
I / We will give for the following described property in Deed Book, _______Page_______ in Kentucky and commonly known as:

Address: 1015 Carriage Hill Drive, Louisville, KY 40241

The sum of one hundred eighty thousand dollars and no/100 ($180,000.00) )

Payable as follows: All cash at closing.

Closing will be no sooner than 5 days and no longer than _____ days.

An unencumbered, marketable title to said property to be conveyed by deed of General Warranty, with the usual covenants such as any title company will insure, except easements of record, restrictive covenants of record as to use and improvement of said property, and except applicable regulations imposed by any planning and zoning commission, AND EXCEPT:

-Property taxes are to be pro-rated between Buyer and Seller as of closing date.

-Property is being purchased in AS IS condition.

-Contract is subject to partner approval if you don’t actually have the funds yourself to close.

As evidence of good faith binding this agreement, a deposit of one hundred dollars and no/100 ($100.00) is made herewith to be applied on purchase price upon passing deed or refunded should title prove uninsurable or if this offer is not accepted. The deposit will be held by the closing company, Borders and Borders Attorneys,

Closing will be held at (Name your company), Address of company. Should title to property prove defective, according to the terms of this agreement, the seller is pay examination costs. Possession of the above described property to be given closing

We have read the entire contents of this agreement and acknowledge receipt of same. We are not relying on verbal statements not contained herein.

Unless accepted by _______ AM/PM, on the ______day of _________________, 20__ this offer is null and void.

Buyer: (house address) Land Trust, S. Vornholt, trustee Phone: (502) 592-0000

Address: 9219 US Hwy 42 Rd, Suite D, #251 Email: Sharon@

Prospect, KY 40059


S. Vornholt, trustee

The above proposition is accepted this ___________ day of ____________________________, 2018.

Buyer /Seller Signature: __________________________________ Phone: ___________________

Buyer / Seller Printed Name: ________________________________

Buyer / Seller Signature: ___________________________________ Phone: ___________________

Buyer / Seller Printed Name: ________________________________

*Re: Buyer/Seller – only one will apply- take out the other one


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