????B ?CD ???E.STORY FROM R.I.S.E.STORY FROM THIS YEARSTORY FROM MY LIFEINTERESTING ANECDOTE #1INTERESTING ANECDOTE #2IV. ?NOW, TAKE TURNS TELLING YOUR STORIES TO THE PEOPLE IN YOUR SQUARE-CLE. ?AFTER YOU TELL ONE OF YOUR STORIES, YOUR GROUP WILL GIVE YOU FEEDBACK. ?BE SURE TO WRITE THEIR FEEDBACK DOWN IN THE CHART BELOW SO THAT YOU CAN MAKE THE BEST DECISION ABOUT WHICH STORY YOU WILL USE TO FRAME YOUR PRESENTATION.NOTE ABOUT FEEDBACK: When giving feedback, make sure that it is constructive--that it lets the speaker know what works perfectly, what does not work at all, and what needs improvement.A. ???????B. ?C.D. ???E.FEEDBACK FORSTORY FROM R.I.S.E.FEEDBACK FORSTORY FROM THIS YEARFEEDBACK FORSTORY FROM MY LIFEFEEDBACK FORINTERESTING ANECDOTE #1FEEDBACK FORINTERESTING ANECDOTE #2What Works:What Works:What Works:What Works:What Works:What Does Not Work:What Does Not Work:What Does Not Work:What Does Not Work:What Does Not Work:What May Work if it Is Improved:What May Work if it Is Improved:What May Work if it Is Improved:What May Work if it Is Improved:What May Work if it Is Improved:V. NOW THAT I HAVE RECEIVED CONSTRUCTIVE FEEDBACK FROM MY GROUP, THE TOPIC OF THE STORY THAT I WILL WORK ON IS:____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________VI. THE ATTENTION-GETTING OPENING STATEMENT THAT I WILL USE IN THE BEGINNING PORTION OF THE STORY THAT WILL FRAME MY SPEECH IS:________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________THIS STATEMENT WILL MAKE MY AUDIENCE WANT TO HEAR MORE BECAUSE:____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________THE REST OF THE BEGINNING OF THE STORY THAT WILL FRAME MY SPEECH IS:____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________VII. THE MIDDLE PORTION OF THE STORY THAT I WILL USE TO FRAME MY SPEECH IS:____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________VIII. THE ENDING SECTION OF THE STORY THAT WILL FRAME MY SPEECH IS:____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________THE CLINCHER STATEMENT THAT I WILL USE AT THE END OF THE STORY THAT WILL FRAME MY SPEECH IS:________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________THIS STATEMENT WILL IMPRESS MY AUDIENCE AND HELP THEM TO UNDERSTAND THE IMPORTANCE OF MY TOPIC BECAUSE:____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________IX. NOW, TAKE TURNS TELLING THE COMPLETED DRAFT OF YOUR FRAMING STORY TO THE PEOPLE IN YOUR SQUARE-CLE. ?AS YOU DID BEFORE, YOUR GROUP WILL GIVE YOU FEEDBACK. ?BE SURE TO WRITE THEIR FEEDBACK DOWN IN THE CHART ON THE NEXT PAGE SO THAT YOU CAN MAKE THE BEST DECISION ABOUT WHAT YOU NEED TO IMPROVE.FEEDBACK FORMY FRAMING STORYWhat Works the Best:What Does Not Work at ALL:What May Work if it Is Improved:X. BASED ON THE FEEDBACK THAT YOU HAVE RECEIVED, WRITE THE FULL REVISED DRAFT OF YOUR STORY IN GOOGLE DOCS USING THE LINK FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT POSTED IN GOOGLE CLASSROOM. ?BE SURE TO SHARE THE DOCUMENT WITH THE OTHERS IN YOUR GROUP SO THAT THEY MAY PROVIDE CONTINUED CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM VIA THE COMMENT FEATURE.XI. ONCE YOU HAVE FINISHED WRITING THE STORY, INCORPORATE AT LEAST FOUR FACTS FROM RESEARCH THAT YOU HAVE ALREADY DONE OR FROM NEW RESEARCH THAT SUPPORTS WHAT YOU ARE TRYING TO PROVE IN YOUR TED TALK. ?BE SURE TO WRITE PROPER INTERNAL CITATIONS AND CREATE A WORKS CITED PAGE.GRADE LEVEL:7 ??? ????????Unit: Sharing Your R.I.S.E. JourneySkill: Basic Public Speaking SkillsLesson 33Two Class PeriodsAim: What are the basic public speaking skills required for a successful TED Talk presentation?Common Core Learning Standards:StandardGradeStandard NumberSL77.1.ASL77.4SL77.5Objective: Students will be able to model essential basic public speaking skills to give a successful TED Talk.Motivation:Students will observe the teacher giving a presentation in which he or she speaks too quickly, quietly, mumbles, reads to the audience, does not make eye contact, does not alter pitch or tone, and fidgets nervously. ?Students will be asked to take notes on Handout 33-1 and comment about what the