CURRICULUM VITAE (C - Cleveland Clinic



Martin L. Smith, S.T.D


Primary Appointment

Associate Professor, Critical Care, Division of Anesthesiology and Critical Care, The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston TX

Dual/Joint Appointments

Chief, Clinical Ethics Service, Division of Clinical Operations and Programs, The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston TX



HOME ADDRESS (current)

8325 Seagull Lane, Pearland, Texas 77584, Phone: 281-412-0311.


1515 Holcombe Boulevard, HMB6.100, Unit 238, Houston TX 77030-4009, Phone: 713-792-3204, Fax: 713-745-0674, Email: mlsmith@


Degree-Granting Education

Borromeo College, Wickliffe OH, Bachelor of Arts (BA) (Magna Cum Laude), 1971, Philosophy and Classical Languages

St. Mary Graduate School, Cleveland OH, Master of Divinity (M.Div.), 1975

Gregorian University, Rome, Italy, Licensure in Sacred Theology (S.T.L.) (Magna Cum Laude), 1978.

Gregorian University, Rome, Italy, Doctorate of Sacred Theology (S.T.D.) (Magna Cum Laude), 1980

Postgraduate Training



Board Certification








Academic Appointments

Professor, Systematic Theology Department, St. Mary Graduate School, Cleveland OH, 1980-1985

Chairman, Systematic Theology Department, St. Mary Graduate School, Cleveland OH, 1981-1985

Part-time/Evening Instructor, Cuyahoga Community College (Western Campus), Parma OH, 1988-2000

Associate Professor, Critical Care, Division of Anesthesiology and Critical Care, The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston TX, 2001 – Present.

Academic Administrative Appointments/Responsibilities

Assistant Staff, Department of Bioethics, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland OH, 1991-1992

Associate Staff, Department of Bioethics, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland OH, 1993-1994

Director, Bioethics Fellowship Program, Department of Bioethics, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland OH, 1989-2000

Professional Staff, Department of Bioethics, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland OH, 1994-2000

Chief, Clinical Ethics Service, Division of Clinical Operations and Programs, The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston TX, 2001- Present

Director, Clinical Ethics Fellowship Program, Clinical Ethics Service, The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston TX, 2001- Present

Institutional Committee Activities

Chair, DNR Policy Revision Task Force of the Clinical Ethics Committee, 2002 – Present

Co-Chair, Annual Retreat of the Clinical Ethics Committee, 2001, 2003, 2004

Co-Chair, JCAHO Ethics Chapter Team, 2003 – Present

Advisor, Clinical Ethics Committee, 2001 – Present

Advisor, Allocation of Resources Policy Committee, 2001-2002

Advisor, Recruitment and Rotation Task Force of the Clinical Ethics Committee, 2001 – Present

Advisor, Institutional Issues Subcommittee of the Clinical Ethics Committee, 2004 – Present

Member, Blood Transfusion Policy Committee, 2001

Member, Conflict of Interest Committee, 2001 - Present

Member, ICU Committee, 2001 - 2004

Member, Institutional Review Board, 2001 - Present

Member, JCAHO and CMS Steering Committee, 2001 - Present

Member, Pain Collaborative Steering Committee, 2001

Member, Patient/Pathways (for Faculty Senate Executive Committee), 2001

Member, Patient Safety Committee, 2001 - Present

Member, Professional Advisory Committee for Clinical Pastoral Education, 2001- Present

Member, Conflict of Interest, Special Challenges, 2002

Member, Faculty Health Program Ad Hoc Response Committee, 2002

Member, Bylaws Revision Task Force of the Clinical Ethics Committee, 2002

Member, Blue Ribbon Research Advisory Committee, 2002-2003

Member, Criteria for Ethics Consultation Task Force of the Clinical Ethics Committee, 2002 – 2003

Member, Bone Marrow Transplant Bioethics Task Force, 2003 – Present

Member, DNR Education Module Task Force of the Clinical Ethics Committee, 2003 – Present

Member, Education Task Force of the Clinical Ethics Committee, 2002 – 2003

Member, Ethics Consultation Task Force of the Clinical Ethics Committee, 2003 – Present

Member, ICU Operations Committee, 2003- Present

Member, ICU Operations Subcommittee on End of Life, 2004 – Present

Member, Uncompensated Charity Care Committee, 2004 - Present

Other Appointments/Responsibilities

Associate Pastor, Sts. Philip & James Church, Cleveland OH, 1975-1976

Executive Director, Second Harvest Food Bank of North Central Ohio, Vermilion OH, 1985-1987



Military or Other Governmental Service



Pope John Paul II Medallion - Most Scholarly “Magna Cum Laude” Dissertation, Gregorian University, Rome, Italy, 1980

Bernard A. Loeschen Pastoral Care Award, Department of Pastoral Care, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland OH, 1994

Outstanding Educator Award, Trainee Support Services, The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston TX, 2003

Outstanding Contributor to Nursing Educator Award, Department of Professional Nursing Development and Education, The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston TX, 2003

Outstanding Contributor to Nursing Educator Award, Department of Professional Nursing Development and Education, The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston TX, 2004


Grants and Contracts (funded and pending)–past 5 years

Protocols (funded and unfunded)–past 5 years

Principal Investigator, “A Pilot Study to Identify Satisfaction with the Ethics Consultation Process,” ETHP00-364, Co-Investigator, Andrea Frolic, MA, 2002

Principal Investigator, “Physicians’ Practices and Attitudes Toward Writing Unilateral Do-Not-Resuscitate Orders in a Tertiary Cancer Center,” PCR03-0502, 2003

Co-Investigator, “Retrospective Review of Patients Undergoing CPR at the Emergency Center of a Comprehensive Cancer Center,” Principal Investigator: Jessica P. Hwang, MD, MPH, RCR02-573, 2003 – Present

Co-Investigator, “The Influence Of A Common Polymorphism in the Human ACE Gene on Ability to Predict Major Pulmonary Events After Thoracic Surgery,” Principal Investigator: Andrew Shaw, MD, LAB02-657, 2003 – Present

Co-Investigator, "Ethics Study to Understand the Decision-Making Process of Phase I Cancer Patients” (Collaborative Study with NIH/NCI), Principal Investigators: Ezekiel Emanuel and Manish Agrawal), The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas, Protocol ETH02-699, 2003 - 2005

Principal Investigator, “Limits of Patient/Family Autonomy: Implementation of a Statutory Mechanism for Managing Demands for Inappropriate Medical Treatment by The University of Texas Teaching Hospitals in the Texas Medical Center,” RCR04-469, 2004 - Present

Principal Investigator, “ Survey of Hospitals Concerning Implementation of the ‘Inappropriate Treatment’ Section of the 1999 Texas Advance Directives Act (TADA),” PCR03-0502, 2004 - Present

Patents and Technology Licenses (granted and pending)


Grant Reviewer/Service on NIH/Other Study Sections


PUBLICATIONS (published or in-press)

1. a. Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals

Smith M. Ethics Issues and Fetal Tissue Transplantation. Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine 57:251-254, 1990.

