Unidad 1 – Join the Club


Access 1

General programme of contents

Foreign languages:


unit 1 – time out

i objectives

content block 1 - listening, speaking and conversing

• Understand information and follow the argument of oral texts in different communicative contexts:

- A text about graffiti in England.

- Three adolescents talking about their free time.

• Express oneself and interact orally with fluency, precision and accuracy, using appropriate resources and strategies for the communicative context:

- Free time activities.

content block 2 - reading and writing

• Understand general information and specific details in different kinds of texts:

- Graffiti as artistic expression or crime.

- Descriptive texts about the free time of adolescents.

• Plan and produce texts of differing complexity and on different topics, using the appropriate register for the reader and different platforms available; in this unit, an essay about ones favourite day of the week.

• Use mechanisms of organization, articulation and cohesion appropriate to the text; use of adverbs to give more information in a description.

content block 3 - understanding of the language

3.1 Understanding of the language


• Understand and use complex grammatical structures and the necessary functions appropriately to communicate successfully:

- present simple.

- present continuous.

- like / love / enjoy / hate followed by a verb + -ing.


• Extend and use vocabulary appropriately:

- leisure and free-time activities.

- plural nouns.

- adverbs and adverbial phrases of place, time and frequency.


• Improve pronunciation using the phonetic alphabet and producing different patterns of stress, rhythm and intonation; in this unit distinguishin between difficult sounds /s/ /z/ /ız/ and /ı/ /ı:/ /e/.

3.2 Reflection on learning

• Develop strategies for assessment and self-assessment of the learning process using the Review Units 1-2-3, and practice exam techniques and strategies.

content block 4 - socio-cultural features and intercultural awareness

• Learn about and appreciate important social and cultural aspects of the foreign language, and value the foreign language as a means of understanding those features.

ii contents

content block 1 - listening, speaking and conversing

• Listen to a text adapted from a newspaper article about graffiti (Students’ Book, page 6).

• Listen to three adolescents describing their preferences for free time activities, and those which they don’t like (Students’ Book, pages 12 and 13).

• Take part in a communicative exchange, asking and answering questions about free time activities (Students’ Book, page 5).

• Speak about preferences in leisure activities, using the suggested tips and useful expressions (Students’ Book, page 13).

• Speaking in groups about the likes and dislikes of a partner, using the third person singular (Students’ Book, page 13).

content block 2 - reading and writing

• Understand an article about graffiti, its popularity amongst young people as a leisure activity and its classification by the police as a crime. Introduction of foreign terms into the language (Students’ Book, page 6).

• Read two texts describing young peoples’ use of free time, learning about everyday routines. (Students’ Book, pages 12-13).

• Production of a written description about the favourite day of the week using as a reference the model and the writing tips provided (Students’ Book, page 14-15; Students’ Book, Writing Reference, page 158):

- correct use of paragraphs in a descriptive text.

- inclusion of sufficient information.

- correct use of basic connectors and adverbs to structure the text.

- location and correction of common errors (especially verb endings and prepositions).

content block 3 - understanding of the language

3.1 Understanding of the language


• Use of present simple, present continuous (Students’ Book, pages 8-9; Students’ Book, Grammar Reference, pages 118-120).

• Use of the verbs like / love / enjoy / hate followed by verb + -ing (Students’ Book, page 8; Students’ Book, Grammar Reference, page 119).


• Vocabulary to do with leisure and free time activities (Students’ Book, pages 4-5).

• Plural nouns (Students’ Book, page 10; Students’ Book, Word Building Reference, page 138).

• Adverbs and adverbial phrases of place, time and frequency (Students’ Book, page 10; Students’ Book, Word Building Reference, pages 138-139).


• Difficult sounds /s/, /z/, /ız/ and /ı/, /ı:/, /e/ (Students’ Book, page 11).

3.2. Reflection on learning

• Recognition of the variety of language use: differences between formal and informal, spoken and written language.

• Autonomous use of different digital learning resources such as the computer, and print resources such as bilingual and monolingual dictionaries or other reference books.

• Use of strategies for revising, extending and consolidating vocabulary and grammatical structures.

• Analysis of different grammatical structures through comparison with those of the mother tongue and reflection on usage.

• Use of self-correction and evaluation strategies as a means of progressing in the autonomous learning of the language.

• Reflection on the strategies used to improve oral and written production.

content block 4 - socio-cultural features and intercultural awareness

• Knowledge of terms such as chatting or surfing the net, related to modern leisure activities involving the Internet (Students’ Book, page 5).

• Reference to graffiti as a social phenomenon of or times and its delicate position between art and crime (Students’ Book, page 6).

• Reference to Agatha Christie, the well-known British author of crime novels (Students’ Book, page 14).

iii assessment

assessment tools

Formative assessment

• Students’ Book, Review 1-3.

• Vocabulary Self Study, Workbook, Unit 1.

• Reading Self Study, Workbook, Unit 1.

• Grammar Self Study, Workbook, Unit 1.

• Progress Check, Unit 1, Workbook.

• Teacher’s Resource File, Grammar Practice Unit 1 (levels A and B).

• Teacher’s Resource File, Vocabulary Practice Unit 1 (levels A and B).

• Teacher’s Resource File, Extra Writing Practice 1.

• Teacher’s Resource File, Extra Speaking Practice 1.

• Teacher’s Resource File, Extra Listening Practice 1.

• Digital Skills Trainer.

Sumative assessment

• Teacher’s Resource File, Diagnostic test.

• Teacher’s Resource File, Extra Exam Practice, Exam 1.

• Teacher’s Resource File, Tests, End-of-unit test 1 (levels A and B).

• Teacher’s Resource File, Tests, End-of-term test 1 (levels A and B).

assessment criteria

content block 1 - listening, speaking and conversing

• Understand the main ideas, and identify relevant details in oral messages or texts in different communicative contexts. Understand adolescents describing their preferred free-time activities.

• Express oneself and interact appropriately and fluently in different communicative situations: oral expression of ones own preferences in free-time activities.

content block 2 - reading and writing

• Understand information in written texts from a variety of sources: adaptation of a newspaper article about graffiti.

• Write clear detailed texts on different topics and using a variety of media. production of a description of ones favourite day of the week.

content block 3 - understanding of the language

3.1. Knowledge of the language

• Manipulate grammatical structures: present simple, present continuous; use of the verbs like / love / enjoy / hate.

• Learn and expand vocabulary: formation of plural nouns; adverb and adverbial phrases of place, time and frequency.

3.2. Reflection on learning

• Identify and use learning skills and strategies acquired.

content block 4 - socio-cultural features and intercultural awareness

• Show curiosity and interest in learning the foreign language and recognize the enriching nature of linguistic diversity. Value the cultural knowledge which comes from the countries which speak the foreign language.

unit 2 – music

i objectives

content block 1 – listening, speaking and conversing

• Understand simple articles on everyday topics and follow arguments in oral texts in different communicative contexts:

- A newspaper article about the house where John Lennon grew up.

- Two interviews in which young people ask and answer about tastes and skills in music.

• Express oneself and interact orally with fluency, precision and accuracy, using appropriate resources and strategies for the communicative context:

- Musical tastes and habits.

content block 2 – reading and writing

• Understand general information and specific details in different kinds of texts:

- An article about the renovation and opening to the public of John Lennon’s childhood house.

