Abbey's Resume

Personal Data:

Name: Abbey L. Berg, Ph.D.

Birthdate: 01-04-51

Birthplace: Washington, D.C.

Citizenship: U.S.A.

Academic Training:

|Institution |Degree |Major |Year |

| | | | |

|The George Washington |B.A. |Speech Pathology |1972 |

|University | | | |

| | | | |

|Purdue University |M.S. |Audiology |1974 |

| | | | |

|Columbia University |M. Phil. |Audiology |1994 |

| | | | |

|Columbia University |Ph.D. - Binaural Auditory |Hearing Science |1996 |

| |Indices of the Human Immunodeficiency | | |

| |Virus | | |


July, 1979: Certificate of Clinical Competence in Audiology, the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association.

March, 1980: New York State License in Audiology, New York State Department of Education, Albany, New York.

Professional Societies:

American Academy of Audiology, Fellow

American Auditory Society

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association

New York State Speech-Language and Hearing Association

Academic Appointments & Experience:

2014-Present: Professor, Pace University, College of Health Professions (CHP), Communication Sciences & Disorders Program

2009-2014: Professor, Pace University, Dyson College of Arts and Sciences, Department of Biology and Health Sciences, Communication Sciences & Disorders Program

2006-Present: Adjunct Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, College of Physicians & Surgeons, Columbia University

2005-2016: Co-Director of Pforzheimer Center for Faculty Development, Pace University

2005-2008: Associate Professor, Pace University, Dyson College of Arts and Sciences, Department of Communication Studies, Communication Sciences & Disorders Program

2001-Present: Adjunct Assistant Professor of Clinical Otolaryngology/Head & Neck Surgery, College of Physicians & Surgeons, Columbia University

2001: Adjunct Assistant Professor, Hunter College, The City University of New York

2000: Adjunct Assistant Professor, Teachers College, Columbia University

1999-2005: Assistant Professor, Pace University, Department of Communications Studies, Division of Communication Sciences and Disorders, Dyson College of Arts and Sciences

1999-2002: Facilitator for the University of Florida Distance Learning AuD Program

1998-2001: Instructor in Clinical Otolaryngology/Head & Neck Surgery, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University

1998: Adjunct Assistant Professor - Herbert H. Lehman College, The City University of New York


Hunter College, City University of New York – Aural Habilitation and Rehabilitation

Lehman College, City University of New York - Auditory Disorders in Children

Lehman College, City University of New York - Advanced Audiology I

University of Florida Distance Learning Au.D. Program- Audiologic Assessment in the Medical Setting

Teachers College, Columbia University - Introduction to Audiology

Pace University - Anatomy and Physiology of the Speech and Hearing Mechanism

Pace University - Research Methods

Pace University - Introduction to Audiology

University of Florida Distance Learning Au.D. Program - Counseling

Pace University - Voice and Diction

Pace University - Introduction to Aural Rehabilitation

Pace University - Hearing and Speech Science

University of Florida Distance Learning Au.D. Program - Occupational Audiology

University of Florida Distance Learning Au.D. Program - Electronystagmography

University of Florida Distance Learning Au.D. Program - Electrophysiology


|Institution |Position |Year |

|Montgomery County Public Schools - |Coordinator of the Parent-Infant Program |1974-1977 |

|Montgomery County, Maryland |for the Hearing Impaired | |

| | | |

|New York Medical College |Audiologist at Martin Luther King |1978-1985 |

| |Community Center | |

| | | |

|The Rose F. Kennedy Center for |Audiology Research Coordinator |1985-1987 |

|Communication Disorders, The Albert | | |

|Einstein College of Medicine, Yeshiva | | |

|University | | |

| | | |

|Good Shepherd Services |Audiologic Consultant |1985-Present |

| | | |

|Babies & Children’s Hospital of New York, |Pediatric Audiologist |1987-1999 |

|New York Presbyterian Hospital | | |

| | | |

|Teachers College, Columbia University |Supervision of Graduate Students |1992-1996 |

| | | |

|Morgan Stanley Children’s Hospital of New |Director, Newborn Hearing Screening |1999-Present |

|York-Presbyterian Hospital |Program | |

| | | |

|Columbia University, College of Physicians|Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of|July 1, 2008-Present |

|& Surgeons |Otolaryngology/ Head & Neck Surgery and | |

| |Pediatrics | |

| | | |

|Pace University, Department of Health |Assistant Professor |1999-2004 |

|Studies, Communication Sciences & |Associate Professor |2005-2008 |

|Disorders Program |Professor |2009-Present |

| | | |

|Pace University, Center for Professional |Co-Director |2005-2016 |

|Development and Innovative Teaching | | |

Other Professional Activities:

2017: Reviewer - International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology; Pediatrics

2016: Reviewer - International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology; Pediatrics; Journal of Speech-Language-Hearing Research; Early Human Development

2015: Reviewer – International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology; Pediatrics

2014: Reviewer – International Journal of Audiology

2013: Reviewer – Ear and Hearing

2012: Reviewer – International Journal of Pediatrics; Acta Paediatrica

2011: Reviewer - Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine

2010: Reviewer - Ear and Hearing (2); American Journal of Audiology; International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology

2009: Reviewer - Ear and Hearing (1); American Journal of Audiology (2); Associate Editor for one of these); Acta Paediatrica (1); American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) document on audiologic follow-up of infants screened for hearing loss (sponsored by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC])

2008: Reviewer - International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology

2007: Reviewer – Guest Editor, American Journal of Audiology; Pediatrics

2006: Reviewer – Medical Science Monitor

2005: Reviewer – American Journal of Public Health (2); American Journal of Audiology; International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology (2)

2004: Reviewer – International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology

2001: Reviewer - New York State Department of Health, Newborn Hearing Screening Guidelines; Ear and Hearing (2 articles); City University of New York - Research Award Program

Professional Service:

• 2013 – Advisory Board Member of the Hearing Health Foundation.

• 2008-present – Advisory Board Member of the Washington Heights Head Start.

• 2006 – Planning Committee on Hearing Loss in Children, The American-Speech-Language Association 2006 Annual Convention.

• 2004 – Asked to submit questions for the American Academy of Audiology Credentialing Examination.

• 2002 – Committee on Diagnostic Audiology, The American-Speech-Language Association 2002 Annual Convention.

• 2000-2001 – Co-Chair of Committee on Diagnostic Audiology, New York State Speech-Language-Hearing Association.

• 1999-2000 - Committee on Diagnostic Audiology, New York State Speech-Language-Hearing Association.


2012-2017 - Audiologist for 5-year NIH-sponsored grant; “The CMV Trial: A Randomized Trial to Prevent Congenital Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Infection.” Principal Investigator - Dr. Ronald Wapner; Study Coordinator - Sabine Bousleiman, MS, MPH.

2012-2015 – UNICEF Child Disabilities Project (funded - RFPS-USA-2011-501129). "Technical Assistance -- Guidelines and Methodology for the Clinical Evaluations of Child Disability.”

2012-2014 – New York City Department of Health Hearing Loss Project due to Personal Listening Devices.


McManus, H., Salbod, S., & Berg, A.L. (2016, September). The hearing aid effect as a function of race and gender. The Hearing Journal, 69(9), 12-14. doi: 10.1097/01.HJ.0000499589.53309.ab.

Berg, A.L., Ibrahim, H., Sandler, S., & Salbod, S. (2016). Music-induced hearing loss: What do college students know? Contemporary Issues in Communication Sciences & Disorders, 43, 195-206.

Serpanos, Y. C., Berg, A.L. & Renne, B. (2016). Influence of hearing risk information on the motivation and modification of personal listening device (PLD) use. American Journal of Audiology, 25(4), 332-348. doi: 10.1044/2016_AJA-15-0062.

Berg, A.L., & Serpanos, Y.C. (2015). Hearing and Aging. In Carozza, L. (Ed.). Communication and Aging: Creative Approaches to Improving the Quality of Life. San Diego, CA: Plural Publishing, Inc.

Berg, A.L., Ibrahim, H., Magaster, M., & Salbod, S. (2015). Flipping over the flipped classroom. Contemporary Issues in Communication Sciences and Disorder, 42:16-25.

Serpanos, Y.C., Berg, A.L. (2013). Noise Exposure and the Potential Impact on Hearing in the Pediatric Population. In Goldfarb, R. (Ed.). Translational Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology. San Diego, CA:Plural Publishing, Inc.