Vinicky J, Smith M, Connors R, Kozachuk W. The Jehovah’s Witness and Blood: New Perspectives On An Old Dilemma. The Journal of Clinical Ethics 1:65-71, 1990.

Smith M. Burleigh D. Pastoral Care Representation on the Hospital Ethics Committee, HEC Forum 3: 269-276, 1991.

Smith M, Orlowski J, Radey C, Scofield G. A Good Death: Is Euthanasia the Answer? Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine 59:99-109, 1992.

Smith M. On Being an Authentic Scientist. IRB, A Review of Human Subjects Research 14: 1-4, 1992.

Orlowski J, Smith M, Zwienen J. Pediatric Euthanasia. American Journal of Diseases of Children 146:1440-1446, 1992.

Smith M, Day J, Erenberg G, Collins R. A Survey of Awareness and Effectiveness of Bioethics Resources. HEC Forum 4: 187-197, 1992.

Smith M. Futile Medical Treatment and Patient Consent.The Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine 60:151-154, 1993.

Orlowski J, Smith M, Zwienen J. Pediatric Forum: Medical Decisions Concerning the End of Life in Children in the Netherlands. American Journal of Diseases of Children 147:613-614, 1993.

Smith M, Martin K. Confidentiality in the Age of AIDS: A Case Study in Clinical Ethics. The Journal of Clinical Ethics 4:236-241, 1993.

Day J; Smith M, Erenberg G, Collins R. An Assessment of a Formal Ethics Committee Consultation Process. HEC Forum 6:18-30, 1994.

Smith M, Lawry K, Planavsky L, Segel H, Solar L, Burleigh D. Document Exchange: Guidelines for Patient Refusal of Life-Sustaining Treatment. HEC Forum 6:64-68, 1994.

Smith M. The Future of Health Care Ethics Committees. Trends in Health Care, Law and Ethics 9(2):7-10, 1994.

Stagno S, Smith M, Hassenbusch SJ. Reconsidering “Psychosurgery”: Issues of Informed Consent and Physician Responsibility. The Journal of Clinical Ethics 5(3):217-223, 1994.

Segel H, Smith M. To Feed or Not to Feed. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology 4:11-14, 1995.

Connors R, Smith M. Reconciliation and the Reign of God: Command, Call and Possibility. Chicago Studies 34:89-104, 1995.

Connors R, Smith M. Religious Insistence on Medical Treatment: Christian Theology and Re-Imagination. The Hastings Center Report 26 (4):23-30, 1996.

Stagno S, Smith M. The Use of Induction Procedures in Diagnosing Psychogenic Seizures. Journal of Epilepsy 9:153-158,1996.

Smith M. Ethical Perspectives on Jehovah’s Witnesses’ Refusal of Blood. Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine 64:475-481, 1997.

Stagno S, Smith M. The Use of Placebo in Diagnosing Psychogenic Seizures: Who Is Being Deceived? Seminars in Neurology 17:213-218, 1997.

Smith M, Stagno S, Dolski M; McConnell C, Kosalko J, Kaspar L, Lederman R. Induction Procedures for Psychogenic Seizures: Ethical and Clinical Considerations. The Journal of Clinical Ethics 8:217-229, 1997.

Slomka J, Agich G, Stagno S, Smith M. Physical Restraint Elimination in the Acute Care Setting: Ethical Considerations. HEC Forum 10:244-262, 1998.

Smith M, Morgan R. Bioethics Education in a Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) Program. The Journal of Pastoral Care 52:377-387, 1998.

Volk E, Domen R, Smith M. An Examination of Ethical Issues Raised in the Pretreatment of Normal Volunteer Granulocyte Donors with Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor. Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine 123:508-513, 1999.

Smith M, Forster H. Morally Managing Medical Mistakes. Cambridge Quarterly for Health Care Ethics 9:38-53, 2000.

Lauritzen P, McClure M, Smith M, Trew A. The Gift of Life and the Common Good, The Need for a Communal Approach to Organ Donation. The Hastings Center Report 31(1):29-35, 2001.

Weise K, Smith M, Maschke K, Copeland L. National Practices Regarding Payment to Research Subjects for Participating in Pediatric Research. Pediatrics 110(3):577-582, 2002.

Domen R, Smith M. Professionalism and Ethics in Transfusion Medicine: A Focus on Medical Errors and Patient Safety. Blood Therapies in Medicine 3(2):42-48, 2003.

Smith M, Bisanz A, Kempfer A, Adams B, Candelari T, Blackburn R. Criteria for Determining the Appropriate Method for an Ethics Consultation. HEC Forum 16(2):95-113, 2004.

Hwang J, Smith M, Flamm A. Challenges in Outpatient End-of-Life Care: Wishes to Avoid Resuscitation. The Journal of Clinical Oncology 22 (22): 4643-4645, 2004.

2. b. Invited Articles

Smith M. Power, Advocacy, and Informed Consent Forms.The Journal of the California Alliance for the Mentally Ill 5:25-27, 1994.

Cancian S, Smith M. 1994. Advocacy, Ethics, and Empowerment. Cleveland Clinic Nurse 2(1):22-24.

Smith M. Options, Images, and Actions. Physician’s Management 37 (12):56-57, 1997.

Smith M, Forster H. Handling Medical Mistakes: What Should a Conscientious Physician Do? Cardiovascular Fellows Forum 2(1):12-13, 2000.

3. c. Editorials



5. d. Other Articles

Smith M, Forster H, Hewson M, Weiker G. Physicians’ and Patients’ Preferences Concerning Medical Advice-Giving. Medical Encounter 16 (3):2-4, 2001.

Smith M. Road Closed for Repairs: A Response to Mary Ellen Waithe's Reflections on Dr. Jack Kevorkian. Newsletter, Bioethics Network of Ohio 3 (2):9-11, 1994.

Smith M, Flamm A. Bigger than a Blood Test: Ethical Cautions about Genetic Testing. OncoLog 47(9):8, 2002.

6. e. Abstracts (past five years)


f. Book Chapters

Stagno S, Smith M. The Presurgical Workup: Evaluation of Psychiatric Issues and Informed Consent. In: Epilepsy Surgery. Luders H (ed), Raven Press, New York, pp. 453-459, 1991.

Smith M. Ethical Considerations in the Treatment of Persons with Epilepsy. In: The Treatment of Epilepsy: Principles and Practice, Wyllie E (ed), Lea and Febiger, Philadelphia, pp. 1178-1183, 1992.

Kanoti G, Smith M. Ethical Considerations and the Quality of Life. In: Clinical Preventive Medicine. Matzen R, Lang R (eds), Mosby-Year Book, St. Louis, pp. 41-45, 1993.

Smith M, Slomka J. Ethical Considerations. In: Primary Podiatric Medicine, Robbins J (ed). W.B. Saunders Co, Philadelphia, pp. 103-114, 1994.

Smith M. Ethical Issues in Physician Assistant Practice. In: Physician Assistant: A Guide to Clinical Practice, Ballweg R, Sullivan E, Stolberg S (eds), W. B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia, pp. 70-86, 1994.