teacher can do to improve the performance.Instructional Materials:ChromebooksHandout 33-1Handout 33-2Procedures and Pivotal Questions:Day One:After completing the Motivation the class will establish the importance of making eye contact, speaking loudly, slowly, clearly, comfortably, conversationally, and altering pitch and tone. ?The teacher will then redo the presentation following these suggestions.Students will be assigned one of the days of the lunch menu on Handout 33-2. ?The reason for using a lunch menu is that each day is already written like a notecard. ?And, because the topic is not a serious one, students will feel more comfortable so that they may practice their public speaking skills. ??Their assignment will be to give a brief thirty second presentation that will encourage others to buy that day’s lunch. ?At the same time, they must model basic public speaking skills.?????3. ??Students will be given time to take notes about any stage directions they wish to givethemselves.?????4. ??Students will take turns practicing in front of their square-cles. ?After each performance,fellow group members will offer suggestions based on the list of basic public speaking skills. ?Students will keep presenting until they have practiced at least a few times.?????5. ??Students will then attempt to present in front of one half of the class using the same???????????format as in the previous step, including feedback.?????6. ??Finally, students will have the opportunity to volunteer to practice their lunch menupresentations in front of the class. ?Day Two:Using either physical notecards or a notecard app on a device, students will distill theirTED Talk speeches that they wrote in Google Docs into a list of key topics so that they may speak to the audience instead of read to the audience.?????2. ??As they did with the lunch menu, students will add any relevant stage directions.?????3. ??Either alone, in pairs, or in their square-cles, students will practice their presentations,adhering to the basic public speaking skills.?????4. ??Students will have an opportunity to volunteer to practice their TED Talks in front of the class.Summary:Day One:Blog Reflection: How did you feel during the different size groups in front of whom you presented? ?Why? ?What are your public speaking strengths? ?Explain. ?What do you need to improve? ?Explain. Day Two:Blog Reflection: How would you rate the quality of your TED Talk so far? ?Explain. ?What do you do particularly well? ?Why? ?What do you need to improve? ?Why?Name:______________________________Date:_______________________________Period:_____________________ ?odd/evenR.I.S.E. Lesson 33 Handout 33-1Directions: As you observe your teacher’s presentation, take notes in the chart below to help improve the presentation.CATEGORYSUGGESTIONSGRADE LEVEL:7 ??? ????????Unit: Sharing Your R.I.S.E. JourneySkill: Auditorium Public Speaking SkillsLesson 34Two-Three Class PeriodsAim: What additional public speaking skills are required for a successful TED Talk being presented on an auditorium stage?Common Core Learning Standards:StandardGradeStandard NumberSL77.1.ASL77.4SL77.5Objective: Students will be able to model the additional public speaking skills necessary for giving a successful TED Talk on an auditorium stage.Motivation:Students will complete Handout 34-1 to analyze the additional challenges of giving a presentation in the auditorium.Instructional Materials:ChromebooksHandout 34-1AuditoriumHeadset MicrophoneWireless MicrophonePodium Fixed MicrophoneProcedures and Pivotal Questions:Day One:After completing the Motivation the class will discuss their answers in order to reach a consensus about what provides the greatest challenges for them individually as auditorium speakers.Students will next have the opportunity to try out the first thirty seconds of their presentations using first the headset microphone, then the wireless microphone, and finally a fixed at the podium.The class will provide constructive feedback about which of the three attempts most successfully overcame the challenges discussed during the