COVID-19: A Weapon to Fundamentally Transform America

COVID-19: A Weapon to Fundamentally

Transform America

Marilyn M. Singleton, M.D., J.D.

An old Russian operating room joke says: Did you know

that in Russia tonsillectomies are done transrectally? No, why?

People are afraid to open their mouths!

Sadly, this joke could be describing the new America. What

has happened? Why have we collectively lost our minds? And

what has COVID-19 got to do with it?

While Americans have been asleep at the wheel, the power

brokers were manipulating us into constant societal unrest,

with dwindling individual liberties and growing dependency

on the government and big corporations. COVID-19 has been

a handy justification for left-leaning politicians to promote

and solidify their ideology. What many Americans were led to

believe was well-intentioned concern for our safety and health

has turned into a morass of ever-changing rules designed not

for our health, but to accustom us to government control of

our lives.

The collectivist political philosophy that has been

simmering in America for years may be coming to fruition. We

will recover from the COVID-19 disease, but will we recover

from the attendant malignant policy changes?

Paving the Way for Transformation

The COVID-19 pandemic has become a major ally in paving

the way for extreme social engineering. The U.S. political elite

and the assorted rich and powerful have one overarching

goal: to maintain and accumulate more power at any cost.

The hysteria and media manipulation surrounding the very

real SARS-CoV-2 virus and its COVID-19 disease are the makings

of a John Le Carr¨¦ novel. As with the prophesies of Nostradamus,

one can read anything into anything.1 However, what we are

witnessing has an uncanny similarity to the warning of former

KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov.2 Foreshadowing President Obama¡¯s

dream to ¡°fundamentally transform¡± America, Bezmenov

describes the stages that occur over decades to accomplish

¡°ideological subversion¡± of a population: (1) Demoralization

through academic and media manipulation, when facts no

longer matter; (2) Destabilization especially of the country¡¯s

economy, forcing government to become more intrusive in

our lives through doling out financial benefits; (3) Crises that

allow the government to circumvent the Constitution and

alter the checks and balances of government, and possibly to

impose martial law; (4) Normalization in which the populace

finally acquiesces and begins to assimilate communism.3

There you have it: the ¡°New Normal.¡±

The Perfect Storm (Crisis)

It Can Happen Here!

The year 2020 brought an incredible convergence of

a pandemic, national race riots, and a highly contentious

presidential election. While the election controversy and

Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons Volume 26 Number 2

the pandemic, even with its variants and mutations, will

fade, racism is the hot-button issue of choice to place all

societal fronts¡ªinterpersonal relationships, education, and

medicine¡ªin a constant state of turmoil. Let¡¯s call it acute

and chronic crises. COVID-19 is the crisis of the moment, and

racism is the chronic, festering sore that saps our society¡¯s

immune system.

The Social Justice Warriors and their media allies are working

furiously to transform our thinking about people with whom

we have harmoniously lived, worked, and played for years.

The term ¡°white supremacist¡± formerly conjured up images

of the hood-wearing, cross-burning Ku Klux Klansmen. Now

the term applies to anyone with whom the Wokerati disagree,

including those black and brown people who behaved badly

by professing conservative values, i.e., ¡°multiracial whiteness.¡±

Further dividing us, the party line dictates that we condemn

all white people for their ¡°whiteness.¡± This includes attributes

such as rugged individualism, family structure, emphasis on

the scientific methods, Protestant work ethic, planning for the

future, and speaking proper English.4 How interesting. These

are all qualities my black parents had instilled in me.

Even mathematics is racist. For example, teachers asking

students to show their work when solving math problems is

a sign of white supremacy. According to class materials, this

requirement reinforces ¡°worship of the written word as well

as paternalism¡± and wrong answers ¡°perpetuate objectivity as

well as fear of open conflict.¡±5 Take heed. If even a small group

of people can be convinced that math is racist, they can be

convinced of anything.