Berg, A.L. (2011). Case Study 37 - Tumor: Cerebellar pilocytic astrocytoma. In Madell and Flexor (Eds.). Pediatric Audiology Casebook. New York, NY:Thieme, pp. 133-136.

Berg, A.L., Prieve, B.A., Serpanos, Y.C., Wheaton, M.A. (2011). Hearing screening in a well-infant nursery: profile of automated ABR-fail/OAE-pass. Pediatrics, 127(2):269-275. (DOI: 10.1542/peds.2010-0676).

Berg, A.L., Serpanos, Y.C. (2010). High frequency hearing sensitivity in adolescent females of a lower socioeconomic status over a period of 24 years (1985–2008). Journal of Adolescent Health, 48(2):203-208.

Berg, A.L., Chavez, C.T, Serpanos, Y.C. (2010). Monitoring noise levels in a tertiary neonatal intensive care unit. Contemporary Issues in Communication Sciences and Disorders, 37:69-72.

Berg, A.L., Canellas, M., Salbod, S. Velayo, R. (2008). Exposure to disability and hearing loss narratives in undergraduate audiology curriculum. American Journal of Audiology. 17(2):123-128.

Berg, A.L., Ip, S.C., Herb, A., Hurst, M. (2007). Cochlear implants in young children: Informed consent as a process and current practices. American Journal of Audiology, 16(1):13-28.

Berg, A. L. (2006). Hearing loss. In Burg, Polin, and Gershon (Eds.). Current Pediatric Therapy, 18/e. Phildelphia, PA: Saunders Elsevier, pp. 315-318.

Berg, A. L., Papri, H., Ferdous, S., Khan, N. Z., and Durkin, M. S. (2006). Surveillance of childhood hearing impairments in rural Bangladesh: Method and study design. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, 70:107-114.

Spitzer, J. B. and Berg, A. L. (2005). Review of the Scan-C: Test for Auditory Processing Disorders in Children-Revised. In R.A. Spies and B. Plake (Eds.). The Sixteenth Mental Measurements Handbook, Lincoln, NE: Buros Institute of Mental Measurements, pp. 910-911.

Berg, A. L., Olson, T. J, and Feldstein N. A. (2005). Cerebellar pilocytic astrocytoma with auditory presentation: A case study. Journal of Child Neurology, 20(11):914-915.

Berg, A. L., Spitzer, J. B, Towers, H. M., Bartosiewicz, C., and Diamond, B. E. (2005). Newborn hearing screening in a NICU: Profile of failed ABR/passed OAE. Pediatrics, 116(4):933-938.

Berg, A. L., Herb, A. and Hurst, M. (2005). Cochlear implants in children: Ethics, informed consent, and parental decision-making. Journal of Clinical Ethics, 6(3):237-248.

Berg, A. L. (2004). Teaching Portfolio. In P. Seldin. The Teaching Portfolio: A Practical Guide to Improved Performance and Promotion/Tenure Decisions. Ankor Publishing Company, Inc.:MA; pp. 151-158.

Berg, A. L., Spitzer, J. B., and Garvin, J. H. (1999). Ototoxic impact of cisplatin on pediatric oncology patients. Laryngoscope, 108:1089-1098. Republished by the Home Study Course Otology and Neurotology Section, American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, 2002-2003.

Gravel, J, Berg, A., Bradley, M., Cacace, A., Campbell, D., DeCristofaro, J.,Greenberg, E., Gross, S., Orlando, M., Pinhiero, J., Regan, J., Stevens, F. and Prieve, B. A. (2000). The New York State Universal Newborn Hearing Screening Demonstration Project: Effects of screening protocol on inpatient outcome measures. Ear and Hearing, 21(2):131-140.

Dalzell, L., Orlando, M., MacDonald, M., Berg, A. L., Bradley, M., Cacace, A., Campbell, D., DeCristofaro, J., Gravel, J. Greenberg, E., Gross, S., Pinhiero, J., Regan, J., Spivak, L., Stevens, F. and Prieve, B. A. (2000). The New York State Universal Newborn Hearing Screening Demonstration Project: Ages of hearing loss identification, hearing aid fitting, and enrollment in early intervention. Ear and Hearing, 21(2):118-130.

