June 2018 - Amer Group

[Pages:31]FY 2019

June 2018


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Thi s pres enta ti on ha s been prepa red by the Inves tor Rel a ti ons , Corpora te Fi na nce a nd Ma na gementofAmerGroupHoldingCompanyS.A.E.(the"Company")solelyfor i nforma ti on purpos e to Res ea rch Ana l ys ts / Ins ti tuti ona l Inves tors . The pres enta ti onis confidential anddoes notconstituteorformpartof,andshouldnotbeconstrued a s , a n offer, s ol i ci ta ti on or i nvi ta ti on to buy, s ubs cri be or otherwi s e a cqui re, a ny s ecuri ti es of the Compa ny or a ny memberofits groupnorshoulditoranypartofit form the ba s i s of, or be rel i ed on i n connecti on wi th, a ny contra ct to purcha s e or s ubs cri be for a ny s ecuri ti es oftheCompanyoranymemberofits group,norshall itor a ny pa rt of i t form the ba s i s of or be rel i ed on i n connecti on wi th a ny contra ct or commi tment wha ts oever. The presentationhas beenprovidedtoyousolelyforyour i nforma ti on a nd ba ckground a nd i s s ubject to a mendment. The pres enta ti on conta i ns forwa rd l ooki ng, confi denti a l a nd i mporta nt i nforma ti on, da ta , fi gures ,pictures aboutthecompany;andsuchinformationis owned bythe Compa ny. The pres enta ti on or a ny pa rt of i t ma y not be reproduced or redi s tri buted, pa s s ed on, or the contents otherwisedi vulgedinwholeorinpartorotherwise di s s emi na ted, di rectl y or i ndi rectl y, to a ny other pers on or publ i s hed i n whol e or i n pa rt for a ny purpos e wi thout the pri orwrittenconsentofAmerGroupInvestor Rel a ti ons Depa rtment, Amer Group Hol di ng. Some of th e i nforma ti on conta i ned i n thi s documentis still indraftformandhas notbeenlegallyverifiedandwill onlybe fi na l i zed a t the ti me of Admi s s i on a nd thus ma y be a bri dged or i ncompl ete. The i nforma ti on usedhereinis basedonsources thattheCompanybelieves tobereliable a nd a ccura te. However, no repres enta ti on or wa rra nty, expres s , a s s umed or i mpl i ed, i s ma de by the Compa ny a s to the fa i rnes s , a ccura cy,reasonableness or compl etenes s of the i nforma ti on conta i ned herei n a nd no rel i a nce s houl d be pl a ced on i t.NeithertheCompany,theirrespectiveadvisers,theexistingshareholders of the Compa ny, connected pers ons of the Compa ny or a ny other pers on a ccepts a ny l i a bi l i ty or res pons i bi l i ty foranyloss howsoeverarising,directlyorindirectly,from the pres enta ti on or i ts contents . The pres enta ti on a nd a ny ma teri a l s di s tri butedinconnectionwiththepresentationmayincludeforward-lookingstatements.Forwardl ooki ng s ta tements ma y be i ndi ca ted by words s uch a s "ma y," "wi l l ," "woul d," "s houl d," "expect,""intend,""estimate,""anticipate,"believe"andsimilarexpressions. Thes e forwa rd-l ooki ng s ta tements a re s ta tements rega rdi ng the Compa ny's i ntenti ons , bel i efs orcurrentexpectations concerning,amongotherthings,theCompany's res ul ts of opera ti ons , fi na nci a l condi ti on, l i qui di ty, pros pects , growth, s tra tegi es a nd the i ndus try i n whi ch theCompanyoperates.Bytheirna ture,forward-looking s ta tements i nvol ve ri s ks a nd uncerta i nti es , i ncl udi ng, wi thout l i mi ta ti on, the ri s ks a nd uncertainties tobe setforthintheProspectus,becausetheyrelatetoevents and depend on ci rcums ta nces tha t ma y or ma y not occur i n the future. The Compa ny ca uti ons youthatforward-lookingstatements arenotguarantees offutureperformance a nd tha t i ts a ctua l res ul ts of opera ti ons , fi na nci a l condi ti on a nd l i qui di ty a nd the developmentoftheindustryinwhichtheCompanyoperates maydiffermateriallyfrom thos e ma de i n or s ugges ted by the forwa rd-l ooki ng s ta tements conta i ned i n thepresentation.Inaddition,evenifthe Company's results ofoperations,financial condition a nd l i qui di ty a nd the devel opment of the i ndus try i n whi ch the Compa ny opera tes a re cons i s tent withtheforward-lookingstatements containedinthepresentation, thos e res ul ts or devel opments ma y not be i ndi ca ti ve of res ul ts or devel opments i n future peri ods .TheCompanydoes notundertakeanyobligationtoreview,update or confi rm a na l ys ts ' expecta ti ons or es ti ma tes or to rel ea s e publ i cl y a ny revi s i ons to a ny forwa rd -l ookingstatements toreflectevents thatoccurorcircumstances that a ri s e a fter the da te of the pres enta ti on. Thi s document a nd a ny ma teri a l s di s tri buted i n connecti on wi th thi s document a re not di rected to, orintendedfordi stributiontooruseby,anypersonorentitythatis a ci ti zen or res i dent or l oca ted i n a ny l oca l i ty, s ta te, country or other juri s di cti on where s uch di s tri buti on, publ ication,availabilityorusewouldbecontrarytolawor regul a ti on or whi ch woul d requi re a ny regi s tra ti on or l i cens i ng wi thi n s uch juri s di ction.InEgypt,unauthorizeddisseminationoftheinformationcontainedhereintothe publ i c i n wha tever form i s prohi bi ted a nd cons ti tutes a vi ol a ti on under Egypti a n l a w.


Private and Confidential: For personal use only and not for distribution or copying


Increasing recurring revenue

Enlarging Porto

Vacation Club

Distributing dividends

New develomaster



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At Start of Construction

Post Construction

In 6 months

During 2005 to 2007, Amer Group has conquered 3 projects:

"Porto Marina"; first phase delivered in 6 months

In 18 months

"Golf Marina", delivered in 18 months

In 2 years

"Porto Sokhna", delivered in 2 years


Private and Confidential: For personal use only and not for distribution or copying


Amer Group is one of the pioneers in bringing the ultimate family destinations bringing the market world class restaurants chains, Hotels and Hotel serviced apartments, malls to accommodate every need of an Egyptian family


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Amer Group

Spin-Off in October 2015

Porto Group's


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Projects Land

? 8 projects

? 21,777 Units

? Area 6.05 Mn m2 ? 7 Locations

EGP 13.3 bn Booked sales


? 8 Malls


? 7 brands


? 7 Hotels

? GLA 79K m2 ? 43 Outlets ? 582 keys

EGP 65 mn Annual Rents

EGP 250 mn Annual sales

EGP 178 mn Annual sales


*As of 9M-2015

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Big Asset Base

Asset Book Value 6.63 BN

Asset Book Value 6.63 BN

= 10.95 X

= 6.63 X

Market Cap 605 Mn

Paid-Up Capital 1 BN


Private and Confidential: For personal use only and not for distribution or copying


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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