center1700 I belong to …..Annual Report2016 - 2017Our Vision:A strong, vibrant Community House supporting individuals and families to meet others, share experiences and gain new skillsAbout UsWest Stirling Neighbourhood House Inc. (WSNH) was established in 1988 and continues with the vision of providing ‘A strong, vibrant Community House supporting individuals and families to meet others, share experiences and gain new skills’. It is a hub of activity where playgroups, families, individuals and community groups meet in a friendly neighbourhood context which provides opportunites for support, to learn and reduce isolation. We are a not-for-profit organization and registered charity, governed by the volunteer Management Committtee, whose role is to manage the organization within the approved budget in accordance with the WSNH stated Objectives, Policies and Procedures. The Western Australian Government through the Department of Communities provided 69% of funding for this service in the past financial year. The WSNH Service Agreement was for a period of 5 years which commenced on 1st July 2013 till 30th June 2018, however this timeframe has been reviewed and extended till 30 September 2018, to allow for an extension of the consultation and procurement process, leading up to the commencement of the new service agreements on 1 October 2018. Chairpersons Messageright1079500What an exciting year it has been for our amazing community house. We have seen many new families start and some leave as children grow and begin their exciting leap into schooling years. As a way of supporting families with transition into schooling we have established courses structured to accommodate. We have also begun to expand the opportunities for new age groups to utilize our fantastic location for activities more generally. The BookClub has been established and other projects such as a sewing, games and craft group are in the works. My thanks to our amazing committee and staff for a successful year making our small but important house a lively and loving environment for all to use. I will be stepping down from the committee of West Stirling Neighbourhood House and embarking on new endeavors but would like to express my time as a member has been both rewarding and an empowering part of my life for 5yrs. I joined the house originally to overcome postnatal depression and connect with others as we have no family in Western Australia. To my absolute joy I found this vibrant community house. Being made to feel a belonging and a sense of value by you all has been a blessing. To have an environment that I felt safe to be myself, learn new skills and just relax in general was perfect for my recovery from depression and social anxiety. I will enjoy still attending workshops and courses. I wish the new committee the best of fortune and I hope you all enjoy the years to come.Thank you allHelen HoganCoordinators Message26650781151500A place to belong has been the Neighbourhood House theme this year and one which we have embraced. West Stirling Neighbourhood House is a place to belong and truly meets the needs of its members according to the 2017 Customer Perception Survey (CPS) conducted by the Department of Local Government and Communities (See appendix) The most significant Service Outcomes for WSNH compared with all the Neighbourhood Services average were to ‘Develop support networks’. Of those surveyed, 100% agreed that ‘? met people I can talk to’ and 96% ‘I met people who I can ask for help if I need it’. Also well above the industry average were the outcomes: ? obtained useful information ‘and ? feel more confident’. These are in line with our Vision.The events and celebrations held at the House were the highlights of the year, where our members and the extended community came together enthusiastically for family fun and frivolity. We wish to acknowledge the support we received from all our volunteers and a range of Community Grants which contributed to the success of the events. Thank you to: Liza Harvey who awarded WSNH with the Community Events Grant both in 2016 and 2017 which contributed to Santa’s Sundowner and the Family Fun Day. Thank you also to Linkwest for the Neighbourhood House Week Grant for the Family Fun Day and to Volunteers WA for a grant to reward our volunteers with a celebration breakfast. WSNH is facing a time of uncertainty as the open competition for the Department of Communities funding approaches. To mitigate the risk, we have ensured that the organization is operating at its most efficient and to best effect. We remain in a strong financial position