Enter the pandemic, stage left. COVID-19 has

disproportionately affected the American black population,

and the causes are likely multifactorial. Prevalent in the

American black population, obesity and hypertension are

key risk factors for the severity of COVID-19.6 This reality has

served up an excuse for coming up with a mathematical

model to show that wealth redistribution and reparations

to descendants of slaves would have decreased COVID-19


In polite company, no one dares dissect these changes

occurring in our society. Critical race theory (CRT) has replaced

critical thinking. Any concerns are dismissed as ¡°conspiracy

theories¡± or ¡°misinformation.¡± Indeed, some researchers have

felt inclined to study which members of a rural population are

susceptible to misinformation.8 Racism is the perfect chronic

crisis. Knowing how difficult it is to prove a negative, when all

else fails, calling someone a racist ends the discussion.

Summer 2021

We like to believe that our best and brightest are immune

from making irrational, immoral policy decisions. Two eye43

popping Supreme Court cases involving, not rednecks but

liberal icons and a recent COVID-related case tell us differently.

Buck v Bell (Facts Don¡¯t Matter)

When an agenda is at stake, facts don¡¯t matter. The

Supreme Court in the 1927 case, Buck v. Bell, Superintendent

of State Colony for Epileptics and Feeble Minded, upheld as

constitutional Virginia¡¯s compulsory sterilization law for the

institutionalized ¡°feeble-minded.¡± Progressive eugenicist

Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes wrote:

The principle that sustains compulsory vaccination

is broad enough to cover cutting the Fallopian

tubes¡­. [Carrie Bell¡¯s] welfare and that of society will

be promoted by her sterilization. It is better for all the

world if, instead of waiting to execute degenerate

offspring for crime or to let them starve for their

imbecility, society can prevent those who are manifestly

unfit from continuing their kind... Three generations of

imbeciles are enough.9

In fact, Plaintiff Carrie was merely an unwed mother, the

daughter of prostitute, but not feeble-minded. Justice Pierce

Butler, a devout Catholic, was the sole dissenter.10 He was

a consistent strict constitutional constructionist who had

opposed federal welfare programs and ruled against the New

Deal programs as unconstitutional.11 Unfortunately, Justice

Butler did not write a dissenting opinion. Although on-therecord state-sponsored sterilizations ended in 1981, the case

has never been overruled.

had intentionally suppressed or destroyed evidence from

government intelligence agencies reporting that Japanese

Americans posed no military threat to the U.S. Although the

district court cleared Korematsu¡¯s name, the Supreme Court

decision still stands.

The State v. Gokal (Demoralization)

What disease has overcome us that would prompt the

prosecution of a well-respected physician over a perceived

misuse of leftover COVID-19 vaccine? Dr. Hasan Gokal, who

worked for the Houston Public Health Department, had 10

doses of ready-to-expire COVID-19 vaccine.14 He documented

that he contacted first responders and the like to administer

these soon-to-expire doses and had no takers. At the 11th

hour, he gave doses to at-risk people who were not on the

approved government list. He was fired from his public health

job and charged with theft of $135 worth of vaccine. Sanity

prevailed, and the judge dismissed the charges¡ªafter Dr.

Gokal¡¯s name had been dragged through the mud. Like the

proverbial dog with a bone, the district attorney signaled that

he might continue to pursue the case. The wrong lesson may

be learned from this episode of government lunacy. If you

want to do the reasonable ethical thing, move underground

and operate in secrecy. Demoralization at its finest.

Psychological Tools for Fundamentally

Transforming America

Korematsu v. United States (No Evidence)

The 1944 Supreme Court six-to-three ruling in Korematsu

v. United States is clear evidence that a crisis can justify

government overreach and disregard for individual rights.12

Shortly after the United States entered World War II, progressive

icon President Franklin D. Roosevelt by Executive Order 9066

authorized the removal of people of Japanese ancestry¡ªmost

of whom were U.S. citizens. These law-abiding citizens were

removed from their homes (many in high-end neighborhoods

in California) and sent to out-of-state internment camps.

