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File: Grga.mp3Interviewer: I’m talking with the president of the local community Donja and Gornja Borovica, Grga Vukancic. Grga, good afternoon and after this public debate, how satisfied are you with what you heard? Grga: Good day to you too, Ivan. As for the public debate, I think it took place in a positive atmosphere where people from the Mining Institute from Tuzla generally explained what this underground exploitation will look like in the area of Borovica, that is, the locality of Rupice. I think they explained all the elements of what will happen during that exploitation. According to them, there will be no harmful effects on the environment, water, facilities, etc. in the local community of Borovica.Interviewer: You have made a few requests of your own; do you believe they will be respected?Grga: On August 23, we had a citizens' assembly and at that assembly we presented our conclusions and thoroughly explained to the people what it was about. People accepted our conclusions and thus said "we want to protect our facilities, our waters, meadows, and to have a healthy and normal life as we had before the opening of this mine." I think that will be the case, because Vares as a municipality is extremely affected in terms of jobs and every job position is welcome, and this is actually the only bright spot at the moment -- the opening of this mine in Borovica.Interviewer: Are you satisfied with your cooperation, i.e. the cooperation of the local community of Borovica with the company "Eastern Mining" so far?Grga: Cooperation with the company "Eastern Mining" in the last 3 years has been extremely satisfying. We did not have any problems, they’ve met all of our requests to this company so far, they were very accommodating and I think we’ve done quite a nice job together. First they helped us in the realization of this road, 850m of asphalt a couple of months ago, they got involved with their 20,000 BAM, the mayor gave 30,000 BAM and 40,000 BAM was given by the local community. They also helped us in the construction and arrangement of the ethno-house where they also participated with certain funds, and they helped us with some paths around our parish church, they helped us out with their excavators, and that was a huge help. So, the cooperation so far has been very good, and we expect the same kind of cooperation in future projects such as paving of the road to Vares, where they also want to get involved. A few days ago, executive director Teletovic said that he wanted to get involved in any and all of our projects for the local community.Interviewer: It is nice to hear that the cooperation is good and that it will continue to be like this. Grga, thank you very much and we will certainly follow everything that is happening not only in Vares, but also in the local community of Borovica.Grga: Thank you so much, Ivan. ................

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