and following a recent Organizational Audit, have a Management Action Plan ready to be addressed by the new committee. This will ensure we are in the best possible position to re-tender. We are also consolidating partnerships with local groups, businesses and professionals who use our Centre and we are seeking to extend our user base to meet the needs of un-serviced groups. After 29 years of operation, our organization remains optimistic, buoyed by the support of our members over the recent ‘Communities at Risk’ campaign organized through Linkwest. We contributed Petition signatures, photos, testimonials and representation at Government House.I extend my appreciation to the Management Committee, Staff and volunteers who have all contributed to making 2016 - 2017 another productive year.Jenni Kopij 2016-2017 Management Committee Executive MembersChairpersonHelen HoganVice – Chair Naomi Bellworthy SecretaryJean Williams / Chenoa WalshTreasurerChenoa Walsh / Jean Williamsright16003700General MembersJanine BorelandRosalea DevlinNicole JenkinsJen LeckeyKaori Mitchell Jade PervanCassie SunJingwei LuThe Management Committee are WSNH members who volunteer their time to represent the interests of all members. The Committee have addressed the following issues: Organized the Bunnings Sausage Sizzle anized and Conducted Santa’s Sizzling anized and conducted the Family Fun Day during Neighbourhood House Week.Set up a Playgroup Weekly Activities Noticeboard.Increased Membership Fees from $15.00 to $20.00 per yearAgreed to WSNH being the Auspicing Organization for the ‘Bend in The Road’ place activation group. This is for a grant the group received from the City of Stirling for the precinct in which WSNH is located.Engaged Employsure to provide customised expert advice, documentation and solutions across employment relations and work health and safety, packaged for small and medium businesses. A number of changes to workplace practices have been made since their engagement.Approved the Constitution update which was made to comply with the Associations and Incorporations Act 2016.StaffStaff longevity brings with it a stable ‘home-base’, accumulated skills, knowledge and experience. Four staff members have worked for the organization for more than 10 years. Their reliable, welcoming attitude along with their passion for supporting families with young children has contributed to it being ‘? place to belong’. right2540000Kathy has been minding children in our crèche for more than 13 years, while Fran and Jenni have earned their Long Service Leave after 10 years and Joan our cleaner, now in her 80’s has earned a place in our hearts. Due to changes in Industrial and OH & S regulations along with other factors, the Committee will reluctantly bid farewell to Joan at the end of this term, September 22nd 2017. Over the past 15 years, Joan has been impeccably reliable (and dressed), cheery and takes pride in what she does at the House. She has always gone beyond the call of duty; taking an interest in the members, greeting workshop tutors and keeping up to date with the happenings at the Centre. Apart from cleaning and re-stocking over the years, she has kept the toys in order, creating complete play stations every day. Anything that goes astray is noticed, reported and actioned. Her understanding of toddlers, and their need for order and regularity has been reflected by their enthusiasm as they run into the House as soon as the door is opened to head for their favourite toys in their own secure, safe and ordered space. We sincerely thank Joan for being such a stalwart member of our community and an integral player in the success of this House and we wish her many joys as she touches other communities in the coming years.Jason Siew volunteered his accounting skills for the first part of the year until he found employment. Thank you to Jason and congratulations on securing employment with another not-for-profit community organization.Operation Christmas ChildMembershipAll community members are welcome to join and participate in our thriving Centre. As of June 2017 there were 10 playgroups comprising 105 members, 142 children attending playgroups and 24 non-playgroup members. All playgroups are full with wait lists, however attendance has suffered a little over the winter due to illness and the international playgroup members returning to their country of origin to visit family. Non-playgroup members have joined as a result of having had a party here (Room Hire), attended a course here, or are members no longer attending playgroup. User Groups & PartnershipsThe