


“United in Caring and Compassion To Share God’s Love”

From The Pastor by Rev. Steve Hoerger, Pastor

Last week Joni and I went to visit her son Sean in Minnesota. We stayed in a hotel that had been open for only a week. Built in 1945, the building was the main post office for the state capital of St. Paul. On a plaque in the lobby I read that this was the fourth busiest Post Office in America during the 1950’s. Although it had been completely redone on the inside, some inner parts, and the exterior of the original building, were left so that you could still recognize the unique structure it once was. As you walked down the halls you couldn’t help but imagine the flurry of activity that once took place there. It was busy again, but with new people and in a new way.

So it is for those of us who have opened up our hearts and lives to God; we are becoming new people. There’s been a major change inside of us. People and situations don’t fill us with rage like they once used to. We don’t lay awake as much worrying about tomorrow like we used to. We find ourselves forgiving wrongs done to us that, in the past, we used to hold on to for years. We’re making friends with people from races or orientations we never would have associated with at an earlier time. We find our selves smiling more and crying less. We’ve hugged more in the last few years than all the previous years of our life put together. We are more optimistic.

I know I just described many of you at Salem. I’m watching God’s Spirit move through so many of you. We’re still all recognizable. There are, and always will be, pieces of our old self that remain, some of it good and some of it not so good. That’s okay; it’s what makes us unique. However, new light has replaced the darkness that once lived within, and with that light comes joy, peace and purpose. I look forward to seeing you Sunday and celebrating the new people in Christ we have become together.

Yours in Christ,

Pastor Steve

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|October Scripture Readings |A positive approach to life…… |

|The Revised Common Lectionary is used in a broad array of churches and offers |“There are two ways of spreading light: To be the candle or the mirror that reflects|

|passages for each Sunday. Usually they are Old Testament with a related |it” |

|Psalm, Gospel and Epistle Readings (with some seasonal variations). Although |Edith Wharton |

|it is not the practice in our church to read all the passages each Sunday, you| |