Prieve, B. A., Spivak, L., Dalzell, L., Berg, A. L., Bradley, M., Cacace, A., Campbell, D., DeCristofaro, J., Gravel, J. Greenberg, E., Gross, S., Orlando, M., Pinhiero, J., Regan, J., and Stevens, F. (2000). The New York State Universal Newborn Hearing Screening Demonstration Project: Inpatient outcome measures. Ear and Hearing, 21(2):104-117.

Spivak, L., Dalzell, L., Berg, A. L., Bradley, M., Cacace, A., Campbell, D., DeCristofaro, J., Gravel, J. Greenberg, E., Gross, S., Orlando, M., Pinhiero, J., Regan, J., Stevens, F. and Prieve, B. A. (2000). The New York State Universal Newborn Hearing Screening Demonstration Project: Outpatient outcome measures. Ear and Hearing, 21(2):92-103.

Berg, A. L., Spitzer, J. B., and Garvin, J. H. (1999). Ototoxic impact of cisplatin on pediatric oncology patients. Laryngoscope, 109(11):1806-1814.

Ho, P. T., Keller, J. L., Berg, A. L., Cargan A. L., and Haddad, J. (1999). Pervasive developmental delay in children presenting as possible hearing loss. Laryngoscope 109:129-136.

Berg, A. L. and Spivak, L. (1999). Response to Paradise: Universal newborn hearing screening: Should we leap before we look? Pediatrics, 104:351-352.

Berg, A. L. (1999). Universal newborn hearing screening. Health Advocacy Bulletin. The Journal of Health Advocacy Program at Sarah Lawrence College, Vol. 7;No. 1:13-14.

Berg, A. L., Johnson, W. L., Mandell, J. A., and Schwartz, S. (1976). Parent child sessions: A component of early intervention programs for the hearing-impaired. Patricia C. Elwood, Wayne L. Johnson, and Judith A. Mandell (Eds.), Parent-centered programs for young hearing-impaired children (pp. 165-194). Upper Marlboro, MD:Prince George's County Public Schools.


Surveillance of Developmental Disabilities in Low Income Countries (CDC/ASPH/ATSDR Grant # S1514) is currently under construction and can be accessed at or .

Grants Awarded:

1994: Deans Grant, Columbia University - Binaural Interaction and the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) ($1000.00) - for dissertation study.

1994-1998: New York State Department of Health - Universal Newborn Hearing Screening Demonstration Project ($513,000.00/4 year project).

1999: Scholarly Research Award – Pace University ($900.00 and 3 credits released time).

2000-2003: Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC/ASPH/ATSDR Grant #S1514) – Child Disability Surveillance in Developing Countries ($242,279.00). Co-PI on the audiology portion of the grant. Maureen S. Durkin, PI.

2001: Scholarly Research Award – Pace University (3 credits released time).

2002: New York State Department of Health – Universal Newborn Hearing Screening Implementation ($56,000.00).

2004: Students Preparing for Academic & Research Careers (SPARC) Award from the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) ($1500.00).


November 17, 2016. The Effectiveness of Parental Questionnaires on Assessment of Speech-Language & Auditory Function in Children. (Fabus, R., Serpanos, Y., Berg, A. L., Hidecker, M. J., & Casale, L.). Poster presentation at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) 2016 Convention, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

February 4, 2016. Universal Newborn Hearing Screening (UNHS): History & Current Status. Invited presentation to the Neonatology Fellows, Morgan Stanley Children’s Hospital of New York-Presbyterian, New York, New York.

November 12, 2015. The Hearing Device ‘Effect’ As a Function of Race and Gender. (Berg, A. L., McManus, H., & Salbod, S.). Poster presentation at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) 2015 Convention, Denver, Colorado.

November 20, 2014. Music-Induced Hearing Loss: What Do College Students Know? (Berg, A.L., Ibrahim, H., Sandler, S., & Salbod, S.). Poster presentation at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) 2014 Convention, Orlando, Florida.

November 14, 2013. Flipping Over Echo360. (Berg, A.L., Ibrahim, H., Magaster, S., & Salbod, S.) Poster presentation at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) 2013 Convention, Chicago, Illinois.

November, 18, 2011. – Pediatric Audiology Round Table: Newborn Hearing Screening. (Berg, A.L.). Invited presentation at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) 2011 Convention, San Diego, California.