Twenty-three-year-old Fred Korematsu refused to leave

his home and was arrested for failure to report to a relocation

center. Korematsu¡¯s loyalty to the U.S. was never at issue. The

American Civil Liberties Union challenged the constitutionality

of the order. The Supreme Court ruled that detention was a

¡°military necessity¡± not based on race. Justice Robert Jackson¡¯s

dissent asserted: ¡°Korematsu ... has been convicted of an act

not commonly thought a crime. It consists merely of being

present in the state whereof he is a citizen, near the place

where he was born, and where all his life he has lived.¡±12 He

concluded that military expediency did not justify stripping

the internees of their constitutionally protected civil rights.

Fellow dissenter Justice Frank Murphy wrote: ¡°Such

exclusion goes over ¡®the very brink of constitutional power.¡¯ It

further deprives these individuals of their constitutional rights

to live and work where they will, to establish a home where

they choose and to move about freely.¡±12

In 1983, a pro bono legal team re-opened the case in

the San Francisco Federal District Court on the basis of

government misconduct.13 The government¡¯s legal team

Numerous political books have been written about

manipulating individuals to bring about radical change

in society, including Saul Alinsky¡¯s Rules for Radicals and

Eric Hoffer¡¯s The True Believer.15,16 After the Korean War,

psychologists studied the physical aspects of communist

¡°involuntary re-education¡± or ¡°brainwashing¡± to change the

ideological principles of our captive soldiers. One such study

known as the Biderman Report discovered several techniques.17

Of particular note were (1) isolation, depriving subjects of

social support; (2) demonstrating omnipotence, showing

who is in charge and the futility of resistance; (3) degradation,

making resistance worse than compliance; and (4) enforcing

trivial demands to develop the habit of compliance.

Similarly, the 1956 Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) study

on communist control techniques determined that the central

key to controlling the victim was isolation.

A major aspect of his prison experience is isolation.

Man is a social animal; he does not live alone. From

birth to death he lives in the company of his fellow

man. His relations with other people and, especially

with those closest to him, are almost as important to

him as food or drink.18

The CIA¡¯s own dabbling in behavior modification prompted

a Senate Subcommittee on Constitutional Rights study in

1974.19 (Tellingly, such a subcommittee no longer exists).

Subcommittee Chairman Sam Ervin, Jr., stressed the intrusion

on individual rights:

When the founding fathers established our

constitutional system of government, they based

it on their fundamental belief in the sanctity of the

individual¡­. They understood that self-determination


Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons Volume 26 Number 2

Summer 2021

is the source of individuality; and individuality is

the mainstay of freedom¡­. To my mind the most

serious threat posed by the technology of behavior

modification is the power this technology gives one

man to impose his views and values on another¡­.

If our society is to remain free, one man must not be

empowered to change another man¡¯s personality and

dictate the values, thoughts and feelings of another.20

There was a time in a galaxy not so far away when individual

rights were paramount.

COVID-19 Lockdowns: Death by Any Other Name

(Isolation and Destabilization)