Smith M. Ethical Issues in Physician Assistant Practice. In: Physician Assistant: A Guide to Clinical Practice, Second Edition. Ballwig R, Stolberg S, Sullivan E (eds), W.B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia, pp. 92-113, 1999.

Smith M, Frank J. Conflict Management in the ICU: Intervention and Prevention. In: Ethics in Critical Care Medicine. Orlowski J. (ed), University Publishing Group, Hagerstown MD, pp. 423-445, 1999.

Domen R, Smith M. Confidentiality and Informed Consent Issues in Transfusion Medicine. In: Ethical Issues in Transfusion Medicine, Macpherson C, Domen R, Perlin T (eds.), American Association of Blood Banks Press, Bethesda MD, pp. 39-54, 2000.

Smith M, Stagno S. Ethical Considerations: Informed Consent. In: Epilepsy Surgery, Second Edition, Luders H, Comair Y (eds), Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins, Philadelphia, pp. 69-74, 2001.

Smith M. Ethical Issues. In: Physician Assistant: A Guide to Clinical Practice, Third Edition. Ballwig R, Stolberg S, Sullivan E (eds), W.B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia, pp. 102-126, 2003.

Smith M. Jehovah’s Witness Refusal of Blood Products. In: Encyclopedia of Bioethics, 3rd Edition (Post S, ed.). Macmillan Reference, Farmington Hills MI, pp. 1341-1346, 2004.

Smith M. Case Commentary 6: Must Health Care Professionals Always Tell the Truth? In: Moral Dilemmas in Community Health Care. White B, Zimbelman J (eds), Longman Publishing, White Plains NY, pp. 123-125, 2005.

Smith M. Case Commentary 20: When Bad Things Happen to Good Doctors. In: Moral Dilemmas in Community Health Care. White B, Zimbelman J (eds), Longman Publishing, White Plains NY, pp. 361-363, 2005.

Smith M, Flamm A, Pawlik T. Clinical Trials in Oncology: Ethical Issues. In: Acute Care of the Cancer Patient. Shaw A, Riedel B, Burton A, Fields A, Feeley T (eds), Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton FL, pp. 165-175, 2005.

7. g. Books (edited and written)


8. h. Letters to the Editor

Flamm A, Smith M. Reply to Fine R, Mayo T (Resolution of Futility by Due Process: Early Experience with the Texas Advance Directive Act. Annals of Internal Medicine, 2003; 138: 743-746) Annals of Internal Medicine 140 (5):403-404, 2004.

i. Manuals, Teaching Aids, Other Publications



10. j. Other


Smith M. Book Review in: Religious Studies Review, 16:337, 1990. Becoming a Good Doctor: The Place of Virtue and Character in Medical Ethics, by James F. Drane. Sheed and Ward, Kansas City MO, 1988.

Smith M. Book Review in: Religious Studies Review, 19:246, 1993. Choosing Wisely: How Patients and Their Families Can Make the Right Decisions About Life and Death, by Charles Radey. Image Books, New York, 1992.

Smith M, Slomka J (Co-Editors). HEC Forum 6:1, January 1994. (Commemorating the 10th Anniversary of the Cleveland Clinic Foundation's Ethics Committee and Department of Bioethics).

Smith M. Book Review in: Religious Studies Review, 22:342, 1996. Ethics at the Bedside, by Charles M. Culver. Hanover: University Press, New England, 1990.

Smith M. Book Review in: Religious Studies Review, 22:342, 1996. Clinical Bioethics, Theory and Practice in Medical-Ethical Decision Making, by James F. Drane. Sheed & Ward, Kansas City MO.

Smith M. Book Review in: BIO Quarterly (Newsletter of the Bioethics Network of Ohio), 5:1, Spring 1996. Wrong Medicine: Doctors, Patients, and Futile Treatment, by Lawrence Schneiderman and Nancy Jecker. The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore MD, 1995.

Smith M. Book Review in: Academic Medicine, 73(4):443-444, 1998. Helping and Healing, Religious Commitment in Health Care, by Edmund D. Pellegrino and David C. Thomasma. Georgetown University Press, Washington, D.C., 1997.

Smith M. Book Review in: Religious Studies Review, 24: 279, 1998. Health Care Ethics: A Theological Analysis, Fourth Edition, by Benedict M. Ashley and Kevin D. O’Rourke. Georgetown University Press, Washington, D.C., 1997.

Smith M. Book Review in: BIO Quarterly (Newsletter of the Bioethics Network of Ohio), 9:2, Summer 2000. Ethical Dilemmas, A Values Guide for Medical Students, by George A. Kanoti. Sage Publications, Inc., Thousand Oaks CA, 2000.

Smith M. Book Review in: The Journal of the American Medical Association, 285:2134-2135, 2001. Margin of Error, The Ethics of Mistakes in the Practice of Medicine, Edited by Susan B. Rubin and Laurie Zoloth. University Publishing Group, Hagerstown MD, 2000.

Smith, M. Book Review in: Journal of Palliative Medicine, 8(6):1295-1296, December 2005.The Case Against Assisted Suicide, For the Right to End-of-Life Care, edited by Kathleen Foley and Herbert Hendin. The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore MD, 2002.

Smith M. Book Review in: Journal of Palliative Medicine, 8(6):1298-1300, December 2005. Bioethics Mediation, A Guide to Shaping Shared Solutions. By Nancy N. Dubler and Carol B. Liebman. United Hospital Fund, New York NY, 2004.


Editor/Service on Editorial Board(s)


Journal Reviewer

Cancer, 2001 – Present

Clinical Pediatrics, 1995 – 2000

Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine, 1995 – Present

The Hastings Center Report, 1998 –2002

IRB, Ethics & Human Research, 2004 – Present

The Journal of Clinical Ethics, 1995-2000

The Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 2001 – Present

The Journal of Medical Ethics, 2006 - Present


Within Current Institution

Formal Teaching


Courses Taught

Training Programs

Instructor, Clinical Ethics I, II and III, Fellows’ Core Curriculum Lecture Series, 3:45 hours, 1/7, 14 and 28, 2002

Instructor, Closing the Gap: Pain, Quality of Life, and End-of-Life Issues, The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, 4/2002

Instructor, Clinical Ethics I and II, Fellows’ Core Curriculum Lecture Series, 2.30 hours, The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, 12/ 9 & 16/2002

Instructor, Clinical Ethics I and II, Fellows’ Core Curriculum Lecture Series, 2.30 hours, The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, 1/ 3 & 10/ 2003

Instructor, Closing the Gap: Pain, Quality of Life, and End-of-Life Issues, 1:50 hours, The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, 2/13/2003

Co-Coordinator, Physician-Scientist Training Program (six sessions), 6:00 hours, The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, 3 & 4/2003

Instructor, Clinical Ethics I and II, Fellows’ Core Curriculum Lecture Series, 2:30 hours, The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, 1/ 5 & 12/ 2004

Instructor, Closing the Gap: Pain, Quality of Life, and End-of-Life Issues, 1:50 hours, The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, 1/30/2004