|may wish to do that as preparation for weekly worship. | |

|[pic] | |

|Here are the passages for the upcoming weeks…. |[pic] |

| | |

|October 22 | |

|Lamentations 1:1 – 6 | |

|Lamentations 3:19 – 26 or | |

|Psalm 137 or | |

|Habakkuk 1:1 – 4; 2:1 - 4 | |

|Psalm 37:1 – 9 | |

|2 Timothy 1:1 – 14 Luke 17:5 - 10 | |

| | |

|October 9 | |

|Jeremiah 29:1, 4 - 7 | |

|Psalm 66:1 – 12 or | |

|2 Kings 5:1 – 3, 7 – 15c | |

|Psalm 111 | |

|2 Timothy 2:8 – 15 Luke 17:11 - 19 | |

| | |

|October 16 | |

|Jeremiah 31:27 - 34 | |

|Psalm 119:97 – 104 or | |

|Genesis 32:22 - 31 | |

|Psalm 121 | |

|2 Timothy 3:14 – 4:5 Luke 18:1 - 8 | |

| | |

|October 23 | |

|Joel 2:23 - 32 | |

|Psalm 65 or | |

|Jeremiah 14:7 – 10, 19 – 22 | |

|Psalm 84:1 – 7 | |

|2 Timothy 4:6 – 8, 16 – 18 Luke 18:9 - 14 | |

| | |

|October 30 | |

|Habakkuk 1:1 – 4, 2:1 - 4 | |

|Psalm 119:137 – 144 or | |

|Isaiah 1:10 – 18 | |

|Psalm 32:1 – 7 | |

|2 Thessalonians 1:1 – 4, 11 – 12 Luke 19:1 - 10 | |

| |Deadline for the November |

| |issue of …….“News and Notes”: |

| |October 23rd. |

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| |[pic] |

|[pic] |October Birthdays |

| |3 |

| |Mike Lonigro Jr. |

| |22 |

| |Shirley Nicholson |

| | |

| |3 |

| |Deb Synder |

| |23 |

| |Ryan Limanni |

| | |

| |4 |

| |Allison Hefner |

| |26 |

| |Sam Levato |

| | |

| |11 |

| |Nancy Sieben |

| |27 |

| |Ruth Streitberger |

| | |

| |15 |

| |Amber Koronkiewicz |

| |30 |

| |Traci Hefner |

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|October Greeters | |

|October 2nd. | |

|Chuck & Nancy Sieben | |

| | |

|October 9th. | |

|The McWilliams Family | |

| | |

|October 16th. | |

|Beth & Lionel Romanzow | |

| | |

|October 23rd. | |

|The Gatton Family | |

| | |

|October 30th. | |

|Laura Frey & Cindy Mullee | |

| | |

|Please try to be in place at least 20 min. before start of service. | |

| | |

|[pic] |Prayer List: |

| |Shut-ins and those on the prayer list need to know |

| |We haven’t forgotten them. Please send them a card! |

| |Thanks, Marilyn Dabisch |

| | |

| |Shut-in List: |

| |Prayer List: |

| | |

| |Elfriede Pikoulas |

| |Shirley Nicholson |

| | |

| |Robert Jensen |

| |The Streitbergers |

| | |

| |Rosebude Goodbread |

| |Alice Machtemes |

| | |

| |Marilyn Dawson |

| |Audrey Weir |

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| |Nancy Van Zee |

| |Dorothy Kopeck |

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| |Bob & Pat Hays |

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| |Carol Miller |

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| |Jan Tolchin |

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|October Liturgists | |

|October 2nd. | |

|Martha Sydanmaa | |

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|October 9th. | |

|Deb Synder | |

| | |

|October 16th. | |

|Linda Jennings | |

| | |

|October 23rd. | |

|T.B.D. | |

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|October 30th. | |

|T.B.D. | |

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|10:00 AM Worship Service | |

|Finance Committee Notes |October Acolytes |

|Income and Expense Summary: [pic] |October 2nd. |

|As of August, 2016 |Andrew Koronkiewicz |

|Income = $13,164.00 | |

|Expenses = $13,267.00 |October 9th. |

|Profit/Loss = (-) $102.00 |Zach McWilliams |

|If you would like to review the details of the transactions which support these | |

|amounts, please contact Denise Lonigro at - - - 708-828-0201 or leave a note in |October 16th. |

|the Treasurer’s mailbox outside of the Church office. |Caleb Bendik |

| | |

| |October 23rd. |

| |Matt Gatton |

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| |October 30th. |

| |Eric Griffith |

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As the 2016/2017 PADS/BEDS season begins, we launch a new program for sharing the rewards and responsibilities of food service with our fellow Salemites.  The Salem Shepherding groups, ONA, Youth Group, Council/Woman's Guild along with the Missions Committee, will now alternate monthly dinner service to our guests.  This should prove to be a fulfilling opportunity for all!  The October 23rd dinner will be provided and served by the North Shepherding Group and the October 30th dinner will be handled by the Laura Frey group on behalf of The Missions Committee.

The penny jar provided a $36 windfall which will be used toward breakfast and lunch items for our guests.  Look for a list of needed non-perishable items to further supplement our breakfasts/lunches.  Thank you  for your continued generosity!

Missions will also be collecting the following items for PADS/BEDS until further notice: gently used twin sheets and pillowcases, new socks, ladies new underwear, travel sized deodorant, toothpaste, foot powder, shaving cream and lip balm for the upcoming season.  Please look for the basket in Zion Hall.

We will be participating in the UCC collection for  "Neighbors in Need" on October 2nd.  Please support this cause as you are able.

Laura Frey will again have Christmas cards to be signed in Zion Hall for the veterans at Manteno and other veteran homes in time for Christmas. Please sign some during coffee hour and let them know they are not forgotten.  You may add a personal note if you wish to do so.  Please feel free to sign more than one card as they will be delivered to multiple VA homes.

If you are looking to make a difference in our community, please consider joining the Missions Committee.  We meet on the third Sunday of each month following worship and we would love to have you on our team!

The Missions Committee

another note from missions:

This year Missions will be collecting non perishable food items during the month of November culminating on Sunday, November 20th, our Harvest Home Sunday.  The collection boxes will be located in the narthex.