house is very much a community venue and operates with ease to accommodate its many users. It is clean, bright and welcoming and I commend all users for ensuring that it is left that way for the next user group. This year saw a 56% increase in Room Hire from the previous year with one booking even being secured from the Eastern States over an inner city venue! They found us on google, checked out the photos and availability on our website calendar and booked through the link! Our user groups include regular: Playgroups, Child Health Clinic, Lactation Consultants, Perth Actors Collective, HIIT Fitness Sessions, Creative Kids Art Club, Potters House, in-house and external courses and workshops as well as one-off individual hire for parties, meetings and consultations. New Venue Hire Forms were developed this year to improve booking procedure and give feedback.There has been a high turnover of playgroup members with an influx of 83 new members over the past year. Many of these have joined the language playgroups (Italian, Chinese and Japanese) and according to the CPS, 42% of our members speak another language. We have collated data to ascertain member longevity and recorded the reasons for members leaving; being mainly due to return to work or moving out of the area or country.Our partnerships with: Transition Town Stirling who organize the seasonal Swap, Share, Shuffle have promoted the ethos of reduce, reuse, recycle and bring local people to our hubThe Bend in the Road Neighbourhood Collective – a group focused on developing community activation in our immediate precinct through user friendly landscape design and events. The Tanzanian Community involved WSNH promoting and providing the venue free of charge for a Tanzanian Market Day, held to raise funds for the 2016 Tanzanian Earthquake. Operation Christmas Child was another opportunity for our members to be involved with the wider community. 24 of our members made up Christmas Shoe- boxes to be sent to children in need around the world.Thank you to the following for funding:City of Stirling – Circle of Security & Keeping Children SafeHealth department WA – Mothers Groups, Triple P, Discussion Groups, Lactation ClinicCourses and WorkshopsSince the 2016 AGM the following workshops and events were held at the House in line with the Service Agreement:Circle of Security courses x 2 Pre-literacy and Early Literacy WorkshopTriple P courses x 2 Triple Discussion Groups – Individual Sessions x 7Save-a-Child First Aid Course x 2 Keeping Children Safe WorkshopChristmas Wreaths and Treats, and Art Play, Felt vessels workshops – organized but didn’t runVolunteers breakfastHIIT Fitness Classes - 2 per weekWSNH Book club set-upSew What!Treasurers ReportThe House ended the 2017 financial year in a very positive financial position. The cash balance at 30 June 2017 was $129,902, this balance was broken down as follows:Description20172016Cash operating account$48,066$37,855Cash reserve account$81,836$80,662Total$129,902$118,517A Review was performed for the year ended 30 June 2017, no issues were noted. Attached as an Appendix to this report are the Income Statement and Financial Position as at 30 June 2017. Overall income decreased by 11%, this is mainly due to the decrease in ‘Other income’. This is predominately due to the decrease in creche income as the Centre discontinued outsourcing its crèche staff during the year.WSNH main source of funding DLGC has been secured for the 2017/2018 financial year. Income form Playgroup and Membership fees are slightly up on last year.The major movements in expenditure were in employment costs which saw a decrease of 13% which is in direct correlation to the decrease in creche income. The Centre has reduced crèche staff and as such associated costs have reduced accordingly.Other movements of note during the year are an increase in Audit fees in 2017. In the course of conducting the 2017 Review, the 2016 Review was done however a Financial Report was not required for this. Depreciation of assets had not been accounted for in previous years as it was deemed that the house had no assets that qualified. With the purchase of the outdoor blinds the auditor determined that this is a depreciating asset and the cost of $700 has been booked in the accounts for 2017.A budget forecast has been prepared for the 2017/2018. This is an estimate of what we believe our income and expenditure will be during the year. This will be amended and updated throughout the year by the committee. Based on the budget projections we expect the House to have a closing cash balance of $155,595. On review the WSNH is still in a healthy cash flow position for the year and has the ability to meet its current and future financial commitments including any capital expenditure/purchases that are required during the year. For further detail, please see appendices attached.Jean WilliamsTreasurer 2017Income StatementFor the Year Ended 30 June 201720172016Variance $Variance %$$Grants97,07795,5481,5292%Member Contributions12,05911,1738868%Investment income9341,158-224-19%Other?26,654?45,157?