TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE I. Introduction to the HA’S S


I. Introduction to the CHA'S Semi-Annual Report II. Submission of the Semi-Annual Report

III. VCA Reporting Requirements


All deadlines set forth in the body of this Agreement and report all completed activities within the identified deadlines.

Data showing the number of contracts and subcontracts entered into with all businesses and Section 3 business concerns, the dollar amount of those contracts 2. and subcontracts, duration of those contracts and subcontracts, the nature of those contracts and subcontracts, and for subcontracts, the prime contracting entity.


Supporting documentation detailing Section 3 related outreach and training activities.


Supporting documentation detailing Section 3 related monitoring, enforcement and complaint processing activities.


Supporting documentation detailing other economic opportunities provided, consistent with Section III.(B)(4) of this Agreement.

Supporting documentation summarizing the financial information concerning the Section 3 Fund, including a list of the contractors and subcontractors that were 6. required to deposit to the Section 3 Fund, contracts associated with those contractors and subcontractors, and detailed accounting of the expenditures made out of the Section 3 Fund.

Explication and documentation of any impediments to meeting the goals of Section 7. 3 and this Agreement and actions taken or to be taken to overcome such


V. Conclusion

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EXHIBITS A Section 3 Business Concern Summary (July-December 2016) B Overall Section 3 Business Concern Summary (March 2013-December 2016) C CHA Flyers for Section 3 Events D CHA Internal Employment (July-December 2016) E Overall CHA Internal Employment (March 2013-December 2016) F Contractor Hiring Summary (July-December 2016) G Overall Contractor Hiring Summary (March 2013-December 2016) H Site Visit Report (July-December 2016) I Resident Services Year End Report (2016) J Section 3 Fund Report (2016) K CAC Grant Program


I. Introduction to the CHA's VCA Semi-annual Report The Chicago Housing Authority ("CHA") is a public housing authority and a recipient of federal financial assistance from the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development ("HUD" or "Department"). CHA receives various funding from HUD, including operating subsidies, capital funds, and HOPE VI grants. Those funds are "Public and Indian housing assistance" as defined in the implementing regulations for Section 3 of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1968, 12 U.S.C. ? 1701u ("Section 3") at 24 C.F.R. ? 135.3(a). Section 3 requires that employment and other economic opportunities generated by federal financial assistance for housing and community development programs are, to the greatest extent feasible, directed toward low-income and very low-income persons, particularly those who are recipients of government assistance for housing.


II. Submission of the Semi-Annual Report and Overall VCA report (August 2013 to March 2017)

The CHA is required to submit periodic updates to HUD on the progress made on items outlined in the VCA. The purpose of this report is to fulfill the requirement discussed in Section VI (B) which reads as follows:

The CHA shall submit to the Department semi-annual reports concerning the progress of its Section 3 obligations under this Agreement. The semi-annual reports shall contain the following information:

1. All deadlines set forth in the body of this Agreement and report all completed activities within the identified deadlines

2. Data showing the number of contracts and subcontracts entered into with all businesses and Section 3 business concerns, the dollar amount of those contracts and subcontracts, duration of those contracts and subcontracts, the nature of those contracts and subcontracts, and for subcontracts, the prime contracting entity.

3. Supporting documentation detailing Section 3 related outreach and training activities.

4. Supporting documentation detailing Section 3 related monitoring, enforcement and complaint processing activities.

5. Supporting documentation detailing other economic opportunities provided, consistent with Section III.(B)(4) of this Agreement.

6. Supporting documentation summarizing the financial information concerning the Section 3 Fund, including a list of the contractors and subcontractors that were required to deposit to the Section 3 Fund, contracts associated with those contractors and subcontractors, and detailed accounting of the expenditures made out of the Section 3 Fund.

7. Explication and documentation of any impediments to meeting the goals of Section 3 and this Agreement and actions taken or to be taken to overcome such impediments.

The CHA is submitting a Comprehensive VCA report from August 2013 to March 2017 requesting a waiver of the fifth year as outlined in the VCA (III. A. 1.) `Terms of the Agreement'.


This Agreement shall govern for a period of five (5) years from the Effective Date of the Agreement. The fifth year of the Agreement shall be waived if the CHA is deemed by HUD to be in compliance with the provisions of this Agreement at the end of the fourth year.

The Comprehensive VCA report will provide evidence that the CHA has been in compliance with the VCA since its inception and does not require a fifth year of monitoring from HUD.

This document is both the CHA's semi-annual report and covers the reporting period of July 1, 2016 to December 31, 2016 as well as a comprehensive report covering the period of March 8, 2013 to March 2017.

VCA Reporting Requirements

1. All deadlines set forth in the body of this Agreement and report all completed activities within the identified deadlines. All activities and deadlines below correspond with the execution of the Voluntary Compliance Agreement on March 8, 2013.




