Richard Moses Frankel

Beverly and James Hance

Professor of Accounting

Curriculum Vitae

Washington University in St. Louis April 2018

Campus Box 1133

One Brookings Drive

St Louis, MO 631130-4899

(314) 935-6431

Educational Background

• B.S. University of Illinois, 1987

• C.P.A. (certificate #45212) University of Illinois, 1987

• M.A.S. University of Illinois, 1988

• Ph. D., Stanford University, 1993

Research Publications

• “Predicting Accruals with Cash Flow Properties,” with Yan Sun, Forthcoming The Accounting Review.

• “Proprietary Costs and Sealing Documents in Patent Litigation,” with Josh Lee and Zawadi Lemayian, Review of Accounting Studies (2018) 23: 452-486.

• “Factors Associated with the Year-End Decline in Working Capital,” (2017) with Hagit Levy and Ron Shalev, Management Science (2017) 63: 438-458.

• “Using Unstructured and Qualitative Disclosures to Explain Accruals,” with Jared Jennings and Joshua Lee, Journal of Accounting and Economics (2016) 62: 209-227.

• “Accounting Conservatism and Creditor Recovery Rates,” with John Donovan and Xiumin Martin, Accounting Review (2015) 90: 2267-2303.

• “Panacea, Pandora’s Box or Placebo: Feedback in bank mortgage-backed security holdings and fair value accounting,” with Gauri Bhat and Xiumin Martin, Journal of Accounting and Economics (2011) 52: 153-173.

• “Street Earnings and Board Independence,” with Mark Soliman and Sarah McVay, Review of Accounting Studies (2011) 16: 719-744.

• “Do Pennies Matter? Investor Relations Consequences of Small Negative Earnings Surprises,” with William Mayew and Yan Sun, Review of Accounting Studies (2010) 15: 220-242.

• “GAAP Goodwill and Debt Contracting Efficiency: Evidence from Net-Worth Covenants,” with Chandra Seethamraju and Tzachi Zach, Review of Accounting Studies (2008) 13: 87-118.

• “Determinants of the Informativeness of Analyst Research,” with S. P. Kothari and Joseph Weber, Journal of Accounting and Economics (2006) 41: 29-54.

• “Testing Behavioral Finance Theories Using Trends and Sequences in Financial Performance,” with Wes Chan and S. P. Kothari, Journal of Accounting and Economics (December 2004): 3-50.

• “The Characteristics of a Firm’s Information Environment and the Predictive Ability of Insider Trades,” with Xu Li. Journal of Accounting and Economics (June 2004): 229-259.

• “The Association between Confirming Management Earnings Forecasts, Earnings Uncertainty, and Stock Returns,” with Michael Clement and Jeffrey Miller. Journal of Accounting Research (September 2003): 653-679.

• “The Relation between Auditor’s Fees for Nonaudit Services and Earnings Management,” with Marilyn Johnson and Karen Nelson. Accounting Review (Supplement 2002): 71-105.

• “Earn-Outs: The Effect of Adverse Selection on Acquisition Techniques,” with Srikant Datar and Mark Wolfson. Journal of Law, Economics and Organizations (April 2001): 201-238.

• "An Empirical Examination of Conference Calls as a Voluntary Disclosure Medium," with Marilyn Johnson, and Douglas J. Skinner. Journal of Accounting Research

(Spring 1999): 133-150.

• "Accounting Valuation, Market Expectation, and the Cross-section of Returns," with

Charles M. C. Lee, Journal of Accounting and Economics (June 1998): 283-320.

• "Discretionary Disclosure and External Financing," with Maureen McNichols and Peter Wilson, The Accounting Review (January 1995): 135-150.

Other Publications

• “Commentary on: Selective Disclosure" Journal of Financial Reporting (2017) 2: 62-68.

• “Issues Raised by Studying DeFond and Zhang: What should audit researchers do?" with John Donovan, Josh Lee, Xiumin Martin, and Hojun Seo, Journal of Accounting and Economics (November-December 2014) 58: 327-338.

• “Discussion of Future Profit Margins, Special Items and Core Profitability," Review of Accounting Studies (September 2009) 14: 237-245.

• “Earnings Persistence," with Lubomir Litov, Journal of Accounting and Economics (March 2009) 47: 182-190.

• “Accounting Diversity and International Valuation," with Charles Lee, ICFAI Journal of Accounting Research (January 2003).

