Reuters News December 1, 2010:


By Jeremy Laurence and Hyunjoo Jin Jeremy Laurence And Hyunjoo Jin

SEOUL (Reuters) – North Korea is highly likely to attack South Korea again, the South's spy chief said on Wednesday, as a flotilla of American warships led by an aircraft carrier left South Korean waters after a deadly attack…

China steadfastly stood by its ally, North Korea, on Wednesday, refusing to bow to international pressure and condemn its actions at the United Nations.

Meanwhile, a four-day show-of-force military exercise with the United States, which included the aircraft carrier USS George Washington, concluded and the vessels headed to another joint maneuver with Japan. South Korea is planning further artillery drills, "including waters close to the Yellow Sea border with the North" starting Monday, Yonhap said. Nearly 30,000 U.S. troops are based in South Korea, which is still technically at war with the North, having only signed a truce to end fighting in the 1950-53 war

How will this affect Israel, America and every living creature on planet earth? We’re not talking about Asia as a whole, but specific countries aligned in pact against Israel and the United States. America is positing itself right in the face of China, North Korea, and even Russia just to the northeast, by doing military exercises with the South Korean military right near the coast of both North Korea and China. North Koreans are fleeing out of southern Far East Russia to go home in case of war. I was in that very region of Russia in the winter of 1999 for 3 ½ months, to go to the gulags where Stalin sent Jews to labor and die. Now there is a huge Jewish population in the extreme Eastern part of Russia from south to north, even to the area near the coast of Alaska, and I was there to present their right to return to Israel. But, also, this is a strategic area militarily.

Provoking war? It looks like it. Not just the huge aircraft carrier, the USS George Washington [see two pictures below} but a “flotilla” of US ships? The tiny area of the Yellow Sea is bordered by China, North and South

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Korea, and is just above Japan. Russia looms near to the northeast, and Japan to the southeast. With all my research of late on end time prophetic events, the news of the USS George Washington entering the Yellow Sea left me sick inside and outside. If those nations around the Yellow Sea, and Russia, get infuriated enough, the result of their pact will certainly affect all of Asia, the Middle East, and America, and ultimately the whole world! [Please read the information on the USS George Washington in APPENDIX A below]

China and North Korean allies, Russia, Iran, Syria, Hezbollah, Hamas, other Muslim nations like Turkey, and etcetera, are not people to provoke, unless your agenda is world chaos to bring in new world order! That is the Illuminati motto: “Out of chaos, order”.

What countries surround America now? What countries have their nuclear submarines not far off America’s West Coast, East Coast, and in the Gulf of Mexico? What country is sending in its fighter jets into American airspace on the Eastern seacoast, and has even “buzzed” an American naval ship off of the Western seacoast? What country has used their advanced weather warfare technology to reek havoc with America’s weather? What country just sent a rocket from their country into America waters, hitting a civilian cruse ship and crippling it? Who is in alliance with who? How does this affect Israel? Russia and China have submarines along our coasts from top to bottom, in the Gulf, in North Mexico and Cuba, in Venezuela, and off Alaska too. America is surrounded by powerful weapon technology, carrying nuclear warheads, and most people go on with life as usual in their illusionary matrix.

As America is pressuring Israel, and now bribing Israel with promised F-35 fighter jets, to give away Yahuweh’s Land and His City to His enemies, the

backlash in judgment will be horrendous on America. I’ve written regarding the real possibility of America splitting in half along the New Madrid fault line and quoted prophecies that have gone forth from true prophets: “You divide My Land, and I’ll divide yours”.

I speak of Russia and China, but also North Korea, and their ally Iran--all with very real nuclear capabilities. Iran considers itself the ruling empire of the Muslim world. The Muslim world is aligning against Israel and America, but so is China, North Korea, and Russia. Russia has indeed even come into New Hampshire with their fighter jets and the US Air Force has had to run them off. They “buzzed” the USS Nimitz off of the California coast before

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it was sent to the Persian Gulf. These things match the details of prophecies in the Scriptures!

Former President Jimmy Carter gave America’s Panama (Pan-America) Canal to the Chinese for their base. America gave the Chinese a base of their own in San Diego. Canada has allowed the Chinese to buy ranches in Western Canada, on which they are raising cattle and other food products.