The prolonged COVID-19 lockdowns appear to have

taken a page from the communist playbook. First, the various

ministries of health instilled in us fear of certain death. While

clearly not approaching the torture our prisoners of war

endured, one of the ¡°non-pharmacological interventions¡±

employed to ¡°flatten the curve¡± of the COVID-19 pandemic

was two weeks of lockdowns in one¡¯s own home, only leaving

for state-approved ¡°essential activities.¡± The common folk

were initially told that it was silly to wear a mask. Then despite

evidence to the contrary, all of us were told to wear masks at

all times¡ªeven in our own homes.21

Soon it became clear that lockdowns and isolation had

caused more harm than good to the population and would

likely lead to an increase in non-COVID-related deaths. A mere

2 months into the ¡°2 weeks to flatten the curve¡± lockdown,

liquor sales were up 55 percent.22 Anti-anxiety prescriptions

were up 34 percent.23 Verifiable domestic violence doubled in

6 months.24 Some 80,000 diagnoses of five common cancers

might have been missed or delayed by June 2020 because of

disruptions to medical care.25 Moreover, despite increases in

telemedicine, evaluations of cardiovascular risk factors have

dropped by 50 percent.26

Along with the physical problems there is a drastic

decline in mental health. The Centers for Disease Control

and Prevention (CDC) reported that 40 percent of thousands

surveyed reported at least one adverse mental or behavioral

health condition.27 Thirteen percent started or increased

substance use to cope with stress or emotions related to

COVID-19 lockdowns. Eleven percent seriously considered

suicide. The most vulnerable and impressionable¡ªour

children¡ªhave fared poorly. A FAIR Health study examining

health insurance claims from January 2020 to November 2020

documented the doubling of pediatric mental health visits

in March and April 2020.28 (FAIR is an independent nonprofit

that manages the nation¡¯s largest database of privately billed

health insurance.)

In addition to mental health issues, the children lost a year

of in-person education. Despite the CDC data that determined

that attending school or child care was not associated with

having positive SARS-CoV-2 test results, many states continued

to deny children in-person learning.29 Racial equity be damned,

the learning gap for poor and minority students has widened

based on these irrational policies. A large survey of parents

across the country showed parents from low-income homes

are twice as likely to say remote learning is going poorly or

very poorly and were 10 times as likely to report that their

Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons Volume 26 Number 2

Summer 2021

children are doing little or no remote learning.30 Forty percent

of the poorest students were participating in remote learning

only once a week or less. Some of these children dropped out

and may never regain the lost earnings potential.

Finally, even into 2021, people are suffering from the

economic impact of the lockdowns. Forty percent of adults say

their household experienced a job or income loss due to the

coronavirus outbreak¡ªincluding a majority of young adults.

This crosses all racial lines.31 The World Health Organization

has admitted that lockdowns ¡°make the poor an awful lot


In many states, two weeks became several months.

Businesses remained closed (forever in some cases), extended

families remained separated, elders and patients died alone. We

were teased with some business openings but soon many were

shut down without cause while the privileged (government

officials and lobbyists) dined at the most expensive restaurant

west of the Mississippi. No scientific evidence supported

lockdowns.33,34 Despite pleas from internationally renowned

scientists, the lockdowns continued.35

Given all this evidence, why maintain the lockdowns?

As the CIA discovered, the isolated person feels ¡°profoundly

anxious, helpless, frustrated, dejected, and entirely uncertain

about his future.¡±18 Lockdowns, randomly designating which

businesses are ¡°essential,¡± and opening and closing business

at the whim of the government is designed to keep us in

line. Hiding one¡¯s face with a mask is not normal, yet the

government messages that it is immoral to not wear a mask

at all times. Unrealistic limits of family get-togethers further

intrude into our personal lives. I thought the government was

supposed to stay out of our bedrooms.

This is a wake-up call. Becoming a psychological cripple is

not an option.

Cancel Culture (Degradation)

¡°Cancel culture¡± is psychological isolation of folks who

committed the mortal sin of expressing an alternative

viewpoint. If our Supreme Court Justices can be swept up

in hysteria or the political or social agenda of the moment,

is it any wonder that ordinary folks are lured by the superior

feeling of ¡°canceling¡± someone? All these folks need is a little

push by the all-seeing, all-knowing 21st-century masters of

the universe.

The examples are legion and cross all occupational lines.