-18,503-41%Total revenue from operating activities136,724153,036-16,312-11%Employment (Salaries & Wages) -95,059?-109,677?14,618-13%Program (Courses & Events)-965-2,5861,621-63%Administration-4,677-6,8472,170-32%Audit & Accounting Fees-2,500?0?-2,500100%Depreciation-700?0?-700100%Postage & Stationery-576-2,3931,817-76%Insurance-5,245-4,779-46610%Electricity & Telephone-1,973-2,510537-21%Equipment & Hygiene Expenses-5,030-6,3361,306-21%Member and Playgroup Consumables-2,012-2,812800-28%Total expenses from operating activities-118,737-137,94019,203-14%Surplus from operating activities17,98715,0962,89119%Non-operating incomeFundraising income4,6025,392-790-15%Fundraising expenses-2,005-2,635630-24%Non-operating grants received1,409-4,9696,378-128%Non-operating grant expenses-6234,698-5,321-113%Total surplus 21,37017,5823,78822%Jean WilliamsTreasurer 25469858191500Annual General MeetingMINUTES14th September 2016 at 7.30pm Welcome and open meeting:Opened at 7.50pm by Jenni KopiPresent and Apologises:Present: Jo Quesnel, Chenoa Walsh, Kira Reichelt, Naomi Bellworthy, Janine Boreland, Helen Hogan, Jean Williams, Rosalea Devlin, Mari Futaesaku, Jen Kopij, Fran Lockyer, Joan Field, Jingwei Lu, Kaori Mitchell, Stephanie Proud, Jade Pervan, Jennifer Leckey. Apologises: Bronson Vieira, Jasmin Buller, Valentia Camillaccci, Nicole JenkinsMinutes of 2015 Annual General Meeting:Proposed – Chenoa WalshSeconded – Naomi BellworthyMattes Arising:Amend Constitution:To conform to the requirements of the Associations Incorporation Act 1987 Section 23 requires that we amend the constitution as follows:Acceptance that we amend the constitution to include the above amendment:Proposed: Mari FutaesakuSeconded: Helen HoganAcceptance: Unanimous Also to amend Section 15: Custody of records, books, documents and securitiesAcceptance that we amend the constitution to include the above amendment:Proposed: Mari FutaesakuSeconded: Helen HoganAcceptance: UnanimousReceipt of WSNH Financial Statements 2015/2016As per 2015 AGM it was included in the constitution that an audit was required every 5 years and a review every 2 years. As a full audit was completed last year no audit/review was completed.Acceptance that the 2015/2016 WSNH Financial Statements are a true and accurate record.Proposed: Mari FutaesakuSeconded: Helen HoganAcceptance: UnanimousPresentation of the annual report including the – Chairperson’s, Coordinator’s and Treasurer’s ReportsChairpersons report: Helen Hogan; as tabledWSHN co-ordinators report: Jenni Kopij; as tabledTreasurer’s Report: Chenoa Walsh; as tabled Acceptance that the Chairpersons, Co-ordinators report and Treasurer reportProposed: Naomi BellworthySeconded: Mari FutaesakuAcceptance: UnanimousElection of Committee Members 2016/2017Returning Officer (Stephanie Proud. Councillor Doubleview Ward) to declare all positions openNominations called for Chairperson – Nominee: Helen Hogan. Nominated by: Chenoa Walsh, Seconded: Naomi Bellworthy. Voted in unopposedVice – Chairperson - Nominee: Naomi Bellworthy. Nominated by: Janine Boreland, Seconded: Jean Williams. Voted in unopposedSecretary- Nominee: Jean WilliamsNominated by: Chenoa Walsh, Seconded: Helen Hogan. Voted in unopposedTreasurer- Nominee: Chenoa Walsh. Nominated by:Mari Futaesaku, Seconded; Helen Hogan. Voted in unopposedGeneral members (not less than four & not more than eight) Nominee: Jade Pervan,Nominated by: SelfVoted in unopposed Nominee: Jingwei Lu, Nominated by: SelfVoted in unopposedNominee: Jen Leckey Nominated by: SelfVoted in unopposedNominee: Janine BorelandNominated by: SelfVoted in unopposedNominee: Nicole JenkinsNominated by: SelfVoted in unopposedNominee: Kaori MitchellNominated by: SelfVoted in unopposedNominee: Rosalea DevlinNominated by: SelfVoted in unopposedNominee: Cassie SunNominated by: SelfVoted in unopposedThank you to retiring membersThank you gifts were presented to Naomi Bellworthy, Rosealea Devlin, Chenoa Walsh, Jean Williams, Helen Hogan, Mari Futaesaku, Stephanie Proud and Joan Field.Close of Meeting at 8.40pm ................

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