Instructor, Closing the Gap: Pain, Quality of Life, and End-of-Life Issues, 1:50 hours, The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, 1/21/2004

Instructor, Ethics of Clinical Trials, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, 1:50 hours, The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, 9/21/2004

Instructor, Closing the Gap: Pain, Quality of Life, and End-of-Life Issues, 1:50 hours, The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, 1/26/2005

Other Educational Programs

Instructor, When Patients and Families Demand ‘Futile Treatment, Institutional Grand Rounds, The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, 8/2001

Instructor, Clinical Ethics: Foundations and Dilemmas, Neuro-Oncology Faculty and Fellows, The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, 1/2002

Instructor, The Ethics of Embryonic Stem Cell Research: Point and Counter-Point, Institutional Grand Rounds, The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, 2/2002

Instructor, Ethics in Research: Duties, Decisions and Dilemmas, Department of Cancer Prevention, The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, 6/2002

Instructor, Ethics Consultation at M. D. Anderson Cancer Center Since 1993: What Do We Do With the Dilemmas You Raise? What Lessons After Nine Years, Institutional Grand Rounds, The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, 8/2002

Instructor, Clinical Ethics at M. D. Anderson Cancer Center Since 1993, Public Affairs Grand Rounds, The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, 9/2002

Instructor, Watch Your Language: Patients and Families Are Listening, Institutional Grand Rounds, The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, 9/2002

Instructor, When Medical Mistakes Are Made: Ethical, Regulatory and Risk Management Considerations, Cancer Medicine Grand Rounds, The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, 7/2003

Instructor, Controversies in End-of-Life Care: A Conversation about Cases, Institutional Grand Rounds, The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, 8/2003

Instructor, Ethical Considerations of Genetic Testing and Screening for Cancer, Institutional Grand Rounds, The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, 2/2004

Instructor, Ethical Principles, Parameters, and Painful Choices, Cancer Pain Management Grand Rounds, The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, 4/2004

Instructor, The Radiologist’s Role in Assessing Patient Best Interests, Diagnostic Imaging Grand Rounds, The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, 6/2004

Instructor, Physician-Assisted Suicide, Institutional Grand Rounds, The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, 8/2004

Instructor, Information Disclosure Revisited, Division of Internal Medicine Grand Rounds, The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, 11/2004

Instructor, Physician-Assisted Suicide, Ethical and Legal Justifications, Anesthesiology Grand Rounds, The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, 12/2004

Instructor, Physician-Assisted Suicide: Ethical and Legal Justification, Diagnostic Imaging Grand Rounds, The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, 2/2005

Instructor, The Terri Schiavo Case: What Lessons Can We Learn? Cancer Pain Management Grand Rounds, The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, 4/2005

Instructor, The Terri Schiavo Case: What Lessons Can We Learn? Division of Radiation Oncology Grand Rounds, The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, 6/2005

Instructor, ICU Didactics for Trainees, 1:00 hours/monthly, 2001 – Present

Instructor, Ain’t Misbehavin’? The Good and Bad News About Scientific Integrity: The Survey Says…Are We Reducing Instances of Scientific Misconduct, Institutional Grand Rounds, The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, 8/2005

Supervisory Teaching

Advisory Committees


Supervisory Committees


Direct Supervision

Undergraduate and Allied Health Students

Instructor, Bioethics Module for Clinical Pastoral Education Fellows, The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, 12:00 hours/year, 2001 – Present

Instructor, Health Care Ethics Committees: What Are They Good For, The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, 1:50 hours, 11/2002

Instructor, Ethical Principles, The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, 1.00 hours, 8/2002

Instructor, Ethical Principles, The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, 1:00 hours, 9/2003

Instructor, Competency, Decisional Capacity and Treatment Refusals, The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, 1:00 hours, 12/ 2004

Medical Students

Instructor, The Delicate Balance Between Physician Advice and Patient Autonomy, Authorization and Assent, The University of Texas Medical School, Houston TX, 1:00 hour, 1/2004

Discussion Facilitator, Ethics and Professionalism, The University of Texas Medical School, Houston TX, 1:00 hour, 11/ 8 & 22 / 2004

Discussion Facilitator, Ethics and Professionalism, The University of Texas Medical School, Houston TX, 1:00 hour, 1/10 & 24 / 2005

Discussion Facilitator, Ethics and Professionalism, The University of Texas Medical School, Houston TX, 1:00 hour, 2/ 7 & 14 /2005.

Graduate Students


Postdoctoral Research Fellows


Clinical Residents and Fellows

UT M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Clinical Ethics Service, Andrea N. Frolic, MA, 2/2001-8/2002

UT M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Clinical Ethics Service, Richard Royal, MD, 1/2002-7/2002

UT M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Clinical Ethics Service, Deborah K. Cruze, MA, JD, 9/2002-8/2003

UT M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Clinical Ethics Service, Barbara J. Evans, PhD, JD, LLM 9/2003-6/2004

UT M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Clinical Ethics Service, Kate M. Kraycirik, MA, 8/2004-8/2005

Teaching Outside of Current Institution

Instructor, Ethical Issues in the ICU You Never Dreamed Possible, Bioethics Grand Rounds, The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland OH, 1:00 hour, 8/1988

Instructor, DNR in the OR, Anesthesiology Grand Rounds, The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland OH, 2/1989

Instructor, Autonomy: Does Doctor Know Best, Center for Professional Ethics, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland OH, 1:00 hour, 10/1989

Instructor, Withdrawal of Artificial Nutrition and Hydration, A Case Conference, Pediatric Neurology Grand Rounds, The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland OH, 1:00 hour, 5/1990

Instructor, Fetal Tissue Transplantation: Ethical Considerations, Medical Grand Rounds, Children’s Hospital of Orange County, California, 1:00 hour, 10/1990

Instructor, Medical Futility, Bioethics Grand Rounds, St. Luke Hospital, 1:00 hour, 1/1991

Instructor, Forgoing Life-Supports in the ICU: Nurses’ Dilemmas, Neurosurgical and Neurological Intensive Care Update Program, The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland OH, 1:00 hour, 5/1991

Instructor, Advance Directives and the Patient Self-Determination Act, The Ethics Committee of the Cleveland VA Hospital, Cleveland OH, 1:00 hour, 8/1991

Instructor, Bioethics for Critical Care Nurses, The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland OH, 1:00 hour, 11/1991

Instructor, Discussion of Final Exit (by Derek Humphry), Department of Radiation Therapy, The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland OH, 1:00 hour, 1/1992

Instructor, The Ethics of Fetal Tissue Transplantation: Promise or Peril, Bioethics Grand Rounds, The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland OH, 1:00 hour, 3/1992.

