Marton Community Council

| |Marton East Community Council | |

| |Minutes of the Meeting | |

| |Held on Tuesday 5th September 2017 | |

| |at Marton Community Centre, Cypress Road | |

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| |Executive Members present: | |

| |Cllr Dorothy Davison, Cllr Tom Mawston, Lesley Rigg, Ann Falconer, Christine Darcy, Katerina Hill, Linda Wood Lord, Irene | |

| |Carter and Marjorie Peacock, Barry Coppinger (Police and Crime Commissioner), PCSO Helen Barron and Chief Inspector Yakoob | |

| |Teladia. | |

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| |Welcome and Introduction. | |

| |Dorothy welcomed everyone to the meeting and introduced everyone at the top table as there were some new residents at the | |

| |meeting. | |

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| |Apologies for Absence: | |

|C/17/01 |Carol Willett and Lyn Caygell | |

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| |Minutes of the last Meeting: | |

|C/17/02 |These were agreed as a true record. | |

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| |Matters Arising: | |

|C/17/03 |Tom explained that the Tennis World development had been passed even though residents objected. Archie asked if we had seen | |

| |the plans. | |

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| |Treasurer’s Report | |

|C/17/04 |Ann explained that we had received £750.00 from Middlesbrough Council after last meeting which meant a balance of £902.90. | |

| |Since then she had paid out Secretary’s expenses, printing and delivering of newsletter and rent for meetings which left | |

| |£258.32 which has to last us until May 2018. | |

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| |Neighbourhood Policing Report | |

| |Helen read out the statistics for ASB year on year which were 19 incidents in August 2016 compared to 25 August 2017 this | |

|C/17/05 |discounted the neighbour dispute. | |

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| |There had been a trend of youths throwing conkers at windows and climbing in an out of gardens. Helen explained that PCSO8447| |

| |Dan Willingham would be looking into these incidents and going into Nunthorpe Academy and Kings Academy to talk to the | |

| |children as there are a new lot of children coming through. There had also been 4 incidents of youths on the roof of the | |

| |Community Centre. | |

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| |There had also been a fight a Stewart Park and an issue with the Big issue seller at Marton Shops. | |

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| |With regard to crime there had been a total of 20 incidents in August 2016 compared to 26 incidents in August 2017. There had| |

| |been 4 burglaries 2 bikes had been stolen from Salcote this was linked to 2 attempted burglaries at Redwood and The Willows. | |

| |A male had been arrested and charged and items had been returned to owner. There had been 4 thefts from motor vehicles in The| |

| |Grove, items include mobile phone, lunch bag and power tools. Also a pedal cycle had been stolen off a drive in Farington | |

| |Drive. | |

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| |There had also been issues with stones been thrown on Ladgate Lane and a group of youths throwing paint on Cutler Close. | |

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| |With regard to Crime Prevention Advice there has been a spate of vehicle crime in the area affecting Marton, Nunthorpe and | |

| |Coulby Newham. | |

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| |There have been a number of vehicles that have been targeted due to being insecure and having items of value left on display | |

| |however there are vehicles that are believed to have been secure and the possibility that suspects are using an electronic | |

| |device to interfere with the signal between the key fob and the vehicle. There is advice regarding different ways to store | |

| |your vehicle keys while not in use on the internet however the general advice is to store them within some sort of metal | |

| |container. Remember to store both key in use and your spare. | |

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| |There had been several complaints regarding the tree house in the wooded area between Cypress Road and Low Gill. Numbers of | |

| |Youths had been gathering in area which has been frequented for many years however is now affecting the residents of Low Gill.| |

| |Two groups have been spoken too and warned regarding the behaviour while in this area. | |

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| |A resident explained that they have had three near misses on Cypress Road near Birchwood Road with kids running across in | |

| |front of them. | |

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| |Residents from Margill Close explained that the conkers being thrown at windows gets a lot worse on Friday and Saturday | |

| |nights. Full cans of lager are also being thrown. They explained that the last two weeks have been horrendous between 8.30 | |

| |and 9.30. Chief Inspector Teladia explained that residents could be assured that there would be someone there for two hours | |

| |every day for next two weeks. They had also got CCTV footage which the police would collect. | |

