Trustee Declaration - Amazon Web Services

3007360-40957500Student Trustee / Student Governor Information Pack455993524828500Thank you for your interest in being a Student Trustee / Governor for Bradford College Students’ Union! They are really exciting opportunities to lead a growing organisation, offering the chance to make a real difference to the lives of the students at Bradford College. As a trustee, you will gain invaluable experience, part of a team leading an award winning Students’ Union and shaping our future direction in the best interests of our students. We are looking for three passionate, reliable individuals willing to commit for a minimum of one academic year. It is essential that we have a strong and dynamic board of trustees driving our organisation forward with students at the heart of it. Formal meetings of the board are held four times but there is an expectation that appointed trustees will keep an interest in the operations of the Students’ Union between those meetings. The Board meetings last half a day apart from the planning meeting in August - this takes a whole day. Lunch is provided for trustees meetings.As a Governor of the College you can play a key role in determining the direction and focus of the entire College, keeping the senior leadership of the college accountable and bringing the perspective of students to the top decision-making committee in the whole institution.Again we are seeking a candidate who will commit to the role for the whole academic year; meetings are every month and are (mostly) timetabled to start from 4pm on Thursdays. Meetings last no more than 3 hours.All of these positions offer phenomenal experience and a chance to demonstrate significant levels of responsibility for future job or University applications.About UsBradford College Students’ Union are here to represent the students of Bradford College, making sure that your voices are heard and to ensure that you get the best out of your time as a student here. We have nearly 20,000 members, with Bradford College students aged 16 years or older automatically a member of the Students’ Union. -3613157683500We are a student focussed, democratic organisation led by a board of trustees and 10 student officers who are elected every year by you, the students. The student officers represent Bradford College students and campaign on the issues that matter to you. Two of these officers (President and Vice President, Education and Welfare) work full-time within the union and the other eight volunteer alongside their studies. We are linked to the National Union of Students (NUS) meaning that you can get the nationally recognised student discount card, NUS Extra. We also offer an independent advice service, run lots of free activities, support and train Course Reps, can help you to volunteer in the community or help you to set up a society based on your interests.Being a Trustee / GovernorAll charities have what’s called a Board (of Trustees or Governors), brought together to oversee the running of the organisation. The Board of Trustees are legally responsible for the organisation but delegate much of the running of the Students’ Union to the General Manager, elected officers and staff team. The trustees are responsible for the financial and strategic direction of the organisation, ensuring that the union is solvent, well run and meeting its charitable outcomes. Our board is chaired by the Students’ Union President, who is elected every year by the students. The Vice President, Education and Welfare is also a member of the board as well as four external (lay) trustees and three additional student trustees aged 18 or over. Having students on the board of trustees ensures that we remain student led and always keep the views of students at the heart of what we do. Unfortunately students aged 16-17 are unable to become a trustee due to charity law, however may be able to attend our meetings as an observer and join in discussions without voting or making decisions.456057064071500What you will get out of it?Being a charity trustee is amazing experience and will develop your skills in a number of areas such as HR, charity law, finance and strategic planning. You will gain significant experience in leading an organisation, enabling you to experience the running of a charity at the highest level. We are committed to the development of our volunteers and training will be provided through this role. You will be supported in your role by the General Manager and other trustees. Reasonable travel expenses and lunch when needed will also be provided. What’s expected of you?As a student trustee we don’t expect you to know everything before you start and would fully support you during your time in office, but we would expect your full commitment to the role and to the aims and objectives of the Students’ Union. We would expect your regular attendance at meetings and for you to prepare fully beforehand by reading papers and asking any questions/giving feedback where necessary. More InformationIf you would like to chat about the role in more detail, please contact John Gilfillan, General Manager of the Students’ Union by emailing .Volunteer Role DescriptionRole: Student TrusteeCommitment: Student Trustees will be expected to attend a minimum of 4 meetings per year, with occasional correspondence in between.Location: Meetings will take place either in the Old Building or David Hockney Building at Bradford College. Additional correspondence usually