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6248400-3683000Lesson 3Grade 1 - Read for Health Fruits and Vegetables – Farmers Market-1885958622665Read for Health – Grade 1Lesson OutlineFruits & Vegetables100Read for Health – Grade 1Lesson OutlineFruits & Vegetables1PREPARATION OUTLINELEARNING OBJECTIVESStudents will:Identify fruits and vegetables.Discover that fruits and vegetables are grown on a farm. One place to buy fresh produce is at a farmers’ market.Learn about the importance of eating fruits and vegetables every day as part of being healthy.LESSON ORDERThe order of the lessons can be changed, but lessons one and six must have the pre- and post-tests and lesson five must have the Parent Survey and Teacher Observation Report.ESTIMATED TIME30 minutesIntroduction (2 min.)Book: On the Farm, At the Market (10 min. with discussion)Physical Activity (5 min.)Food Tasting Recipe: Fruit Kabob (10 min.)Closing discussion (3 min.)45-60 minutesIntroduction (2 min.)Book: On the Farm, At the Market (10 min. with discussion)Physical Activity (5-10 min.)Healthy Helpings with Fruit & Vegetable CardsHealthy Helpings A MyPlate Activity MatWriting prompt and activity sheet (10-15 minutes)Food Tasting Recipe (10 min.) Choose one.Closing DiscussionEducator Note: If food is not served, the Healthy Helpings A MyPlate Activity mat can be substituted.ACADEMIC ALIGNMENTSHEALTH & FITNESS COMMON CORE LANGUAGE ARTSSOCIAL SCIENCE INTEGRATED SCIENCEH.1.N1.1a; H1.N1.1b; H1.N4.1; H1.N5.1RL 1-4,9; RI1-4,6,7,9; W 2,8; SL1-6G 3.2.11LS 3-1SUPPLIESBook: On the Farm, At the Market by G. Brian Karas“I Tried It” stickers Minds in Motion Fit Sticks or Dancing Dice Healthy Helpings with Fruit & Vegetable CardsHealthy Helpings A MyPlate Activity MatHANDOUTSWhat Would You Grow Worksheet (Can give to teacher)“Fruit and Vegetable Identification” Writing PromptParent Newsletter, English and SpanishPREPARATIONBefore classMake copies of newsletter and writing promptShop for food tasting itemsGrade 1 Fruits and Vegetables Teaching OutlineINTRODUCTION oractions from last week2 minutesMaterials needed:noneIf this is the first lesson in the series, state name, what you do and whom you represent. What the nutrition classes are about….and what we will be doing during classes.If not first in the lesson, use these reflection questions from previous lesson:Last week we talked about (topic)What did you do differently because of what you learned/or did in last week’s lesson?BOOK ACTIVITY5 minutes Materials needed:Book: On The Farm, At The Market by G. Brian KarasBefore opening the book, show the cover and ask these questions:What is an author? (The person who writes the story). The author of this story is G. Brian Karas.What is an illustrator? (The person who draws or paints the pictures in the story). The illustrator of this story is G. Brian KarasRead the story with expression, showing the illustrations that support the text on each page.DISCUSSION5 minutes Materials needed:Laminated example of a Market Pie (Quiche), Swiss Chard and LeeksVocabulary: VatCurdsWheyQueso BlancoMoldsBrowsersWhooshesSwiss ChardLeeksDiscuss these questions after the story:What was this story about?What are the names (kinds) of foods that each farmer picked, made and grew to take to the farmers market? Picked vegetables, made cheese and grew mushrooms.Why are farmers important? They grow the fruits and vegetables we enjoy eating. They also raise and harvest beef, chicken and other animals for us to eat.What are some of the things the farmers do to get ready when they arrive at the Farmers Market? Set up their produce stands (tents and tables), prepare for shoppers to arrive.What foods did Amy buy at the farmers market? What did she make with the foods she bought at the farmers market? Amy bought vegetables (Swiss Chard, leeks and tomatoes), cheddar cheese, mushrooms and eggs. She made a Market Pie.Have you and your family ever visited a farmers market?PHYSICAL ACTIVITY5 minutesChoose a brain booster for students to participate in (i.e. jumping jacks, running in place) or Dancing Dice-330208592820Read for Health – Grade 1Lesson OutlineFruits & Vegetables200Read for Health – Grade 1Lesson OutlineFruits & Vegetables2FOOD ACTIVITY-Tasting10 minutes Materials needed:Three or four fruits or vegetables (Put five on a stick)Napkin or plate for each child, gloves, skewersToday we are going to taste 3 or 4 different fruits/vegetables. We are going to taste a ____________ (try to provide vegetables that are in season).To add time: prepare fruits/vegetables kabobs in front of students.Pass out fruits to each student; instruct them not to taste their fruit/vegetable until everyone has theirs.To add