Instructor, Medical Futility: An Exception to Informed Consent, Bioethics Grand Rounds, St. Luke Hospital, Cleveland OH, 1:00 hour, 3/1992

Instructor, Ethical implications of the Ohio Advance Directive Law, Cleveland State-Marshall Law School, Cleveland OH, 1:00 hour, 9/1992

Instructor, Doctor, I Want Everything Done for My Wife! Ethical Perspectives on Medical Futility, Bioethics Grand Rounds, The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland OH, 1:00 hour, 10/1992

Instructor, Rationing: Its Time Has Come, Bioethics Grand Rounds, St. Luke Hospital, Cleveland OH, 1:00 hour, 3/1993

Instructor, Medical Futility, Medical Grand Rounds, Meridia Euclid Hospital, Euclid OH, 1:00 hour, 4/1993

Instructor, Can We Afford Health Care for All, The College Club, Cleveland OH, 1:00 hour, 5/1993

Instructor, Ethical Issues and Cases for Hospice, Hospice of Tuscarawas County, New Philadelphia OH, 1:00 hour, 10/1993

Instructor, Ethical Values and Principles for Health Care Reform, Division of Nursing Panel on Health Care Reform, The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland OH, 1:00 hour, 11/1993

Instructor, Fetal Tissue Transplantation, Pediatric Grand Rounds, The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland OH, 1:00 hour, 11/1993

Instructor, Induction of Psychogenic Seizures, Epilepsy/Neurology Grand Rounds, The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland OH, 1/1994

Instructor, Prolongation of Life in Dialysis Patients, Hypertension-Nephrology Grand Rounds, The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland OH, 2/1994

Instructor, Truth-telling in a Multi-Cultural Context, Cancer Center Grand Rounds, The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland OH, 1:00 hour, 2/1994

Instructor, Pediatric Euthanasia, Pediatric Grand Rounds, The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland OH, 1:00 hour, 3/1994

Instructor, End-of-Life Decisions, Medical Grand Rounds, St. Joseph Hospital, Warren OH, 1:00 hour, 5/1994

Instructor, Advance Directives and Professionals’ Responsibilities, Medicare Agency of the Cleveland Clinic Alternate Site Program, Cleveland OH, 1:00 hour, 5/1994

Instructor, Case Studies in Psychiatric Issues, Cleveland Area Behavioral Therapists, Cleveland OH, 1:00 hour, 6/1994

Instructor, Physician-Assisted Suicide, Ethics Committee, St. Vincent Charity Hospital, Cleveland OH, 1:00 hour, 9/1994

Instructor, National Survey on Epilepsy Inductions, Epilepsy-Neurology Grand Rounds, The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland OH, 1:00 hour, 11/1994

Instructor, When patients and Families Demand Medically Futile Treatment, Psychiatry Grand Rounds, The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland OH, 1:00 hour, 12/1994

Instructor, Diagnosing by Deception: The Ethical Dilemma of “Inducing” Psychogenic Seizures, Bioethics Grand Rounds, The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland OH, 1:00 hour, 1/1995

Instructor, Euthanasia and End-of-Life Choices, Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland OH, 1:00 hour, 2/1995

Instructor, DNR Orders Revisited: Complexities and Controversies. Bioethics Grand Rounds, St. Luke Hospital, Cleveland OH, 1:00 hour, 4/1995

Instructor, DNR Revisited: Ethical Controversies and Complexities, Internal Medicine Residents’ Noon Conference, The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland OH, 1:00 hour, 9/1995

Instructor, Frameworks for Ethical Decisions, Fairhill Institute for the Aging, Cleveland OH, 1:00 hour, 10/1995

Instructor, Managed Care or Mangled Care? Where Are We Going? Western Reserve Care Center, Cleveland OH, 1:00 hour, 12/1995

Instructor, DNR Revisited, Endocrinology Grand Rounds, The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland OH, 1:00 hour, 1/1996

Instructor, Ethical Issues for Death and Dying, Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland OH, 1:00 hour, 3/1996

Instructor, Case Studies in Research Ethics, Department of Biomedical Engineering, The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland OH, 1:00 hour, 8/1996

Instructor, End of Life Choices, The Cleveland Ostomy Association, Southwest General Hospital, Berea OH, 1:00 hour, 10/1996

Instructor, End of Life Decisions, Ohio State University Medical Students, Columbus OH, 1:00 hour, 12/1996

Instructor, Physician-Assisted Death, Ohio State University College of Medicine, Columbus OH, 1:00 hour, 1/1997

Instructor, Case Studies and Managed Care, Ohio University College of Medicine, Cleveland OH, (Teleconferenced to 4 Ohio Osteopathic Hospitals), 1:00 hour, 1/1997

Instructor, Case Studies and Patients with AIDS, Ohio University College of Medicine, (Teleconferenced to 4 Ohio Osteopathic Hospitals), Cleveland OH, 1:00 hour, 2/1997

Instructor, Case Studies and Vulnerable Patients, Ohio University College of Medicine, (Teleconferenced to 4 Ohio Osteopathic Hospitals), Cleveland OH, 1:00 hour, 1997

Instructor, Managed Care or Mangled Care: Ethical Considerations, Cleveland Bar Association, Health Section, Cleveland OH, 1:00 hour, 4/1997

Instructor, Ethical Considerations in the Care of the Dying, Franciscan Sisters of Chicago Corporate Ethics Committee, Parma OH, 1:00 hour, 4/1997

Instructor, Ethical Considerations in Rehabilitation: Patients, Patience, and Limitations, Grand Rounds, Cleveland Clinic Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Cleveland OH, 1:00 hour, 9/1997

Instructor, Physician Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia, Cleveland Clinic Foundation Health Talk, Cleveland OH, 1:00 hour, 11/1997

Instructor, Patient Decision Making in Medicine, Ohio State University College of Medicine, Columbus OH, 1:00 hour, 11/1997

Instructor, Case Studies and Managed Care, Ohio University College of Medicine (Teleconferenced to 4 Ohio Osteopathic Hospitals), Cleveland OH, 1:00 hour, 1/1998

Instructor, Use of Artificial Nutrition and Hydration: Ethical Issues, Legal Precedents, Outcomes and Practical Suggestions, Medical Grand Rounds, Summa Health Systems, Akron OH, 1:00 hour, 2/1998

Instructor, Case Studies for the Medical Profession, Ohio University College of Medicine (Teleconferenced to 4 Ohio Osteopathic Hospitals), Cleveland OH, 1:00 hour, 2/1998

Instructor, Ethical Decision Making and Ethics Consultation, Institutional Ethics Committee, St. Vincent Charity Hospital, Cleveland OH, 1:00 hour, 3/1998

Instructor, Pain Management and the Principle of Double Effect, Institutional Ethics Committee, Mt. Alverna Home, Parma OH, 1:00 hour, 3/1998

Instructor, Cultural Pluralism and Ethical Considerations: Clashes or Connections? Samaritan Regional Health System, Ashland OH, 1:00 hour, 5/1998

Instructor, A Good Death: Is Assisted Suicide the Answer?, St. John Westhore Hospital, Westlake OH, 1:00 hour, 6/1998

Instructor, The Amish and Bioethics: A Conversation Between Cultures about Health Care, Samaritan Regional Health System, Ashland OH, 1:00 hour, 1/1999

Instructor, Cultural and Religious Diversity: Curse or Connections, St. John Westshore Hospital, Westlake OH, 1:00 hour, 4/1999

