America’s Most Wanted Disease

America’s Most Wanted Disease

Research Project

Background Information:

Students will:

1. Research a pathogen (disease-causing agent)

2. Produce a "Wanted Poster"

3. Produce a three-dimensional model of the pathogen or create a PowerPoint presentation of the pathogen.

Model Requirements:

• NO food products or flammable items are to be used.

• Must be light and sturdy enough to hang from the ceiling.

• Must have string attached and be ready to hang from the ceiling.

• Must include a title with its scientific name, your name, and class period.

• Must be a typical viral or bacterial shapes (Use your book)

• Appropriate parts must be labeled: DNA, protein, plasmid, etc.

PowerPoint Requirements:

Your PowerPoint must follow these format requirements:

-A Title Slide -A picture in every slide

-At least 3 different backgrounds -At least 1 different slide transition

-No smaller than 28 font used -At least 1 animation

-5 X 5 rule (5 bullets, 5 words)

Project Rubric:

|Criteria |Point value |

|Model |20 |

|Poster |20 |

|PowerPoint |20 |


-Dysentary -Polio -Gangrene -Typhus

-Measles -Rubella -Strep Throat -Tuberculosis

-Mumps -Chickenpox -Herpes Simplex Type II -Thyphoid Fever

-Bubonic Plague -Smallpox -Toxiplasmosis -Malaria

-Hepatitis -HIV -Ulcers-Heliobacter pylorii -African Sleeping Sickness

Most Wanted Poster Requirements:

| | |Example: |

|Photo(s): 2 required |Electron micrograph or microscopic picture | [pic] [pic] |

| |Photo of the infection if possible | |

|Name: |Disease name |Pertussis |

|Alias: |Common name |Whooping cough |

|Causative agent (Bacteria/Virus): |Scientific name |Bordetella pertussis |

|Symptoms: |Describe the symptoms |runny nose |

| | |slight fever (102°F or lower) |

| | |severe, repeated coughs that: |

| | |diarrhea |

| | |choking spells in infants |

|Physical description: |What it looks like under a microscope |Aerobic, gram positive, micron in length |

|Modus operandi: |What part of the body does it attack and how it |Interferes with the reproductive system and cause |

| |works |swelling of the brain |

|Known associates: |List any other diseases closely related |Various poxes |

|Treatment: |Cures |Past: Leeches and flogging |

| | |Present: Antibiotics |

|Prevention/precautions: |Explain its method of transmission and how can you|Immunization in early childhood |

| |prevent yourself from getting it | |

|Known Hangouts: |Explain the area(s) in the world that this |[pic] |

| |pathogen is typically found. Include a map as | |

| |well. | |



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