time: instruct students to use their senses and look at their fruits/vegetable, what do they notice? Repeat with scent and touch.NUTRITION ACTIVITYHealthy Helping MyPlate Activity10 MinutesMaterials Needed:Healthy Helping MatFruit & Vegetable CardsEducator Note: This activity will progress through the rest of the lessons to cover all the food groups. In each remaining lesson, a small description of what to do with the mat will be in the teaching outline.Students can be sitting at their assigned desks/tables at the beginning of the activity.Introduce the MyPlate Mat and lay it on the floor. Explain to the students that the MyPlate is a tool that helps us learn the 5 food groups, what foods are in the food groups and why we need to eat them every day for a strong and healthy body. “I have these fruit and vegetable cards and I need your help to sort them.”Give each student one card, either a fruit or a vegetable card. Think, Pair, Share: If students are sitting in groups, have them quietly discuss what food group their card should go in. If they are sitting in rows, have them partner up.Next, call one group at a time to come up to the mat and place their card in the fruit or vegetable section on the plate. It’s ok if they get it wrong. We will figure it out at the end when all cards are placed on the mat. Once the student has placed their card where they think it goes, have them find a spot around the mat to sit crisscross applesauce. Proceed to call all the groups, one at a time, until all the cards have been placed on the mat.Once all cards are placed, have them observe all the cards and think about if they are in the correct section. If not, which cards should be switched? Students should raise their hand to speak. Have that student make the switch.If time, to generate more discussion, ask the students what they notice about the size of the sections.Which one is bigger?Why?“Great job! Next week we will do the same thing but add the grain group.”Have students go back to seats and get ready for snack.-1945005655955Read for Health – Grade 1Lesson OutlineFruits & Vegetables300Read for Health – Grade 1Lesson OutlineFruits & Vegetables3-19450051308100Read for Health – Grade 1Lesson OutlineFruits & Vegetables400Read for Health – Grade 1Lesson OutlineFruits & Vegetables4This activity can also be used if snack is not served.CLOSING3-5 minutes Materials needed:“I tried it” stickers (optional)Parent NewslettersInstruct students to try a new fruit or vegetable. Pass out “I Tried It” stickers, or give to teacher to pass out on their discretion.Conclude the lesson with:“Now I have a newsletter for you to take home to your parents. It will tell them about all the things we did in class today. Be sure to explain to them what you like the most about today’s lesson. You might also tell them about the new foods you tasted today.”Next time, we are going to learn about (lesson topic) and have more fun!Thank you for being such great listeners and doers!-1981207044055Read for Health – Grade 1Lesson OutlineFruits & Vegetables400Read for Health – Grade 1Lesson OutlineFruits & Vegetables4609600010477500Grade 1 Fruits and VegetablesRecipe: Rainbow Fruit Kabobs (if not used in Keep Your Body Moving lesson)Recipe serves 20-25 tasting portionsEquipment25 wooden skewersIngredients? pound seedless grapes? cantaloupe, cut up in chunks1 8 oz. can pineapple chunks1 cup fresh blueberries2 cups fresh strawberriesDirections (for 30 minute classes, prepare prior to class)Wash fresh fruit thoroughly. Substitute any fruits that are in season or unusual fruits, such as star fruit, kiwi, papaya, etc.Remove leaves from strawberries and drain pineapple chunks.Alternating the fruits fill the skewers.Transport all food items in a cooler until serving.Recipe: Rainbow Veggie Kabobs (requires some prep prior to class)Recipe serves 20-25 tasting portions Equipment25 wooden skewers NapkinsIngredients20-25 grape or cherry tomatoes20-25 cucumber, zucchini, or yellow summer squash chunks 20-25 1-inch squares of yellow bell pepper20-25 1-inch pieces of broccoliDirections (for 30-minute classes, prepare prior to class)Wash fresh vegetables thoroughly. Substitute any veggies that are in season or lower cost.Slice broccoli pieces.Cut bell pepper into 1-inch pieces.Distribute one skewer to each child with a combination of fresh veggies.Transport all food items in a cooler until serving.-3219451301750Read for Health – Grade 1Lesson OutlineFruits & Vegetables500Read for Health – Grade 1Lesson OutlineFruits & Vegetables5For longer classes, discuss sensory features: sweet, savory; crunchy, juicy, soft etc.) ................

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