105.9 FM – Where Washington Comes To Talk | WMAL-FM



June 1, 2019 – May 31, 2020


See Section II, the “Master Recruitment Source List” (“MRSL”) for recruitment source data

|Job Title |Recruitment Sources (“RS”) Used to Fill Vacancy |RS Referring Hiree |

|Marketing Director |1-2, 4-5, 8-9, 11-13, 15-16, 18-24 | 1 |

|Sports Talk Host (3) |1-5, 8-9, 11-13, 15-16, 18-24 |3 |

|Sports Update Anchor/Producer |1-5, 8-9, 11-13, 15-16, 18-24 | 3 |

|Sales Assistant |1-2, 4-5, 8-9, 11-13, 15-16, 18-24 | 1 |

|Digital Marketing Specialist |1, 18-24 |1 |

| | | |

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June 1, 2019 – May 31, 2020


|RS |RS Information |Source Entitled |No. of Interviewees |

|Number | |to Vacancy |Referred by RS |

| | |Notification? |Over |

| | |(Yes/No) |Reporting Period |

|1 |Company Website Posting |N |37 |

| | | | |

|2 |Word-of-Mouth Referral |N |21 |

| |4400 Jenifer Street NW | | |

| |Washington, DC 20015 | | |

|3 |All Access |N |4 |

| | | | |

|4 |Howard University |N | |

| |Advisory Educational Services | | |

| |525 Bryant Street | | |

| |Washington, DC 20059 | | |

| |202-806-7927 | | |

|5 |The Catholic University of America |N | |

| |620 Michigan Avenue, NE | | |

| |Washington, DC 20064 | | |

| |202-319-5000 | | |

|6 |American University Career Center |N | |

| |Contact: Lauren Weidl | | |

| |Butler Pavilion | | |

| |5th Fl. | | |

| |4400 Massachusetts Ave., N.W. | | |

| |Washington, D.C. 20016 | | |

| |202-885-1814 | | |

|7 |Omega Recording Studios |N | |

| |Robert Scott-Adams | | |

| |12712 Rock Creek Mill Road | | |

| |Rockville, MD 20852 | | |

| |301-230-9100 | | |

| |robert@ | | |

|8 |National Council of Laraza |N | |

| |Julie Perez | | |

| |1111 19th Street Nw | | |

| |Suite 1000 | | |

| |Washington, DC 20036 | | |

| |202-785-1670 | | |

| |hrmail@ | | |

|9 |George Mason University |N | |

| |Star Muir | | |

| |Communications Department-MS3D6 | | |

| |Fairfax, VA 22030 | | |

| |703-993-1090 | | |

| |smuir@gmu.edu | | |

|10 |The Hampton University |N | |

| |Shanae Moore | | |

| |Hampton, VA 23668 | | |

| |shanae.moore@hamptonu.edu; courtney.walker@hamptonu.edu | | |

|11 |Institute of Caribbean Studies |N | |

| |7306 Georgia Avenue NW | | |

| |Washington, DC 20012 | | |

| |202-829-1887 | | |

| |ics@ | | |

|12 |MD/DC/DE Broadcasters Association |N | |

| |106 Old Court Road | | |

| |Baltimore, MD 21208 | | |

| |410-653-4122 | | |

| |info@ | | |

|13 | (17 colleges and universities) |N | |

|14 | |N | |

|15 |Melwood |N | |

|16 |Cumulus Business Managers (inter-company email to all business managers) |N | |

|17 |DC Dept. of Employment Services |N | |

| |Michelle Reynolds | | |

| | | | |

|18 | |N | |

|19 | |N | |

|20 |marymount.edu |N | |

|21 | |N | |

|22 | |N | |

|23 | |N | |

|24 | |N | |

| 25 | |N | |

|26 |Howard University NABEF Media Sales Institute. |N | |




June 1, 2019 – May 31, 2020


| |Type Of Recruitment Initiative |Brief Description Of Activity |

| |(Menu Selection) | |

|1 |Participate in Job Fairs (2) |On August 1, 2019, our SEU participated in the Best Hire Career Fair |

| | |held at the Marriott hotel at Crystal City National Airport in |

| | |Arlington Virginia. The Fair brought together DC’s major employers |

| | |with hundreds of qualified, diverse professionals with the aim to |

| | |recruit, promote and reaffirm their commitment to diversity in the |

| | |workplace. An SEU representative occupied a table and spoke with |

| | |approximately 90 interested attendees about career opportunities in |

| | |broadcasting and job openings within the SEU nationwide. The SEU |

| | |participant was a Promotion Assistant who collected about 25 resumes. |

| | |As a media partner, the stations advertised the event as part of a |

| | |trade agreement. |

| | | |

| | |On November 14, 2019, the SEU participated in the Best Hire Career |

| | |Fairs held at the Crystal City Holiday Inn at Reagan National Airport. |

| | |The host, Best Hire Career fairs targets our specific industry to meet |

| | |our hiring needs. The SEU participant interacted with a large number of|

| | |attendees who expressed an interest in radio broadcasting. As a media |

| | |partner, the stations advertised the event as part of a trade |

| | |agreement. SEU’s Promotions Director and Assistant discussed station |

| | |opportunities with several attendees and collected about 100 resumes. |

|2 |Internship Program |The SEU has established a College Internship Program designed to assist|

| | |qualified students to acquire the skills necessary to obtain employment|

| | |in the broadcast industry, while allowing the student to gain school |

| | |credit. The duration of an internship is typically three to four |

| | |months, depending on the length of the school semester. Interns are |

| | |recruited by listing open position on the company-wide internet job |

| | |site and by notifying area colleges/universities regarding internship |

| | |openings as well as through student-initiated contacts. Each |

| | |department creates a program that is department-specific, however, an |

| | |intern’s duties generally include providing assistance with, various |

| | |sales related tasks, promotional events, on-air remote broadcasts, |

| | |cutting audio clips, creating videos on YouTube, posting on Social |

| | |Media, call screening, writing news stories on newsmaker interview, |

| | |updating the morning show website and various duties in our newsroom. |

| | |During this reporting period the Promotions department for both WMAL |

| | |and WSBN hosted four (4) interns during the Summer, Fall and Winter. |

| | |These interns came from various universities and colleges, including |

| | |one (1) from each of the following: Rollins College, Penn State, Loyola|

| | |University, and from Prince Georges Community College. |

| | |WMAL also hosted one (1) intern in its Programming department, from the|

| | |University of North Florida. |

|3 |Participate in events or programs sponsored by educational |In November 2019 Larry O’Connor, WMAL-FM talent hosted a group of about|

| |institutions relating to career opportunities in broadcasting.|20 journalism students from Huron High School from the state of |

| |(2) |Michigan. As part of their field trip the students and teachers toured |

| | |the WMAL-FM studios and watched Larry performed his job On-Air. The |

| | |host discussed careers in broadcasting and the role of talk radio in |

| | |giving Americans and the world a platform on which important issues of |

| | |the day are discussed. |

| | | |

| | |On March 1, 2020 Larry O’Connor spoke to a group of about 8 students |

| | |from Michigan State University. Students were participants in annual |

| | |CPAC events at the National Harbor in Maryland. |

| | |Larry discussed the role of broadcasting as it helps to shape political|

| | |platforms in America. He also discussed the importance and power of |

| | |talk radio careers that provide a venue through which important issues |

| | |and ideas are discussed and shaped and news are delivered. |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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