• Plan and produce texts of differing complexity and on different topics, using the appropriate register for the reader and different platforms available; in this unit, an essay about a pop music concert.

• Use mechanisms of organization, articulation and cohesion appropriate to the text; use of different past tenses.

content block 3 – understanding of the language

3.1 Understanding of the language


• Understand and use complex grammatical structures and the necessary functions appropriately to communicate successfully:

- past simple.

- past continuous.

- word order in questions.


• Extend and use vocabulary appropriately:

- vocabulary to do with music.

- gender in nouns.

- adverbs.


• Improve pronunciation using the phonetic alphabet and producing different patterns of stress, rhythm and intonation; in this unit, pronunciation of the suffix -ed and of difficult vowel sounds /Λ/, /æ/ and /a:/.

3.2 Reflection on learning

• Develop strategies for assessment and self-assessment of the learning process using the Review Units 1-2-3, and practice exam techniques and strategies.

content block 4 – socio-cultural features and intercultural awareness

• Learn about and appreciate important social and cultural aspects of the foreign language, and value the foreign language as a means of understanding those features.

ii contents

content block 1 – listening, speaking and conversing

• Listen to a journalistic text about the opening to the public of the house where John Lennon grew up. (Students’ Book, page 18).

• Listen to two interviews in which adolescents ask each other about musical tastes and their skill at singing or playing musical instruments (Students’ Book, pages 24-25).

• Carry out an interview with a partner about musical tastes and report the answers to the class, using the third person singular (Students’ Book, page 25).

content block 2 – reading and writing

• Understand an article about the importance of the official opening of the house where John Lennon grew up and composed some of his songs (Students’ Book, page 18).

• Production of the description of a visit (real or imaginary) to a club, following the proposed model and the tips given (Students’ Book, pages 26-27; Students’ Book, Writing Reference, page 159):

- planning the text, who, when, where, what.

- correct use of paragraphs.

- use of different past tenses.

- enrichment of the text with a variety of adjectives.

- location and correction of common errors (especially verb endings and prepositions).

content block 3 – understanding of the language

3.1 Understanding of the language


• Use of past simple, past continuous (Students’ Book, pages 20-21; Student’s Book, Grammar Reference, pages 120-121).

• Correct word-order in questions: auxiliary verb + interrogative pronoun + principal verb + subject (Students’ Book, page 21; Students’ Book, Grammar Reference, pages 121-122).


• Vocabulary to do with music (Students’ Book, pages 16-17).

• Gender of nouns (Students’ Book, page 22; Students’ Book, Word Building Reference, page 139).

• Adverbs (Students’ Book, page 22; Students’ Book, Word Building Reference, pages 139-140).


• Different ways to pronounce -ed verb endings (Students’ Book, page 23).

• Discrimination of difficult vowel sounds /Λ/, /æ/ and /a:/ (Students’ Book, page 23).

3.2. Reflection on learning

• Recognition of the variety of language use: differences between formal and informal, spoken and written language

• Autonomous use of different digital learning resources such as the computer, and print resources such as bilingual and monolingual dictionaries or other reference books.

• Use of strategies for revising, extending and consolidating vocabulary and grammatical structures.

• Analysis of different grammatical structures through comparison with those of the mother tongue and reflection on usage.

• Use of self-correction and evaluation strategies as a means of progressing in the autonomous learning of the language.

• Reflection on the strategies used to improve oral and written production.

content block 4 – socio-cultural features and intercultural awareness

• Reference to famous musicians and groups: The Beatles, Mike Jagger, Madonna, etc. (Students’ Book, pages 16-18).

• Reference to the National Trust, a British non-profit organization, which restores and keeps up national heritage sites (Students’ Book, page 18).

iii assessment

assessment tools

Formative assessment

• Students’ Book, Review 1-3.

• Vocabulary Self Study, Workbook, Unit 2.

• Reading Self Study, Workbook, Unit 2.

• Grammar Self Study, Workbook, Unit 2.

• Progress Check, Unit 2, Workbook.

• Teacher’s Resource File, Grammar Practice Unit 2 (levels A and B).

• Teacher’s Resource File, Vocabulary Practice Unit 2 (levels A and B).

• Teacher’s Resource File, Extra Writing Practice 2.

• Teacher’s Resource File, Extra Speaking Practice 2.

• Teacher’s Resource File, Extra Listening Practice 2.

• Digital Skills Trainer.

Sumative assessment

• Teacher’s Resource File, Extra Exam Practice, Exam 2.

• Teacher’s Resource File, Tests, End-of-unit test 2 (levels A and B).

• Teacher’s Resource File, Tests, End-of-term test 2 (levels A and B).

assessment criteria

content block 1 – listening, speaking and conversing

• Understand the main ideas, and identify relevant details in oral messages or texts in different communicative contexts. Understand two interviews on different tastes in music.

• Express oneself and interact appropriately and fluently en different communicative situations: present conclusions arising from an interview to the rest of the group.

content block 2 – reading and writing

• Understand information in written texts from a variety of sources: an adapted article about the importance of the official opening of the house where John Lennon grew up.

• Write clear detailed texts on different topics and using a variety of media. Production of a narrative about a visit to a club.

content block 3 – understanding of the language

3.1 Understanding of the language

• Manipulate grammatical structures: past simple, past continuous, word order in questions.

• Learn and expand vocabulary: gender of nouns and adverbs.

3.2. Reflection on learning

• Identify and use learning skills and strategies acquired.

content block 4 – socio-cultural features and intercultural awareness

• Show curiosity and interest in learning the foreign language and recognize the enriching nature of linguistic diversity. Value the cultural knowledge which comes from the countries which speak the foreign language.

unit 3 – read it

i objectives

content block 1 – listening, speaking and conversing

• Understand simple articles on everyday topics and follow arguments in oral texts in different communicative contexts:

- A newspaper article about the benefits of living without television.

- Three young people talking about reading habits.

• Express oneself and interact orally with fluency, precision and accuracy, using appropriate resources and strategies for the communicative context:

- Reading habits.

content block 2 – reading and writing

• Understand general information and specific details in different kinds of texts:

- Article about the benefits of a life without television.

- Two texts describing the reading habits of two young people.

• Plan and produce texts of differing complexity and on different topics, using the appropriate register for the reader and different platforms available; in this unit, the summary of a book, introducing the description of feelings and personal experiences.

• Use mechanisms of organization, articulation and cohesion appropriate to the text; correct use of verb tenses.

content block 3 – understanding of the language

3.1 Understanding of the language


• Understand and use complex grammatical structures and the necessary functions appropriately to communicate successfully:

- present perfect simple.

- present perfect continuous.

- use of the adverbs ever, just, yet, still and already with the present perfect simple.


• Extend and use vocabulary appropriately:

- vocabulary to do with reading and literary genres.

- word building with adjectives.


• Improve pronunciation using the phonetic alphabet and producing different patterns of stress, rhythm and intonation; in this unit difficult sounds /θ/, /ð/, /∫/, /პ/, /t∫/ and /dპ/.

3.2 Reflection on learning

• Develop strategies for assessment and self-assessment of the learning process using the Review Units 1-2-3, and practice exam techniques and strategies.

content block 4 – socio-cultural features and intercultural awareness

• Learn about and appreciate important social and cultural aspects of the foreign language, and value the foreign language as a means of understanding those features.

ii contents

content block 1 – listening, speaking and conversing

• Listen to a journalistic text about a campaign against television, and the changes in the everyday habits of a family taking part in the campaign (Students’ Book, page 30).