As in the past, our food donations will be given  to Pilgrim Faith's food pantry where many meals can be provided to those less fortunate in our area. Also, any donations of cash or grocery store gift cards would gladly be accepted but must be given directly to Linda Jennings or Joanne Spellman.

Thank you in advance for sharing your many blessings with our community.

board of christian education:

We would like to thank everyone who donated, helped out, and attended the Rally Day festivities this year. We couldn't have asked for a better day. Board of Christian Education made approximately $400 which was donated to the Youth Group for their upcoming Mission Trip.

We would like to welcome the kids back to Sunday School. We have decided to continue with the Super Hero theme, and have centered our curriculum around our Hero's of the Bible. We started with David and will be covering Deborah, Joseph, Esther, Moses, and Joshua in the weeks to come. Please be sure to ask the kids about their Super Hero experiences each week.

On Sunday, October 30th, the kids can wear costumes (if they would like). We will have a Halloween craft and story to share also.

And, as always, nursery is available every Sunday. Just see an usher or Traci, Roberta, or myself.

Karen Rodriguez

women’s guild:

The next Women’s Guild meeting will be October 11th. This will be a Halloween Party.

Lunch will be served. Susan Turner will be showing us how to make a bracelet and will be selling some of her jewelry.

a tad of humor:

A Sunday school teacher was teaching the Ten Commandments to her five and six year olds. After explaining the commandment to "honor thy father and thy mother," she asked,"Is there a commandment that teaches us how to treat our brothers and sisters?"

One little boy shouted, "Thou shall not kill."

thank you corner:

To Saundra Taylor and Hazel Krasinski - for agreeing to switch their photo appointments so that someone who needed to come in on Sunday could. Much appreciated ladies.

To Jean Beauvais - for all her hard work on helping me get ready for picture day.

To Emily Griffith - who was kind enough to set-up the program on the computer

so that I could enter the photo appointments.

To the men’s group - for getting the tables and chairs stacked for Rally Day.

To all those who volunteered with Rally Day preparation - along with the set-up and taking down the tables and re-setting Zion Hall for coffee hour. You all did a super feat and it was much appreciated.

To Pastor and Kevin McWilliams - for getting the sound system and the music area set-up again in the church for services.

To Jack VanZee - for assisting the ladies in the counting room when they need an extra


To Terry Ganzer - for taking pictures of members who would not be able to attend the formal picture taking session.

To Matt Gatton - for helping the ladies in the kitchen on September 18th. The ladies really appreciated his assistance.

Thank you to everyone who gave a donation for the parking lot paving endeavor. We reached our targeted goal and we even went over a tad.

Thank you to Sam and Betty Levato and Hazel Krasinski for filling in several Sundays when we did not have assigned greeters. Your presence and stature was unmatched and was much appreciated.

something to ponder:

If a mute swears, does his mother wash his hands with soap?

renew your wedding vows:

October 16th the Salem Youth Group is offering all couples of the church a REWEWAL OF WEDDING VOWS SERVICE during the worship service.. Couples will stand from their pew and renew their vows. You will also receive a certificate, photo and a special coffee hour treat! Suggested donation is $20.

They will also be offering a SPECIAL PRAYER OF REMEMBERANCE - a special prayer with the names of spouses who have moved on to be with the Lord. You will receive a special certificate remembering the prayer. Suggested donation is $10.

next four winds casino trip:

Our final Casino trip for the year 2016 is scheduled for November 13th. So mark your calendars now so you won’t miss out on our final trip for the year. The cost will still remain the same - $30. Don’t forget to bring your canned goods to help support the Food Pantry. Please get your money in as soon as possible.

We need to fill at least one bus and would love to do two if possible.

usage of rooms within the church confines:

If you would like to use a room within the church for an event, whether it be a church event or an outside event, please contact Lynda Ganzer to determine if the room is available for the time frame of your request.

ugly christmas sweater update:

Well….it looks like there is not too much interest after all for the Ugly Christmas Sweater contest. We only had 5 responses and that really in not enough that would be interested so we will not have one this year. Maybe some time in the future.


