Recruitment – Job Summary - Amazon S3

|Post Title |CEREMONIES REGISTRAR Level 1 Job Evaluation no. CHA.19.05 |

|Job Family |Regulation |

|Line Manager |Registration Operational Manager |

|Location |Aylesbury / Beaconsfield |

| |

|Job Purpose: - To attend weddings to make a legal registration of the ceremony. |

|Job |

|To register civil marriages in accordance with Buckinghamshire County Council (BCC) and General Register Office (GRO) procedures, at registration |

|offices, approved premises, registered buildings and religious premises where a Registrar is required. |

| |

|To ensure that all preliminaries, legal checks and payments have been completed prior to the ceremony in accordance with GRO and BCC policy and |

|procedures. |

| |

|To complete pre and post-ceremony procedures, including collecting and returning registers to offices and issuing additional certificates. This includes|

|checking the prepared ‘marriage bag’ and ensuring that it contains all of the equipment and legal paperwork necessary. |

| |

|To maintain a working knowledge of the regulations of the GRO Registration Handbooks, circulars and other instructions, together with BCC policies and |

|procedures. |

| |

|To be available to work all days, but particularly Wednesday to Sunday throughout the main ceremony season (Easter to October), plus Bank Holidays |

|throughout the year. |

| |

|To undertake the whole range of administrative tasks and general office duties (including the production of copy certificates) as required. |

| |

|To engage in the Public Protection and Counter Fraud Assurance Framework developed by the General Register Office in order to keep the public safe, |

|report fraudulent activity e.g. sham marriages and certificate applications, ensure the accuracy of registration records, protect registration records |

|and secure certificate stock and follow statutory obligations. To understand the provisions of GDPR and how it affects the registration service. |

| |

|To comply with the General Data Protection Regulations six principles regarding customer information and to understand their roles and responsibilities |

|in relation to data they may access and use. |

|Knowledge, Skills and Experience |

|Role Profile requirements. |Job specific examples. |Essential |Desirable |

| |(if left blank refer to left hand column) | | |

|Research or knowledge of the Registration Service and what| |x | |

|we do. | | | |

|Excellent communication skills. |You must be able to relate to the couples as you will be |x | |

| |asking the prescribed legal questions and recording their | | |

| |answers. It is also necessary to present their marriage | | |

| |certificates after the ceremony and say a few congratulatory | | |

| |words in front of all the guests. | | |

| |You should be able to relate to guests at a ceremony and | | |

| |answer any question they may ask you. | | |

|Frontline customer care. |Experience, to a high standard, of dealing with people from |x | |

| |all walks of life, in a variety of situations. The | | |

| |excitement and stress of a ceremony can bring out many | | |

| |emotions and these do have to be managed at times. | | |

|Accuracy and attention to detail. |The ability to accurately record and check details onto |x | |

| |marriage and civil partnership documentation. | | |

|Neat handwriting. |To ensure that the marriage registers and wedding |x | |

| |certificates are legible, clear and neat. | | |

|Some form of public speaking or presenting to large |You will need to present the couples with their certificates |x | |

|groups. |and say a few congratulatory words / best wishes for your | | |

| |future front of all the guests. | | |

|Good ICT skills. |The ability to create documents to a high standard, plus the |x | |

| |ability to grasp new programs and systems quickly. Knowledge | | |

| |of Excel is paramount. | | |

|Excellent team player. |When attending marriage ceremonies the two members of a team |x | |

| |work together – one to register the marriage, while the other| | |

| |conducts the ceremony. | | |

|Planning and organising skills. |The prepared marriage pack needs to be checked in the office |x | |

| |to ensure that all of the necessary paperwork is with you. | | |

| |You then need to ensure that you arrive at the venue in | | |

| |plenty of time. After the wedding the paperwork has to be | | |

| |returned to the office and locked away securely in the vault.| | |

| | | | |

|Qualifications |

|Role Profile requirements. |Job specific examples. |Essential |Desirable |

| |(if left blank refer to left hand column) | | |

|Educated to GCSE / NVQ 2/3 standard or equivalent. |English Language A-C or equivalent. |x | |

| |Maths A-C or equivalent. | | |

|Relevant vocational qualification. |Customer Care NVQ | | x |

|Other Requirements |

| |

|Smart appearance. Access to / use of a vehicle. You must have business insurance for each vehicle you use for work related tasks. |

| |

|Hours of work; - The hours of work will vary, as much of our work is seasonal. The busiest time of year will be the beginning of April (or Easter when |

|sooner) to the end of October. Hours are as required, but particularly Wednesday to Sunday during the main season and occasional Bank Holidays. There |

|will also be a requirement to cover evening ceremonies as necessary on a rota basis. |

| |

|The Registration Service has a local Service policy that drinking alcohol whilst on duty being paid by BCC is not permitted.  A copy of this and the |

|Council’s Substance Policy will be given to you at your induction, you will be asked to read both and sign a form to say you have read and understood |

|them. |

|Organisation Structure (optional) |

PLEASE NOTE: A person is disqualified from appointment to any registration officer post if:

a. He/she has been declared bankrupt and has not subsequently been discharged of if he/she has made any composition or arrangement with his/her creditors and has not subsequently paid his/her debts in full or obtained a certificate of discharge

b. He/she has been dismissed from any office by the Registrar General and the Registrar General does not consent to the appointment

c. He/she is or has been during the 12 months preceding the date on which the appointment is to take effect, a member of Buckinghamshire County Council or of a committee of the Council having duties in relation to the appointment of registration officers

d. He/she holds any office as authorised person, secretary (for marriages) of a synagogue or a registering officer of the Society of Friends

e. He/she is a minister of religion, a medical practitioner, a midwife, an undertaker or other business concerned in a burial or cremation business, a person engaged in any business concerned with life insurance, or a person engaged in any calling which would conflict with or prevent the proper performance in person of the duties of the office for which he/she is a candidate.


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