• Listen to three adolescents talking about reading habits (Students’ Book, pages 36-37).

• Talk about literary preferences (Students’ Book, page 37).

• Describe the reading habits of a colleague to the rest of the group, using the third person singular (Students’ Book, page 37).

content block 2 – reading and writing

• Understand an article about a campaign against the television and its repercussion in the life of a typical British family (Students’ Book, page 30).

• Read two texts about the reading habits of two adolescents (Students’ Book, pages 36-37).

• Production of a summary of a well-loved book, following the proposed model and the tips given (Students’ Book, page 38-39; Students’ Book, Writing Reference, page 160):

- information about the author.

- correct use of paragraphs.

- correct use of verb tenses.

- clear description of the plot.

- personal opinion.

- location and correction of common errors (especially verb endings and prepositions).

content block 3 – understanding of the language

3.1 Understanding of the language


• Use of the present perfect simple, present perfect continuous (Students’ Book, pages 32-33; Students’ Book, Grammar Reference, pages 122-124).

• Use of the present perfect simple with ever, just, yet, still and already (Students’ Book, pages 32-33; Students’ Book, Grammar Reference, page 123).


• Vocabulary to do with reading (Students’ Book, pages 28-29).

• Wordbuilding: forming nouns from adjectives (Students’ Book, page 34; Students’ Book, Word Building Reference, page 140).


• Difficult sounds /θ/, /ð/, /∫/, /პ/, /t∫/ and /dპ/. (Students’ Book, page 35).

3.2. Reflection on learning

• Recognition of the variety of language use: differences between formal and informal, spoken and written language

• Autonomous use of different digital learning resources such as the computer, and print resources such as bilingual and monolingual dictionaries or other reference books.

• Use of strategies for revising, extending and consolidating vocabulary and grammatical structures.

• Analysis of different grammatical structures through comparison with those of the mother tongue and reflection on usage.

• Use of self-correction and evaluation strategies as a means of progressing in the autonomous learning of the language.

• Reflection on the strategies used to improve oral and written production.

content block 4 – socio-cultural features and intercultural awareness

• Reference to the Play Station, one of the most typical pastimes of young people today (Students’ Book, page 30).

• Reference to the Toronto Tower, one of the tallest buildings on Earth (Students’ Book, page 34).

• Reference to the National Geographic, an organization founded in the US at the end of the 19th Century in order to promote geographical knowledge, through the publication of a monthly magazine (Students’ Book, page 37).

iii assessment

assessment tools

Formative assessment

• Students’ Book, Review 1-3.

• Vocabulary Self Study, Workbook, Unit 3.

• Reading Self Study, Workbook, Unit 3.

• Grammar Self Study, Workbook, Unit 3.

• Progress Check, Unit 3, Workbook.

• Teacher’s Resource File, Grammar Practice Unit 3 (levels A and B).

• Teacher’s Resource File, Vocabulary Practice Unit 3 (levels A and B).

• Teacher’s Resource File, Extra Writing Practice 3.

• Teacher’s Resource File, Extra Speaking Practice 3.

• Teacher’s Resource File, Extra Listening Practice 3.

• Digital Skills Trainer.

Sumative assessment

• Teacher’s Resource File, Extra Exam Practice, Exam 3.

• Teacher’s Resource File, Tests, End-of-unit test 3 (levels A and B).

• Teacher’s Resource File, Tests, End-of-term test 3 (levels A and B).

assessment criteria

content block 1 – listening, speaking and conversing

• Understand the main ideas, and identify relevant details in oral messages or texts in different communicative contexts. Understand three young people talking about feelings and personal experiences, related to reading habits.

• Express oneself and interact appropriately and fluently in different communicative situations: Presentation to the group of a summary of the reading habits and literary preferences of a colleague, after an interview with him/her.

content block 2 – reading and writing

• Understand information in written texts from a variety of sources: an article about a campaign against the television and its repercussion in the life of a typical British family taking pat in the campaign.

• Write clear detailed texts on different topics and using a variety of media. Production of a summary of a well-loved book.

content block 3 – understanding of the language

3.1 Understanding of the language

• Manipulate grammatical structures: present perfect simple, present perfect continuous.

• Wordbuilding: forming nouns from adjectives.

3.2. Reflection on learning

• Identify and use learning skills and strategies acquired.

content block 4 – socio-cultural features and intercultural awareness

• Show curiosity and interest in learning the foreign language and recognize the enriching nature of linguistic diversity. Value the cultural knowledge which comes from the countries which speak the foreign language.

unit 4 – health

i objectives

content block 1 – listening, speaking and conversing

• Understand simple articles on everyday topics and follow arguments in oral texts in different communicative contexts:

- A newspaper article about the British obsession with suntans.

- Three young people taking about healthy lifestyles.

• Express oneself and interact orally with fluency, precision and accuracy, using appropriate resources and strategies for the communicative context:

- Health and lifestyle.

Content block 2 – reading and writing

• Understand general information and specific details in different kinds of texts:

- An article on the increase in incidence of skin cancer in Britain, due to their obsession with sunbathing.

- Two texts where adolescents describe their lifestyle and how their daily routines keep them healthy.

• Plan and produce texts of differing complexity and on different topics, using the appropriate register for the reader and different platforms available; in this unit, after reading an article on whether or not tobacco should be illegalised, learning to distinguish between facts and opinions, write a similar article about whether public gymnasiums should be free.

• Use mechanisms of organization, articulation and cohesion appropriate to the text; argumentation using clear and simple sentences.

content block 3 – understanding of the language

3.1 Understanding of the language


• Understand and use complex grammatical structures and the necessary functions appropriately to communicate successfully:

- relative pronouns.

- defining relative clauses.


• Extend and use vocabulary appropriately:

- vocabulary to do with healthy habits and illnesses.

- word building: making nouns from verbs.


• Improve pronunciation using the phonetic alphabet and producing different patterns of stress, rhythm and intonation; in this unit difficult sounds /ɒ/, /ɔ:/, /υ/ and /u:/.

3.2 Reflection on learning

• Develop strategies for assessment and self-assessment of the learning process using the Review Units 4-5-6, and practice exam techniques and strategies.

content block 4 – socio-cultural features and intercultural awareness

• Learn about and appreciate important social and cultural aspects of the foreign language, and value the foreign language as a means of understanding those features.

ii contents

content block 1 – listening, speaking and conversing

• Listen to a journalistic text on the British habit of compulsive sunbathing, and its negative effects on health (Students’ Book, page 44).

• Listen to three adolescents talking about healthy lifestyles (Students’ Book, pages 50-51).

• Talk about health and lifestyle (Students’ Book, page 51).

• Take part in a conversation based on questions and answers about each one’s healthy habits, and according to the information obtained, decide which person in the group could be considered the healthiest (Students’ Book, page 51).

Content block 2 – reading and writing

• Understand an article about the British obsession with sunbathing and its effect on their health (Students’ Book, page 44).

• Read two texts which describe two different views on diet and healthy lifestyles (Students’ Book, pages 50-51).

• Production of an for and against essay on free access to gymnasiums following the proposed model and writing tips given in an essay on the illegalisation of tobacco (Students’ Book, page 52; Students’ Book, Writing Reference, page 161):

- clear reference to the topic and inclusion of a conclusion.