November 21, 2008. – Noise Levels in a Tertiary Care Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, (Chavez, C.T, Berg, A.L., Serpanos, Y.) Presented at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) 2008 Convention, Chicago, Illinois.

April 4, 2008 – Noise Levels in a Tertiary Care Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, (Chavez, C.T, Berg, A.L., Serpanos, Y.) Presented at the American Academy of Association (AAA) 2008 Convention, Charlotte, North Carolina.

November 18, 2006 – The Use of Hearing Loss Narratives in Audiology Curriculum. (Canellas, M., Berg, A.L., Salbod, S., Velayo, R.). Presented at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) 2006 Convention, Miami Beach, Florida.

April 29, 2006 – The Use of Hearing Loss Narratives in Audiology Curriculum. (Canellas, M., Berg, A.L., Salbod, S., Velayo, R.). Presented at the New York State Speech-Language-Hearing Association (NYSSLHA) 2006 Convention, Saratoga Springs, New York.

November 18, 2005 - The informed consent process and cochlear implants in young children. (Ip, S., Berg, A.L., Hurst, M.). Presented at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) 2005 Convention, San Diego, California.

April 9, 2005 – The informed consent process and cochlear implants in young children: Preliminary results. (Ip, S., Berg, A.L., Hurst, M.). Presented at the New York State Speech-Language-Hearing Association (NYSSLHA) 2005 Convention, Melville, New York.

November, 18, 2004 – Surveillance of childhood hearing impairments in rural Bangladesh. (Berg, A.L., Papri, H., Ferdous, S., Khan, N.Z., Durkin, M.S.).Presented at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention (ASHA), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

June 18, 2004 - Surveillance of childhood hearing impairments in rural Bangladesh. (Berg, A.L., Papri, H., Ferdous, S., Khan, N.Z., Durkin, M.S.). Presented at the International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual Disabilites (IASSID) Conference, Montpellier, France.

May 27, 2004 – Incorporating research in teaching. 4th Annual Faculty Workshop, Pace University, New York, New York.

May 23, 2004 – Speech, language, and hearing assessments in developing countries. Department of Epidemiology, Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University, New York, New York.

April 18, 2004 – Invited Panelist for the Aural Room – a discussion on ethics and cochlear implants. Sarah Lawrence College, Bronxville, New York.

April 17, 2004 – NICU infants with present OAEs and absent ABRs: Common characteristics. (Bartosiewicz, C., Berg, A.L., Alpern, C.S.). Accepted at the New York State Speech-Language-Hearing Association (NYSSLHA), Albany, New York.

April 16, 2004 – Cochlear implants in young children: Ethics and advocacy revisited. (Berg, A.L., Hurst, M., Herb, A.). Accepted for presentation at the New York State Speech-Language-Hearing Association (NYSSLHA), Albany, New York.

March 2, 2004 - Audiologic manifestations of genetic hearing loss. Department of Genetics Grand Rounds, College of Physicians & Surgeons, Columbia University, New York, New York

November 15, 2003 – Cochlear implants in children: Ethics and advocacy revisited. (Berg, A.L., Hurst, M., Herb, A.). Accepted for presentation at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention (ASHA), Chicago, Illinois.

June 5, 2003 – Electrophysiologic measures in newborn hearing screening. The Protobondi Foundation, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

April 27, 2002 –Socioeconomic status and parental awareness of otitis media with effusion. (Trance, J. Berg, A.L., Alpern, C.). New York State Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention (NYSSLHA), Rochester, New York.

April 20, 2002 – Hearing disability surveillance in developing countries. Accepted for presentation at American Academy of Audiology Convention (AAA), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

May 4, 2001 – Universal newborn hearing screening: Current trends and research. Invited for presentation at NJSHA, Atlantic City, New Jersey.

April 19, 2001 – Central auditory normative data in children (with J. Spitzer and R. Velayo). Accepted for presentation at AAA, San Diego, California.

March 30, 2001 – The doctoral degree: Which road to take? Invited for presentation at NYSSLHA, Rye Brook, New York.

September 7, 2000 – Newborn hearing screening: From policy to implementation. Invited for presentation at Health Advocacy Program - Sarah Lawrence College, Bronxville, New York.

March 20, 2000 – The effects of regional Russian dialects on the pronunciation of English as a second language (N. Beletskaya, A. Berg, and C. Alpern), NYSSLHA, Saratoga Springs, New York.

