Commencement of Employment with Basingstoke Voluntary ...

Commencement of Employment with YOUR ORGANISATION NAME Here in after known as YOUR ORGANISATION NAME:

1. Contract

This agreement constitutes your Contract of Employment with YOUR ORGANISATION NAME and sets out the main terms and conditions which apply to your employment and includes the Statement of Particulars and Terms and Conditions of your employment under the Employment Rights Act 1996.

Further details of these and other terms of your employment will be explained to you on joining and are contained in the Employee Handbook.

YOUR ORGANISATION NAME reserves the right to make reasonable changes to the Terms and Conditions of Employment detailed in this Statement. You will be notified of minor changes by a general notice to all employees, and such changes will take effect from the date of the notice. You will not be given less than 1 month’s written notice of any significant changes, which may be given either by way of an individual notice or general notice.

1. Continuous Service

Your employment with YOUR ORGANISATION NAME is a permanent post starting on ********** Please note that no period of employment with a previous employer will count as continuous employment for the purposes of your employment with YOUR ORGANISATION NAME.

2 Title

Your job title will be *********** and you will report to the ********** during the course of your employment with YOUR ORGANISATION NAME. A Job Description has been provided to you separately, Please sign and send back as part of this contract.

YOUR ORGANISATION NAME may amend your duties from time to time, and, in addition to your normal duties you may be required to undertake reasonable additional or other duties as necessary to meet the needs of the business.

3 Place of Work

Your normal place of work will be the registered offices of YOUR ORGANISATION NAME. You may be required to work at and/or travel to such places as YOUR ORGANISATION NAME may reasonably require from time to time.

4 Remuneration

Your salary will be NJC point *********pro rata (£*********** actual). You will be paid monthly in arrears on 26th day of each month. Your first monthly payment will occur, therefore, on 26th December 2014. There is no additional payment for additional hours worked. Salaries are subject to the usual deduction for Tax, NI and any other statutory deductions.

5 Hours of Work

Your normal hours of work will be *********** per week (excluding lunch breaks). These hours will be worked between *********** In lieu of out of hours work you will be given time off which has to be agreed by the prior approval of your Line Manager. Such time off should be taken within four weeks. No more than 8 hours may be carried over to the next calendar month without authorisation.

6 Probationary Period

You are appointed for a trial period of Six months from your start date. The position will be reviewed with you during this time and again at the end of this period. The review will take into consideration your performance and conduct during the trial period. If, at the end of this period, your work, attendance and conduct are satisfactory, your contract will be made permanent. During the trial period, your appointment may be terminated at any time by YOUR ORGANISATION NAME in the case of misconduct or unsatisfactory service, giving you two weeks notice or pay in lieu of notice.

7 Absence

In the event of your absence for whatever reason you or someone on your behalf should contact the Orchard Reception by telephone on 01256 423801 within one hour of your scheduled start time on the first day of the absence, to inform them of the reason for your absence and as soon as practicable give in writing the reason for absence to your Line Manager. Text messages, email or answering machine messages are not acceptable methods of the reporting of your absence. Prolonged or repeated unauthorised absence may result in more serious disciplinary action being taken.

Employees are entitled to no more than ten days self certificated absence in any rolling twelve month period, including weekends if the sickness period falls over Saturday and Sunday, after which all absence must be certified by a doctor or taken without pay. Absence of less than seven days must be supported by a 'Self-sickness/Absence Statement’, which covers the full period of absence obtainable from the Human Resources Officer.

Absence of more than seven days must be supported by a 'Doctor's Statement'. Days of sickness taken directly after a holiday must be supported by a 'Doctor's Statement' or taken as holiday. The employer reserves the right, at it’s expense, to refer the Employee to an alternative doctor for a second opinion.

You must be contactable and available for consultation, visits and meetings with YOUR ORGANISATION NAME or any of its representatives during working hours at all times on sick absence unless authorised by YOUR ORGANISATION NAME.

In cases of absence through sickness or injury for up to three days, normal salary will be paid. For absence exceeding three days, subject to the restriction below, the Employee will be paid sick pay equal to the amount by which his/her salary exceeds the Employer's Statutory Sick Pay (ESSP) to which he/she is entitled. When ESSP entitlement is exhausted, the Employee will be paid sick pay equal to the amount by which his/her salary exceeds any DSS sickness benefit to which she/he is entitled (except that married women will be treated as entitled to full sickness benefit). For ESSP the qualifying days shall be Monday to Friday of each week.