• “Non-audit fees paid auditors: Do they lead to managed earnings?" with Marilyn Johnson and Karen Nelson, Directorship (July/August 2002): 6-8.

• Book review: "Clean Surplus: A Link between Accounting and Finance," The Accounting Review (April 1997): 314-316.

Working papers

• “How Well Do Machines Mimic Readers? Comparing Analyst Revisions to Machine-Based Revisions Generated from Conference-Call Narratives,” with Jared Jennings and Josh Lee, January 2018.

• Complementarity between Audited Financial Reporting and Voluntary Disclosure: The Case of Former Andersen Clients, with Alon Kalay, Gil Sadka, and Yuan Zou, January 2018


• Washington University in St. Louis

Beverly and James Hance Professor of Accounting 2010-present

Professor 2008-2010

Associate Professor, 2005-2008

• Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Associate Professor, 2003-2005

Assistant Professor, 2000-2002

• The University of Michigan

Assistant Professor, 1993-2000


• George Washington University, February 2018

• Northwestern University, October 2017

• University of Minnesota, Empirical Research Conference, April 2017

• University of Illinois, PwC Young Scholars Conference, March 2017

• Boston College, March 2017

• University of Toronto, 10th annual Rotman Research Conference, August 2016

• University at Buffalo (SUNY), April 2016

• University of Texas at Dallas, March 2016

• MIT Asia Conference in Accounting, Shenzhen, China, July 2015

• University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, May 2015

• Baruch College – The City University of New York, April 2015

• University of Houston – Ninth Annual Bauer Accounting Research Symposium, March 2015

• Rice University –Houston, November 2014

• Columbia University –New York, October 2014

• Rutgers University, Newark, September 2014

• University of Pennsylvania, May 2014

• Stanford University, April 2014

• Indiana University, March 2014

• Notre Dame, March 2014

• Kansas University, March 2014

• Journal of Accounting and Economic Conference, November 2013

• American Accounting Association Annual Meeting, August 2013

• London Business School, July 2013

• Temple University, May 2013

• University of Southern California, March 2013

• American Accounting Association Conference, San Diego, CA, January 2013

• Florida State University, April 2012

• MIT, April 2012

• University of Technology Sydney Australian Summer Accounting Symposium, February 2012

• University of Chicago, April 2011

• Journal of Accounting and Economics Conference, October 2010

• Duke University, January 2010

• University of Oregon, December 2009

• Review of Accounting Studies (Discussion), Annual Conference, Duke University, October 2008

• American Accounting Association, Annual Meeting, Anaheim, August 2008

• Singapore Management University, January 2008

• Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, January 2008

• University of Minnesota, November 2007

• Washington University in St. Louis, Nick Dopuch Conference, November 2007

• Yale University Accounting Conference, November 2007

• Journal of Accounting and Economics (Discussion), Annual Conference, Philadelphia, October 2007

• American Accounting Association, Annual Meeting, Chicago, August 2007

• Columbia University, January 2007

• New York University Summer Camp, May 2006

• American Accounting Association, Annual Meeting, San Francisco, August 2005

• Washington University in St. Louis, April 2005

• Emory University, April 2005

• University of Texas, March 2005

• Ohio State University, March 2005

• University of Arizona, February 2005

• University of Houston, February 2005

• Northwestern University, January 2005

• Michigan State University, December 2004

• George Washington University, November 2004

• American Accounting Association, Annual Meeting, Orlando, August 2004

• MIT Sloan School of Management, June 2004

• University of Rochester, January 2004

• Rice University, November 2003

• Journal of Accounting and Economics Conference (Chicago), October 2003

• Bank of International Settlement (Basel), April 2003

• Dartmouth College, March 2003

• Syracuse University, January 2003

• Washington University, St. Louis, January 2003

• 13th Annual Conference on Financial Economics and Accounting, October 2002

• London Business School Accounting Symposium, July 2002

• Western Finance Association Meeting, June 2002

• University of Chicago, January 2002

• Stanford University Summer Camp, July 2001

• University of Wisconsin, February 2000

• Penn State, January 2000

• MIT Sloan School of Management, January 2000

• 10th Annual Conference on Financial Economics and Accounting, October 1999

• The Ohio State University, January 1999

• American Accounting Association, New Orleans, Annual meeting, August 1998

• Harvard University, January 1998

• Columbia University, October 1997

• Emory University, September 1997

• Enquire U.K., Annual Conference June 1997

• Institute for Quantitative Research in Finance (Q-group) grant, Annual Conference,