Are there forces of the evil one inside America working to make sure that America is totaled? OH YES! I’ve exposed a lot in the last few years, so I won’t repeat anything here. But, there is good reason why “President” Obama is bringing in Muslim terrorists into the U.S., and putting devout Muslims in high positions in the White House. There is good reason why the prison system has systematically taken the Bible out of the prisons and given the convicts the Koran--especially the non-Caucasian convicts. A race war is being brewed in America. A civil war is being brewed in America. And the nation is being set up to be totally destroyed to the ground as Jeremiah and other prophets have told us--attacked by the great assembly of nations from the north—Russia, China, and North Korea. [Refer to the study: “End-Time Babylon”]

The third part of the Mazzini/Pike Plan of 1871 to bring in a world ruler to rule a world government begins with “the creation of chaos”. [Refer to the article by that name]. To do this, war must be started in the Middle East between the Muslim world and Israel, with Asia to back the Muslim world.

It is a fact that Russia, China, and North Korea feed Iran their nuclear weapons. And Iran feeds Syria, Lebanon’s Hezbollah, Israel’s Hamas, Egypt, Libya, and all the Arab states, nuclear weapons with biological and chemical warheads to destroy Israel.

A common expression among Muslims is: “First Saturday and then Sunday”:

Meaning, first Jewish Israel and then Christian America. President Barry Hussein Sorento who changed his name in college to Barack Hussein Obama, admitted his “Muslim faith” publicly. I heard him. But, his actions are even stronger than his words.

Hey does this sound strange? A submarine from China off California’s

Coast firing missiles? … from

“…China is not Russia, they are much more aggressive. They have been

preparing for war with the US for a long time and this new Cold War

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will most likely go hot within three years, maybe much sooner. This

could very well be the first shot of WWIII. Think about this: This has never happened in history. No country has ever fired an ICBM off the

shores of America. Of course they have probably agreed on when to start it, the outcome and what cities will be sacrificed, because WW3

has been planned by the Illuminati before WW1 even began. 

Wayne Madsen Report: China Fired Missile Seen in Southern California

November 10, 2010 Pentagon covered up Chinese show of force off L.A.

China flexed its military muscle Monday evening in the skies west of Los Angeles when a Chinese Navy Jin class ballistic missile nuclear submarine, deployed secretly from its underground home base on the south coast of Hainan island, launched an intercontinental ballistic missile from international waters off the southern California coast. WMR’s intelligence sources in Asia, including Japan, say the belief by the military commands in Asia and the intelligence services is that the Chinese decided to demonstrate to the United States its capabilities on the eve of the G-20 Summit in Seoul and the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit in Tokyo, where President Obama is scheduled to attend during his ten-day trip to Asia. The reported Chinese missile test off Los Angeles came as a double blow to Obama. The day after the missile firing, China’s leading credit rating agency, Dagong Global Credit Rating, downgraded sovereign debt rating of the United States to A-plus from AA. The missile demonstration coupled with the downgrading of the United States financial grade represents a military and financial show of force by Beijing to Washington.

There are no records of a plane in the area having taken off from Los Angeles International Airport or from other airports in the region. The Navy and Air Force have said that they were not conducting any missile tests from submarines, ships, or Vandenberg Air Force Base. The Navy has also ruled out an accidental firing from one of its own submarines. Missile experts, including those from Jane’s in London, say the plume was definitely from a missile, possibly launched from a submarine. WMR has learned that the missile was likely a JL-2 ICBM, which has a range of 7,000 miles, and was fired in a northwesterly direction over the Pacific and away from U.S.

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territory from a Jin class submarine. The Jin class can carry up to twelve such missiles. Japanese and other Asian intelligence agencies believe that a Chinese Jin-class SSBN submarine conducted missile “show of force” in skies west of Los Angeles.

Asian intelligence sources believe the submarine transited from its base on Hainan through South Pacific waters, where U.S. anti-submarine warfare detection capabilities are not as effective as they are in the northern and mid-Pacific, and then transited north to waters off of Los Angeles. The Pentagon, which has spent billions on ballistic missile defense systems, a pet project of former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, is clearly embarrassed over the Chinese show of strength.