November 18, 1999 - Implementation of a pediatric central auditory processing evaluation team. Presented at ASHA, San Francisco, California.

October 2, 1999 - Hearing screening: Update and controversies. Conference on Current Problems and Treatment in Pediatric Otolaryngology, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons.

September 25, 1999 - Audiological assessment in the neonatal population. Pediatric Grand Rounds. St. Vincent's Medical Center, New York, New York

August 5, 1999 - Pediatric audiologic assessment. Cleft Palate Grand Rounds. Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons.

June 22, 1999 - Pediatric audiology. Brooklyn College, Brooklyn, New York.

April 30, 1999 - Auditory assessment of infants and children. New Jersey Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Atlantic City, New Jersey.

May 19, 1998 - Auditory assessment of infants and toddlers. New York Academy of Medicine, New York, New York.

April 26, 1998 - Pediatric grand rounds. New York State Speech-Language Hearing Association, New York, New York.

April 25, 1998 - New York State universal newborn hearing screening project. New York State Speech, Hearing, and Language Association, New York, New York.

April 23, 1998 - Current universal screening initiatives in New York City. New York Academy of Medicine, New York, New York.

November 20, 1997 - New York State newborn universal hearing screening project protocols. ASHA, Boston, Massachusetts.

November 20, 1997 - Ototoxic impact of cisplatinum on pediatric oncology patients. Poster presented at ASHA, Boston, Massachusetts.

November 18, 1997 - Pediatric auditory assessment. Genetics Grand Rounds, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons.

October 4, 1997 - Problem cases in pediatric audiology. Conference on Current Problems and Treatment in Pediatric Otolaryngology, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons.

May 1, 1997 - OAEs and ABRs. Otolaryngology Residents Lecture Series.

April 17, 1997 - Binaural indices of the human immunodeficiency virus. Poster presented at the American Academy of Audiology Convention, Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

April 12, 1997 - Office audiometry and tympanommetry. Conference on Current Problems and Treatment in Pediatric Otolaryngology, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons.

February 21, 1997 - Update on newborn hearing screening. Controversial Issues in Pediatric Audiology, Long Island College Hospital, Brooklyn, New York.

February 5, 1997 - Binaural indices of the human immunodeficiency virus. Poster presented at the Association for Research in Otolaryngology (ARO) Conference, St. Petersburg, Florida.

October 5, 1996 - Hearing screening in children: The New York experience.

September 3, 1996 - How pediatric audiology can help the pediatric neurologist. Pediatric Neurology Grand Rounds, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons.

June 14, 1996 - Update on the New York State Universal Newborn Hearing Screening Project. Otolaryngology Grand Rounds, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons.

September 30, 1995 - Office audiometry and tympanommetry. Conference on Current Problems and Treatment in Pediatric Otolaryngology, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons.

April 22, 1995 - Office audiometry and tympanommetry . Fifth Annual Conference on Current Problems and Treatment in Pediatric Otolaryngology, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons.

April 13, 1995 - Binaural interaction and the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Infectious Disease Grand Rounds, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons.

April 30, 1994 - New guidelines for hearing testing in children. Fourth Annual Conference on Current Problems and Treatment in Pediatric Otolaryngology, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons.

May 8, 1993 - When to suspect hearing problems in infants and children. Third Annual Conference on Current Problems and Treatment in Pediatric Otolaryngology, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons.

January 20, 1993 - Berg, A., McCrummen D., and Haddad, J. Rehabilitation strategies in a neurologically impaired child. Poster presented at SENTAC, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

May 15, 1992 - Hearing testing in children. Second Annual Conference on Current Problems and Treatment in Pediatric Otolaryngology, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons.

June 8, 1991 - Hearing testing in children. First Annual Conference in Current Problems and Treatment in Pediatric Otolaryngology, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons.

May 8, 1988 - Stapells, D.R., Berg, A.L., and Gravel, J.S. Frequency-specific brainstem audiometry in infants. Paper presented at the 19th International Congress of Audiology, Jerusalem, Israel.

May 8, 1988 - Stapells, D.R., Gravel, J.S., and Berg, A.L. Auditory brainstem responses to bone-conducted tones in infants. Paper presented at the 19th International Congress of Audiology, Jerusalem, Israel.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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