Eighteen retail outlets dropped the product of a pillow

manufacturer who publicly expressed his evidence-based

concerns about 2020 election fraud.36 A record label dropped

a musician after he peacefully attended the January 6, 2021,

President Trump rally in Washington, D.C.¡ªprior to any mob

unruliness.37 A Stanford¡¯s Hoover Institution physician scholar

(and Trump adviser) was excoriated in the widely read Journal

of the American Medical Association for having an opinion that

differed from that of the scientifically inconsistent Dr. Anthony

Fauci.38 A Northern California physician was relieved of his

surgical directorship for the crime of expressing in writing

his concern that his county¡¯s lockdown was resulting in more

harm than good.39

Folks gripped by their own power are renaming schools

because they determined that some actions of the schools¡¯


namesakes are now socially unacceptable. Employing the

¡°just one thing¡± test for offensiveness, including slaveowners,

exploiters of workers/people, domestic abusers or oppressors,

environmental abusers, and of course white supremacists,

historical figures are erased after minutes of thoughtful

deliberation. Accordingly, no more Abraham Lincoln, George

Washington, Vasco N¨²?ez de Balboa, Father Junipero Serra,

Herbert Hoover, Thomas Jefferson, Robert Louis Stevenson, or

Dianne Feinstein.40 COVID-19 to the rescue. The Stalinesque

¡°show me the man and I¡¯ll show you his crime¡± schoolrenaming plans were put on hold only because the mayor

pointed out that formulating a plan to reopen schools should

take precedence on the school board¡¯s to-do list.41

Wokanistas beware! The first target of censorship is

rarely the last. Despite her good deeds to all races, Eleanor

Roosevelt¡¯s calling black folks ¡°darkies¡± and ¡°pickaninnies¡±

should count her out.42 What about President Roosevelt? He

appointed Hugo Black, an ex-Klansman to the Supreme Court.

He did not allow black reporters at his press conferences. And

he did not support anti-lynching legislation for fear of losing

Southern support.43 Somehow President Biden is allowed to

forgive Communist China for its atrocities (including rape

and torture) against the Uighurs as mere different ¡°cultural

norms.¡±44 We cannot, however, understand or forgive the

different cultural norms existing during the early times of

American and European slavery.

Unbridled cancel culture has escalated to ¡°re-education.¡±

An attorney with Public Broadcasting Service (paid with our

tax dollars) suggested locking up Trump voters and putting

their children in re-education camps.45 Former national news

anchor, Katie Couric, recommended deprogramming Trump

supporters.46 These comments were not spoken in jest. Experts

in cult deprogramming are offering their services to aid those

who believe in ¡°conspiracy theories.¡±47

Remember Sam Ervin¡¯s words: ¡°If our society is to remain

free, one man must not be empowered to change another

man¡¯s personality and dictate the values, thoughts and

feelings of another.¡±20

Playing Hide and Seek with the Truth

Under the guise of seeking the truth on social media,

Facebook¡¯s and Twitter¡¯s unidentified fact checkers brand

opinions they do not like as misinformation, many times

without explanation. YouTube scandalously deleted portions

of videos of official U.S. Senate hearings discussing successful

early treatment of COVID-19 from Senator Ron Johnson¡¯s

channel.48 And to add insult to injury, Facebook and Twitter

offered the Biden White House assistance in removing what

the tech overlords consider COVID-19 misinformation.49

We would expect better from mainstream news media.

However, they have effectively become Pravda. (Pravda,

meaning ¡°the Truth,¡± was a Russian newspaper established in

1912. When Stalin came into power, he turned the newspaper

into a propaganda arm to hide the truth. By 1918, Pravda

became an official publication of the Soviet Communist

Party.)50 Mimicking Pravda, the Washington Post, now owned

by the richest person in the world, scrubbed an ¡°inartful¡± joke

by Kamala Harris after the election.51 She had compared being


on the campaign trail to being a starving prison inmate. She

said what she said. Let the people decide. ABC News edited

out Sen. Chuck Schumer¡¯s (D-N.Y.) embarrassing sexually

tinged flub.52 And the list goes on.

Americans are generally quite reasonable. With due cause,

we have willingly submitted to government interventions,

such as airport security measures after 9/11. The country

would have accepted that COVID-19 could be a very nasty,

contagious disease that you would not want to contract,

and taken appropriate precautions. Instead, those in charge

chose to persuade through incomplete information. The news

presented COVID-19 deaths and ¡°cases,¡± rarely making the

distinction between those who are ill and those who simply

had a positive test for SARS-CoV-2 but had no symptoms.