Likely route of Jin-class submarine from Hainan base.

The White House also wants to downplay the missile story before President Obama meets with his Chinese counterpart in Seoul and Tokyo. According to Japanese intelligence sources, Beijing has been angry over United States

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and allied naval exercises in the South China and Yellow Seas, in what China considers its sphere.

The firing disabled a cruise ship, knocked out its electrical abilities and it limped into L.A. – the people had little food, water, and other facilities. All kinds of excuses were made, but the ship was in the path of the missile.

I am mind boggled at the possible firing from a base on Hainan Island. I was on Hainan Island in 1994, taking “illegal materials” to the believers there. The island is about the size of Texas. My Dutch partner and I were the only westerners on the island at the time in Haikow, the main city. It was a miracle story that we were able to get about 400 pounds of Bibles to the believers.

It is possible that it is China who has the 200 million-man army of Revelation 9:15-16. Because of China’s one child law, the girls are aborted, or killed after being born, because the families, for the most part, want boys. Now, China has a powerful male military force, with few women to marry the men are dedicated to the battle. They have no mercy--life means nothing to them. But, the same can be said of North Koreans and military Russians.

Tuesday, November 23rd, North Korea made an unprecedented strike on South Korea. Look at a map of the Yellow Sea region, below. Look at how all these events border the Yellow Sea. Shortly after the BP oilrig explosion last April in the Gulf of Mexico, the worst reported oil spill disaster happened in China. Where was that? -- In Dailan (see map below).

You should have a map of the world and a map of Israel – big enough to see where things are, otherwise, the mind can easily dismiss what the eyes do not see. Get a world Atlas – learn about life outside the US box. The whole world sits on a keg of dynamite, and you must see with your eyes where things are so that you can pray with understanding and passion.

Look up those countries on Internet, and click “images” – watch short YouTube videos--learn something of each place that is in the news so that you can tie them together and the Spirit can show them to you in the prophetic Word. It’s all in the Prophets and Revelation! Don’t spend unnecessary time on the Internet, but as long as we have it, use it to learn. Keep up with Israeli news on (Arutz Sheva).

Get the alliances right--China, Russia and North Korea are all in league and all in pact with Iran, Syria, Hezbollah, Hamas, now Turkey and other Muslim nations. If Iran starts war with Israel, the big three will back Iran, along with the entire Muslim world--Ezekiel 38.

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[For the lineup, refer to: “Ezekiel 38 and 39 – Building Towards Reality”/2009]

From The Jerusalem Post, Wednesday, November 24th: “Korean aggression is a taste of what could happen if Iran goes nuclear” – by Yaacov Katz…”Many Israelis heard about the Korean flare-up on Tuesday between the north and the south and justifiably wondered what it had to do with the Jewish state.

Thousands of kilometers away from Israel, which already has enough problems closer to home, the tension in the Yellow Sea should not immediately be a point

of concern. But it is. … North Korea and Iran are close allies, and for

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decades have collaborated on military and nuclear technology. North Korea is a known exporter of missile technology to Syria and Iran…In nuclear terms the collaboration was demonstrated by revelation in 2007 that Syria was building a nuclear reactor modeled after the North Korean one built at Yongbyon…the Syrian reactor was destroyed by Israel…On Tuesday Foreign Minister Avigdor

Lieberman said…`I think we see that North Korea is not just a threat for their part of the world but for the Middle East and the entire world…Now with a proven nuclear capability North Korea has already tested a weapon--Pyongyang can be aggressive…This is one of the challenges faces when considering a nuclear Iran. While Israel and Iran do not share a border, Iranian proxies such as Hezbollah and Hamas would be able to be more daring in their acts of aggression against Israel since they would have the backing of a nuclear country’ ”.

Russia has been supplying Egypt with weapons and supplies for many years also, as well as opening the door for nuclear supplies/weapons to some South American countries like Venezuela and Ecuador. I remember when Russia’s Vladimir Putin visited King Abdullah of Jordan to offer him nuclear

“supplies”. I was in Aqaba at the time (2007), and learned that a large Iranian freighter came into port with Putin and left when he left.