The current Sickness Entitlement is

During the first year of service - one months full pay and, after completing six months service, an additional two months half pay

During the second year of service -two months full pay and two months half pay

During the third year of service four months full pay and four months half pay

During the fourth & fifth year five months full pay and five months half pay

After five years service six month full pay and six months half pay

After the appropriate period of sick leave expires, the Employee will not be entitled to receive further sick pay from YOUR ORGANISATION NAME.

When the expiry of the appropriate sick leave is imminent and an Employee is still away from work due to sickness or injury, the Employer will ask the Employee when he/she is likely to return to work. If the Employee is unable to confirm his/her return to full health by the end of the appropriate sick leave, and subject to completion of the Access to Medical Reports and the sick absence procedures, the Employer may decide that the only reasonable conclusion is to terminate his/her employment.

The Employer will give sympathetic consideration to applications from the Employee for an extension of the period of sick leave, with or without pay.

8 Holidays

YOUR ORGANISATION NAME’s holiday year is from 1st April to 31st March.

Your holiday entitlement is 24 working days per holiday year (pro rata for part time workers) in addition to the 8 Public Holidays. For this contract 1 day =*********

You are not expected to take any holiday within the first two months of service unless discussed with the Chief Executive prior to appointment. YOUR ORGANISATION NAME is currently closed between Christmas and the New Year and the Trustees do not currently expect staff to take holiday to compensate for this.

Employees starting or leaving employment during the year are entitled to annual leave proportionate to number of completed month’s service. Employees leaving the organisation are entitled to be paid for any untaken leave that has been accrued but not taken for each complete month of service during the leave year. Where this occurs, you will be paid for any accrued leave as part of your final salary. You will not be entitled to pay in lieu for any other untaken leave unless prior approval has been given by the Chief Executive. Any leave taken in excess of the pro rata entitlement will be recovered from the final salary.

All annual leave must be pre-booked and agreed with your Line Manager and this agreement is to be obtained before employees commit themselves to holiday bookings or any other arrangements.

With the express written consent of your Line Manager you may be permitted to carry up to 5 days (pro-rata) of unused holiday entitlement into the following holiday year. You will not be entitled to payment for any unused holiday entitlement at the end of the holiday year.

9 Statutory Leave

Maternity, adoption, paternity, parental, unpaid leave for emergencies and other statutory leave and payments will be in accordance with an employee’s statutory rights. Further details of these and how they operate can be obtained from the Human Resources Officer.

10 Compassionate Leave

The Chief Executive will give sympathetic consideration to applications from the Employee for paid compassionate leave for bereavement, family illness etc. Other unpaid leave may be taken at the discretion of the Chief Executive and will be decided on the basis of the merits of each request.

11 Time Off For Public Duties

YOUR ORGANISATION NAME will permit such time off work to be taken for public duties as is set out under the Employment Protection Act for the time being in force and in addition as is reasonable. This will apply to an employee who is

i) a Justice of the Peace, a member of a Local Authority, a member of a Statutory Tribunal; a member of a Regional Health Authority or District Health Authority or Patient Forums

i) a member of the Managing and Governing Body of an Educational Establishment maintained by the local Education Authority;

(iv) a member of any other body at the discretion of YOUR ORGANISATION


12 Pensions

YOUR ORGANISATION NAME will operate a stakeholder pension scheme. Further details of the scheme can be obtained from the Chief Executive. This will commence after completion of the probation period.

13 Termination of Employment

Entitlement to give or receive notice of termination of your employment is set out below:

|Termination by YOUR ORGANISATION NAME |Period of Notice |

|After the end of your probationary period and before the end of the 5th year of continuous|1 month |

|service | |

|Termination for each conditional year of completed service up to the 12th year |1 additional week |

|After the 12th completed year |12 weeks |

|After the end of your probationary period, Termination by you at any time during your |1 month |

|employment | |

We reserve the right in our absolute discretion to pay you salary in lieu of notice

14 Disciplinary and Grievance Procedures

It is essential that certain standards and levels of performance are maintained to protect the smooth running of YOUR ORGANISATION NAME and the well-being of staff and users. YOUR ORGANISATION NAME believes that it’s staff have the right to know what our rules of conduct are and what the result will be in the event an individual breaking one or more of these rules.