Moreover, the survivability factors soon became clear.

Survival rates range from 99.997% in the young to 94.6% in

those older than 70.53 Forty percent of deaths were in nursing

home residents.54 Additionally, 94 percent of persons who

died had, on average, 3.8 additional conditions or causes per

death.55 We would have been happy to take extra precautions

for our elders and allow other groups to use safeguards

commensurate with their risk.

According to a peer-reviewed study of the CDC¡¯s datacollection methodology, CDC admitted it had comingled data

from the reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction

(RT-PCR) test that detects viral RNA with antibody tests that

detect past infections (and may pick up antibodies to the

common cold).56 Consequently, some infected persons were

counted twice. Further, CDC¡¯s new Mar 24, 2020, rule diverged

from the 2003 Coroners¡¯ Handbook on Death Registration and

Fetal Death Reporting and Physicians¡¯ Handbook on Medical

Certification of Death. Post COVID-19, death certificates

allowed unconfirmed COVID-19 to be listed as the cause of

death rather than a contributor to death from an underlying

condition. The study concluded the procedural change

inflated COVID fatalities by at least 1,600 percent. Many

deaths were of patients with serious underlying conditions

or who were already in hospice and had weeks to live and

coincidentally tested positive.

One might also conclude that the the sudden

disappearance of influenza this season might be due to flu

cases being given the diagnostic code for COVID-19.57

Are we getting the facts or the ¡°official story¡±? Relying

on their common sense, some are ignoring the government

recommendations and defying mandates that have proven to

make no sense. Because the censors bury the facts, many less

informed Americans continue to be taken in by government

manipulation. Honest, complete information is what we need

to make rational decisions.

Censorship and COVID-19 (Tyranny of Experts)

Pol Pot, Stalin, and Mao killed millions with bullets, forced

labor, or starvation to achieve their goals and to silence

dissenting opinions. But as Vladimir Lenin noted, ¡°ideas are

much more fatal than guns.¡±58 Thus, where propaganda and

media bias do not succeed, censorship will. Physician proles

are being censored, our polite version of ¡°disappearing¡±


Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons Volume 26 Number 2

Summer 2021

We now have thousands of studies on the SARS-CoV-2 virus

and COVID-19. There is a real-time database and meta-analysis

of many studies and reports documenting success of early

treatment with safe, low-cost, readily available medications.59

Favoring costly new experimental drugs, Dr. Fauci disdainfully

damned these studies¡¯ validity as merely ¡°observational.¡± They

had not met his gold standard of randomized controlled trials


Unfortunately, busy physicians and the general public are

likely unaware of the favorable history of patient ¡°observation.¡±

More than 150 years ago, when defending the advantages of

ether over chloroform in childbirth, Dr. Walter Channing wrote:

They know that these remedies of pain have been

widely used, and with a success which attaches to no

other known remedy in practical medicine. They look

to the facts. They collect these; and, when the time for

philosophizing has come, they will with great pleasure

use physiology, and all other collateral aid, in their

important generalizations¡­. But in the very imperfect

condition of this noble science, they are willing to take

the guidance of simple fact, of daily observation, in

the conviction that, if wisely followed, it will never lead

them astray.60

Current reviews have validated Dr. Channing¡¯s observation.

A comparison of observational studies and RCTs of

therapeutics over the last 35 years found ¡°little evidence that

estimates of treatment effects in observational studies¡­are

either consistently larger than or qualitatively different from

those obtained in randomized, controlled trials.¡±61 Indeed,

many thousands of deaths might have been averted had the

bureaucrats heeded the advice of clinicians on prophylactic

or early treatment rather than using our lives to make political

points or sell more expensive and less effective drugs.62

If Dr. Fauci was so enamored of randomized controlled

trials, why did he not follow the results of the RCT to determine

the effectiveness of community mask-wearing with 6,000

participants?63 The study found that wearing a mask offered

no statistically significant benefit: after the one-month study

period, about 2 percent of the mask wearers and the non-mask

wearers had a positive PCR test. Despite the study validating

years of observational studies, he then recommended wearing

two masks. Why? Because he¡¯s showing you who is the boss.