“What you leave behind is not what is engraved on stone monuments, but what is woven into the lives of others.”

holiday concert:

For the last several years we have been attending the MusicChorale Concert followed by a dinner at a local restaurant. Since everyone seems to have enjoyed that, we are going to do the same thing again this year. The concert this year will be held on December 11th. The cost of the tickets this year have gone up $1 which makes the ticket $13. So mark your calendars now; you will not regret attending this performance. This is a special year for MusicChorale as it is their 70th Anniversary. Dinner will again be at the Royalberry Restaurant, and you will just be responsible for recompense of your own meals as done in the past.

a note from debra allison:

To: Pastor Steve and my Salem UCC Family

Thank you for your prayers, cards, calls and visits during my recent illness. Your expressions of Christian love meant so much to me. 

Yours in Christ, Debra Allison

a piece of trivia:

”Napoleon took 14,000 French decrees and simplified them into a unified set of seven laws. This was the first time in modern history that a nation’s laws applied equally to all citizens. Napoleon’s seven laws are so impressive that by 1960, more than 70 governments had patterned their own laws after them, or, used them verbatim.

corner bakery fundraiser:

On Sunday, October 2nd we will once again be having a fundraiser at the Corner Bakery on 95th Street. So please plan on stopping in for breakfast, lunch or dinner and tell them you are from Salem and we get a percentage of your total meal. We set this up on October 2nd. with the thought that if you are scheduled to have your pictures taken on Sunday, and you don’t want to go all the way home and return later, you can go to the Corner Bakery and wait until it is time for your appointment.

recipe corner:


Preheat oven to 450

Unwrap 1 12 oz bag of Reese’s Peanut buttercups.

Put in the bottom of a 9” round cake pan

Top with 1- 10oz bag of Marshmallows

Bake 8 mins. until marshmallows are golden brown.

Serve warm with graham crackers.

pads/beds meals service:

This year our PADS/BEDS guests will be provided and served meals on the fourth Sunday of each month by different groups in the church.  This entails the group organizing, purchasing, preparing, serving and cleaning up the meal.  We feed approximately 30 people on these nights.  The leaders of these groups will be in charge of their scheduled date.  If your group is unable to serve their scheduled night feel free to trade dates with another group, just let me know. This is a great way that everyone can help out our homeless program. The dates are as follows:

October 23rd - North Group

November 27th-South Group

December 25th-West Group

January 22nd-East Group

February 26th-ONA

March 26th-Youth Group

April 23rd-Council/Womans Guild

There will also be a bin for contributions of single packed food items (granola bars, cookies, chips, etc..) that will be used for lunches.

As always there will be a sign up each 4th Sunday of the month in the message center for donations of food items for the breakfast that we provide as well.

Any questions feel free to contact me.  

Pam McWilliams

suggestion box:

The box is opened at the end of every month. PLEASE…..sign your suggestions ! ! !

Please…..no nonsensical, inane or frivolous suggestions!

church blooper:

“Don’t let worry kill you off – let the church help.”

a thank you from the youth group:

The youth group would like to thank everyone who participated in the car wash and hot dog lunch. They raised a whopping $611.00 to put toward the funding of their mission trip.

allison hefner is fund-raising for her school trip to orlando:


Thank you to all who have contributed to my fundraising through donations, car wash contributions, mum sales and Scrip purchases!!!

I would like to thank all the members of my Salem family that have helped me with my fundraising!  Your support is helping me reach my goal, but I still have more to achieve.  Please keep purchasing the SCRIP gift cards and be on the look-out for my fall pie fundraiser just in time for the holidays.