YOUR ORGANISATION NAME has disciplinary and grievance procedures applicable to your employment. Please note that these do not form part of your contractual terms and conditions with YOUR ORGANISATION NAME. These are detailed in a separate YOUR ORGANISATION NAME document available from the Chief Executive. Please note that should you have any complaint or grievance, you should discuss in the first instance the matter with your Line Manager.

It is YOUR ORGANISATION NAME policy that any disciplinary action will adhere strictly to the YOUR ORGANISATION NAME policy of fair and equal treatment for all staff and that the disciplinary and grievance procedures will apply equally to all staff. The disciplinary procedure is designed to ensure fair treatment for those whose job performance or behaviour is below an acceptable level to the extent that remedial action is required and also to deal with incidences of misconduct.

If the Employee has a grievance relating to his/her employment other than a disciplinary matter, he/she should first raise it with their Line Manager and and/or Chief Executive. If the matter is not satisfactorily resolved they should ask to see the Chairman of YOUR ORGANISATION NAME whose decision will be final. The procedure is detailed in a separate YOUR ORGANISATION NAME document available from the Chief Executive.

YOUR ORGANISATION NAME reserves the right to vary these procedures in relation to disciplining, dismissal or handling any grievance of an employee with less than 12 months service if employed before April 2012. or with less than 24 months if employed after April 2012.

15 Trade Union Membership

The employee has the right, if she/he so wishes, to be a member of an independent Trade Union. If she/he is a member of a Trade Union he/she has a right to take part in the activities of the Trade Union. Such activities shall be without prejudice to his/her employment with the Employer that will at all times be set to any current code of practice.

16 Health and Safety at Work

Under the Health and Safety at Work Act, you have a responsibility for safety and are expected to co-operate in observing safe practice throughout YOUR ORGANISATION NAME as shown in the building Health and Safety Policy.

In particular, it is your duty under the Health and Safety at Work regulations to act towards fellow staff, contractors, members of the public and other users as required by the Health and Safety Act 1974 and subsequent relevant Acts. You must take care to prevent accidents happening to yourself or to others. If you notice anything dangerous or likely to cause an accident, you must report it.

17 Acceptable IT Use

Use of the internet and external emails is permitted mainly for business use. Staff

may have reasonable personal use of internet and external email before and after

work and at lunchtimes only. All staff using the internet or email will be required to

comply with YOUR ORGANISATION NAME’ Acceptable IT Use policy. Breaches of

the policy will be considered seriously and lead to disciplinary action

18 Confidentiality

During the course of your employment, you may have access to confidential information about YOUR ORGANISATION NAME, its members and clients. This information could cover a wide range of information. Unauthorised dissemination of confidential information outwith the normal requirements of your role and YOUR ORGANISATION NAME business whether verbal, in writing, by copying or electronically will be deemed gross misconduct under BNVS’ disciplinary procedure and could result in dismissal. For this purpose ‘confidential information’ shall include among others things any information in respect of which the Company owes an obligation of confidentiality to a third party.

After leaving YOUR ORGANISATION NAME’ employment, this duty of confidentiality will remain in place with regard to commercially and competitively sensitive information. This restriction will remain in place, depending on the sensitivity of the information for up to 12 months after the cessation of your employment with YOUR ORGANISATION NAME and indefinitely in relation to personal sensitive information about clients.

19 Dress Code

You are required to wear at all times while at work appropriate clothing. You are also required to use appropriate equipment safely and clothing as needed.

20 Driving on Company business

You may be requested to drive on YOUR ORGANISATION NAME business using your own car. Where this occurs it is your responsibility to ensure that you have a current valid driving licence and that you are properly insured and your vehicle is road-worthy and properly taxed. If this is not the case you must advise your manager at the time the request is made. You must provide to the office up-to-date copies of your insurance and driving licence (photo card and counterpart), and re-submit every year.

On no account must you drive at the Company’s request at any time if you do not have a valid licence. Should you lose your licence or incur a driving offence for any reason, you must advise your manager immediately. Please note, losing your licence may result in the termination of your contract of employment.