Instructor, Dilemmas and Decisions at the End of Life, Marietta Memorial Hospital, Marietta OH, 6/1999

Instructor, Ethics Consultation: The Basics, Cleveland Clinical Foundation, Cleveland OH, 1:00 hour, 11/ 1999

Instructor, Doctors, Dying and Death: Ethical Considerations, Medical Staff Meeting, Grace Hospital, Cleveland OH, 1:00 hour, 12/1999

Instructor, The Old Order Amish and Health Care: Ethical Considerations, Conversations in Ethics, Case Western Reserve University’s Center for Biomedical Ethics, Cleveland OH, 1/2000

Instructor, Ohio’s New DNR Regulations, Cleveland Academy of Ambulatory Nursing, Cleveland OH, 1:00 hour, 2/2000

Instructor, Morally Managing Medical Mistakes, Neuro-Science Grand Rounds, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland OH, 3/2000

Instructor, Morally Managing Medical Mistakes, Euclid General Hospital, Euclid OH, 1:00 hour, 4/2000

Instructor, Dispelling Myths about Dehydration and Starvation, Lake West Hospital, Wickliffe OH, 1:00 hour, 5/2000

Instructor, Assessing Patient Decisional Capacity Prior to Epilepsy Surgery: Ethical and Clinical Considerations, Epilepsy Grand Rounds, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland OH, 1:00 hour, 5/2000

Instructor, Partners in Decision Making: Patients’ Rights and Physicians’ Obligations, Community Health Partners, Elyria OH, 1:00 hour, 10/2000

Instructor, Ethics Consultation and End-of-Life Issues, Medical Staff, Livingston Memorial Hospital, Livingston TX, 1:00 hour, 9/2001

Instructor, Ethical Consideration of Cases: The Nursing Perspective, A & M Prairie View School of Nursing, Houston TX, 1:00 hour, 10/2001

Instructor, End-of-Life Issues, for Ethics in Health Care, The University of Texas School of Public Health, Houston TX, 1:00 hour, 10/2002

Instructor, Basic Bioethics for the Clinical Social Worker, American Cancer Society, Houston TX, 1:00 hour, 1/2003

Instructor, Discussing End-of-Life Options: Initiating Difficult Conversations and Promoting Meaningful Dialogue, The Methodist Hospital, Houston TX, 1:00 hour, 2/2004

Instructor, Dilemmas, Decisions and Duties about Death and Dying: Ethical Considerations, Ben Taub Hospital, Houston TX, 1:00 hour, 3/2004

Instructor, Advance Care Planning: Advantages, Barriers, and Challenges, University Health Care System, Augusta GA, 1:00 hour, 3/2005

Instructor, Difficult Decisions and Dilemmas at the End of Life, University Health Care System, 1:00 hour, August GA, 3/2005

Instructor, Difficult Decisions and Dilemmas at the End of Life, College Station Medical Center, 1:00 hour, College Station TX, 9/2005


Organization of National or International Conferences/Symposia (Include chairing session)

Current Issues in Bioethics, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland OH, Co-Director, March 10, 1993.

Ethics Committee in the 1990’s, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland OH, Co-Director, March 16, 1994.

Ethics Controversies at the End of Life, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland OH, Co-Director, March 20, 1996.

Religious and Cultural Diversity in Health Care: Clinical Ethics for the 21st Century, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland OH, Co-Director, March 18, 1998.

Clinical Ethics Reflections, Evolution and Prospectives: A symposium in the 10th Year of Clinical Ethics at M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston TX, Co-Director, September 6, 2003.

Presentations at National or International Conferences


Ethical Aspects of HIV Testing, Current Status and Indications, First Annual AIDS Update, The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland OH, 4/1988

The Present and Future of Ethics Committees, Continuing Education Course on Current Issues in Bioethics, The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland OH, 3/1993

Ethical Concerns for Nursing in the 21st Century, Beyond the 90's Health Care Professionals’ Conference, The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland OH, 4/1996

How I See This Case, Regional Conference of the Society for Bioethics Consultation, Morgantown WV, 5/1996

Ethical and Religious Issues in Transfusion Medicine, Transfusion Medicine Update Symposium, The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland OH, 11/1996

Ethical Considerations for an Epilepsy Surgery Program: Informed Consent, Ninth Annual International Symposium for Epilepsy Surgery, Cleveland OH, 6/1998

Ethics Committees: Agency, Advocacy and Accountability Along the Pathway, Conference on Ethical Pathways to Palliative Care, Cincinnati OH, 10/1998

Maximizing Legal, Organizational and Ethical Resources in Difficult Patient Situations, American Hospital Association’s Society for Health Care Consumer Advocacy, Toronto, Canada, 10/1999

Setting Up An Ethics Program At Your Hospital, Society for Health Care Consumer Advocacy, San Antonio TX, 9/2000

Morally Managing Medical Mistakes, Society for Health Care Consumer Advocacy, San Antonio TX, 9/2000

Advance Care Planning: Past Disappointments, Future Directions, 6th Annual Conference on Human Dimensions in Cancer Care, Houston TX, 6/2001

Ethics/End-of-Life Issues, Medical Oncology Board Review Course, The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston TX, 10/2001

Ethics Involved in Caring for the Cancer Patient, Fourth Annual Meeting of the Association of Physician Assistants in Oncology, Houston TX, 10/2001

Rights, Wrongs and Rules for Asserting Your Patient Rights, 14th Annual “Living Fully with Cancer” Anderson Network Conference, Houston TX, 9/2002

Ethical Challenges and Choices in the Care of Cancer Patients, The 24th Annual Pharmacy Symposium on Cancer Chemotherapy, Houston TX, 10/2002

ICU, CPR, and Palliative Care: Ethical Considerations, Controversies, and … Incompatibilities?, 7th Multidisciplinary Approach to Palliative Care, Pain and Symptom Management Conference, Houston TX, 1/2003

ICU, DNR, and Palliative Care: Ethical Considerations, Controversies, and … Incompatibilities? Clinical Ethics Symposium in the 10th Year of Clinical Ethics, The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston TX, 9/2003

Ethical Complexities and Conflicts in Cancer Care, 6th Annual Meeting of the Association of Physician Assistants in Oncology, Austin TX, 9/2003

Ethics/End-of-Life Issues, Medical Oncology Board Review Course, The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston TX, 10/2003

DNR and the Cancer Patient – How Aggressive Should We Be? 4th Annual Oncology Update: Advances and Controversies, Steamboat Springs CO, 1/2004

Ten Years of Experience: The Ethics Consultation Service at the University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Internal Medicine and the Cancer Patient, Houston TX, 9/2004

Physician-Assisted Suicide, 5th Annual Oncology Update: Advances and Controversies, Park City UT, 1/2005

Advance Care Planning: Lessons after the Terri Schiavo Case, Anderson Network 17th Annual Living Fully With Cancer Conference, Houston TX, 9/2005

Five Years of Futility Follow-Up: A Survey of Texas Hospitals, 2005 Annual Meeting of the American Society of Bioethics and Humanities, Washington DC, 10/2005