- correct structure of the essay: four paragraphs.

- introduction of sufficient information in favour of and against the proposition.

- use of clear simple sentences.

- use of a variety of appropriate connectors

- location and correction of common errors (especially verb endings and prepositions).

content block 3 – understanding of the language

3.1 Understanding of the language


• Relative pronouns (Students’ Book, page 46; Students’ Book, Grammar Reference, page 124).

• Defining relative clauses (Students’ Book, pages 46-47; Students’ Book, Grammar Reference, pages 125-126).


• Vocabulary to do with a healthy diet, healthy lifestyles and illnesses (Students’ Book, pages 42-43).

• Word bulding: making nouns from verbs (Students’ Book, page 48; Students’ Book, Word Building Reference, page 140-141).


• Difficult sounds /ɒ/, /ɔ:/, /υ/ and /u:/. (Students’ Book, page 49).

3.2. Reflection on learning

• Recognition of the variety of language use: differences between formal and informal, spoken and written language

• Autonomous use of different digital learning resources such as the computer, and print resources such as bilingual and monolingual dictionaries or other reference books.

• Use of strategies for revising, extending and consolidating vocabulary and grammatical structures.

• Analysis of different grammatical structures through comparison with those of the mother tongue and reflection on usage.

• Use of self-correction and evaluation strategies as a means of progressing in the autonomous learning of the language.

• Reflection on the strategies used to improve oral and written production.

content block 4 – socio-cultural features and intercultural awareness

• Recognition of aspects of British culture with regard to health and nutrition, especially amongst adolescents, including concepts such as vegetarianism etc. (Students’ Book, pages 50-51).

• Reference to Spain as the preferred holiday destination of the British, their obsession with the sun, and the evolution of the fashion of suntans in British society (Students’ Book, page 44).

iii assessment

assessment tools

Formative assessment

• Students’ Book, Review 4-6.

• Vocabulary Self Study, Workbook, Unit 4.

• Reading Self Study, Workbook, Unit 4.

• Grammar Self Study, Workbook, Unit 4.

• Progress Check, Unit 4, Workbook.

• Teacher’s Resource File, Grammar Practice Unit 4 (levels A and B).

• Teacher’s Resource File, Vocabulary Practice Unit 4 (levels A and B).

• Teacher’s Resource File, Extra Writing Practice 4.

• Teacher’s Resource File, Extra Speaking Practice 4.

• Teacher’s Resource File, Extra Listening Practice 4.

• Digital Skills Trainer.

Sumative assessment

• Teacher’s Resource File, Extra Exam Practice, Exam 4.

• Teacher’s Resource File, Tests, End-of-unit test 4 (levels A and B).

• Teacher’s Resource File, Tests, End-of-term test 4 (levels A and B).

assessment criteria

content block 1 – listening, speaking and conversing

• Understand the main ideas, and identify relevant details in oral messages or texts in different communicative contexts. Understand three adolescents, talking about lifestyles and healthy habits.

• Express oneself and interact appropriately and fluently in different communicative situations: exchange information about health and express conclusions about who is the healthiest person in the group, giving reasons.

content block 2 – reading and writing

• Understand information in written texts from a variety of sources: an article about the British obsession with sunbathing and its effect on their health.

• Write clear detailed texts on different topics and using a variety of media. Production of a ‘for and against’ essay on free access to gymnasiums.

content block 3 – understanding of the language

3.1 Understanding of the language

• Manipulate grammatical structures: Relative pronouns; defining relative clauses.

• Word bulding: making nouns from verbs.

3.2. Reflection on learning

• Identify and use learning skills and strategies acquired.

content block 4 – socio-cultural features and intercultural awareness

• Show curiosity and interest in learning the foreign language and recognize the enriching nature of linguistic diversity. Value the cultural knowledge which comes from the countries which speak the foreign language.

unit 5 – places

i objectives

content block 1 – listening, speaking and conversing

• Understand simple newspaper articles on everyday topics, and follow the arguments in oral texts in different communicative situations:

- Three radio commercials about tourist destinations.

- A newspaper article about the importance of queuing in everyday life in Britain.

• Express oneself and interact orally with fluency, precision and accuracy, using appropriate resources and strategies for the communicative context:

- Descriptions of places.

content block 2 – reading and writing

• Understand general information and specific details in different kinds of texts:

- An article about the custom of queuing in Britain, and how this is creating new jobs.

- Two texts which present Scotland and Jamaica, as places to visit.

• Plan and produce texts of differing complexity and on different topics, using the appropriate register for the reader and different platforms available; in this unit, the description of a place one would like to visit.

• Use mechanisms of organization, articulation and cohesion appropriate to the text; use of a wide range of adjectives.

content block 3 – understanding of the language

3.1 Understanding of the language


• Understand and use complex grammatical structures and the necessary functions appropriately to communicate successfully:

- the future: will (won’t) + infinitive.

- the future: be going to + infinitive.

- subordinate time clauses with when and while.


• Extend and use vocabulary appropriately:

- adjectives to describe places, people and customs.

- adjective + preposition; verb + preposition.


• Improve pronunciation using the phonetic alphabet and producing different patterns of stress, rhythm and intonation: in this unit difficult consonant sounds /k/ and /g/ and diphthongs /ıə / and /eə/.

3.2 Reflection on learning

• Develop strategies for assessment and self-assessment of the learning process using the Review Units 4-5-6, and practice exam techniques and strategies.

content block 4 – socio-cultural features and intercultural awareness

• Learn about and appreciate important social and cultural aspects of the foreign language, and value the foreign language as a means of understanding those features.

ii contents

content block 1 – listening, speaking and conversing

• Listen to a journalistic text about the English habit of queuing and how it has become a source of jobs (Students’ Book, page 56).

• Listen to thee radio commercials describing Scotland, Jamaica and Ireland as tourist destinations (Students’ Book, pages 62-63).

• Read out loud a self-produced text, simulating a radio commercial encouraging people to visit ones own country (Students’ Book, page 63).

content block 2 – reading and writing

• Understand an article about the English habit of queuing and how it has become a source of jobs (Students’ Book, page 56).

• Read two texts which describe Scotland and Jamaica, and invite the reader to visit (Students’ Book, page 62).

• Production of a description of a place one intends to visit following the proposed model and the tips given (Students’ Book, pages 64-65; Students’ Book, Writing Reference, page 162):

- clear organization of the text into paragraphs.

- explication of where the place is and why one would choose to visit it.

- description of the landscape, food, people, smells and sounds.

- use of a wide range of adjectives.

- inclusion of a conclusion.

- location and correction of common errors (especially verb endings and prepositions).

content block 3 – understanding of the language

3.1 Understanding of the language


• The future simple: will (won’t) + infinitive (Students’ Book, pages 58; Students’ Book, Grammar Reference, page 126).

• Be going to + infinitive of the principal verb (Students’ Book, pages 58-59; Student’s Book, Grammar Reference, page 127).

• Subordinate time clauses with when and while (Students’ Book, page 59, Students’ Book, Grammar Reference, pages 127-128).


• Adjectives to describe places, people and customs (Students’ Book, pages 54-55).

• Adjective + preposition; verb + preposition (Students’ Book, page 60; Students’ Book, Word Building Reference, pages 141-142).


• Difficult consonant sounds /k/ and /g/ and diphthongs /ıə / and /eə/. (Students’ Book, page 61).