  In Christian Love,

Allison Hefner

the card store:

Alice and Tom Machtemes are planning on having a Christmas Shop again this year along with their cards. So if you have holiday items that you don’t need anymore, Alice and Tom would love to have them for their nearly new Christmas items.

stations sunday october 30th.:

Four stations will be set up to be used during the worship service. There will be the Blessing of Healing, the Prayer Partners, the Prayer Candles and the Laying on of Hands prayer table (same as last time). This is always a powerful service and a great one to invite a friend to experience.

a reminder from marge holoubek:

The Women Crafters are planning on having two Christmas Fairs.  The first will be Dec 4th and the second will be Dec. 11, both will follow immediately after church.  We will have craft items, bakery and a few surprises.  If you would be interested in baking or making something for the Dec fairs, please let us know.  We have had some craft and yarn supplies donated and would be happy to have it used.  We meet on Tues. mornings and would be happy to have you join us.  If the time doesn't work, feel free to make whatever you would like to donate and we would be happy to sell it.  All of the money will benefit the church.

Thanks, Marge

a note from worth township youth comm. :

[pic]a note from rachel circle:

Rachel Circle will be holding the Fannie May Candy sale this year. The profit collected will be their gift to the church.

Orders must be received by Nov. 13. Orders will be delivered to church on Sunday, Dec. 4.

Checks should be made payable to Salem Church U.C.C. There is no sales tax.

Questions: Contact Marge Holoubek @ 708-424-7109.

Thanks, Marge

beverly theater guild upcoming performance:


a note from our music director:

Sing! Sing! Sing! Have you been asking yourself....In what way can I serve in my church and the community of Salem? If singing with the choir is something you've been thinking about, perhaps now is the time! Music is capable of touching the deepest part of those who sing it, play it or hear it. I can say, personally, how music has had a transformative healing power in my own life. Come and witness the richness this ministry can bring to your spiritual life and the lives of others. We are starting rehearsals on Thursday evenings at 7:15pm. The first one is Oct. 20th. Questions, comments or concerns, don't hesitate to see me. I'm looking forward to your involvement.

Joni Hoerger

Music Director


beds / plus homeless program:


labyrinth walk october 11th.:

On Tuesday, October 11th, at 7pm we will gather at the labyrinth for a Meditation Walk. Labyrinths are ancient tools for quieting your mind and finding peace. As we walk, the gentle music of guitar and flute accompany us. With each step we think only about the step, turning off all worry about the future or regrets from the past. Join us as we journey to peace

chicago metropolitan association fall meeting october 15th.:

Pastor Steve, and a church delegate(s), will be attending the Fall Meeting at St. Paul UCC in Palatine. The featured speaker will be Father Phleger from St. Sabina church.

november sermon series: the beatitudes:

Pastor Steve will preach a sermon series the first three weeks of November (the last three weeks of the church year) entitled: The Beatitudes. The beatitudes sum up the entire teaching of Jesus and are filled with deeper meaning. As we close out the church year you won’t want to miss this opportunity to deeper Spirituality.

“spamalot” performance at oak lawn high school:

Jacob McWilliams and Ashlee Griffith will be performing in the play "SPAMALOT" at Oak Lawn High School on October 27, 28 and 29th at 7:00 each night.  IF you are interested in buying tickets please see Pam McWilliams or Emily Griffith.  Tickets are $15 apiece.   There will be a Seniors night on Tuesday October 25th.

a poem by debra allison:

THE BEATEN HEART, by Debra Allison

Like a leaf, I shake on this broken bow

The cycle has to end somehow

Inside my head, I want him dead

Within my heart, we cannot part

No longer can I live in silence

My life has become domestic violence

Shut up witch, you're such a bore!

I'm here with you, what you crying for

Do as I say or else you'll pay!

I must become silent, or he'll become violent

Give me some money! I love you honey.

If I don't keep my silence, he'll hit me with violence

You better take heed- I'm all that you need

I'm your family now! Who needs friends anyhow?

Total control is his ultimate plan

Not what God wanted when he made a man

When we are alone, I don't dare use the phone 

If he mutters a sound, both eyes to the ground

I cry for help into the night air

Everyone listens but does anyone care

My neighbors see me and stop their heads quick

They won't get involved in a story so sick

I feel the clothes rip, I hear as they are torn

At this point I'm helpless...,alone..., forlorn

Called the cops I've gotten away

Help is coming they are on their way....

Worse of the worst ...

He got to me first!

National Domestic Violence Help Line

1 800-799-7233

1 800-787-3224 TTY Deaf/ Hard of hearing

Chicago Domestic Violence Help Line

1 877-863-6338

In addition…..