Motivation.Days Two-Three:Students will rehearse their presentations in the auditorium using their preferred method of delivery (headset microphone, wireless microphone, or podium fixed microphone).Students will provide feedback to each other based on both the basic public speaking skills and the auditorium public speaking skills discussed during this unit.Summary:Day One:Blog Reflection: Which of the three methods of delivery (headset microphone, wireless microphone, or podium fixed microphone) do you feel will enable you to have the most successful presentation? ?Why?Days Two-Three:Blog Reflection: How did you feel during today’s rehearsals? ?Why? ?What are your strengths and what do you still need to improve? ?Explain. Name:______________________________Date:_______________________________Period:_____________________ ?odd/evenR.I.S.E. Lesson 34 Handout 34-1Directions: Answer the questions below using complete sentences.1. What additional challenges does a speaker face when giving a presentation on stage in the auditorium?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2. What makes the items you mentioned in the question above challenging?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________3. What steps might you take to overcome these challenges?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________GRADE LEVEL:7 ??? ????????Unit: Sharing Your R.I.S.E. JourneySkill: Incorporating Audio-Visual Elements into a Successful TED TalkLesson 35Two-Three Class PeriodsAim: How can audio-visual elements enhance a TED Talk presentation?Common Core Learning Standards:StandardGradeStandard NumberSL77.1.ASL77.4SL77.5Objective: Students will be able to determine what parts of their presentations may be enhanced by audio-visual elements.Motivation:Students will watch TED Talk: “Why Lunch Ladies Are Heroes” while viewing it in the context of how the audio-visual elements enhance the presentation. Instructional Materials:ChromebooksTED Talk: “Why Lunch Ladies Are Heroes”Handout 35-1Handout 35-2 Google SlidesProcedures and Pivotal Questions:Day One:After completing the Motivation, students will answer the questions on Handout 35-1 about how the audio-visual elements the speaker employs enhances the presentation.Students will refer back to their own presentation scripts and complete Handout 35-2 to determine where (and what) audio-visual elements they might add to their presentations.Day Two:Students will complete Handout 35-2 in order to plan out how they will add audio-visual elements to their presentations.Students will work with their square-cles to get feedback in order to improve upon their answers to Handout 35-2.Students will work on placing these audio-visual elements into Google Slides so that they can access them on the big screen or SmartBoard on the day of their presentations. ?Students who wish to create more advanced animation elements may refer to ? HYPERLINK "" Extra Resources for Ted-Ed Club Animations.Summary:Day One:Blog Reflection: What areas of your TED Talk presentation would benefit most from audio or visual elements? ?Why?Day Two:Blog Reflection: Which audio-visual elements work the best for your presentation? ?Why? ?Are there any areas that still have room for improvement? ?Explain.Name:______________________________Date:_______________________________Period:_____________________ ?odd/evenR.I.S.E. Lesson 35 Handout 35-1Directions: Complete the chart below after watching TED Talk: “Why Lunch Ladies Are Heroes”.Audio-Visual ElementHow it Helps the PresentationName:______________________________Date:_______________________________Period:_____________________ ?odd/evenR.I.S.E. Lesson 35 Handout 35-2Directions: Complete the chart below in order to improve your TED Talk presentation with audio-visual elements.Section of SpeechType of Audio-Visual Element (Diagram, Drawing, Photo, Video, Animation, Sound, etc.)Ideas About What this Would Look Like or Sound LikeHow this Would Help the Audience to Understand this Section of Your Presentation Better ................

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