John Adams HBO film questions

John Adams HBO film questions

Part One – Join or Die

1.      Where does this film begin?   In what year does it begin?

2.      What did John Adams call the “Boston Massacre?”

3.      Why do the soldiers ask John Adams to represent them in court?

4. Why does John Adams decide to take the case?

5.      When he is speaking to the soldiers, what seems to be the most important thing to him?

6. How does the rope-maker’s testimony change the opinion of the court?

7.      What was the final verdict for Captain Preston and his men? What do you think would have happened if the opposite verdict was read?

8.      What does the outcome/verdict of the trial tell us about colonial juries and justice in the 13 colonies?

9.   Describe the emotion of the crowd during the tar and feathering. Why do they feel that way? John Adams is very upset with Sam in this scene. Why? Should he be?

10.    How does John Adams feel about the Intolerable Acts?

11.   What does John say about the “legality” of everything? What does this say to you about his character?

12.   Describe the turning point for John Adams that transforms him to a hardcore patriot.

13.   “Liberty is not built on the [idea] that a few nobles have a right to inherit the earth”. What do you think John means?

14.   “[We are all] as well entitled to the benefit of the air to breathe, light to see, food to eat, and clothes to wear, as the nobles or the king.” Do you agree with this statement? What are the colonists really fighting for?


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