These studies coupled with the CDC survival data would

call for a more measured response appropriate for the risk

involved. Let the young and healthy live their lives with

preventive precautions like hand washing and ¡°respiratory

etiquette,¡± i.e., coughing/sneezing into the elbow, and staying

home if sick. Protect the elderly and immunocompromised,

consider prophylaxis, and provide early treatment to those

who are symptomatic.

COVID-19 Vaccination as a Means of Control

In the often cited 1905 case of Jacobson v. Massachusetts,

the U.S. Supreme Court upheld a city ordinance requiring

that all adults be vaccinated against smallpox, subject to a $5

fine.64 The Court noted that the liberties guaranteed by the

Constitution are not absolute and that the police power of

the state is justified. In this case, the state board of health had

Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons Volume 26 Number 2

Summer 2021

determined that it was necessary for public health and safety.

Although decided in 1905, the case is considered ¡°good law.¡±

Many current discussions of Jacobson as precedent for

the constitutionality of mandatory vaccines miss a key issue

addressed by the Court. At the outset of his ruling, Justice

John M. Harlan II asked, ¡°What results were intended to be

accomplished by [the ordinance]?¡±64 Distinguishing between

facts and opinion, Justice Harlan noted that both the ¡°common

belief¡± and the opinion of most medical experts was that

the vaccine was necessary to protect the public health.64 He

noted that Jacobson had not presented facts that indicated

vaccine was not the ¡°best mode for prevention of smallpox¡±

and necessary to protect public health.64 This implied that

facts contrary to the ¡°common belief¡± could have changed the


As noted above, there are many papers documenting

the successful prophylaxis and early treatment of COVID-19.

Additionally, COVID-19 cases and deaths are already

waning¡ªwell before any effect from the vaccines could kick

in.65 As the per curiam Supreme Court opinion in Brooklyn v.

Cuomo wrote, ¡°even in a pandemic, the Constitution cannot

be put away and forgotten.¡±66 Were such evidence presented

to an unbiased court, they would likely find that mandatory

COVID-19 vaccination was not necessary for the health and

safety of the public.

The current COVID-19 vaccines do not prevent infection

but rather attenuate the disease, and there are many other

avenues for protecting the public from moderate or severe

COVID-19 illness. Nonetheless, various types of COVID-19

vaccine trackers are proliferating. These range from a smartphone ¡°Vaccine Passport¡± app that collects your medical

record information to a ¡°Daily Pass¡± to attend school.67,68 No

sane person should submit to such an intrusion on personal


The fully vaccinated will become a new privileged class,

creating another way to divide us and keep us begging for

favors. Adding to the mental chaos, the experts told us life

will come back to normal once we have vaccines. We have

vaccines, but now are told that even if you are vaccinated, you

should still wear a mask because it is not really a vaccine that

keeps you from getting infected. Fear and anxiety make us

easier to control.

Authoritarianism as the ¡°New Normal¡±

It is well-known that the private tech companies, Google,

Twitter, and Facebook are continually sharpening their

algorithms to root out what they determine are ¡°hate speech¡±

and ¡°misinformation.¡± We can take it upon ourselves to avoid

social media and comb the internet for diverse and reliable

news sources. But now COVID-19 has emboldened Congress

to join in overt censorship. The ¡°COVID-19 Misinformation and

Disinformation Task Force Act of 2020¡± was introduced Aug 6,

2020, for the purpose of rooting out foreign misinformation

and disinformation.69 After its two readings it was referred

to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental


Who is fooled by this foreign meddling nonsense? Let¡¯s

note how quickly the word ¡°terrorist¡± became equated to



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