takes place via email.Expenses: Student trustees are able to claim reasonable travel and lunch expenses when attending college for trustee meetings.Key Responsibilities:Trustees are legally and financially responsible for the charity. They oversee the strategic management of the organisation, oversee the finances and ensure that the charity’s funds are spent appropriately. In addition to these key duties, trustees are also invited to support in the development of projects within their specific areas of expertise.The following are the responsibility of all trustees:Ensuring that Bradford College Students’ Union acts in accordance with its charitable objectives, constitution and other guidance documents, remaining true to its vision, mission and strategic direction.Being responsible for the performance of the Union and for its behaviour, ensuring that the Union complies with all legal and regulatory requirements.Ensuring that the Union does not undertake any activities that put its financial stability, members or reputation at undue risk.Participating fully in Union board meetings.Supporting the Union with its Charity Commission registration.Driving the strategic development of the organisation through development of a Strategic Plan and monitoring of its Key Performance Indicators.Ensuring adequate performance of the Students’ Union General Manager.To ensure that the views of our members are regularly considered in relation to the actions of the Students’ Union.Acting with integrity and maintaining confidentiality at all times.Who We’re Looking For:We are looking for volunteers aged 18+ (Student Governors can be 16+) who meet the following criteria:A fully registered Bradford College student for the duration of their time as a trustee / Governor.An ability to commit for at least one academic year.Enthusiasm and a willingness to be involved.A reliable attitude and willingness to commit fully to the role.A passion for the Students’ Union and making a difference to the lives of students at Bradford College.An understanding of the issues facing students at Bradford College.Strong communication skills and the ability to contribute in meetings.An understanding of and commitment to equality and diversity.There are certain legal requirements you must meet in order to be eligible for the role. Some people may be disqualified from acting as a charity Trustee, including:Anyone with an unspent conviction for an offence involving deception or dishonesty.Anyone who is currently declared bankrupt (or are subject to bankruptcy restrictions or an interim order).Anyone who has an individual voluntary arrangement (IVA) to pay off debts with creditors.Anyone who is disqualified from being a company director.Anyone who has previously been removed as a trustee by the Charity Commission or High Court due to misconduct or mismanagement.Anyone who is disqualified or barred from acting as a trustee of oru charity under the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006.Key Expectations:As a student trustee of Bradford College Students’ Union, you would be expected to:Regularly attend trustee meetings and send apologies if you can’t make it.Prepare before the meetings by reading papers and asking any questions so that you can fully engage in the meetings.Always have the interests of students in mind – as a student trustee you are there to represent the students of Bradford College.Always have the best interests of the Students’ Union in mind.Maintain integrity and confidentiality where necessary.If you are eligible to be a trustee and would like to get involved, we would love to hear from you. Please fill out the application form below.3637915-26670000Student Trustee / Governor Application Form828675289560020000Personal DetailsFull Name: 1409699240665020000Student Number: 1066800229870020000Date of Birth: 120015017208500Email Address: 2181225361950020000Contact Telephone Number: Experience-10632661087000Please tell us about any experience you’ve had (education, work experience, volunteering etc) that you think would be relevant for this role:Using the role description and ‘Who We’re Looking For’ section as a guide, please provide any other information you think might support your application for this role:-1913864512900Trustee DeclarationAll prospective Trustees must read and sign the below declaration and return the completed and signed form with their application.I declare that:I am over 18 years of age* (please get in touch if you are under 18)I have never been convicted of an offence involving dishonesty or deception that is not regarded as legally spentI am not an undischarged bankruptI have never been removed from office as a charity trustee by a Court or by the Charity CommissionI have not been disqualified under the Company Directors Disqualification Act 1986I have not made compositions with my creditors from which I have not been dischargedI am, in the light of the above, not disqualified by the Charities Act 1993 (Section 72) from acting as a charity trustee64858522291500Signed: 97853526670000Name (Print)?: 59499522606000Date: (*over 16 if applying to be considered as a student governor)Thank you for taking the time to apply for the role of Student Trustee at Bradford College Students’ Union. Please return your completed form to John Gilfillan, General Manager via email or in person to the Students’ Union Office – G13 David Hockney Building (opposite the cash desk). ................

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