3.2. Reflection on learning

• Recognition of the variety of language use: differences between formal and informal, spoken and written language

• Autonomous use of different digital learning resources such as the computer, and print resources such as bilingual and monolingual dictionaries or other reference books.

• Use of strategies for revising, extending and consolidating vocabulary and grammatical structures.

• Analysis of different grammatical structures through comparison with those of the mother tongue and reflection on usage.

• Use of self-correction and evaluation strategies as a means of progressing in the autonomous learning of the language.

• Reflection on the strategies used to improve oral and written production.

content block 4 – socio-cultural features and intercultural awareness

• Constant reference throughout the unit to other countries and cultures, such as Scotland, Jamaica, Iceland etc. describing their people and places of interest.

• Recognition of the typical English habit of queuing and how it is engrained in the English mentality, to the point that it can even be considered a professional activity (Students’ Book, pages 56-57).

• Generic reference to the culture and customs of Great Britain, its division into different countries, its ethnic minorities, its landscape, etc. (Students’ Book, page 54).

iii assessment

assessment tools

Formative assessment

• Students’ Book, Review 4-6.

• Vocabulary Self Study, Workbook, Unit 5.

• Reading Self Study, Workbook, Unit 5.

• Grammar Self Study, Workbook, Unit 5.

• Progress Check, Unit 5, Workbook.

• Teacher’s Resource File, Grammar Practice Unit 5 (levels A and B).

• Teacher’s Resource File, Vocabulary Practice Unit 5 (levels A and B).

• Teacher’s Resource File, Extra Writing Practice 5.

• Teacher’s Resource File, Extra Speaking Practice 5.

• Teacher’s Resource File, Extra Listening Practice 5.

• Digital Skills Trainer.

Sumative assessment

• Teacher’s Resource File, Extra Exam Practice, Exam 5.

• Teacher’s Resource File, Tests, End-of-unit test 5 (levels A and B).

• Teacher’s Resource File, Tests, End-of-term test 5 (levels A and B).

assessment criteria

content block 1 – listening, speaking and conversing

• Understand the main ideas, and identify relevant details in oral messages or texts in different communicative contexts. Understand three radio commercials about tourist destinations.

• Express oneself and interact appropriately and fluently in different communicative situations: Read out loud a self-produced text, simulating a radio commercial encouraging people to visit ones own country gen.

content block 2 – reading and writing

• Understand information in written texts from a variety of sources: an article about the English habit of queuing and how it has become a source of jobs.

• Write clear detailed texts on different topics and using a variety of media. Production of a description of a place one intends to visit.

content block 3 – understanding of the language

3.1 Understanding of the language

• Manipulate grammatical structures referring to the future: will (won’t) + infinitive and be going to + infinitive.

• Use subordinate time clauses with the conjunctions when and until.

• Use adjective + preposition; verb + preposition.

3.2. Reflection on learning

• Identify and use learning skills and strategies acquired.

content block 4 – socio-cultural features and intercultural awareness

• Show curiosity and interest in learning the foreign language and recognize the enriching nature of linguistic diversity. Value the cultural knowledge which comes from the countries which speak the foreign language.

unit 6 – languages

i objectives

content block 1 – listening, speaking and conversing

• Understand simple newspaper articles on everyday topics, and follow the arguments in oral texts in different communicative situations:

- A newspaper article about the inevitable extinction of many of the languages which are currently spoken in the world.

- Three communicative exchanges about knowledge of the English language.

• Express oneself and interact orally with fluency, precision and accuracy, using appropriate resources and strategies for the communicative context:

- Knowledge about the English language.

content block 2 – reading and writing

• Understand general information and specific details in different kinds of texts:

- Article about the fact that more than fifty percent of the languages currently spoken in the world are in danger of extinction, and the loss of an important legacy of knowledge that this implies.

• Plan and write texts of different complexity and on different topics, using an appropriate register and the different media available, along with the model provided; in this unit, an essay on the convenience of increasing the number of English classes to two a day.

• Use mechanisms of organization, articulation and cohesion appropriate to the text; use of conditionals.

content block 3 – understanding of the language

3.1 Understanding of the language


• Understand and use complex grammatical structures and the necessary functions appropriately to communicate successfully:

- First, Second and Third conditional.

- use of the past perfect in the third conditional.


• Extend and use vocabulary appropriately:

- the principle languages of the word.

- differences between British and American English.

- word building: making adjectives from nouns.


• Improve pronunciation using the phonetic alphabet and producing different patterns of stress, rhythm and intonation; in this unit, words which rhyme with the same phonetic pattern and word stress within sentences and the corresponding intonation (rising or falling).

3.2 Reflection on learning

• Develop strategies for assessment and self-assessment of the learning process using the Review Units 4-5-6, and practice exam techniques and strategies.

content block 4 – socio-cultural features and intercultural awareness

• Learn about and appreciate important social and cultural aspects of the foreign language, and value the foreign language as a means of understanding those features.

ii contents

content block 1 – listening, speaking and conversing

• Listen to a journalistic text on the unavoidable extinction, over the next century, of many languages currently spoken in the world (Students’ Book, page 68).

• Listen to three exchanges of questions and answers where three young people evaluate their own knowledge of English (Students’ Book, pages 74-75).

• Carry out a questionnaire orally with a partner to evaluate their knowledge about different aspects of the English language (Students’ Book, page 75).

content block 2 – reading and writing

• Understand an article on the loss of an important cultural legacy through the extinction in the near future of many languages currently spoken in the world (Students’ Book, page 68).

• Production of a ‘for and against’ essay on the idea of increasing the amount of English taught in schools to two hours a day following the proposed model and the tips given based on a text about the possibility of learning Chinese instead of English at school (Students’ Book, pages 76-77; Students’ Book, Writing Reference, page 163):

- clear organization of the text into paragraphs.

- inclusion of sufficient ideas and arguments in favour of and against the idea.

- justification of the arguments and inclusion of a final conclusion.

- use of conditionals.

- location and correction of common errors (especially verb endings and prepositions).

content block 3 – understanding of the language

3.1 Understanding of the language


• The three conditionals (Students’ Book, pages 70-71; Students’ Book, Grammar Reference, pages 128-129).

• The past perfect in the third conditional (Students’ Book, page 71; Students’ Book, Grammar Reference, page 129).


• The principle languages of the word and differences between British and American English (Students’ Book, pages 66-67).

• Word building: making adjectives from nouns (Students’ Book, page 72; Students’ Book, Word Building Reference, page 142).


• Use of rhyme to recognise the same sound in words with different spellings (Students’ Book, page 73).

• Word stress in sentences (Students’ Book, page 73).

• Sentences with rising and falling intonation (Students’ Book, page 73).

3.2. Reflection on learning

• Recognition of the variety of language use: differences between formal and informal, spoken and written language

• Autonomous use of different digital learning resources such as the computer, and print resources such as bilingual and monolingual dictionaries or other reference books.

• Use of strategies for revising, extending and consolidating vocabulary and grammatical structures.

• Analysis of different grammatical structures through comparison with those of the mother tongue and reflection on usage.

• Use of self-correction and evaluation strategies as a means of progressing in the autonomous learning of the language.

• Reflection on the strategies used to improve oral and written production.

content block 4 – socio-cultural features and intercultural awareness

• Reference to Mark Abley and his book about Australian aboriginal languages (Students’ Book, page 68).