From The Jerusalem Post Wednesday November 23, 2010 report from South Korea by Hyung-Jin Kim and Kwang-Tae Kim, from Incheon, South Korea: “North and South Korea exchanged artillery fire on Tuesday after the North shelled an island near their disputed sea borders, killing at least two South Korean marines and setting dozens of buildings ablaze and sending civilians fleeing for shelter”.

“The island of Yongpyeong lies a mere 11 kilometers within sight of the North Korean mainland. The United States…has more than 28,000 troops stationed in South Korea…”

From The Jerusalem Post November 26th Friday, report from Seoul, South Korea: “South Korea’s Defense Minister resigned on Thursday…Pyongyang warned of additional attacks if provoked. The North’s bombardment of the South’s tiny island…was the first such attack on a civilian area, raising fears of an escalation leading to a new war on the Korean Peninsula. Seoul and Washington ratcheted up pressure on China to reign in its ally North

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Korea…Yeonpyeong lies about 80 kilometers from South Korea’s western port of Incheon, 11 miles from North Korean shores.”

This is the first such outbreak between North and South Korea since the Korean War. But, China is being drawn in. Japan is being drawn in. There are US bases on islands off the west coast of Japan, which irritates China. Not just the US military presence irritates China, but the fact that Japan controls the islands and not them.

From The Washington Times, November 14th: In Japan on Saturday, Prime Minister Naoto Kan thanked Mr. Obama for U.S. support during Tokyo's recent dispute with China over Chinese fishing near Japan's Senkaku Islands. `For the peace and security of the countries in the region, the presence of the United States and the presence of the U.S. military, I believe, is becoming only increasingly important’ Mr. Kan said.

Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates said last month during the Japan-China dispute that the Senkakus are covered by the U.S.-Japanese defense treaty, a signal to China that the U.S. military is prepared to defend the islands from Chinese encroachment. The United States also could face a Chinese missile strike on its bases and ships in a future conflict with China over Taiwan…

The Jerusalem Post November 26, 2010: “Why a brazen N. Korea is an Israeli concern – Iran, Syria, Hezbollah are direct, substantial benefactors of the rogue state’s weapons and know-how” … By Jonathan Spyer: “North Korean assistance also plays a vital role in the Iranian missile program. Tehran’s Shihab missile project is a product of that relationship…There have been claims by serious researchers of a North Korean role in the construction of the Hezbollah underground tunnel network, which played a vital role in the 2006 Lebanon war. A wealth of evidence thus exists to indicate that Iran, Syria, and almost certainly Hezbollah are direct and substantial benefactors of North Korean weaponry and know-how…”. From “The Editor’s Notes”: “Iran regards itself as one of the world’s great nations, and certainly the rightful leader of the Islamic world…With its own oil reserves depleting it would be more capable of imposing itself on weaker oil producing neighbors—its evident muscling in on Bahrain is a mild harbinger of what might follow”.

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America is being drawn in--preparing for war--to defend itself yes, but possibly South Korea, Taiwan, and even Japan. I got news from a friend in Australia that Hillary Clinton was in Australia recently to prepare bases for the US military in the face of possible conflict with China: “Hilary came to Australia and NZ to bring us into 'bases for their nuclear warships'… the threat is China.”

We are also moving more and more warships into the Persian Gulf not far off the Iranian coast. The Asian theatre and the Middle East are being joined into one giant conflict—and with the big nuclear powers of the earth all joining in conflict with the nuclear powers of America and Israel—you can see why so many passages in the Prophets talk about the earth being “emptied” of people – like Isaiah 13, 24, and Zephaniah 1. [Refer to the two two-page Scripture lists: “All Flesh” and “No Flesh Saved But A Remnant”]

Let reality sink in. What is more important than getting more and more into the Word, letting the Spirit teach you truth, showing you things to come as He promised, living in the Presence of the Elohim of Eternity? We have entered the 3rd year of the final seven before He comes, and we’re fast approaching the half-way point. So many are saying that it feels like time is literally flying faster. Around 1993, I had two short dreams of locomotives going full throttle, their

trains breaking all the barriers, and Abba’s word saying: “I have set things in motion that will move ahead full throttle--that cannot be stopped”.

