Harkstead Village Hall AGM Minutes - Amazon Web Services

Harkstead Village Hall AGM Minutes

Monday 13h May 2013

The Chairman, Tony Leeson, opened the meeting and welcomed everyone He expressed his delight at the number of people attending.

Trustees attending: Tony Leeson (Chair), Julian Scales (Secretary), Clare Fitzgerald, Sally Wilden, David Looser, William Wrinch, Tony Hayhurst, Bob Martin, John Abbott, also Nigel Boon (Treasurer).

Apologies for Absence: Marion Leeson.

Minutes of 2012 AGM. The Chairman informed the meeting that the minutes of the last AGM, together with the chairman’s report had been posted on the website. Approval of the minutes was proposed by Jenny Freeman and seconded by Evie Rayson. By a show of hands acceptance of the minutes was unanimous.

Matters arising from the minutes: None.

Constitution of the charity: No changes to report. The chairman reported that the trustees were making plans to move to Incorporated Status after October 1st 2013.

Chairman’s Report: (Summary): Tony Leeson welcomed again everyone to the meeting and stated that it is a requirement of the hall’s constitution to hold an AGM every April or May to which all residents of the parish, over the age of 18, are invited to attend and vote.

He thanked his committee for their input and attendance throughout the year, Diane Lay for work on village hall bookings and Nigel Boon who had carried out another successful year as the hall’s treasurer.

The Farmers Markets had been very valuable monthly event throughout the year; both in the income it generated and the goodies and atmosphere it provided. He thanked Clare Fitzgerald for being the leading light behind the market. He also voiced the committee’s appreciation of the many volunteers who helped in so many ways.

The twice-yearly auction was again profitable and he thanked the Looser and Blowers families plus all the other hard working volunteers for their help. The money raised for the last two auctions was for local charities.

There are many people in addition to those mentioned who help to keep the hall functioning at many events as well as background support and advice.

Tony reported that the committee would continue to keep a watching brief with the Charities Commission to limit our liabilities by either becoming a type of Limited Company or by arranging incorporated status

Copies of the Chairman’s full report are available to see on the website and as an addendum to these minutes’.


Treasurer’s report: Nigel Boon summarised finances for the year, copies of provisional accounts being available for attendees. They showed an accumulated fund in accounts of £31,090. There was a loss for the year of £3,874, compared to a profit of £3,191 the previous year; this large difference being due to considerable expenditure, including new front doors, new heaters and painting of the main hall. Also hire income was down by over a £1,000.

Rodney Freeman congratulated the committee on the financial and general management of the hall; the meeting endorsed this soundly.

Copies of accounts were issued to those present. Copies of the completed and checked accounts will be available by contacting the Chairman of the Trustees.

Election of Committee: Under the constitution the stated village groups reappointed the following representatives. -

Parish Council – William Wrinch

PCC – Sally Wilden

Carpet Bowls Club – Julian Scales

Art Club – No Appointee put forward - Shirley Lane will liaise when required

Church Heritage – David Looser

Millennium Green – John Abbott

Elected members (four allowed). The chairman reported that Clare Fitzgerald, Bob Martin, Tony Hayhurst and he were prepared to stand again. The chairman asked for other nominations; none were forthcoming. The four names were formally proposed by Jenny Freeman and seconded by Margaret Harward, by a show of hands all-present at the meeting were in favour of the proposal.

Co-opted member: None nominated. The chairman explained that up to two people could be co-opted at any time throughout the year. He suggested (as he did last year) that it would be of merit if a member of the organising committee of the Good Neighbourhood Scheme became a co-opted member. This suggestion was received favourably and will be looked into.

AOB: Brian Excell asked if copies of monthly meetings could be made available for the website. In response the chairman said that in principle this may be possible, but that the minutes were not that of a public meeting. Evie Rayson thanked all the committee for their work throughout the year. A round of applause followed.

There being no other business, the Chairman thanked everyone for attending and closed the meeting at 7.55 pm.

Signed - Date -

Addendum to the minutes – The chairman’s report for 2012/13.

Welcome, everyone to our AGM. It is a requirement of our constitution that we hold a meeting in April or May each year, to which all residents of the area, over the age of 18, are invited to attend and vote.

As in previous years, I would like to give a brief resume of the highlights of another very successful year.

Just to reiterate, our mission is the provision and maintenance of a village hall for use by the inhabitants of the area. This is classified as “Public Benefit” under the requirements of the Charity Commission.

Initially, I would like to thank the Committee very much for their work during the year. I believe that we have managed the hall in a very professional manner.

There have been no changes to the committee over the year. The committee is made up representatives of groups who regularly use the hall of as well members elected at this meeting.

We are pleased that Julian is now so much better and he has continued to work very effectively as the Trusts Secretary.

Nigel Boon has again done a great job as our Honorary Treasurer and Diane Lay has continued as our Honorary Booking Secretary. Thanks very much to you both.

I would like to thank Sue Stannard for taking over from Rachael and has kept the hall in really tip top condition.


There are some draft copies of this year’s accounts available which Nigel can explain in greater detail later and answer any questions.

The overall finances of the hall are still excellent. We had over £30,000 in our accounts which is down by about £4000 on last year, but it is a very enviable position to be in. We have reviewed the Charity Commission guidelines on reserves and the committee are in the process of transferring £13000 as our reserve into the CCLA Ethical Investment Fund. The Deposit Account is only paying 0.6% interest.

Our general hire charges philosophy is that we plan for the fees to cover the running of the hall, whilst our other fund raising events go towards improvements and our reserves for contingencies.

As we didn’t have the full end of years figures available in January when we reassess the fees we felt it was prudent to increase the regular hiring fees by 50p a session to £15.00 as well as a general increase in other hire rates.

Unfortunately we have lost the Ballet and Zumba Classes but were pleased to welcome back Peter Ellis with IAIDO (Traditional Japanese Martial Art).

We have been fortunate to obtain some Tai Chi Sessions which were initially sponsored by Fit Villages which we hope will become another regular hirer, if we can attract sufficient students.

Clare Fitzgerald has again been the leading light behind the Village Farmers Market which it is continuing to be a valuable monthly event in the village. Valuable in several ways: in the income it generates, the wonderful array of goodies and the atmosphere it creates in the village.

Another of our other regular fund raising events is the twice yearly Auction. I would like to thank all our regular helpers in particular the Looser and Blowers Families. This continues to generate a substantial amount of money which this year we have donated to local charities. Cont.

Eastern Angles visited us again. It is always an enjoyable evening but were disappointed with the low attendance for the first time this year. There are a number of possible reasons for this which we will bear in mind in the future.

I would like to thank the Good Neighbour Scheme and there are also many people in addition to those I have mentioned, who help to keep the hall functioning, at our events as well as in the background. Everyone’s support is much appreciated.

Looking to the future we are actively pursuing the Charities Commission’s initiative to become a Charitable Incorporated Organisation in October this year. Clare and Julian have been on a course today for training to assist us in managing this change.

During the year Julian organised the redecoration of the main hall and kitchen and we propose to do up the committee room. He also arranged for new front doors and a new kitchen door is also on order.

David has organised the up-rating of the Storage Radiators and we propose to install destratification fans in the ceiling to help re-circulate the hot air we generate!

We do need to investigate an electrical problem with the outside street light.

All the current trustees have been re-nominated as representatives of their village groups as have the elected members agreed to stand again. We would welcome co-opted members including, New (younger blood!!!) which is vital for the future of Harkstead.

Once again many thanks to everyone who helps with and supports the events which I believe make this a happy and enjoyable village for us to live in.

Tony Leeson – 13th May 2013.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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