• Reference to the famous Library of Alexandria, which burnt down over two thousand years ago with the loss of a great legacy of knowledge from the ancient world (Students’ Book, page 68).

• Recognition of the differences in vocabulary which exist between the English spoken in Great Britain and American English which also reflect cultural differences (Students’ Book, pages 66-67).

• Reference to China, its emerging economy, and the potential of Chinese as an international language in the near future (Students’ Book, page 76).

iii assessment

assessment tools

Formative assessment

• Students’ Book, Review 4-6.

• Vocabulary Self Study, Workbook, Unit 6.

• Reading Self Study, Workbook, Unit 6.

• Grammar Self Study, Workbook, Unit 6.

• Progress Check, Unit 6, Workbook.

• Teacher’s Resource File, Grammar Practice Unit 6 (levels A and B).

• Teacher’s Resource File, Vocabulary Practice Unit 6 (levels A and B).

• Teacher’s Resource File, Extra Writing Practice 6.

• Teacher’s Resource File, Extra Speaking Practice 6.

• Teacher’s Resource File, Extra Listening Practice 6.

• Digital Skills Trainer.

Sumative assessment

• Teacher’s Resource File, Extra Exam Practice, Exam 6.

• Teacher’s Resource File, Tests, End-of-unit test 6 (levels A and B).

• Teacher’s Resource File, Tests, End-of-term test 6 (levels A and B).

assessment criteria

content block 1 – listening, speaking and conversing

• Understand the main ideas, and identify relevant details in oral messages or texts in different communicative contexts. Understand three communicative exchanges about knowledge of the English language.

• Express oneself and interact appropriately and fluently in different communicative situations: ask a series of questions to a partner to evaluate their knowledge of the English language.

content block 2 – reading and writing

• Understand information in written texts from a variety of sources: a text on the unavoidable extinction, over the next century, of many languages currently spoken in the world.

• Write clear detailed texts on different topics and using a variety of media. Production of a ‘for and against’ essay on the idea of increasing the amount of English taught in schools to two hours a day.

content block 3 – understanding of the language

3.1 Understanding of the language

• Manipulate grammatical structures: Conditionals and the past perfect.

• Wordbuilding: making adjectives from nouns.

3.2. Reflection on learning

• Identify and use learning skills and strategies acquired.

content block 4 – socio-cultural features and intercultural awareness

• Show curiosity and interest in learning the foreign language and recognize the enriching nature of linguistic diversity. Value the cultural knowledge which comes from the countries which speak the foreign language.

unit 7 – the environment

i objectives

content block 1 – listening, speaking and conversing

• Understand texts on everyday topics, and follow the arguments in oral texts in different communicative situations:

- An article on climate change and sustainable development.

- Two interviews about good environmental practices.

• Express oneself and interact orally with fluency, precision and accuracy, using appropriate resources and strategies for the communicative context:

- Good practice for sustainable development.

content block 2 – reading and writing

• Understand general information and specific details in different kinds of texts:

- An article on the reality of global warming, its consequences and the necessity for planning strategies for sustainable development.

- A text on Darwin’s theory of evolution.

• Plan and produce texts of differing complexity and on different topics, using the appropriate register for the reader and different platforms available: in this unit, a description of an invention or an important discovery.

• Use mechanisms of organization, articulation and cohesion appropriate to the text; correct use of connectors.

content block 3 – understanding of the language

3.1 Understanding of the language


• Understand and use complex grammatical structures and the necessary functions appropriately to communicate successfully:

- the past perfect in a context other than the third conditional.

- modal verbs of ability and possibility in the present and the past (can, could, be able to), of obligation (must), prohibition (mustn’t), advice (should, ought to) and probability and speculation (may, might).


• Extend and use vocabulary appropriately:

- vocabulary to do with environmental problems, conservation techniques and alternative energies.

- word tables, or groups of words with a common root but different grammatical categories; word families, or groups of words related by meaning.


• Improve pronunciation using the phonetic alphabet and producing different patterns of stress, rhythm and intonation. In this unit, difficult diphthong sounds /aı/, /eı/, /oı /, /əυ/ and /aυ/.

3.2 Reflection on learning

• Develop strategies for assessment and self-assessment of the learning process using the Review Units 7-8-9, and practice exam techniques and strategies.

content block 4 – socio-cultural features and intercultural awareness

• Learn about and appreciate important social and cultural aspects of the foreign language, and value the foreign language as a means of understanding those features.

ii contents

content block 1 – listening, speaking and conversing

• Listen to a journalistic text on global warming, its consequences and the necessity for planning strategies for sustainable development (Students’ Book, page 82).

• Listen to two interviews in which young people ask and answer about good environmental practices (Students’ Book, pages 88-89).

• Interview a partner, making a note of the answers, about everyday actions which respect the environment (Students’ Book, page 89).

content block 2 – reading and writing

• Understand an article about global warming, its consequences and the necessity for planning strategies for sustainable development (Students’ Book, page 82).

• Read a text about Darwin’s discoveries about the origin of species (Students’ Book, page 90).

• Production of a description of an invention or an important discovery following the proposed model and the tips given (Students’ Book, page 90-91; Students’ Book, Writing Reference, page 164):

- clear organization of the text into paragraphs.

- explanation of the importance of the invention.

- description of how different life would be without the invention or discovery.

- final conclusion about the idea.

- use of a wide variety of grammatical forms.

- use of appropriate connectors.

- location and correction of common errors (especially verb endings and prepositions).

content block 3 – understanding of the language

3.1 Understanding of the language


• Past perfect (Students’ Book, page 84; Students’ Book, Grammar Reference, page 130).

• Modal verbs can / could / be able to; must / mustn’t; should / ought to; may / might / could (Students’ Book, pages 84-85; Students’ Book, Grammar Reference, pages 130-133).


• Vocabulary to do with the environment and alternative energies (Students’ Book, pages 80-81).

• Groups of words with a common root but different grammatical categories (word tables) (Students’ Book, page 86; Students’ Book, Word Building Reference, page 142).

• Groups of words related by meaning (word families) (Students’ Book, page 86; Students’ Book, Word Building Reference, page 142).


• Difficult diphthong sounds /aı/, /eı/, /oı /, /əυ/ and /aυ/ (Student’s Book, page 87).

3.2. Reflection on learning

• Recognition of the variety of language use: differences between formal and informal, spoken and written language

• Autonomous use of different digital learning resources such as the computer, and print resources such as bilingual and monolingual dictionaries or other reference books.

• Use of strategies for revising, extending and consolidating vocabulary and grammatical structures.

• Analysis of different grammatical structures through comparison with those of the mother tongue and reflection on usage.

• Use of self-correction and evaluation strategies as a means of progressing in the autonomous learning of the language.

• Reflection on the strategies used to improve oral and written production.

content block 4 – socio-cultural features and intercultural awareness

• Reference to the United Nations as an international organisation which attempts to convince countries to agree on ways to solve global problems (Students’ Book, page 82).

• Recognition of different types of alternative and renewable energies (Students’ Book, pages 80-81).

• Reference to Charles Darwin and his theory of evolution (Students’ Book, page 90).

iii assessment

assessment tools

Formative assessment

• Students’ Book, Review 7-9.

• Vocabulary Self Study, Workbook, Unit 7.

• Reading Self Study, Workbook, Unit 7.