In 2007, I had a powerful dream. I was alone on a street by a field in Chicago. I saw three different cars all going slowly, then speeding to great speeds and hitting a barrier loaded with explosives, blowing up, the final car’s explosion brought down buildings across the field from where I was standing. As soon as I thought I’d run to some building for shelter, it would explode and collapse. He said to me: I am removing all security from you. The only place left to hide was in Him. He let me know that the cars represented time, and that time was speeding up to the destruction of America. It is being felt in the spirit.

In 2009 when I was in Israel, Abba reminded me of that dream, of my being in Chicago. It was during the time when Obama was making his victory speech in a park in Chicago. Remember he was a Senator from Illinois. Abba said at that time, “Now time will speed up faster than ever.” Of course, as people are feeling that time is speeding up, it is in the realm of the spirit. The conflict is fast approaching between Micha’el and the Dragon--Revelation 12.

China has become the world’s leading economic trader, with a space program too, and nuclear weapons. China is not a developing “third world” nation—NO.

The Communist world is considered “Second World”, and Russia is #8 in the G-8, and considered a part of the “First World” because of their military might. On

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the UN Security Council of five permanent members– what a sick joke – two of them are Russia and China.

Watch carefully as this unfolds, because it is unfolding fast, and Israel is in the middle of it. The Prince of Persia is about to clash with the Prince of Greece, and Israel is in the middle. (Daniel 10)

Revolutionize your life. What must be your top priority is your personal relationship with the coming King of the universe. Let go of all that would stand in your way of preparing for your eternity. This world is passing away quickly. [Refer to the article just sent: “Living From the Eternal Mind”]

As Shimon Kepha says, II Peter 1:13, 16: “Having girded up the loins of your mind, being sober-minded, set your expectation perfectly on the favor that is to be brought to you at the revelation of Messiah Yahushua…because it has been written `Be set apart, for I am set-apart’ ”.

Praise the Names of Yahuweh and Yahushua Yahuweh!

Come Messiah Yahushua Come! Strengthen us, comfort us, sustain us, and clearly give us our assignments, for we are Your servants!

Love and peace,


November 27, 2010: Dedicated today to Jack Miller (1913-1983)

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By Eeyore | November 26, 2010 -- from vladtepesblog. com

[pic]This is a powerful statement by the US in terms of its commitment to South Korea. However, North Korea’s pattern seems to be to provoke once the last provocation has died down, as in their estimation the Western mind set cannot focus for more than a few news cycles. North Korea sunk the Chon An and killed 40 plus South Korean navy personnel, Then after a while, a South Korean aircraft went missing and 2 Air-force people aboard. I have no idea what happened to them I didn’t follow that story after the disappearance.

Then the recent attack on the ‘Disputed’ yet clearly South Korean Island. My guess is, the USS George Washington will sail around the area for 3 weeks while the North prepares it’s next outrage and once the ship has left they will commit it. North Korea may be evil, may not care one bit about the safety or well being of its own people and may be prepared to see some or all of them die in pointless provocations, but they are not stupid.


USS George Washington heads for Yellow Sea; North Korea’s top Kims visit factory

Posted by Freepressers China, Donald Kirk, North Korea, Terrorism, Top Stories, U.S. Military by Donald Kirk, East-Asia-

SEOUL — The specter of a powerful American naval force steaming intothe Yellow Sea escalates the drama of conflict off the Korean Peninsula to a new level of intensity.

The decision to include the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier USS George Washington in a strike force of five vessels defies not only North Korean threats but also the objections of China into what the Chinese have come to regard as their own sphere of influence.

The USS George Washington, with a combat-ready air wing on board, arrives Sunday, joining the South Koreans in an exercise that’s sure to keep the waters boiling for five days of war games in the aftermath of North Korea’s artillery barrage on a small South Korean island on Tuesday.

The show of force will be dramatic, but North Korea is not expected to respond with gunfire as long as the Americans are operating off South Korea’s west coast. They would not, in any case, be able to do much harm to the Americans, whose forces will remain well below the Northern Limit Line below which the U.S. and South Koreans say North Korean ships are banned.

