E/M TEMPLATE: Level 2 Consultation or New Patient

A new patient is someone not evaluated in the past 3 years by any member of a physician group of the same specialty. A consult is a request for advice by a qualified health care provider; not a request for transfer of care.

Necessary to bill for level 2 visit:

Straight forward medical decision making PLUS

Expanded Problem Focused history AND Expanded Problem Focused examination


Straight Forward MDM when 2 of the following (from 3 categories) achieve 1 point each:

1. Limited Number of diagnosis or management options- 1 point

Established problem (to examiner), stable, improved, or

Self-limited or minor problem (stable, improved or worsening)

2. Limited Complexity of data reviewed- 1 point

Review lab reports (1)*, or order labs (1)*, or order diagnostic testing (1)*

*If lab/tests are ordered and results are obtained during the same visit, 1 point total is given

3. Minimal Risk of morbidity and mortality (1 point)

Order lab test requiring venipuncture, or urinalysis

Chest X-ray



Examples: Order a lab study on a patient with a stable or improved problem

If counseling and/or coordination of care consumes > 50 % of the encounter with the patient and /or family, then bill for level 2 new patient visit if the face-to-face time is time is more than 10 minutes of a 20 minute evaluation; and more than 15 minutes of a 30 minute consultation. The neurologist must document the actual face-to-face time and a brief summary of the topics discussed. This can be used in place of the bulleted HX-PX-MDM system.

Problem Focused History

|History of Present Illness |Chief complaint, plus 1-3 points regarding location, quality, severity, duration, timing, |

| |context, modifying factors, associated signs and symptoms |

|Review of Systems |Problem pertinent, one system |

|Past, Family, Social History |None needed |


Single System Neurologic Examination (6 to 11 of 25 points)

|General Appearance (1) |Tone (1) |

|3 or more vital signs (1) |Strength (1) |

|Fundus (1) |Reflexes (1) |

|Cardiovascular Examination - pulses, bruits, or auscultation of heart (1) ( 1 |Coordination (1) |

|point maximum) | |

|Mental Status (5) |Sensation (1) |

|Cranial Nerves (8) |Gait (1) |


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