EPA Model CRADA Amendment

EPA-Cooperator Name CRADA Amendment # Date Last Saved




[Insert name of cooperator]




This "Amendment No. " is entered into by and between [cooperator name], a [name the state in which the Company is incorporated] Corporation which has its principal place of business at ("the Company"), and the [the EPA Laboratory or Office] ("the Laboratory") of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency ("EPA") under the authority of Title 15, United States Code ( 3710a, et seq. (commonly known as the Federal Technology Transfer Act of 1986).


** The WHEREAS clauses should explain the reasons for the amendment. The following model WHEREAS clauses are examples of appropriate clauses.

A. WHEREAS, the Company and the Laboratory executed a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (put in number XXX-XX), effective ("Agreement");

** Earlier amendments should be referenced with similar WHEREAS clauses, one for each amendment.

B. WHEREAS, the Company and the Laboratory want to amend and supplement the Agreement;


** Add general reasons for amending. The reasons may be administrative, e.g., change in Company name or ownership, or technical reasons, e.g., additional research. Use as many WHEREAS' as you need.

X. WHEREAS, the Laboratory views its continued cooperation with the Company to be in furtherance of the public interest;

NOW, THEREFORE, the parties amend and supplement the Agreement as follows:

** Add a series of numbered paragraphs with the specific amendments, using wording as appropriate. Typically, you should start off with words like: Article X (or Paragraph X.Y) is amended by adding (or changing).... Some of the items that may need amending include:

1. Article 1, Definitions, is amended by adding a new definition 1. as follows: "1.__ ..."

- or -

2. Paragraph 2.1, Statement of Work, is supplemented by adding: "The SOW shall be expanded to include as set out in the Supplemental Statement of Work (attached as Appendix ).


3. In Paragraph 2.3, Assigned Personnel, the Project Manager for the Company is changed to " ;" the Principal Investigator for the Company is changed to " ;" the Project Manager for the Laboratory is changed to " ;" and the Principal Investigator for the Laboratory is changed to " ." [use as many of the above as appropriate]


4. Amend Paragraph 4.1, Transfer of Funds, by adding the following: "The Company agrees to pay an additional $ to the Laboratory for the performance of research specified in Article 2, as amended, and the Supplemental Statement of Work."


5. Delete Paragraph 7.2.1 and replace it with the following: "7.2.1 Corporate Organization. The Company is a corporation duly organized, validly existing and in good standing under the laws of the State of [state of incorporation]."


6. Add the following new paragraph: "12.2, Duration. This Agreement shall be in effect for a period of months after the effective date of this Amendment No. ."


7. If amending after the expiration date of Agreement use: (Upon execution by all the parties hereto, this Amendment No. ____ shall be effective as of ___________________.(

8. All other provisions of the Agreement shall remain in force and effect.

** Previous amendments should be referenced, e.g.: "All other provisions of the Agreement and Amendments No. 1 and 2 shall remain in effect."

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have caused this Amendment No. to be executed by their duly authorized representatives as follows:


By: Date:

(Type name)



By: Date: ______________

(Type name)



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