North Korea has breathed fresh outrage, promising to launch attacks against hostile forces intruding so much as one millimeter into their own waters. It was on that pretext that North Korea on Tuesday fired 170 shells into an island populated mainly by fishermen and farmers living near bases where South Korean marines were operating.

Hours after the barrage, North Korea was boasting of its success in defeating the South, and the sense now is that the North has made its point. North Korean forces may strike again anywhere, on sea and along the 160-mile land border between the two Koreas, taking South Korea and the U.S. by surprise.

Given that strategy, the appearance of USS George Washington in the Yellow Sea is clearly another act in the drama but not a sign of mounting hostilities. The U.S. command covered the announcement in a veneer of verbiage intended to show that the operation was not only “defensive in nature” but “well planned before yesterday’s unprovoked attack”.

The purpose, said the command, was “to improve our military interoperability” — meaning coordination with South Koreans — while demonstrating “the strength of the Republic of Korea-U.S. alliance and our commitment to regional stability through deterrence.”

The real problem, however, is that the U.S. and South Korea seem incapable of persuading China to bring enough pressure on North Korea to persuade the North to pull back from a strategy of intermittent violence and intimidation.

The United States has been pleading with China to bring North Korea into line as a prerequisite for any consideration of returning to negotiations.

President Barack Obama buttressed American diplomatic gestures during a half-hour telephone conversation with South Korea’s President Lee Myung-Bak. Yonhap, the South Korean news agency, passing on the word from Lee’s staff at the Blue House, said that Obama had told Lee that China needed to take a firm stand against the North. A Blue House spokesman said the two leaders “agreed that the indiscriminate attack against the territory of the Republic of Korea and its civilians was a premeditated provocation”.

Neither Obama nor Lee, however, seems willing to go beyond joint exercises.

They apparently did not discuss the critical question of at what stage the United States would send troops to South Korea’s defense

From Yahoo News November 26, 2010

By CHRISTOPHER BODEEN, Associated Press Christopher Bodeen, Associated Press – Fri Nov 26, 10:32 am ET

BEIJING – This weekend's arrival of a U.S. aircraft carrier in the Yellow Sea poses a dilemma for Beijing: Should it protest angrily and aggravate ties with Washington, or quietly accept the presence of a key symbol of American military pre-eminence off Chinese shores?

The USS George Washington, accompanied by escort ships, is to take part in military drills with South Korea following North Korea's shelling of a South Korean island Tuesday that was one of the most serious confrontations since the Korean War a half-century ago.

It's a scenario China has sought to prevent. ***Only four months ago, Chinese officials and military officers shrilly warned Washington against sending a carrier into the Yellow Sea for an earlier set of exercises. Some said it would escalate tensions after the sinking of a South Korean navy ship blamed on North Korea. Others went further, calling the carrier deployment a threat to Chinese security.

Beijing believes its objections worked. Although Washington never said why, no aircraft carrier sailed into the strategic Yellow Sea, which laps at several Chinese provinces and the Korean peninsula.

This time around, with outrage high over the shelling, the U.S. raising pressure on China to rein in wayward ally North Korea, and a Chinese-American summit in the works, the warship is coming, and Beijing is muffling any criticisms.

"One of the results of North Korea's most recent belligerence has been to make it more difficult for China to condemn U.S. naval deployments in the East China Sea," said Michael Richardson, a visiting research fellow at Singapore's Institute of Southeast Asian Studies. "I think China must be quietly cursing North Korea under their breath."

China's response has so far been limited to expressing mild concern over the exercises. A Foreign Ministry spokesman on Friday reiterated Beijing's long-standing insistence that foreign navies obtain its permission before undertaking military operations inside China's exclusive economic zone, which extends 230 miles (370 kilometers) from its coast.

It wasn't clear where the drills were being held or if they would cross into the Chinese zone. The statement also reiterated calls for calm and restraint but did not directly mention the Yellow Sea or the planned exercises.

State media have been virtually silent. An editorial in the nationalistic tabloid Global Times worried that a U.S. carrier would upset the delicate balance in the Yellow Sea, ignoring the fact that the George Washington has taken part in drills in those waters numerous times before.

North Korea, by contrast, warned Friday that the U.S.-South Korean military drills were pushing the peninsula to the "brink of war."

