Chapter 22 – Global Involvements and WWI (1902-1920)

Chapter 22 – Global Involvements and WWI (1902-1920)

I. America’s World Role Events

A. Foreign Policy Chart – KNOW THESE

B. What do the pre-World War I events suggest about American foreign policy?

II. War in Europe

A. What were the long-term reasons and immediate cause of World War I, which countries entered on what side, and how did the US initially react to the war?

B. What were the reasons for the tensions between the US and Germany during World War I, and how did events shape the election of 1816?

C. What factors eventually led to Wilson convincing Congress to declare war on April 2, 1917?

III. The Home Front During WWI

A. What new wartime acts and agencies did Congress create in order to organize the war effort?

B. How did Wilson go about using propaganda to get support for the war?

C. Who were the war dissenters and how did they put up resistance against the war? How did Wilson deal with the dissenters?

D. How were the areas and industry affected by the war and what were the effects on workers?

E. How did African-Americans and women hope to gain prestige during the war and what were the results of their actions?

F. How did the influenza epidemic effect society during World War I?

G. How did World War I both hurt and help Progressivism?

IV. World War I Battles, Armistice, and Aftermath

A. How did the AEF effect the events of World War I and what were the turning points of the war?

B. How did Wilson attempt to go about creating an armistice with Germany and how did that differ with the terms of the European leaders at the Versailles Peace Conference?

C. How did the Senate react to the Treaty of Versailles when called upon to ratify it, and how did Wilson’s reaction affect the country?

D. What post-war events were behind the Red Scare and racism during the late 1910s and how did the government react to the hysteria?

Foreign Policy Chart (1902-1914)

|Event |What Happened |Effect on USA |

|China and The Boxer Rebellion | | |

|Open Door Policy with China | | |

|Getting the Panama Canal | | |

|Building the Panama Canal | | |

|The Roosevelt Corollary | | |

|Dollar Diplomacy in Nicaragua with | | |

|Taft | | |

|Roosevelt the Peacemaker | | |

|(Russo-Japanese War) | | |

|Gentlemen’s Agreement with Japan | | |

|Creating the “Great White Fleet” | | |

|Wilson and the Mexican Revolution | | |


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