• Grammar Self Study, Workbook, Unit 7.

• Progress Check, Unit 7, Workbook.

• Teacher’s Resource File, Grammar Practice Unit 7 (levels A and B).

• Teacher’s Resource File, Vocabulary Practice Unit 7 (levels A and B).

• Teacher’s Resource File, Extra Writing Practice 7.

• Teacher’s Resource File, Extra Speaking Practice 7.

• Teacher’s Resource File, Extra Listening Practice 7.

• Digital Skills Trainer.

Sumative assessment

• Teacher’s Resource File, Extra Exam Practice, Exam 7.

• Teacher’s Resource File, Tests, End-of-unit test 7 (levels A and B).

• Teacher’s Resource File, Tests, End-of-term test 7 (levels A and B).

assessment criteria

content block 1 – listening, speaking and conversing

• Understand the main ideas, and identify relevant details in oral messages or texts in different communicative contexts. Understand two interviews in which young people ask and answer about good environmental practices.

• Express oneself and interact appropriately and fluently in different communicative situations: interview a partner, making a note of the answers, about everyday actions which respect the environment.

content block 2 – reading and writing

• Understand information in written texts from a variety of sources: an article about global warming, its consequences and the necessity for planning strategies for sustainable development.

• Write clear detailed texts on different topics and using a variety of media. Production of a description of an invention or an important discovery.

content block 3 – understanding of the language

3.1 Understanding of the language

• Manipulate grammatical structures: the past perfect.

• Modal verbs (can, could, be able to, must, mustn’t, should, ought to, may, might).

3.2. Reflection on learning

• Identify and use learning skills and strategies acquired.

content block 4 – socio-cultural features and intercultural awareness

• Show curiosity and interest in learning the foreign language and recognize the enriching nature of linguistic diversity. Value the cultural knowledge which comes from the countries which speak the foreign language.

unit 8 – on the road

i objectives

content block 1 – listening, speaking and conversing

• Understand texts on everyday topics, and follow the arguments in oral texts in different communicative situations:

- An article on road accidents in Great Britain.

- Two descriptions of a photograph.

• Express oneself and interact orally with fluency, precision and accuracy, using appropriate resources and strategies for the communicative context:

- The urban landscape.

content block 2 – reading and writing

• Understand general information and specific details in different kinds of texts:

- An article on road accidents and their relevance in mortality rates in industrialized countries.

- A text with a description of a photograph of an urban landscape

- Plan and produce texts of differing complexity and on different topics, using the appropriate register for the reader and different platforms available. In this unit, an informal thank you letter.

• Use mechanisms of organization, articulation and cohesion appropriate to the text: use of contractions, exclamations and question tags.

content block 3 – understanding of the language

3.1 Understanding of the language


• Understand and use complex grammatical structures and the necessary functions appropriately to communicate successfully:

- use of the passive.

- use of the passive with verbs with an indirect object and a direct object.

- question tags to confirm information.


• Extend and use vocabulary appropriately:

- vocabulary to do with traffic and the highway code.

- compound nouns.

- prefixes.


• Improve pronunciation using the phonetic alphabet and producing different patterns of stress, rhythm and intonation. In this unit, words with strong and weak forms, especially auxiliary or modal verbs and prepositions and conjunctions (am, can, was, were, have, has, for, of, to, at, or, etc.).

3.2 Reflection on learning

• Develop strategies for assessment and self-assessment of the learning process using the Review Units 7-8-9, and practice exam techniques and strategies.

Content block 4 – Socio-cultural features and intercultural awareness

• Learn about and appreciate important social and cultural aspects of the foreign language, and value the foreign language as a means of understanding those features.

ii contents

content block 1 – listening, speaking and conversing

• Listen to a text about the dramatic increase in deaths caused by road accidents in Great Britain, and its relation with the increase in speed (Students’ Book, page 94).

• Listen to two descriptions of a photograph showing urban features (Students’ Book, pages 100-101).

• Description oral of all the human and material elements in a photograph (Students’ Book, page 101).

content block 2 – reading and writing

• Understand an article on road accidents and their relevance in mortality rates in industrialized countries, and how this is hardly reflected in the mainstream media (Students’ Book, page 94).

• Read written description of a photograph showing urban features (Students’ Book, page 100).

• Production of an informal letter thanking a Scottish friend for a birthday present received following the proposed model and the tips given (Students’ Book, pages 102-103; Students’ Book, Writing Reference, page 165):

- structuring of the setter into the correct sections, bearing in mind the need for brevity and precision.

- introduction of the address and date in the correct position.

- use of the appropriate format and style.

- use of contractions, exclamations and question tags.

- appropriate greeting and conclusion, with signature.

- location and correction of common errors (especially verb endings and prepositions).

content block 3 – understanding of the language

3.1 Understanding of the language


• The passive: verbs with two objects (direct and indirect object) (Students’ Book, pages 96-97; Students’ Book, Grammar Reference, pages 133-134).

• Question tags (Students’ Book, page 97; Students’ Book, Grammar Reference, page 134-135).


• Vocabulary to do with traffic and the highway code (Students’ Book, pages 92-93).

• Compound nouns (Students’ Book, page 98; Students’ Book, Word Building Reference, page 143)

• Prefixes: bio-, inter-, micro-, mid-, etc. (Students’ Book, page 98; Students’ Book, Word Building Reference, page 143-144).


• Words with strong and weak forms, according to their position in the sentence (Students’ Book, page 99).

3.2. Reflection on learning

• Recognition of the variety of language use: differences between formal and informal, spoken and written language

• Autonomous use of different digital learning resources such as the computer, and print resources such as bilingual and monolingual dictionaries or other reference books.

• Use of strategies for revising, extending and consolidating vocabulary and grammatical structures.

• Analysis of different grammatical structures through comparison with those of the mother tongue and reflection on usage.

• Use of self-correction and evaluation strategies as a means of progressing in the autonomous learning of the language.

• Reflection on the strategies used to improve oral and written production.

content block 4 – socio-cultural features and intercultural awareness

• Reference to the Red Flag Law, from the late 19th Century in Great Britain which obliged someone with a red flag to walk in front of each car to warn of its presence (Students’ Book, page 94).

• Recognition of differences in the regulation of traffic circulation within the European Union, for example driving on the left in Great Britain (Students’ Book, pages 92-93).

iii assessment

assessment tools

Formative assessment

• Students’ Book, Review 7-9.

• Vocabulary Self Study, Workbook, Unit 8.

• Reading Self Study, Workbook, Unit 8.

• Grammar Self Study, Workbook, Unit 8.

• Progress Check, Unit 8, Workbook.

• Teacher’s Resource File, Grammar Practice Unit 8 (levels A and B).

• Teacher’s Resource File, Vocabulary Practice Unit 8 (levels A and B).

• Teacher’s Resource File, Extra Writing Practice 8.

• Teacher’s Resource File, Extra Speaking Practice 8.

• Teacher’s Resource File, Extra Listening Practice 8.

• Digital Skills Trainer.

Sumative assessment

• Teacher’s Resource File, Extra Exam Practice, Exam 8.

• Teacher’s Resource File, Tests, End-of-unit test 8 (levels A and B).

• Teacher’s Resource File, Tests, End-of-term test 8 (levels A and B).

assessment criteria

content block 1 – listening, speaking and conversing

• Understand the main ideas, and identify relevant details in oral messages or texts in different communicative contexts. Understand two descriptions of a photograph showing urban features.