A more passive approach this time helps Beijing raise its credibility with Washington and trading partner South Korea, and puts North Korea on notice that its actions are wearing China's patience thin.

"The Chinese government is trying to send Pyongyang a signal that if they continue to be so provocative, China will just leave the North Koreans to themselves," said Zhu Feng, director of Peking University's Center for International and Strategic Studies.

Sending signals is likely to be as far as Beijing goes, however. China fears that tougher action — say cutting the food and fuel assistance Beijing supplies — would destabilize the isolated North Korean dictatorship, possibly leading to its collapse. That could send floods of refugees into northeastern China and result in a pro-U.S. government taking over in the North.


By DAVID GUTTENFELDER and JEAN H. LEE, Associated Press David Guttenfelder And Jean H. Lee, Associated Press – YAHOO NEWS

YEONPYEONG ISLAND, South Korea – A U.S. super carrier and South Korean destroyer took up position in the tense Yellow Sea on Sunday for joint military exercises that were a united show of force just days after a deadly North Korean artillery attack. As tensions escalated across the region, with North Korea threatening another "merciless" attack, China belatedly jumped into the fray.

North Korea blamed the South for provoking the attack by holding artillery drills near the Koreas' maritime border, and has threatened to be "merciless" if the current war games — set to last until Dec. 1 — get too close to its territory.

As U.S. and South Korean ships, including the nuclear-powered USS George Washington, sailed into the waters off Korea's west coast Sunday, China began launching its diplomatic bid to calm tensions.

Washington and Seoul had been pressing China, North Korea's main ally and benefactor, to help defuse the situation amid fears of all-out war.

North Korea expressed renewed outrage over the Yellow Sea drills. The war games are a "pretext for aggression and ignite a war at any cost," the National Peace Committee of Korea said in a statement carried Sunday by the official Korean Central News Agency.

Raiders News Network/November 29, 2010

China Tells America To Turn Around The USS George Washington

China has warned against military activity near its coastline ahead of U.S.-Korea naval exercises, according to Reuters. China’s Foreign Ministry said in an online posting that naval exercises risks starting a war: “We oppose any military act by any party conducted in China’s exclusive economic zone without approval.” North Korea has also threatened to respond to military gestures with more attacks: “The situation on the Korean peninsula is inching closer to the brink of war due to the reckless plan of those trigger-happy elements to stage again war exercises targeted against the (North).”

Artillery Heard In North Korea; U.S. Carrier Enters Yellow Sea

Residents of South Korea's Yeonpyeong island were ordered to bomb shelters after artillery shots were heard on the North Korean mainland and U.S. warships began naval exercises in the nearby waters of the Yellow Sea. The echo of shots rang out this morning, said a South Korean Defense Ministry official who declined to be named, citing military policy. While residents were later allowed out of shelters, the aircraft carrier USS George Washington joined South Korean vessels for four days of drills.

Expats Recalled As North Korea Prepares For War

A mass exodus of North Korean workers from the Far East of Russia is under way, according to reports coming out of the region. As the two Koreas edged towards the brink of war this week, it appears that the workers in Russia have been called back to aid potential military operations. Vladnews agency, based in Vladivostok, reported that North Korean workers had left the town of Nakhodka en masse shortly after the escalation of tension on the Korean peninsula earlier this week.

US And South Korean Navies Stage Potent Show Of Force Against North Korea Sunday

The US and South Korean navies staged a potent show of force against North Korea Sunday, as China called for emergency talks about the crisis on the divided peninsula. Tensions remained high after the North's deadly bombardment last week. People on the South Korean border island hit by shells and rockets scurried to bunkers Sunday after hearing explosions -- apparently a firing drill miles away on the North's mainland. China, the isolated North's sole major ally, expressed concern at the crisis.

Japan On High Alert Amid War Games

Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan told reporters on Friday night that the government is taking all possible measures, Japan's public broadcaster NHK reported on Saturday. Kan instructed all cabinet ministers to remain in Tokyo during the military exercises in order to prepare for any contingency. The remarks come as Japan's Defense Ministry has deployed EP-3 surveillance aircraft to collect signals from the Korean Peninsula.


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