
Yr 11- Yr 12 transition work1285875698500The following activities are designed to introduce you to key ideas and topics that we study in Y12, with the aim of stimulating your ‘sociological imagination’.You should aim to complete a section each week. You can set out your work in any format you like; word docs/mind maps/ powerpoint/ photos of written-creative work/ physical folder of work etc…When it is finished and near the time of starting the course you can send it all to me for assessment. You should read through the assessment criteria before starting these activities.Quality of ResponseCriteria3A detailed response, showing in depth research and knowledge. The response is supported by evidence from a wide range of sources and includes research outside the websites provided. Information has been carefully considered and selected.Work has been presented in a clear and thoughtful way demonstrating the time and effort that has been invested in the activities.2A detailed response, showing some good research and knowledge. The response is supported by evidence from a range of sources. Appropriate information has been used.Work is complete but may appear disorganised with unequal attention given to activities.1A response which shows limited research and knowledge. The response is supported by some evidence, but is insufficient in preparation for the course. There are significant gaps in work and some are not attempted at all.At the start of the course you will also need: A folder/dividers/post-it notes/ plastic wallets/ usual stationary items.If you have any questions or want to send me work nearer the time: Amy.Rose@johnmason.oxon.sch.uk Activities1What is Sociology?Essential: Watch the video clip on YouTube: What is Sociology? Crash Course Sociology and make notes on what you understand about Sociology.Find the definitions for the following key sociological terms:Socialisation (primary socialisation and secondary socialisation)NormsValuesBeliefsCultureSocial ClassGenderEthnicity2What is culture?Essential: Use the reading (attached pdf) to complete the followingWhat is the impact on culture on individuals?What examples are there of cultural meanings, values, norms and roles?What is a subculture?Define with examples: high culture, low culture, popular-mass culture, global culture.Application:Compare and contrast elements of British culture to another (France/USA…)Identify aspects of British culture that have changed during the Covid19 pandemic.3What is Socialisation?Essential: Use the internet to research what the ‘nature/nurture’ debate is.What does the example of feral children suggest about the socialisation process? do the following agencies of socialisation socialise you?The familyEducationThe mass mediaThe criminal justice systemHow have these changed during the Covid19 pandemic?4Sociology in the media part 1: watchingSociology is everywhere so you’ll be able to see aspects of it in all forms of media. Try searching for the following titles and make notes on any videos you watch, try to keep it relevant to the topics/themes taught in Sociology (Education, Families, beliefs, media, Crime and Deviance). What did you learn about society? How does the programme link to the topics you will be studying?Stacey Dooley documentaries (BBC iplayer/YouTube) Black Mirror (Netflix) – Nosedive episodeSchool Swap documentary(4OD) Louis Theroux documentaries(Netflix)Dispatches documentaries (40D)Panorama documentaries (BBC iplayer)Three identical strangers (Netflix)talks?topics%5B%5D=sociology5What are sociological theories?A theory, for our purpose, is something that explains the relationship between two or more things. A perspective can be defined as a way of looking at and seeing something. To have a perspective, therefore, means to look at something (whatever that thing might be) in a particular way. When we talk about the sociological perspective, therefore, we are talking about the particular way those sociologists, as opposed to non-sociologists to try to understand human social behaviour.Use the internet to find out about the main sociological theories. For each one explain the main idea and concepts and the key sociologists:Functionalism: : : YouTube channel below is good for summaries of the main theories: do you think these theories have to say about society during the Covid19 pandemic?6How do we research society?Essential: Use the (GCSE) revision video on sociological research methods to complete the following:A summary of the different types of methodsIdentify an advantage and disadvantage for each.: Imagine you are tasked with researching people’s experiences of self-isolating during the Covid19 pandemic. Write up a research plan including the method, who you would study, how you would record the data.Bonus: Sociology in the media part 2: reading and listeningReading a range of material is very important in Sociology. Below are recommendations/links to a selection of books on many themes we cover. If you can, chose one and write up notes on the key issues explored in it and what it tells you about society.sociology/blog to start engaging with – Listen to a few and write up what they discuss about society.anchor.fm/allsociologymeasureradio.podcastauthor/socialsciencebitesWant more to do? Future Learn course – What is Sociology? 3 week course ................

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