Guardianship Challenges at the End of Life, 2005 National Guardianship Association Conference, Cleveland OH, 11/2005

Other, Including Scientific Exhibitions


Vinicky J, Smith M. Clinical Bioethicists' Needs and Assessment. Society for Health and Human Values, Washington, D.C., 10/1989

Scesny A, Powazki R, Smith M. Empowerment and Effectiveness Through a Course in Bioethics for the Clinical Social Worker. International Congress of Psychosocial Oncology, Beaune, France, 10/1992

Thompson D, Furlan A, Smith M. Bioethical Issues in Stroke. National Stroke Association, Denver CO, 6/1995

Smith M, Frank J, Forster H. Multidisciplinary Intervention for ALS Patients Requesting Withdrawal of Mechanical Ventilation. American Academy of Neurology, Annual Meeting, Minneapolis MN, April 1998

Smith M, Forster H, Hewson M, Weiker G, Preferences Regarding Style and Approach to Giving Medical Advice, American Society for Bioethics and Humanities, Annual Meeting, Houston TX, 11/1998

Smith M (Co-presenters: Forster H, Weicker G), Giving Medical Advice: Patient and Physician Views, Ninth International Ottawa Conference, Capetown, South Africa, 3/2000

Weise K, Smith M, Maschke K, Copeland L. Payment to Research Subjects for Participation in Pediatric Research, Third World Congress on Pediatric Intensive Care, Montreal, Canada, 6/2000

Elsayem A, Jenkins R, Parmley C, Smith M, Palmer J, Braiteh F, Bruera E. The Impact of a Palliative Care Service on Overall Hospital Mortality in a Comprehensive Cancer Center, American Society of Clinical Oncology, New Orleans LA, 6/2004


How I See This Case, Society for Bioethics Consultation, Cleveland OH, 9/1995

Use of Placebo Induction Procedures in Diagnosing Psychogenic Seizures: Ethical and Psychiatric Considerations, Joint Meeting of the American Association of Bioethics, Society for Bioethics Consultation, and Society for Health and Human Values, Baltimore MD, 11/1997

Moral Management of Medical Mistakes, American Society for Bioethics and Humanities, Houston TX, 11/1998

The Amish, Health Care, and End-of-Life Issues: A Clinical Ethics Conversation Between Cultures and Its Application to Medical Education, 1999 Spirituality, Culture, and End-of-Life Conference (Association of American Medical Colleges), Denver CO, 9/1999

Panelist, End-of-Life Care: An Interdisciplinary Perspective, Gerontological Society of America, San Francisco CA, 11/1999

Unresolved Issues in Pediatric Research: Assessing Harms for Placebo Arms, American Society for Bioethics and Humanities, Salt Lake City UT, 10/2000

Panelist, How I See This Case: Minor Bone Marrow Donor, American Society for Bioethics and Humanities, Nashville TN, 10/2001

Panelist, Models of Palliative Care: Palliative Care in the ICU, American Pain Society’s 21st Annual Scientific Meeting, Baltimore MD, 3/2002

I shouldn’t have allowed you to write a DNR order for my wife! A Case of Medical Futility, The First International Assessment Summit on Clinical Ethics Consultation, Cleveland OH, 4/2003

Criteria, and Advantages and Disadvantages for Three Methods of Ethics Consultation, The First International Assessment Summit on Clinical Ethics Consultation, Cleveland OH, 4/2003

Limits on Patient/Family Autonomy: The Response of University of Texas Teaching Hospitals to Demands for Inappropriate Medical Treatment, The American Society for Bioethics and Humanities 6th Annual Conference, Montreal, Canada, 10/2003

Due Process: Review of Medical Appropriateness at The University of Texas Teaching Hospitals in the Texas Medical Center, 2nd International Conference: Clinical Ethics Consultation, Basel, Switzerland, 3/2005

Organizational Ethics: A Model for Addressing Institutional Issues Arising During Ethics Consultation, 2nd International Conference: Clinical Ethics Consultation, Basel, Switzerland, 3/2005

Participants Evaluation of Clinical Ethics Consultation, 2nd International Conference: Clinical Ethics Consultation, Basel, Switzerland, 3/2005

Seminar Invitations from Other Institutions


Lectureships and Visiting Professorships

Morally Managing Medical Mistakes, Southern Illinois University School of Law, Carbondale IL, 4/2005

When Patients and Families Demand Medically Futile Treatment, Southern Illinois Health System, Carbondale IL, 4/2005

Other Presentations at State and Local Conferences

The Process of Bioethical Decision-Making, Cleveland West Episcopal Deanery, Cleveland OH, 11/1987

Discontinuing Mechanical Ventilation: Killing or Letting Die, Forum for Respiratory Technologists, Akron OH, 10/1988

The Ethics of Human Fetal Tissue Transplantation, The Cleveland Society of Obstetrics and Gynecologists, Independence OH, 3/1989

Withholding and Withdrawing Life Supports, Hospice Network of Northern Ohio, Cleveland OH, 12/1989

Panelist Respondent, Conference on the Holocaust and Biomedical Ethics: The Contemporary Use of Nazi Data, Kent State University, Akron OH, 3/1990

Beginning and Maintaining a Hospital Ethics Committee, Conference on Institutional Ethics Committees in the 1990's, Youngstown OH, 5/1990

Living Wills, DNR, and the Durable Power of Attorney, Annual Conference of the Ohio Academy of Family Physicians, Cleveland OH, 8/1990

On Being an Authentic Scientist, Research Institute Continuing Education Conference, Cleveland OH, 9/1990

Withdrawing Dialysis: What Are the Ethical Issues, American Nephrology Nurses Association, Greater Cleveland Chapter, Cleveland Ohio, September 20, 1990.

Current Issues In Bioethics, American Society for Medical Technologists, Berea OH, 3/1991

A Good Death: Is Euthanasia the Answer, Conference of the Medical-Spiritual Society of Ohio, Toledo OH, 4/1991

Hospital and Pre-Hospital DNR Orders, First Annual Conference of the Bioethics Network of Ohio, Cleveland OH, Ohio, 6/1991

To Feed or Not to Feed, Symposium on Nutrition Practice, Cleveland OH, 5/1992

Advance Directives, Critical Care Nursing Symposium, Cleveland OH, 4/1992

Living Wills and the Patient Self-Determination Act, Annual Conference of the Ohio State Bar Association, Columbus OH, 5/1992

Quality of Life Issues, Annual Burkons Geriatric Nursing Symposium, Cleveland OH, 8/1992

When Our Medical Miracles Cannot Cure -- Decisions at the End of Life, Symposium of the American Association of Neuroscience Nursing, The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland OH, 11/1992

Medical Futility, VA Hospital Ethics Conference, Brecksville OH, 5/1993

End-of-Life Decisions, American Medical Writers’ Association, Cleveland Chapter, Cleveland OH, 11/1993

Ethics Issues for Podiatric Medicine, The Ohio College of Podiatric Medicine, Cleveland OH, 1/1994

Panel on Physician-Assisted Suicide, 1995 Health and Human Services Institute, Cleveland Convention Center, Cleveland OH, 4/1995