October already! And it's Breast Cancer Awareness Month (BCAM) (think pink). Ladies don't forget your annual mammogram. I had mine in September.(OUCH!) There are 12 area hospitals providing free mammograms. Search the web for "free mammograms Chicago" or visit . Early detection is the key to saving lives. I ask all reading to spread the word; ask all of your female relatives and friends 40-50yrs and over "Have you had your mammogram this year"?

October has also been designated as Domestic Violence Awareness Month.     (Ouch again) Paint the town purple on Thursday October 20th and help bring awareness to this unfortunately increasing problem.

a note from alice machtemes:

Thank You for your prayers and cards, during my recent surgery.

I'm glad to be home, getting a little stronger every day.

Alice & Tom Machtemes

another bit of humor:


A church on Harlem Ave. has on

their sign out front, the following:

“They say Jesus is coming, Let’s

hope it is before the election”

|October 2016 |

|2000 |

|Sunday |Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |Saturday |

| | | |day | | | |

| | | | | | |1 |

| | | | | | |BINGO NIGHT @ SALEM - |

| | | | | | |6: PM |

|2 | 3 |4 |5 |6 |7 |8 |

|Church Service 10:00 AM | |Bazaar Crafters | |OA 7: PM |OA 7: PM | |

|Family Communion Sunday |PICTURES |9: AM | |Al-Anon 7: PM | | |

|Confirmation Class | |AA 7: PM | |B.T.G. | | |

|PICTURES | |Men’s Group | | | | |

|B.T.G. | |B.T.G. | | | | |

|9 |10 |11 |12 |13 |14 |15 |

|Church Service 10:00 AM | |Bazaar Crafters | |OA 7: PM |OA 7: PM | |

|B.T.G. | |9: AM | |Al-Anon 7: PM | | |

| |Council Mtg.-7:30pm |AA 7: PM | |B.T.G. | | |

| | |Men’s Group | |VILLAGE HALL MTG. | | |

| | |Women’s Guild – Noon | | | | |

| | |Labyrinth Walk-7pm | | | | |

| | |B.T.G. | | | | |

|16 |17 |18 |19 |20 |21 |22 |

|Church Service 10:00 AM | |Bazaar Crafters | |OA 7: PM |OA 7: PM |GILLES PARTY |

|Communion Sunday | |9: AM | |Al-Anon 7: PM | | |

|Confirmation Class | |AA 7: PM | |B.T.G. | | |

| | |Men’s Group | |Choir – 7:15 PM | | |

|B.T.G. | |B.T.G. + Board Mtg. | | | | |

| | |MORE PICTURES | | | | |

|23 |24 |25 |26 |27 |28 |29 |

|Church Service 10:00 AM | |Bazaar Crafters | |OA 7: PM |OA 7: PM | |

|B.T.G. | |9: AM | |Al-Anon 7: PM | | |

| | |AA 7: PM | |B.T.G. | | |

| | |Men’s Group | |Choir – 7:15 PM | | |

| | |B.T.G. | | | | |

|30 |31 |T.B.D. = To Be Determined | |B.T.G. = Beverly Theater Group | B.T.G. time frames – |B.T.G. time |

|Church Service 10:00 AM |HALLOWEEN |OA = Overeaters Anon. | |– Meet on Sunday, Tuesday|Tues., Weds.Thurs. -7:PM |frames – |

| | | | |& Thursday |– 10:30 PM |Sun. -1:PM – |

| | | | | | |5:PM |



Salem United Church of Christ

9717 S. Kostner Avenue

Oak Lawn, Illinois 60453-3547

(708) 423-9717


October 2016 Issue No. 452

Rev. Steve Hoerger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ……………...Pastor

Jean Beauvais . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ….. Church Secretary

Terry Ganzer . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. …. Newsletter Editor

Trudy Transier. . . . . ……………...Newsletter Distributor

Virginia Johnson………………….. Typographical Editor


Salem United Church of Christ

Oak Lawn, Illinois

NEWS and NOTES October 2016; Issue 452


October 2016


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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