Internal Information a. Session for CHA Employees 30 Days


Appoint Section 3 b. Administrator

90 Days


c. Section 3 Plan - HUD

120 Days


d. Schedule B

Submitted with Section 3 Plan Complete

List of Section 3 Business Submitted with

e. Concerns

Section 3 Plan Complete


30 Days after HUD approves the Section 3 f. Internal Hiring Policy - HUD Plan


Section 3 Outreach & g. Training Materials - HUD

Engage in Outreach & h. Education efforts

120 Days After HUD approves Outreach & Training Materials

Perform audit of existing Section 3 covered contracts i. (2 years + OR $3 Million +) 120 Days

Identify contracts that are not in compliance with j. Section 3 goals

180 Days


Complete Complete Complete

k. Section 3 Hiring Database

Two CHA Sponsored Workshops for Section 3 l. Residents

One Year Annually

CHA Scholarships for m. Section 3 Residents


Complete Complete Complete

n. Semi-Annual HUD Reports Semi-Annually Complete

o. Section 3 - Form 60002




2. Data showing the number of contracts and subcontracts entered into with all businesses and Section 3 business concerns, the dollar amount of those contracts and subcontracts, duration of those contracts and subcontracts, the nature of those contracts and subcontracts, and for subcontracts, the prime contracting entity.

Exhibit A outlines the Section 3 Business Concern subcontracting and other economic opportunities for construction and professional services contracts. The CHA exceeded the four year VCA goal of subcontracting 10% for construction contracts with a subcontracting amount of 31.89%. The CHA also exceeded the 3% subcontracting goal for professional service contracts by subcontracting 27.71% to Section 3 Business Concerns. These subcontracting numbers include all contracts for Private Property Managers from July 1, 2016 to December 31, 2016.

Exhibit B outlines the CHA's overall Section 3 Business concern subcontracting and other economic opportunities from the beginning of the VCA on March 8, 2013. The CHA did not include legal contracts in the Section 3 sub-contracting report until the January 31, 2016 HUD report. Previous reports included a list of legal contracts contributing to the Section 3 fund. Oversight of the legal contracts was transferred to the Department of Procurement and Contracts in January 2016. The overall professional services report includes legal contracts from December 31, 2015 to December 31, 2016. Since the inception of the VCA on March 8, 2013, the CHA's overall professional service subcontracting amount is 23.80%. The CHA's overall construction subcontracting amount is 16.5%.

The Section 3 VCA Administrator reviews all Schedule B forms (Section 3 Compliance form) when other economic opportunities (OEO) are offered. The VCA Administrator consults with the Compliance Manager to determine if the OEO offered is substantially equivalent to the contracting and/or hiring requirements. If it is determined that an OEO offered by a contractor does not meet the Section 3 compliance requirements, the Compliance Specialist assigned to the contract will negotiate to ensure that the contractor meets the contracting/hiring requirements to the maximum extent feasible and produces OEOs that contribute to contracting/hiring opportunities. The CHA is requesting that the Section 3 Director may review all future Schedule Bs in lieu of the Section 3 VCA administrator.


JOC Program

All contractors in the program have been assigned and have completed projects. These projects range from building clean-out, fence project, exterior improvement and full unit renovation. Section 3 contractors have performed extremely well and several have graduated from their tiers. A JOC Section 3 contractor has completed the new Section 3 Office build-out and the staff moved in as of March 31, 2017. As part of the sustainable initiative, JOC contractors in various projects have installed over 4000 LED light fixtures so far in the program (Example: Dearborn homes 2196 LED light fixtures in all the common areas in 16 building were installed by a JOC Section 3 contractor). This will have tremendous impact on the energy cost as well as maintenance cost.

3. Supporting documentation detailing Section 3 related outreach and training activities.

Section 3 Department participated in outreach to educate, inform and provide resources to the Section 3 Business Community. Exhibit C is a sample of CHA flyers for Section 3 Events.


Supported DPC with the initial JOC Training Supported Residence Services with the 5th Ward Symposium Section 3 Business Concerns and Section 3 Hiring JOC Training July 26th - 17 participants JOC Training, July 28th ? 17 participants Insurance Fair, August Networking and Hiring event, September 15th, 2016 Resume Clinic, October 28th November 3rd, Jane Addams Workshop (FIC) November 7th, Jane Addams Workshop (Horner Homes) November 9th, Jane Addams Workshop (ABLA Homes) November 14th, Jane Addams Workshop (FIC Homes) November 14th Section 3 Business Portal November 15th, Jane Addams Workshop (Lowden Homes) November 17th Jane Addams Workshop (Cabrini) Marketing Outreach Participated in 13 External Outreach Meetings - Section 3 Stakeholders 09-07-2016 Lester Blair, National Life 09-08-2016 Kennedy King Construction Management Courses 09-14-2016 Park Blvd. Resident Meeting



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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