Application for Employment - Amazon Web Services

Application for Employment

This form should be completed in black or blue ink or typewritten

|POST       |Once complete, please return to: |

|JOB REFERENCE NO.       | |

|CLOSING DATE       |Human Resources Team |

| |Havant Sixth Form College |

| |New Road Tel: 023 9248 3856 |

| |Havant Fax: 023 9247 0621 |

| |Hants PO9 1QL Email: |

Personal Details

|Family Name/Surname       |Address       |

|Given Names/Forenames       |      |

|Known as       |      |

|Tel No (Home)       |      |

|Tel No (Mobile)       |Postcode       |

| |Email       |


|Establishment |Dates of attendance |Subjects studied/Level |Qualifications/Grade |Date obtained |

| |From |To | | | |

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Membership of Professional Bodies (if applicable) eg. Teacher Ref. No.

| Name of Body |Membership Number |

|      |      |

|      |      |


Employment Record – Present Employment

|Employer’s Name       |Position Held       |

|Address       |Date Appointed       |

|      |Present Grade       |

|      |Salary       |

|      |Notice Period       |

|Postcode       | |

Previous Employment

|Employer |Position Held |Dates |Final Salary |Reason for Leaving |

|(most recent first) | | | | |

| | |From |To | | |

|      |      |      |      |      |      |

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Entitlement to Employment

A document showing your National Insurance Number, Birth Certificate, Passport or other proof of your entitlement to work in the UK will be required at interview. Only original documents will be accepted.

Are you a British Citizen or EU National? Yes No

If No, please tick the box that applies to you:

I have unrestricted leave to work in the UK

I am an overseas student or visitor with evidence of entitlement to work in the UK

I am subject to Work Permit provisions

Note: Teaching in non-compulsory education is not deemed a shortage occupation by the Home Office.

Therefore, it is unlikely that a work permit application would be successful if required.

Skills and Knowledge

All applications are scored against the criteria laid out in the Person Specification. Candidates who have the highest scores will be selected for interview. Please ensure you provide evidence in this section of the skills and knowledge required for the job.

|      |

Teaching posts only

|Main teaching subject(s) offered:       |

|      |

|Subsidiary subject(s) which you could offer (if any):       |

|      |


We do not appoint any applicants without first obtaining two satisfactory appropriate references. These must be provided by your two most recent employers. If you are presently unemployed, please give details of your two most recent employers. If you have just completed or about to complete full time education, the Head/Principal and/or Tutor should be used for this purpose along with another person who is able to give a reference relating to your work/voluntary experience. Referees should always be professionals who have a

detailed knowledge of you.

In the case of academic appointments (eg teachers), the referee must always be the Principal or Head Teacher.

You should not give details of family members or other associates.

References may be sought upon shortlisting. If you do not wish us to contact your referees prior to interview, please indicate by ticking the boxes below.

|Reference 1 |Reference 2 |

|Organisation: |      |Organisation: |      |

|Referee’s Name: |      |Referee’s Name: |      |

|Referee’s Job Title: |      |Referee’s Job Title: |      |

|Work Address: |      |Work Address: |      |

| |      | |      |

| |      | |      |

|Postcode: |      |Postcode: |      |

|Telephone Number: |      |Telephone Number: |      |

|Fax Number: |      |Fax Number: |      |

|Email: |      |Email: |      |

|Relationship to you: |      |Relationship to you: |      |

|Your employment information: |Your employment information: |

|Position held by you: |      |Position held by you: |      |

|Department: |      |Department: |      |

|Grade and Salary: |      |Grade and Salary: |      |

|Date appointed: |      |Date appointed: |      |

|Date left/Notice period: |      |Date left/Notice period: |      |

|Please do not take up this reference prior to interview |Please do not take up this reference prior to interview |


By signing and returning this application form, you shall consent to Havant Sixth Form College using and retaining information about you which has been provided by either yourself or third parties, such as referees, relating to your application and potentially your future employment. Such information may include details relating to your health, ethnic origin and criminal record as applicable. All such information will be held securely on computer and in a “relevant filing system” in accordance with the Data Protection Act and will not be disclosed to any third party without your specific consent.


We will apply for an Enhanced Disclosure from the Disclosure and Barring Service prior to appointment for all posts. Further information about the Disclosure scheme can be found at .uk/dbs. Successful applicants for most posts are exempt from the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 and will be required to declare prosecutions or convictions, including those considered “spent” under the Act. A past conviction will not necessarily be a bar to obtaining a position but failure to disclose this information could result in dismissal.


I hereby certify that the information provided on this form is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that the provision of

false or misleading statements, and/or withholding material information, may result in disciplinary action being taken against me and this could lead

to my dismissal from employment. Typing your name below will be used as your electronic signature.

Signature:       Date:      

Diversity Monitoring Form


The information you provide will not be given to the selection panel, and will be used solely for the purposes of equal opportunities monitoring. Thank you for your assistance.

|Name of applicant:       |Post applied for:       |

| | |

|Date of Birth:       |Job Reference no:       |

| | |

|Gender:       | |

Where did you hear about this job?

To enable us to monitor the effectiveness of our recruitment advertising, please specify how you became aware of the vacancy. Please choose from the drop-down menu or complete the “Other” box:


|What is your Ethnic Group? |Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (Exceptions) Order 1975 |

| | |

|Choose ONE section from A to E, then tick the appropriate box to |All roles within the College are exempt from the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act |

|indicate your cultural background. |1974 and it will be necessary to apply for a Disclosure and Barring Service |

| |Enhanced Disclosure Report in the event that your application is successful. |

|A White |Therefore, it is necessary for you to answer the following question: |

|British | |

|Irish |Have you been cautioned or convicted of any criminal offences? Yes |

|Any other White background, please state: |No |

|      | |

| |If yes, please give details of the conviction(s) or caution(s) in the space below|

|B Mixed |or on a separate sheet (or attachment) and attach it in an envelope marked |

|White and Black Caribbean |confidential to the Human Resources Team. |

|White and Asian | |

|Any other Mixed background, please state: |Details of any cautions or convictions: |

|      |      |

| | |

|C Asian or Asian British | |

|Indian | |

|Pakistani | |

|Bangladeshi | |

|Any other Asian background, please state: | |

|      | |

| | |

|D Black or Black British | |

|Caribbean | |

|African | |

|Any other Black background, please state: | |

|      | |

| | |

|E Chinese or other ethnic group | |

|Chinese | |

|Any other, please state: | |

|      | |

| |Disability Discrimination Act |

| |Havant Sixth Form College is committed to the Two Ticks disability scheme. All |

| |disabled applicants who meet the minimum criteria for the job as detailed in the |

| |person specification will be guaranteed an interview. Therefore the following |

| |information is requested for monitoring purposes and to help the college uphold |

| |our commitment to Two Ticks. |

| |Do you consider yourself to be disabled under the Disability Discrimination Act |

| |1995/2005? |

| | |

| |Yes No |

Data Protection Act 1998: Subject to the Data Protection Act 1998, the information you have given on this form will only be used to assess your health needs and any support you may require should you be the successful candidate. All such information will be held securely on computer and in a “relevant filing system” in accordance with the Data Protection Act and will not be disclosed to any third party without your specific consent.


Please list all qualifications obtained. (Secondary School Examinations, NVQs, City and Guilds, Degrees, Diplomas, Professional

Qualifications,Teaching Qualifications etc.). Note:Verification of qualifications will be required from short listed applicants

Please explain any gaps in employment (Teaching posts – please define age range, subjects taught etc)


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