April 1997

• Stanford University, February 1997

• University of Washington, January 1997

• Seventh Annual Conference on Financial Economics and Accounting, Rutgers

University, November 1996

• New York University, Accounting Seminar, September 1996

• American Accounting Association, Chicago, Annual meeting, August 1996

• University of Michigan, Finance seminar, July 1996

• Sixth Annual Conference on Financial Economics and Accounting, University of

Maryland, November 1995

• Chicago Quantitative Alliance, Chicago, Annual meeting September 1995

• University of Michigan, Accounting seminar, September 1995

• American Accounting Association, Orlando, Annual meeting, August 1995

• University of Notre Dame, April 1994.

• American Accounting Association, Buffalo, Northeast regional meeting April 1994.

Scholarly Honors and Awards

• American Accounting Association, Notable Contribution Award 2003 (with Charles Lee)

• First Place Award, I/B/E/S 25th Anniversary Global Expectation Research

Competition, 1996

• Institute for Quantitative Research in Finance (Q-group) grant, 1995

• First Place Award, Chicago Quantitative Alliance Earnings Expectation Research

Competition, 1995

• Arthur Andersen Dissertation Fellow, 1992

• American Accounting Association Doctoral Consortium representative, Stanford


• Andrew Barr Graduate Award, University of Illinois, 1987, 1988

• Bronze Tablet: University of Illinois, 1987

Teaching Experience

• Washington University in St. Louis Olin School

- MBA/MSF/MACC, Financial Statement Analysis 2005-present, 2/3 sections

- PhD, Doctoral Seminar in Empirical Financial Accounting Research 2006-present

• MIT Sloan School

- MBA, Financial Accounting 2004-05, 2 sections (course coordinator)

- MBA, Financial Accounting 2003-04, 2 sections (course coordinator)

- MBA, Financial Accounting 2002-03, 2 sections

- MBA, Financial Accounting 2001-02, 2 sections

BBA, Financial Accounting 2001-02, 1 section

- MBA, Financial Accounting 2000-01, 2 sections

• University of Michigan

- MBA, Introduction to Financial Accounting 1999-00, 3 sections

- MBA, Introduction to Financial Accounting 1998-99, 3 sections

- MBA, Introduction to Financial Accounting 1997-98, 3 sections (core course


- MBA, Introduction to Financial Accounting 1996-97, 3 sections

- MBA, Introduction to Financial Accounting 1995-96, 3 sections

- Faculty Supervisor for IMAP team in Israel (1996)

- MBA, Introduction to Financial Accounting 1994-95, 3 sections

- MBA, Introduction to Financial Accounting 1993-94, 3 sections

- MBA, Introduction to Financial Accounting 1992-93, 2 sections

Teaching Awards

• Master of Science in Finance Reid Teaching Award (2012)

• Graduate Accounting Student Teaching Award (2010-2011)

• Graduate Student Outstanding Mentorship Award (2009-2010)

• Sloan School Teacher of the Year (2004-2005)

• Sloan School Teacher of the Year (2001-2002)

• Sloan School Excellence in Teaching Award (2000-2001)

• Nominated for MBA Student Award for Teaching Excellence (1999, University of Michigan)

• MBA Student Award for Teaching Excellence (1997, University of Michigan)

• Nominated for MBA Student Award for Teaching Excellence (1996, University of Michigan)

Review Activities

• Associate Editor – Journal of Accounting and Economics and Journal of Accounting Research

• Refereed Journals

Accounting and Business Research

Contemporary Accounting Research

Journal of Accounting and Economics

Journal of Finance

Journal of Financial Economics

Journal of International Financial Management & Accounting

Review of Accounting Studies

The Accounting Review

Management Science

Popular press citations

• Wall Street Journal, "Heard on the Street," March 6, 1997, C2.

• BusinessWeek Online, Best Business Schools, 1998 Profiles, University of Michigan Business School. Listed as one of the 6 most popular professors

• Los Angeles Times, (Orange County Edition), “Western Digitals Stock Price Spike Illustrates Information Inequities.” December 15, 1998, C-1

• Wall Street Journal, “Study Faults Work of Auditors Who Consult.” August 1, 2001, C-18.


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