Continuing Ethical Dilemmas for Care Givers, Ohio Hospital Association Joint Educational Summit and Convention, Columbus OH, 4/1996

Introduction to Principles and Concepts for Ethics Committee Members, Annual Conference of the Bioethics Network of Ohio, Columbus OH, 5/1996

Dilemmas and Decisions at the End of Life, The Tri-State Chaplaincy Committee, East Liverpool OH, 10/1996

Ethics Committees: What They Do and How They Do It, Ohio University College of Medicine, North West Region, Sandusky OH, 11/1996

Health Care Ethics Committees: Current Practice and Future Developments, 1997 Joint Educational Summit, The Ohio Association of Hospital and Health Systems, Columbus OH, 4/1997

A Case Study: Ethics, The Law and End of Life, 1997 Joint Educational Summit, The Ohio Association of Hospital and Health Systems, Columbus OH, 4/1997

Bioethics Intensive Workshop: Basic Principles and Concepts for Ethics Committee Members, Annual Conference of the Bioethics Network of Ohio, Columbus OH, 5/1997

Religious Insistence on Medical Treatment: Christian Theology and Re-Imagination, Annual Conference of the Bioethics Network of Ohio, Columbus OH, 5/1997

Ethical Issues Faced by the Multi-disciplinary Team, Multi-disciplinary HIV/AIDS Traineeship in Long-term Care Program, St. Augustine Manor, Cleveland OH, 9/1997

Decision Making at the End of Life: Commentary on the Washington Report on Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia, Episcopal Diocese of Southern Ohio, Newark OH, 3/1998

Ethics Case Consultation: Goals, Objectives, Models and Outcomes, The Association for Hospitals and Health Systems, Joint Educational Summit, Columbus OH, 4/1998

Morally Managing Medical Mistakes, Annual Conference of the Bioethics Network of Ohio, Columbus OH, 5/1998

Ethics Committees and Ethics Consultation, Ohio Hospital Association Conference on Re-Writing the Rules for End-of-Life Care, Columbus OH, 9/1998

Managed Care or Mangled Care? Ethical Considerations, Ohio Association for Healthcare Quality, District 8, Walnut Creek OH, 11/1998

Revisiting Advance Directives, and the New Ohio DNR Rules, Catholic Council on Older Adults, Rocky River OH, 3/1999

Informed Consent in Transfusion Medicine, Annual Conference of the Ohio Association of Blood Banks, Columbus OH, 4/1999

Maximizing Legal, Organizational and Ethical Resources in Difficult Patient Situations, Ohio Hospital Association Educational Summit, Columbus OH, 4/1999

Dilemmas, Decisions, Dying and Death: Ethical Considerations, Annual Conference of the Ohio Association of Physician Assistants, Toledo OH, 9/1999

Medically Managing Medical Mistakes, Annual Conference of the Ohio Society for Health Care Advocacy, Columbus OH, 9/1999

Morally Managing Medical Mistakes, Neuro-Science Grand Rounds, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland OH, 3/2000

Ethics Session, Case Studies, Ohio Association of Blood Bankers’ Annual Conference, Mohican State Park, Perrysville OH, 4/2000

The Old Order Amish and Health Care: Ethical Considerations, Annual Conference of the Bioethics Network of Ohio, Westlake OH, 5/2000

Workshop and Panel on Mistakes in Medicine, OHIC Insurance Co., Lancaster OH, 1/2001

To Tell the Truth, the Whole Truth or Nothing … You Be the Judge, Panel Presentation, 3rd Annual Texas Patient Safety Conference, Austin TX, 6/2001.

Ethical Anchors for Decision Making: Resources, Roles and Recommendations, Texas Alliance for Patient Services Annual Conference, Galveston TX, 6/2002

Clinical Ethics: Foundations and Methods, Dilemmas and Resources, The American College of Health Care Executives, Northwest Texas Region, Abilene TX, 11/2002

The Moral Dimension of Clinical Practice, Tall Pines Dietetic Association, Houston TX, 3/2003

When Patients Demand Medically Inappropriate Treatment: How We Respond, What We Have Learned, Sentara Health System, Williamsburg VA, Virginia, 10/2004

Informed Consent and Interventional Radiology: Ethical and Legal Considerations, Houston Radiological Society, Houston TX, 11/2004

Futility Policy: Can Ohio Learn Anything from Texas, Annual Conference of The Bioethics Network of Ohio, Westlake OH, 5/2005


Professional Society Activities, with Offices Held

National and International

Catholic Theological Society of America

Member, 1981 - Present

Society for Bioethics Consultation (SBC)

Member, 1987-1998

Member, Annual Conference Planning Committee, 1995

American Society for Bioethics and Humanities

Member, 1998 - Present

American Society for Law, Medicine, & Ethics

Member, 2000 - Present

Society for Critical Care Medicine

Member, 2001 - Present


Bioethics Network of Ohio (BENO)

Member, 1990 - present

Board of Trustees, 1990-2000

Member, Annual Conference Planning Committee, 1992-1994, & 1997

Co-chair, Annual Conference Planning Committee, 1995.

President, 1995-2000

Educational Services Committee, 1996

Grantsmanship Advisory Group, 1997-1998


The Cleveland Clinic Foundation

Advisor, Stewart Award and Fellowship Advisory Committee, 1993-2000

Member, AIDS Patient Care Subcommittee, 1987-1996

Member, Allied Health Education Council, 1993-2000

Member, Clinical Pastoral Education Advisory Committee, 1987-2000

Member, Education Subcommittee of the Ethics Committee, 1988-1999

Member, Graduate Medical Education Appeals Task Force, 1996

Member, Guidelines Committee for Scientific Misconduct, 1988-1989

Member, Institutional Ethics Committee, 1988 – 2000

Member, Institutional Review Board (for Human Research), 1988 -2000

Member, Pastoral Care Director Search Committee, 1998

Member, Prevention of Error in Medicine (POEM) Task Force, 2000

Member, Task Force on Sexual Harassment (Division of Education), 1993-1994

Task Forces of the Cleveland Clinic Ethics Committee

Chair, Brain Death Policy Revision, 1999-2000

Chair, Bylaws/Guidelines Revision, 2000

Chair, Communication of DNR Orders, 1996-1997

Chair, Ethics Policies’ Revisions, 1995-1996

Chair, Euthanasia Writing Group, 1990-1991

Chair, Medical Futility, 1991-1993

Chair, Patient Refusal of Life-saving Treatment, 1990-1992

Co-Chair, Psychogenic Seizure Inductions, 1994-1995

Member, Anencephalic Infants as Organ Donors, 1987-1988

Member, Bioethics Charting, 1995-1996

Member, Business Ethics, 1997-1998

Member, Bylaws/Guidelines Revision, 1988-1989

Member, Effectiveness and Awareness Survey I, 1990

Member, Effectiveness and Awareness Survey II, 1995

Member, Patient Consultation Assessment Survey, 1991-1993

Member, Quality of Care Issues, 1993-1994

Member, Tenth Anniversary Planning, 1993-1994


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