Exceptions Approved By the Office of Chief Financial ...

Special Financial Terms for Work for Others

1. American Cancer Society – monthly stipend payments

2. American Heart Association – scheduled quarterly payments

3. Artery Therapeutics – scheduled monthly invoices (Feb 2008)

4. Baylor College – invoice certification (June 2008)

5. Brigham & Women's Hospital - submit final invoice within 30 days of end date (Sep 2009)

6. BP Technology Ventures – scheduled yearly invoices (July 2008)

7. CA Dept of Water Resources – invoices sent to two different locations

8. California Energy Commission (CEC) quarterly requirements

• Division Resource Analyst prepares quarterly cost estimates and submits request to CA to generate advance invoice. Division sends the invoice and financial report to sponsor and notifies CA when the invoice is sent out

• CA prepares manual advance invoice and forwards it to the Division

9. CMC-Engineering - California Energy Commission payment terms

10. Damon Runyan Cancer Research

• Monthly scheduled payment by 15th of each month (no invoicing).

• Division submits expenditure report within 30 days at the end of each award year. (June 2010)

11. Department of Defense (DOD) quarterly requirements for special grants - DAMD and W81XWH

• CA prepares and submits quarterly Federal Cash Transactions Report

12. Ecofys - During the earlier part of the agreement, set at scheduled advance payments, now monthly invoicing

13. Gas Technology Institute - California Energy Commission payment terms

14. Genzyme Corporation – 3 years term, invoice once a year (Mar 2009)

15. Gilead Sciences, Inc. – quarterly invoices

16. HHS-NI Occupational Safety & Health for award type F7

• CA initiates monthly Letter of Credit (LOC) drawdown from The Division of Payment Management (PMS) website, prepares and submits quarterly NIH Cash Transaction report

17. Institute for Sustainable Communities (Feb. 2010) – cost certification

• CA pulls invoice monthly and submit to Division.

• Division signs the invoice certifying costs and submit back to CA for mailing to sponsor.

18. International Research Institute of Stavanger (Dec 2010) –

• Fixed exchange rate for conversion to dollars

• Scheduled quarterly invoice – CA pulls invoice and submits to Division

• Division submits quarterly financial report to sponsor

19. Intel – quarterly invoices, based on deliverables (Nov. 2008)

20. Jane Coffin Childs Memorial Fund – scheduled quarterly stipend payments

21. National Fenestration Rating Council – 2 scheduled lump sum payments

22. National Institutes of Health (NIH) for award types N2 and N3

• CA initiates monthly LOC drawdown from PMS website, prepares and submits quarterly NIH Cash Transaction report

23. Novartis Inst. Funct. Genomics. – partial payment set to drawdown first, and retain partial payment as advance (Nov. 2009)

24. Participant Research Team (PRT) Agreements with Multi-Sponsors:

a. Amgen – 5 years team, invoice once a year (Oct 2008)

b. Gilead Sciences – 3 years team, invoice once a year (Nov 2008)

c. Signal Phamaceuticals – 3 years team, invoice once a year (Nov 2008)

25. Peralta Community College - No advance, monthly invoices

26. Pfizer Inc. – scheduled quarterly invoices (Dec 2009)

27. Phoenix Consortium Project with Multi-Sponsors:

a. Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmacuetical - 3 years term, invoice once a year

b. GlaxoSmithKline - 3 years term, invoice once a year

c. Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceuticals Research and Development, LLC – 5 years term, invoice once a year

d. Novartis Vaccines & Diagnostics, Inc – 3 years term, invoice once a year

e. Plexxikon, Inc. - 3 years term, invoice once a year

f. Wyeth Ayerst Research - 3 years term, invoice once a year

g. Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. - 3 years term, invoice once a year

28. Pioneer HiBred International – scheduled semi-annually invoices (Aug 2008)

29. Pohang Iron and Steel Co. (POSCO) – scheduled semi-annually invoices (July 2008).

30. Portland Energy Conservation, Inc. - California Energy Commission payment terms (6 month advance, followed by quarterly advance payments & reconciliation reports completed by Division/Accounting)

31. Research Institute of Innovative Technology for the Earth (RITE) – final payment after receipt of report (July 2010)

• Division submits final report

• CA prepares final scheduled invoice

32. Res Partnership to Secure Energy (RPSEA) - Aug 2009

• Division emails technical status report includes cost sharing by 14th and copy CA. CA emails invoice to sponsor.

33. Roche Holding Ltd – 3 years term, invoice once a year

34. San Joaquin Valley Drainage Authority – sponsor pays invoices within 14 days after receipt of payment from California Bay-Delta Authority (CBDA), sponsor withholds 10% retention of the cost invoiced until the end of the contract.

35. Sematech – quarterly invoicing

36. Sensor Electronic Tech Inc – flow through from DRAPA, reduce advance payment (Dec 2010)

37. Sincrotrone Trieste – monthly technical report, payment in 30 days

38. SmithKlineBeechham (doing business as GlaxoSmithLine) – quarterly invoicing and quarterly reporting

39. Sony Corporation - pay full advance within 30 days from the date of execution (June 2009)

40. Stanford University – Sponsor may request backups. CA sends invoices to Division who will be responsible for sending to sponsor (Feb 2010)

41. Susan G. Komen for the Cure – yearly stipend payments

42. Target Corp – 2 scheduled lump sum payments

43. UC Berkeley/Energy Biosciences Institute – three months of advance instead of four (Feb 2009)

44. UC Breast Cancer Research Program (BCRP) – final 20% will be paid after receipt of the final reports

• Division submits annual and final Financial Status Report (FSR) to CA prior to FSR submittal deadline

45. UC Tobacco Related Disease Research Program (TRDRP) - final 20% will be paid after receipt of the final reports

• Division submits annual and final FSR to CA prior to FSR submittal deadline

46. US Postal Service – billing on SF1080 and SF1081 invoice forms in addition to initiate IPAC

47. University of Iowa – division submit signed certification of invoices to CA (Nov 2007)

48. University of British Columbia – division submit quarterly financial and technical report (June 2010)

49. University of Maryland-Baltimore (Feb 2009)

• Division submits final cost certification and notify CA costs are final at the end of the project

• CA prepares final financial summary at the end of the project

50. Virginia Polytechnic & State University – submit invoices in duplicate and signed certification of invoices (Dec 2008)

51. Vivo Biosciences Inc – quarterly invoicing

52. Yonsei University – scheduled yearly invoices for USD and manual invoices for foreign currency KRW (Dec 2007)

Special Handling

53. OnPoint Consulting – CA send expense statements to two locations (May 2010)

54. NETL – CA email invoice by 3rd business day for IW007536 and IW007537 (July 2010)

55. University of Utah – CA send invoice to two recipients and submit invoices in duplicate (Sep 2010)




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