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| |A resident asked what was going to happen on Mischief Night and Halloween as statistically last year wasn’t as bad as the year| |

| |before. It was explained they were putting together a plan for Mischief Night. In the past we have had exclusion notices in | |

| |area. It was asked if we could have one now leading up to Halloween. Barry Coppinger explained that there had been several | |

| |meetings and plans put in place for mischief night. As soon as this was in place it would be put on the Middlesbrough | |

| |Policing Facebook Site. | |

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| |Guest Speaker Barry Coppinger (Police and Crime Commissioner) | |

| |Barry had put some leaflets out for residents to read. The first was on Cleveland Connected this is a crime and community | |

| |safety messaging service and advice system operated by Cleveland Police working in partnership with other relevant community | |

| |safety organisations, agencies and Watch schemes. Once you sign up to Cleveland Connected you will also be given the | |

| |opportunity to join Neighbourhood Watch or other local watch schemes or to even set up a scheme. | |

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| |The second leaflet was regarding Victim Care and Advice Service this is an independent and confidential service including | |

| |counselling and help with claims for compensation supported by the Cleveland and Durham Police and Crime Commissioners. | |

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| |The third leaflet is on Community Safety Award scheme where they recognise people who do exceptional work including police | |

| |officers, PCSO’s and Specials, Community groups and volunteers and business and housing providers. | |

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| |The last leaflet is on Police and Crime plans which sets out the aims and outcomes of Barry’s terms in office. The leaflet | |

| |gave a breakdown of the five key objectives which had been drawn up following extensive consultation with the public. | |

|C/17/06 | | |

| |Barry explained he had just come from a Hemlington meeting at the new Hub which had been done with money from the sale of | |

| |Ladgate Lane site. | |

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| |Barry explained he was developing the Victim Care and Advice service and could arrange for a presentation at a future meeting.| |

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| |The third priority was tackling re-offending and doing more work to stop prisoners reoffending. He would be doing more | |

| |working with employers in the area. The fourth was working together to make Cleveland safer including joint dog section and | |

| |major incident team as well as smaller speciality team as well as working with fire service doing more as we move forward. | |

| |There will be more engagement between police and community. | |

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| |He understands we are getting lighting for the Community Centre and are one of four grass root charities in the North East | |

| |hoping to win up to £10,000 for LED Lighting from M&S Energy and we need peoples votes. A leaflet telling residents how to | |

| |vote was also left on chairs at meeting. Barry also said that if it was necessary he would give us a letter of support or | |

| |reference. Barry explained he would put something on social media. | |

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| |He then went on to talk about Scams and working with Royal Mail. Helen explained that they are adopting a post office where | |

| |staff will identify more residents who make more regular visits and take out more regular payments. They will also do more | |

| |work with cybercrime. Gavin Harrington can come and talk to groups regarding fraud awareness and regarding scams everyone was| |

| |taken in at the last meeting. Barry asked residents not to give personal details out over the telephone. Barry also explained| |

| |that in sessions of Fraud awareness that people have gained their confidence. | |

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| |Dorothy asked with regards to the police working with prisons she had heard that Holme House was going to be 4 years and | |

| |Durham longer and Kirklevington coming to end of sentence were skills developed more. Helen explained that recent sellers | |

| |were government funded initiatives and a lot come from outside the area especially from the South. Some residents are having | |

| |sellers two or three times a day. Barry will look into it. | |

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| |The Community Safety Hub and control room will have space for partners and opportunities for joint workers including probation| |

| |service. Barry explained that they own Ladgate Lane and sold to community Hub. The long term plan will cost £10 million to | |

| |develop and there are strict rules on how to spend the money. Capital money has to be spent on capital purposes. To save | |

| |money on ambulance and fire service work more closely together and other services can be offered collaboratively. | |

| |Tom is on Cleveland Fire Authority and have just built a new Fire building with Control Room and there are no thoughts about | |

| |moving into Ladgate Lane. | |

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| |A resident asked if the operation centre will be for police vehicles for call outs. Most operational vehicles are based in | |

| |the town centre. Make Hemlington different to Ladgate Lane there will be a café and meeting space. | |

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| |Helen explained she had got a new piece of equipment a dot marking machine which there are only two of and suggested coming to| |

| |a coffee morning to use if for marking bicycles. | |

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| |Planning Applications | |

| |No other planning applications had been received. | |

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| |Any Other Business | |

| |Lesley asked if the timing of the Community Council meeting could be changed to 7.30 as there was an issue with the noise from| |

| |one of the classes in the centre. This was agreed. | |

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|C/17/07 | | |

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| |Date of the next meeting is Tuesday 28th November 2017 where our | |

| |Guest Speaker would be Rob Farnham | |

| |28 people attended the meeting | |

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| |Marton East Community Council – Minutes of Meeting – 5th September 2017 Page 4 | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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