Please note that YOUR ORGANISATION NAME will not be responsible for meeting any parking, speeding or other motoring offences you may incur in the course of driving on YOUR ORGANISATION NAME business.

On no account is it permissible to drink alcohol or take non-prescribed drugs while driving on YOUR ORGANISATION NAME business using your own vehicle, either while driving or parked.

If you drive on YOUR ORGANISATION NAME business, on no account must you make or receive calls on a hand-held mobile phone while driving. This also applies to calls on hands-free kits if it will result in you not being in proper control of the vehicle. This applies both to Company provided or personal mobile phones.

YOUR ORGANISATION NAME will, under no circumstances, be responsible for any fines or other legal sanctions imposed on individuals if they are involved in an accident or other situation as a result of disregarding this law.

21 Data Protection

YOUR ORGANISATION NAME’s policy is to work within the Data Protection Act 1998 and ensure the protection of your personal information against unauthorised use or disclosure. Under the Act, we are required to obtain your explicit consent to hold and process this information, for the purposes of your employment with YOUR ORGANISATION NAME. This information will be used solely for this purpose. Can you please sign the consent clause at the end of this contract?

Each employee is responsible for informing YOUR ORGANISATION NAME of any changes in their personal details, if possible before they occur, for example change of address. Any such change should be made in writing to your Line Manager within seven days of the change. YOUR ORGANISATION NAME reserves the right to request, clarify or check any information supplied or to request further detailed information which may be required from time to time for reasons of security, medical history, etc. Where this occurs, the employee will be consulted fully beforehand.

20 Equal Opportunities

You are required to work within the conditions stated in the Equal Opportunities Policy of YOUR ORGANISATION NAME. In particular, YOUR ORGANISATION NAME will not condone any forms of harassment, bullying or discrimination of colleagues, contractors, members of the public or other users of YOUR ORGANISATION NAME and any such act is likely to lead to disciplinary action.

21 No Smoking Policy

The premises has a complete non-smoking policy. Smoking is not allowed on any part of the premises at any time.

Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy

YOUR ORGANISATION NAME has a strict Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy in line with the Bribery Act 2011. If you bribe (or attempt to bribe) another person, intending either to obtain or retain business for YOUR ORGANISATION NAME, or to obtain or retain an advantage in the conduct of YOUR ORGANISATION NAME’ business this will be considered gross misconduct. Similarly accepting or allowing another person to accept a bribe will be considered gross misconduct. In these circumstances you will be subject to formal investigation under YOUR ORGANISATION NAME Disciplinary Procedures, and disciplinary action up to and including dismissal may be applied.

22 Change of Terms

If changes in terms of employment are mutually agreed, the Employer will confirm them in writing to the Employee within one (1) month.

YOUR ORGANISATION NAME Terms of Employment apply to all employees on joining and it is your duty to read them. Failure to read them or alleged ignorance of any provision within them would not be accepted as an excuse for non compliance

Signed on behalf of YOUR ORGANISATION NAME

Name __________________________________

Signature __________________________________

Dated __________________________________

I accept the terms and conditions detailed in this YOUR ORGANISATION NAME contract of employment and declare that there is no legal impediment to my entering into employment with YOUR ORGANISATION NAME and that I am eligible to work in the UK.

Employee Name __________________________________

Signature __________________________________

Dated __________________________________

I give my consent to my personal information to be held by YOUR ORGANISATION NAME under the terms of the Data Protection Act

Signed ___________________________________________

Date __________________________________

Please also sign, date and return the attached Job description

As part of your Induction you will be shown the YOUR ORGANISATION NAME Staff Handbook. Please ensure that you read and understand the policies outlined

********** Job Description

I agree with the above tasks listed in the Job description

Signed ___________________________________________

Date __________________________________


Your Logo Here

Contract of Employment

Statement of Terms and Conditions of Service under which YOUR ORGANISATION NAME will employ *******effective from the *******

YOUR ORGANISATION NAME is a Registered Charity Number: nnnnnnn and a Company Limited by Guarantee

Registered in England and Wales Number: nnnnnnn

Registered Office:

The Orchard, White Hart Lane, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG21 4AF

Telephone (01256) 423800

Fax: (01256) 423825


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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