• Express oneself and interact appropriately and fluently in different communicative situations: describe all the human and material elements in a photograph.

content block 2 – reading and writing

• Understand information in written texts from a variety of sources: road accidents and their relevance in mortality rates in industrialized countries, and how this is hardly reflected in the mainstream media.

• Write clear detailed texts on different topics and using a variety of media. In this unit an informal thank you letter.

content block 3 – understanding of the language

3.1 Understanding of the language

• Manipulate grammatical structures: the passive.

• Question tags.

3.2. Reflection on learning

• Identify and use learning skills and strategies acquired.

content block 4 – socio-cultural features and intercultural awareness

• Show curiosity and interest in learning the foreign language and recognize the enriching nature of linguistic diversity. Value the cultural knowledge which comes from the countries which speak the foreign language.

unit 9 – truth and lies

i objectives

content block 1 – listening, speaking and conversing

• Understand simple newspaper articles on everyday topics, and follow the arguments in oral texts in different communicative situations:

- A newspaper article on the natural tendency of humans to lie.

- Two narratives about a day in the life of two young people.

• Express oneself and interact orally with fluency, precision and accuracy, using appropriate resources and strategies for the communicative context:

- Routines, events and feelings.

Content block 2 – reading and writing

• Understand general information and specific details in different kinds of texts:

- An article on telling lies as an integral part of human nature.

- A short narrative in which a young person explains the activities done during the day.

• Plan and produce texts of differing complexity and on different topics, using the appropriate register for the reader and different platforms available; in this unit, an e-mail of apology.

• Use mechanisms of organization, articulation and cohesion appropriate to the text; use of reported speech to relate what somebody has said.

Content block 3 – Understanding of the language

3.1 Understanding of the language


• Understand and use complex grammatical structures and the necessary functions appropriately to communicate successfully:

- reported speech in affirmative and negative sentences, interrogatives, commands and requests.


• Extend and use vocabulary appropriately:

- vocabulary to do with body language and with the capacity for telling lies.

- compound adjectives.

- comparative and superlative adjectives.


• Improve pronunciation using the phonetic alphabet and producing different patterns of stress, rhythm and intonation; in this unit, homographs, words which are spelt the same but pronounced differently.

3.2 Reflection on learning

• Develop strategies for assessment and self-assessment of the learning process using the Review Units 7-8-9, and practice exam techniques and strategies.

content block 4 – socio-cultural features and intercultural awareness

• Learn about and appreciate important social and cultural aspects of the foreign language, and value the foreign language as a means of understanding those features.

ii contents

content block 1 – listening, speaking and conversing

• Listen to a journalistic text on telling lies as a typical human activity (Students’ Book, page 106).

• Listen to short narratives from two adolescents in which they tell about the most important events of the day, introducing three lies which the students have to detect (Students’ Book, pages 112-113).

• Oral description of the activities of the previous day, including opinions and feelings, and three false facts which the other students have to detect (Students’ Book, page 113).

• Communicative exchange with questions and answers to discover the lies introduced into the narrative (Students’ Book, page 113).

content block 2 – reading and writing

• Understand an article on the innate ability of humans to lie, the superiority of women in this field, and university students as the social group which lies most (Students’ Book, pages 106).

• Read a descriptive text about a day in the life of a young person (Students’ Book, page 112).

• Production of an e-mail apologising to a family for not being able to help with cleaning the garden as promised, following the proposed model and the tips given (Students’ Book, page 114-115; Students’ Book, Writing Reference, page 166):

- structuring of the text into three sections.

- introduction of a clear apology at the beginning.

- giving of a reason or excuse for not keeping the promise.

- making of an offer at the end to make up for the problem.

- use of appropriate format and style.

- use of reported speech to describe what someone has said.

- inclusion of a greeting at the beginning and an appropriate leave-taking.

content block 3 – understanding of the language

3.1 Understanding of the language


• Conversion between direct speech and reported speech. Affirmative, negative and interrogative sentences, commands and requests (Students’ Book, pages 108-109; Students’ Book, Grammar Reference, pages 135-137).

• Verbs used with reported speech (Students’ Book, pages 108-109; Students’ Book, Grammar Reference, page 137).


• Vocabulary to do with body language and with the ability to lie (Students’ Book, pages 104-105).

• Compound adjectives (Students’ Book, page 110; Students’ Book, Word Building Reference, page 144-145).

• Formation of the comparative and superlative forms of some adjectives (Students’ Book, page 110; Students’ Book, Word Building Reference, page 144-145).


• Homographs (Students’ Book, page 111).

3.2. Reflection on learning

• Recognition of the variety of language use: differences between formal and informal, spoken and written language

• Autonomous use of different digital learning resources such as the computer, and print resources such as bilingual and monolingual dictionaries or other reference books.

• Use of strategies for revising, extending and consolidating vocabulary and grammatical structures.

• Analysis of different grammatical structures through comparison with those of the mother tongue and reflection on usage.

• Use of self-correction and evaluation strategies as a means of progressing in the autonomous learning of the language.

• Reflection on the strategies used to improve oral and written production.

content block 4 – socio-cultural features and intercultural awareness

• Reference to Skype, an Internet system which allows video contact between friends and family members in any part of the world (Students’ Book, page 112).

• Recognition of the differences between the thought processes in men and women, who are more intuitive and able to detect feelings and emotions in other people (Students’ Book, page 106).

iii assessment

assessment tools

Formative assessment

• Students’ Book, Review 7-9.

• Vocabulary Self Study, Workbook, Unit 9.

• Reading Self Study, Workbook, Unit 9.

• Grammar Self Study, Workbook, Unit 9.

• Progress Check, Unit 9, Workbook.

• Teacher’s Resource File, Grammar Practice Unit 9 (levels A and B).

• Teacher’s Resource File, Vocabulary Practice Unit 9 (levels A and B).

• Teacher’s Resource File, Extra Writing Practice 9.

• Teacher’s Resource File, Extra Speaking Practice 9.

• Teacher’s Resource File, Extra Listening Practice 9.

• Digital Skills Trainer.

Sumative assessment

• Teacher’s Resource File, Extra Exam Practice, Exam 9.

• Teacher’s Resource File, Tests, End-of-unit test 9 (levels A and B).

• Teacher’s Resource File, Tests, End-of-term test 9 (levels A and B).

assessment criteria

content block 1 – listening, speaking and conversing

• Understand the main ideas, and identify relevant details in oral messages or texts in different communicative contexts. Understand short narratives from two adolescents in which they tell about the most important events of the day.

• Express oneself and interact appropriately and fluently in different communicative situations: a description of the activities of the previous day.

content block 2 – reading and writing

• Understand information in written texts from a variety of sources: An article on the natural tendency of human beings to lie.

• Write clear detailed texts on different topics and using a variety of media. Production of an e-mail apologising to a family for not being able to keep a promise.

content block 3 – understanding of the language

3.1 Understanding of the language

• Manipulate grammatical structures: Use of reported speech.

3.2. Reflection on learning

• Identify and use learning skills and strategies acquired.

content block 4 – socio-cultural features and intercultural awareness

• Show curiosity and interest in learning the foreign language and recognize the enriching nature of linguistic diversity. Value the cultural knowledge which comes from the countries which speak the foreign language.


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